Today's Kazdaele can be said to be overcrowded.

Sakaz, who were summoned by Luochen, entered their hometown one after another.

Looking at the deserted Kazdale, some Sakaz who were still expecting in their hearts showed disappointed expressions.

This is not the hometown they expected.

Desert, poverty, and a large group of murderous mercenaries

"Housheng, where do you think Kazdale is? A few years ago there was nothing but corpses and war.

A mercenary who looked to be only in his thirties smoked a cigarette and said with a grin:"Kazdale has nothing but war, and it has only started to get better in the past two years.""

As the war stopped, everyone began to recuperate, and with a little"assistance" from Casimir, the situation was slowly improving.

"But isn’t this Sakaz’s hometown?"

"Home? Sakaz never had a home, this was just a temporary resting place."

Three hundred years ago, they were still in the land of Leitania, and now they have come to this desert. Even further back, they are even in other rich places.

Sakaz has been longing for the land under the sun, but there is no People are willing to give.

Constantly wandering, constantly being attacked, the war two hundred years ago almost broke the backbone of Sakaz.

But with the help of the six heroes of Sakaz, they stood up again.

But the good times did not last long, The civil war a few years ago plunged Kazdare into the flames of war again.

Sakaz has been at war his whole life.

It never ends.

"Boy, you newcomers, please stay calm. I heard our devil is back."

"What kind of person is the Demon King?"

02"Who knows? Anyway, I heard that he is often away and I don’t know where he is fooling around, but what the heck? Whoever gives me a bite to eat, I will follow whoever"

"Who should be treated as a dog and not a dog? It's better to be your own devil."

The old mercenary laughed, and his laughter caused the other mercenaries to laugh. They all came with this idea.

Instead of pointing their weapons at their own people, it is better to aim them at those foreigners.

Sakazlian None of his own people wanted to believe it, but this time, they were willing to believe in the call from their bloodline.

Believe in the king.

In the palace, Luo Chen wore a black robe with light armor on it, and a silver headband on his forehead. Above.

Sitting on the throne, below is the new monarch of the Fire Demon Court.


"Dear Your Majesty, we are resurrected because of you, and we will definitely dedicate our lives to you and Kazdaele!

Samael lowered his head and said softly:"Please point out the enemy we are waiting for.""

"Don't worry, let the Flame Demon King's Court rest and recuperate for the time being. Don't be too obsessed with war."

"What about the lich?"

"it's here."The girl wearing a broad hat came out and said cheerfully:"Your Majesty, Mr. Frémont can't come. He said you knew, so he let us come."

"I know that if I take people to count the number of Sakaz entering Kazdare, there are too many Sakaz entering Kazdare."

Sarkazi's collective behavior is actually paying attention to all countries. No one dares to bet on whether this group of lunatics will start a war again.

The king who knows the details does not want Kazdaele to stand up again.

The power of this country is real It is too powerful. Even if it loses its industrial, agricultural, medical and educational foundations, it still has the ability to compete with many countries.

No, it should be said that Sakaz is too powerful.

The race is naturally powerful and has an extremely long lifespan.

The average Goliath family has an average lifespan of three hundred years, let alone those royal species. The

King of Scavengers has lived for at least a thousand years, and the shapeshifter cluster is an old monster that survived from the Tikaz Empire.

"son of earth and stone"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

With wings on their backs, they look very simple and honest. The children of earth and stone are also called stone-winged demons. They are one of the few races in Sakaz that can fly.

However, most of the entire tribe is taciturn and does not like to go out. Sleeping will give Stonewing statues to friendly races.

"How many people have come to your court?"

"One hundred and thirty-two people."The patriarch of the Sons of Earth and Stone said:"Your Majesty, we will not participate in the war."

"This is the entire population of the Sons of Earth and Stone."

If this continues, the Stonewing Demon King's Court will soon be extinct.

Samael blew his beard and stared,"Stonewing Demon, what are you talking about? There are only fifteen people in our royal court!"

"fart! How many years have you been dead? We can still come back, but what about us? If you die, you really die!"

The leader of the Stonewing Demons roared.

Are you bullying honest people?!

You can still survive even if you beat them to pieces, but if they die, they will really die.

"Okay, stop arguing, I will arrange it for you, and I have no intention of letting you participate in the war. Are you going to fight your inner demon? How many more of you are there?"

The leader of the Heart-beating Demon is a gorgeous beauty with snow-white skin. Except for the pointed ears and the pair of horns on her head, she has no racial characteristics. Oh, and the pointed tail is wrapped around her waist. No wonder she can't see it.

"Your Majesty, there are only 254 people left in the Heart Demon Clan."

