As a result, Su Bai just waved his hands speechlessly at this scene.

"Go, go, go, it's enough that Liyue has seven-star governance on the surface. I don't have that much time, so just go and do whatever you need to do."

"Don't make fun of me here."


Qianyan Army also had wry smiles on their faces.


Many people know Master Su Bai's character.

He lives a life like a cloud, wandering leisurely everywhere. He doesn't like to be tied to the same place. He is a very free and arbitrary person.

He is talented, capable, and strong.

I hope the adults in Qixing can give him some good advice.

Then Su Bai looked at the information brought by a Qianyan Army. This is All the knowledge extracted from Dadalia's mind.

There are the Fools, Liyue, Zhidong, many martial arts, and a lot about the abyss.

After all, Su Bai also knows.

The Fools are secretly After exploring the abyss, the team was led by the skirmisher doll, and they stayed there for a long time.

After all, the abyss is not invisible or far away, in fact it has always been located...

Ahem, stop talking.

On the contrary, it was another matter. Dadalia, who was seriously injured in the first place, couldn't bear it after a series of twists and turns.

Burped directly.

Ling Su Bai also shook his head.

If you meet the former Qianyan Army, you can still run away.

Now. hehe.

Thinking a little too much.

After all, if the Lord God was attacked, they would probably vent their anger on Dadalia. In the process of chasing and fighting, 750 will definitely not strike lightly.

This unlucky kid.

It's pretty good to carry the pot.

I'm afraid he won't know who attacked the rock god until his death.


Anyway, Su Bai said, I don’t know either.

Do not ask.

Ask others.

If it's gone, it's gone. He's just an executive. He can even take care of the second seat, let alone the last seat.

Su Bai just sighed.

You should have spared his life.

In this way, some value can be squeezed out later, causing the Fools to bleed a lot, paying a lot of money to replace him, and then letting him die on the way back.

Isn't this perfect?

Fortunately, Qian Yanjun didn't know, otherwise everyone would be ashamed.

Master Su Bai.

It has to be you!

Not long after, there was a shock from the Liyue sea area, and many Qianyan troops were alarmed.

"what happened?"

"Go check it out!"

"How could there be such a shock? What was going on?"

Even the young lady who just came out was surprised and rushed over there.

What's going on?

Su Bai glanced there casually.

"Well, it's Osel"

"It doesn’t matter whether you get out or not. Anyway, I originally had you as my goal. I’ll take away your remaining power later."

"It's been sealed for so long, I don't know how much is left."

"A little bit is a little bit."

At this time, the sky in Liyue Port changed drastically!

The originally peaceful and bright weather suddenly darkened. Thick black clouds enveloped the place. Roaring lightning flashed through the clouds, and it started to rain.

The illumination was extremely poor.

It was even more terrifying in the sea. Huge waves and tsunamis were immediately set off. The waves suddenly became rough and very scary. There were even seaspouts. They kept rushing into the sky..



It makes people chill and tremble.

This is an existence that is far larger than the sea beast.

In fact, it is the ancient demon god, who is releasing the resentment of his defeat and trying to shake the original enemy. Home, drowned everything he cherished into the ocean!

After a long time, he was finally able to vent his existence to the world!

A lot of the seawater in the sea was continuously sucked into the clouds, making that The dark clouds are getting thicker and lower, as if they are holding the sky down. There is quite a sense of disaster that the black clouds are pressing down on the city!

Even an ordinary person, after seeing this, It’s also clear behind the scenes.

It’s not good.

A terrifying catastrophe is about to come to Liyue Port.

Such an amazing change will naturally be noticed by some beings. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just For example, Zhongli was still walking on the street. His face was calm, which was in sharp contrast to the other people who had sad faces because of the attack and death of Emperor Yanwang.

After all, for him, why should he do anything to himself? What about the sadness of"passing away"?

It's not idle.

Zhongli feels it very clearly.

"Well, is it because the seal of my original rock gun was shaken, so that the whirlpool demon Osel could temporarily break free?"

