There is a miko in that god, a human miko.

Maybe according to normal development, she might be the Holy Sword user, who knows?

Anyway, the goblins felt that they couldn’t live without people.

But what can one person do? ? ?

So the goblins dismembered the human witch and cut it into pieces, very carefully and conscientiously to avoid damage, and also used magic power to maintain the freshness.

Then use this [original person] as the body to re-edit and copy.

Repeat thousands of times, hundreds of millions of times!

A large number of humans were created, and the kingdom of humans and fairies reappeared again.

Goblins need humans and can get satisfaction and happiness from them, just like a cat sucking catnip.

Cat (goblin), catnip (human).

But such a human being.

It has no reproductive function and its life span is only 30 years.

Broken goods.

At this point, you should be able to notice what kind of character the [Fairy] is, right?

Just because they were impatient and felt it was a bit in the way, they killed the god who helped them.

No reason, just to this extent.

They are truly creatures that do whatever they want.

To be precise, they have no good or evil. They act entirely according to their preferences and like to have fun, but for better understanding, it is better to describe them in terms of good and evil.

Very disdainful.

The crumbs went out of the sky.

In order to keep this place going, Morgan in the original book kept saving them and fighting off disasters."617" was regarded as a savior.

But what she got in return,.

Morgan was called a"witch".

What do the goblins think?


Or are you the one who brought the disaster?

All Morgan received was betrayal again and again. Even if she could mediate the civil wars between the six clans and usher in peace, she would be stabbed in the back and tortured to death immediately.

Even if you finally achieve unification, a glass of poisonous wine at the celebration banquet will kill you.

No reason, creatures like goblins are so arbitrary.

Maybe, just a little unhappy. for example.

Ah, you smile happier than me.

Why are you so dazzling?

Today I am not in a good mood.

No fairies are allowed to be prettier than me.

Or, what, are you a fairy from paradise, a fairy from outside? Not from our local area?

That won't work!

A mere outsider wants to rule us?

Even if you save us, but you can't, go to hell!

Anyway, it’s just a series of nonsense reasons that lead to the fact that even if the goblin around you is one of your own, he might have been smiling happily before, but he will give you a knife soon!

To put it bluntly, I'm unhappy.

Then you have a way to do that.

Just understand it this way.

Goblins are such outrageous creatures. They do not exist based on human good or evil, but only act according to preferences and moods.

As for the six clans, they are of course the descendants derived from the original six goblins.

In the early years.

These clans fight within each other as fiercely as they want, and they are beaten to pieces and bloody, and they are in a mess. Nezuko:"Haren, why are goblins like this? I think it's all the fault of the beast god who didn't supervise his work." ? Just poison God to death?"


"This pot is too 666. Anyway, we are right, it is only the world that is wrong, right?"

"It hurts, it hurts so much! Oh, no, it’s a joke."

It would be very scary to be a companion with this kind of goblin.

Just thinking about it makes Nezuko feel a little hairy. It still feels like a group of friends!

Luo Hao:"Humph, you bastard, you are an unrepentant goblin who has committed the original sin! The so-called Britain is a country built on original sin and countless corpses. Even so, are you still enjoying yourself?"

"Then, the [disaster] mentioned just now is most likely the resentment of the horned god after his death."

Tendou Kisara:"So if we were also fairies, the grass on Xiaomian's grave would definitely be five feet high."

Tsuchima Mi:" Wuwuwu, don't do this, I know I was wrong."

Xiao Mi held her head and looked aggrieved.

Why are you whipping me to death?


But Xiao Mi also knows very well what kind of character a goblin is. For example, didn't she tease Kisara at the beginning? Then if everyone is a goblin , she will most likely be killed by Kisara.

Or the old lady Riveria is said in the group, and a series of dark history.

She will be beaten to death early.

How can she survive to this day?

Fortunately, everyone is not Goblins, after all, everyone is themselves, and they usually only joke around, so it’s okay.

This is not to say that the group cannot be harmed.

It means that everyone will not behave like goblins and can be perfectly trusted and reliable. My partner!

Tsuchima Mi:"So thank you Kisara for not killing me.""

Tendou Kigeng:"Huh, thank me."

Fubuki:"So, even if this is the case, Morgan, as Su Bai, do you still want to continue to maintain the British Fairy Kingdom?"


Goblins are such things.

Obviously, no matter how the British Lostbelt advances, it has no future!

This is a fact before our eyes!

Luo Hao:"That's right, if it were me, I would have lost a few powers. Kill them all, it's a little hard to understand your thoughts, even if you are another me, but you are thousands of years old, right?"

"As a young woman who is only two hundred years old, I really cannot understand your realm."

Originally Riveria was still in the dungeon, but when she accidentally scanned this message, she fell silent.


Tsuchima Mi:"Xiaoshu, Rima is at a loss now. Three people have come to the group, two of them are older than her, and Luo Hao thinks she is a young woman. There is nothing you can do now. Are you pretending to be an old person?"