The Mind Flayer, also called the Mind Flayer, is a powerful race with the same strength as the Banshees, Blood Demons and Scavengers. Its strength explodes, but it also explodes to a heaven-defying degree. During the

Tikaz Empire, the Mind Flayer was just like the Banshee. They also like to eat human brains.

The smarter they are, the more popular they are.

Of course, today's heart-beating demons have long abandoned these bad habits, but they are still masters of playing with the mind and soul.

"It seems that there are not many people left."

There are far less blood demons, scavengers and banshees. The current royal court is no longer the grand occasion it once was.

Among the ten royal courts, the most are blood demons and the least is Wendigo. There is only one purebred, Patriot Bo Drakastir and the Cyclops are still on their way.

"Okay, take a good rest and recuperate. In fifty years, you can live in peace. We will see what happens after fifty years."

If Terra is still so rebellious fifty years from now, then knock it down. If it stays, it will only continue to harm people."

"Fifty years?"

The Blood Demon King cast his gaze and said,"Your Majesty, with all due respect, our current strength is enough to launch a war."

As the main fighting faction in Sakaz, the Blood Demon Lord does not want to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Now almost all the Ten Kings Courts have arrived, and many Sakaz are rushing back to Sakaz one after another. , there is no reason to recuperate.

After hearing the Blood Demon Lord's words, Luo Chen's face darkened, he raised his finger, and a black spell shot out from his fingertips, piercing through the Blood Demon Lord's shoulder.

"Shut up! Kazdaele cannot support a war now."

It is of course easy to start a war. With Luochen here, it is also easy to conquer any country.

But what happens after that?

Sakaz does not have management talents."Once the territory is laid, how will our people govern the country?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is it to restore the ruling model of the Tikaz Empire? That kind of rule that is based on hair and blood?"

"Why did the Tikaz Empire collapse? Isn't it because the people at that time could no longer endure the barbarism and tyranny of Tikaz?"

The only ones who can't seem to improve are the Blood Demons.

Even the Wendigos and Scavengers have changed their bad habit of eating people. Only the Blood Demons.

This group of lunatics with flawed brains still remain the same..I don’t know how to make progress.

"As a king, you can be tyrannical, cruel, and unkind, but you can only live up to the expectations of the people!"

Luochen's voice echoed in the hall. Traces raised his eyes and raised the corner of his mouth by a pixel. What the people are looking forward to now is survival.

Not war.

Sakaz has hated war for too long.

But In order to survive, they have to participate in the war.

Lord Blood Demon, you'd better die.

"Your Majesty, what we want is war!"The wounds on the Blood Demon King's body healed.

He said patiently,"Even if we don't launch a war with other countries, at least we must at least defeat Rutland! Those Sarkotas are traitors!"

Sakota, angel.

Many years ago, 190 can even be traced back to after the collapse of the Tikaz Empire.

Sakota had not yet grown a halo and light wings, and they wandered in the wilderness with Sakaz.

They They were even the same race, possessing the horns and tail of Sakaz.

But they suddenly received help from the"god", who shed the horns and tail of Sakaz, and gave birth to a halo and wings of light. They abandoned Sakaz and called themselves Sarkota, established a country in the wilderness, which is now Rutland.

Sarkaz and Sarkota have the habit of killing each other.

Sarkaz will kill the lone Sarkota and take them away. The guardian gun of the Sarkazi, and the Sarkota will also hunt the Sarkazi.

The hatred between the two races has never been cut off.

In fact, from the Sarkazi perspective, it is normal to hate the Sarkota.

We all share the joys and sorrows together. , as a result, a group of you went out to work alone, cleared the shore, patted your butts and ran away.

We were left to deal with the enemy and wander around. Who would we kill if we didn’t kill you?

In fact, both races are very destructive, but Sakaz did it directly.

But Sakota did it in a queue.

They only need to report it and get approval, even if they bomb the school, there is no problem.[]

After Sakota breaks the"law", he will turn into a fallen angel, his halo and light wings will become dark, and he will grow Sakaz's horns and wings.

In the eyes of the Sakaz, there is no difference between the fallen angels and the group of Sakota

"Your Majesty, there is a messenger coming from outside."A Sakaz guard reported


Has anyone sent him a letter?

No, he doesn't know anyone in Terra. How could someone send him a letter? The person who came was a girl with long blue hair, wearing a black halo, and It also has the horns of Sarkaz.

Fallen angel?

Is it such a coincidence?

"Hello, Your Majesty, I am Mastema, the messenger of all nations in Lateran.

Luo Chen touched his chin and said,"Messenger, what news did you bring?""

"Hello, Your Majesty, I am here to deliver a message to Kazdaele. Ursus declares war on Kazdaele!".

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