"However, for Liyue, such strong winds and waves"

"It's nothing"

"Inexplicably reassured"

"Let’s think about what to eat for dinner later."

【Jueyunjian is located in the west of Guiliyuan. There are many rocks and stone forests here. The towering peaks are filled with clouds and mist, which looks quite magical and vast.

Usually not many people dare to break in here.

Because according to legend, this is where immortals live.

Not to mention that if there are any trespassers, they will either be sealed by the wasabi planted by the fairy (agdf), wrapped in amber, or driven away by a white-haired fairy.

Although this is not the case for some people.

On the contrary, what will happen is that when they encounter danger and fall into a desperate situation, a fairy with flying white hair will appear and come to save them.

It can be regarded as forming a lot of rumors.

However, several immortals do live here.

The True Lord Liuyun Borrows the Wind, the True Lord Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang, the True Lord Manipulating the Water and Laying the Mountains, and the disciple they teach together, Shen He.

They were also alarmed at this time

"What happened? There is such a celestial phenomenon over there in Liyue Port"

"I can feel the constant fluctuations coming from the clouds in that direction. With such power, could it be that the demon god suppressed by the emperor has regained the light of day?"

"I'll go as soon as possible!"

"If that's true, it's terrible. You should go and see the emperor first."

Just when they were about to get up, there was a cold female voice.


"I have been practicing immortality diligently, and I haven't seen Su Bai for a long time. I want to see him and see how he is doing now."

"Will you be in danger?"

The person who spoke was a beautiful white-haired woman who looked like a fairy, tall and straight.

She had a very worldly temperament and seemed to be cold and detached from the world, but she was... She has extremely close-fitting ink-painted clothes that perfectly show off her entire body.

There are wonderful red ropes in many places.

Her pair of slender and round black silk legs are even more charming. There are also The diamond-shaped hollows seem to make it even more beautiful, and people have to admire it.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's aesthetics can be said to be always online.

In the same vein. Extraordinarily outstanding. What

's more, no matter who comes, he has to Marvel, this is a peerless beauty.

She is Shen He, the disciple adopted by Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng.

These immortals also nodded.

"Su Bai, I don’t know how that kid is doing. At this time, he should be with the emperor."

"I don’t know how his cultivation is going."

"Shen He, you have been practicing seclusion for such a long time, so you might as well go and have a look. After all, he seemed to have given you some guidance at that time, even though you didn't meet much."

Zhenyuezhuyangzhenjun's tone was strange.

"That is, who made that kid so perverted that he learned those things all at once?"

"We didn't know what to teach, so we went down the mountain soon. Because of Shen He's hard training, they had only met once or twice."

"There really are such prodigies in the world, but for us immortals, not long has passed, but time has passed in the blink of an eye, so he must not be too exaggerated."

So the three immortals and Shen He also set out towards Liyue Port.


Ying screamed and flew out, and was caught in Su Bai's arms.

She originally saw a big mushroom in the sea, oh no, there was a big demon intruding, and the terrible ancient demon was raging, stretching out like this Things like tentacles stirred up huge waves.

Seeing that a fishing boat was about to be overturned, she rushed forward and struck out with a sword.

Naturally, she used the edgeless sword.

In the end, she was beaten back by the demon god's tentacle.

And Su Bai just pointed a finger, and the tentacle was cut off directly by the golden attack and fell into the sea. The fishing boat was also teleported to the shore by him, and people were able to run down. Move towards a safe area.

His Rock power began to gradually reveal the nature of space, becoming the same ability as Esdeath said before.


Therefore, everyone on the sea is safe and sound, and they will find themselves at the edge of the port to their surprise.

Like, for a moment.

But Su Bai looked at the beautiful girl in his hand calmly.

"For the sake of helping others, well, I will allow you to stay in my arms."

After saying this, Ying's face turned red instantly.

"Go to hell, you narcissist!"

Ying was furious!

He quickly jumped off his hand.

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