Luo Hao:"???Isn't Riveria only a hundred years old? Why is she an old person? You are an elf, you are not that old, right?"

"In my eyes, she is just like a little girl."

This made Riveria silent.


Why are your ages so ridiculous compared to the other? One is more than a hundred years older than me.

The other is even more heavyweight.

Thousands of years older!

Just thinking of this One o'clock, her scalp was numb.

This is so alive! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Morgan:"Shhh (stops her lips gracefully), a woman's age is a secret (chuckles) ), it’s best not to say it so bluntly, I also feel that I am very young, especially after meeting you"

"In a sense, seeing you has healed my dry heart a lot."

"thank you all.

Luo Hao:"Then answer me, why do you still maintain and rule such a fairy country?" Morgan

:"Well, in fact, the previous group leader Su Bai gave the answer. He probably guessed more. He is really an extraordinary man. Sure enough, the person who can be the group leader is definitely not Ordinary Su Bai"

"The only male in this group.

Luo Hao:" Bang!" That rascal! After saying a few words, he disappeared. You had to fight me first! Um? Wait, men?"

"Why is there still a male Su Bai? Aren't we all girls all the time? Something went wrong in her reincarnation?

Nezuko:"No, people have always existed as men. There should be countless universes, but he is the only male Su Bai.""

Luo Hao:"???"

This made Luo Hao's eyes widen in shock, what the hell?

Can such a thing happen?

If you say this is a parallel universe theory, then it stands to reason that Su Bai has both men and women, which is normal.

But now you say only?

This is very wrong.

There is a problem with his existence!

However, other people in the group were not as surprised as she was. Morgan accepted this fact. Maybe after so many years of hardship, she would no longer be alarmed by such things.

She will be surprised0......

But not too surprised.

Another new group member, named Anna, suddenly became silent again.

Got busy.

Tsuchima Mi:"Since you have said so, Morgan, then I can understand. You are very kind. I also feel sorry for you and sympathize with you. After all, according to the original work, even that Morgan was treated as a child since he was a child. The fairies of the [Rain] clan raised him and treated him with tenderness."

"Just like a little princess."

The most desperate thing is this.

Not all fairies are bad, but some are good.

So what Morgan got at first was a happy life, but it happened to be such a starting point, but because of raising Morgan, that clan was joined by other clans, Destroyed.

Creatures like goblins are very magical. They are not completely dead when they die.

When they die, their bodies will become a mineral or some other resource, and they can exist as land, so if there are many goblins dead, the corpses will pile up. Land.

But after death, the goblin can still be reincarnated as the next generation.

It is not a reincarnation, but a new individual.

It is equivalent to a new life.

It is the same cycle as a matryoshka doll. You can be reincarnated after death, but the corpses can keep accumulating. Create a new earth.

And then build it bigger and bigger.

What a perfect energy source.

This has completely broken the law of conservation of energy. Even after they died, their bodies turned into the earth, but they can continue to be reincarnated.

And even if Morgan doesn't care about those garbage goblins, But she definitely can't turn a blind eye to these fairies who are good to her. After all, she will still have a touch of tenderness in her heart.

She wants to save them. She is such a gentle female Su Bai.

She is so moved that she wants to cry.

Morgan:"I have been naive more than once. Sometimes I feel pity. I feel that although I know the story, knowing and understanding it is another thing, but I will still be betrayed in the end. I'm sorry, I may embarrass everyone. face."

Sometimes when she looks at the smiling fairies, she also feels that maybe this is good, or maybe they are not that bad and can be improved.

Then, such behavior will lead to despair and pain.

And... once Heartbroken again.

Then what she wanted to protect were only those kind-hearted goblins who really valued her and trusted her.

Even if many of them were brutally killed, after all, these kind people would only continue to die away, leaving more and more people behind in the end. What an evil world.

Good deeds are rewarded with evil consequences.

Very cruel.

But she is still trying to find the reincarnations of those fairies. For example, the fairies you know."

Because she was too kind, she was used and deceived.

Be turned into a useful tool.

It is used because it is useful and discarded because it is broken.

If someone bullies you, bully them back!

What’s there to say! forgive?

Forgive them?

What a naive and stupid idea!

But there are such fairies. They think that wasting one of them can make so many people happy, so it must be a good thing.

Even if.

They each suffered abuse, abuse, and bullying.

Finally, it becomes useless and is cruelly discarded in the garbage dump.

Ushering in the end of death.

So every time this happens, Morgan regrets and sheds tears for not teaching them properly.

Morgan:"What a bunch of stupid kids. I want them to leave Britain and really survive outside. To do this, I need to turn the Lost Belt into a Lost World so that they can get out."

After all, the original Lost Belt is a Lost World. The life inside the smelling belt cannot get out.

It will only disappear.

Morgan:"As for these original goblins, I don't care. I don't love them. I originally planned to send the ones I care about away, then completely ignore them and go to Chaldea to retire."


"However, the chat group appeared. You guys showed up"

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