During the battle,

Sun God Ra felt more and more uncomfortable.

After his head was almost cut off by Scathach, he yelled with lingering fear and stuck the Sun God Spear on the ground!

"By the name of Ra! I am the ruler of all! Look down at the Creator of the sky, the earth, and Hades! Come out, my ship of ten thousand years!"

The surging divine power burst out!

Under his word spirit, the terrifying sea of ​​​​sun fire suddenly spread, interrupting Scathach's attack!

A majestic and huge ancient divine ship was below him, Slowly emerged, and God Ra also stood up. It was a divine ship with sun and flames. It looked particularly amazing and constantly exuded aura!

Especially after being pulled together with it, a wave of more energy suddenly burst out. A powerful aura!

This made Scathach reveal his expression clearly.

"oh? The ship of ten thousand years? Does Mandjet mean, your sun boat in mythology, a creation and vehicle that travels through the sky and the underworld? Yes, you are such a god."

After getting the sun boat, Ra suddenly ushered in a powerful posture!

This is his most comprehensive state.

In the myth, he drove the sun boat to fight [Apep] constantly, waving the sun The divine spear keeps bombarding the power.

That's right.

He is this kind of wandering god, relying on the sun ship to constantly move quickly and attack from a distance. It is completely different from a close combat warrior like Scathach.

Continue Come down.

Ra also used this strategy.

The sun ship opened the distance from Scathach far away, not only with the attack of the sun god's spear, but also the attack of the god ship itself.

For a time, a large number of attacks caused the whole place to be attacked. Covered in!

It was like Scathach was fighting on the surface of the sun, with solar fire evaporating everything everywhere.

And the explosions that kept coming!

"Humph, are you treating me like a guy flying a kite?"

"Do you think I haven’t fought against gods who are good at long range in the past, let alone guns, which are just for throwing!"

Scathach directly reappeared the magic gun in her hand, and stepped back for half a minute, constantly adjusting her movements to the most suitable and perfect state. As she lowered her waist, the terrifying magic gun directly turned into light.

Howling It exploded the atmosphere and turned into a terrifying energy beam, tearing everything apart! It went straight towards the sun ship!

This made the Sun God tighten his scalp and his face changed drastically!

He also exploded crazily. The huge spell power and boundless power shook the space here. La also blasted out the Sun God Spear in his hand. Combined with the sun boat, the power was even more terrifying than before! In addition, the attack of the sun boat itself was added..Fight the magic spear in tandem.


A terrible explosion exploded here, and the astonishing smoke and fire suddenly erupted under the terrifying ripples, causing a huge commotion!

And after a while, a somewhat broken ship came out from another place, right there At the dangerous moment, the sun god Ra took advantage of the aftermath of the explosion and drove away in his solar boat.

He looked at the place of the explosion with lingering fear.

"Damn it, where did this monster come from? How could it be so perverted?"

"He also happened to be Na Luo Hao's helper, damn it!"

The sun god Ra also breathed a sigh of relief.

"That guy must have consumed a lot of energy after using this move. It was impossible to use such a terrifying move continuously."

But he glanced out of the corner of his eye.

In the direction of Scathach, there were several magic spears stuck on the ground. Then the opponent stamped his foot, and all the magic spears were knocked into the air. They were grabbed by him and thrown over with a bang. Take one!

That's the posture of a ruthless warrior!

That's the queen wreaking havoc on the earth!


Ra Shen's face turned dark and he was dumbfounded. Are you kidding me!

Was n't that blow just now nothing to you? Why did it come with several more blows without stopping?

Why is it so powerful?

The terrifying magic gun raging from all directions and causing an astonishing explosion. The sun ship was hit instantly and torn into pieces. Even the sun god Ra screamed and roared and tried to resist.

But I only heard the roar of greater energy!

The turbulent and huge purple-red light seemed to swallow up the place. Even the solar ship could not escape. I only saw the fragments constantly melting and destroying!

After a while, After the meeting, there were only flames burning on the ground.

There was also a small half of the sun god's spear.

Scathach also looked at it indifferently. There are so many gods who use spears/guns in mythology. As for the division of these two types, especially in mythology and ancient times It's very confusing, and sometimes it can be regarded as the same weapon.

And there seems to be some ashes in the Sun God Spear.

At this time, the flames extinguished, and it became dark, seeming to give people a feeling of being enveloped by the underworld. At this time, the wonderful What happened was that the ashes gradually returned to human form again.

As the amazing spell power and fluctuations emerged, the breath of life continued to appear, and quickly returned to its peak.

The next moment!

The sun god Ra appeared again!

Perfect resurrection!

And when he stretched out his hand, the broken Sun God Spear grew again and restored its complete posture as an artifact.

Another sun ship also appeared here. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Scathach is not surprising at all

"In mythology, you have two sun ships, one in the sky and one in the underworld. In the evening, you will pass through the underworld and return to the east to be reborn again, so you are a god with the nature of rebirth and mythology."

At this time, the sun god Ra became even more coercive. He drove the sun boat and looked down at Scathach. He pointed his divine spear at Scathach.

His divine power roared like thunder!

"Celtic warrior, you are constantly consuming your strength, and I am like the rising sun, returning to its heyday. This time, it will be your death!"

"In the name of Ra, I will judge you!"

"This time, I will definitely not be hit by you!"

He opened a further distance, and at the same time, the divine spear in his hand bloomed with the terrifying light of the sun. This battle will begin again!

However, Scathach showed a smile that was not afraid of anything.

"Really, you guys who can only rely on the sun boat, this time I won’t use the same trick again, I will make it impossible for you to hide."

"Appear, the already distant kingdom of demons!"

As Scathach's magic soared into the sky, the sun god Ra revealed his horrifying side. A huge kingdom of shadows was like an afterimage and a lens, directly swallowing him and the sun ship!

And then disappeared here..

And Scathach also took a step forward and came into it.

The next moment, what appeared in front of her was a projection of the demonic realm in the past, full of shadows and death, many of which were broken mirrors.

And a sun ship The ship here is flying around like a headless fly.

But the other party seems to have noticed a terrible fact.

This place is constantly shrinking!

"That's right, ah, this magical realm is constantly shrinking, and the space in which your solar boat can move will become smaller and smaller."

"Don't want to fight me in close combat? Want to distance yourself? Haha, you should keep running."

This means that the sun god Ra will be completely trapped here in the end, and he can only fight with Scathach!

Want to fly a kite?

Have you asked her, the lord of the demon realm?

"Oh, by the way, the sun god, the sun, it's a pity that my demonic realm only has death. This is a place where there will be no sunlight and input. It has changed from a fairyland to a demonic realm!"

"Your light is destined to be extinguished, and this is your burial place."

In Scathach's contemptuous and playful tone, Sun God Ra's face turned pale.

Even if she never returns to the Moon World.

However, as the past master of the Demon Realm, it is by no means something that can be abandoned and disappeared easily. So Scathach is recreating her own demonic realm. Even if it is just an afterimage now, it will definitely reappear someday.

And she will not be bound and assimilated like before. 057 will become one of her abilities this time.


Why does it feel like a sense of déjà vu.

Who can summon the Kingdom of Shadows like this? Is it also a permanent skill?

By the way, the Queen’s maid.

The game of cat and mouse has begun.

Scathach is enjoying this battle. , enjoying the fear of the enemy.

If the sun god Ra died at the beginning, then she would be disappointed. Now his heavy work makes the battle more interesting.


And on the other side.

Wearing golden armor and wearing a The ancient one-eyed Ming of the eagle helmet is standing here. He is holding the lightning gun, the meteor gun, which is said to be sure to hit the target as long as it is thrown!

That is the eternal gun Gangnir.!

In the distance is Esdeath, who is throwing away her hand.

She had a big battle with her opponent just now and killed Killi and Kulic.

Those are the two ferocious wolves beside Odin, always fighting for him.

Of course, Perhaps more people's impression is of the two ravens on Odin's shoulders.

At that time, she was using her ice power.

So after Odin took out the magic gun, her ice weapon was broken directly. It fell, and there was no resistance at all, so Esdeath chose to explode with power, and the two sides temporarily faced off.

These gods of disobedience, as long as they have some background, will have their own exclusive weapons.

So it is obvious.

The salvation of the world The Divine Sword is a super weapon, giving these gods powers far beyond their own, making them even more amazing and powerful! At this time, Odin spoke without emotion.

"Don't you have the right weapons? Then, it seems that you are going to fall under my Gangnir. Why bother, the unknown goddess of ice? She just chose to stand beside Luo Hao's disaster."

"Such foolish behavior will bring you death."

However, Esdeath interrupted the other party forcefully, showing her domineering and revealing attitude.

"Who told you I have no weapons?"

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