Bronya was surprised

"It is not a space battleship, but a flying ship full of fairy and fantasy style. Can it still fly through thunderstorms, as if it is flying by magic?"

From her perspective, it can only be described as a magic ship.

After all,

Yaya doesn't know what elemental power is, nor does she know that the fairy boat is based on [Thunder Elemental Power to Create the Holy Grail]. Driven.

The Holy Grail obtained before was used by Su Bai to study core energy, transmitting and flowing energy.

Therefore, he, Morgan, Lisa, Muroto Sumire, Jianyuan, etc. are all people who are good at research. Next, we restructured it, gathered everyone's efforts, and came up with this.

This energy core is very powerful.

It can convert magic, curse power, and other abilities into elemental power.

Without the power core, Xianzhou It can't fly.

In other words, with this, the most critical problem of Xianzhou has been solved. The second version to be launched next will be able to convert the energy in the quantum sea into elemental power.

It has laid the foundation for pioneering The basis.

And Kiana’s face twitched

"Wow, is this boat a bit too big?"

The young man in front heard their voices and turned around with a chuckle.

"Not big, Kiana. Don't forget that the original Beidou ship, the Death Omen, had a hull of 6"883" 9 meters in length, a width of about 17 meters, a total height of 64 meters, and a total length of one meter. About 100 meters"

"It is a veritable thousand-ton class ship."

"Therefore, the configured fairy boat cannot be worse than the original one, it can only be better, so this boat is also a thunder fairy boat that is over 100 meters long."


How do I know how big the Death Star is in the game?

After all, I am not from Liyue. etc.

It seems that someone in the past life calculated how big this ship is, and the Death Star is actually a flagship, so it will naturally be larger and serve as the core of the fleet.

All right.

So this picture looks really amazing. The fairy boat flew away like a cloud and mist.

Su Bai also looked at Bronya and Meiyi and nodded.

"Hello, guests from other worlds, welcome to the country of Liyue in the world of Teyvat. I am Su Bai, the top manager of this country, although I can only give some guidance."

"You are very welcome to come. Kiana and I have a very close relationship, so there is no need to be surprised."

I heard.

Bronya looked at Kiana with a strange expression.

How long has it been?

Have you hooked up with a big shot in another world?

Even Mei was shocked.

But Kiana quickly spoke out

"Don’t get me wrong, he and I are like family and best friends. After all, Mei, you know I care about you the most."

"You, what are you talking about!"

These words are true and make Mei Yi feel ashamed. Why do you say this?

Kiana, you really are!"

"So it’s equivalent to me knowing this Su Bai a long time ago. He is a very reliable partner. You will know after we get along and communicate with each other in the future."

"It’s okay to even treat him as me, he’s just so trustworthy."

Bronya and Mei Yi fell into silence. Are your words a bit too exaggerated? Is the other party really so trustworthy? After all, he seems to be the leader of a country.

Su Bai pushed his hand to signal.

"How about finding a place to sit down, or you can talk while walking on the road. After all, this is Xianzhou Port, not a place suitable for receiving guests, and you don’t have to be formal."

"You can ask anything you want to ask."

Ya Yi is very confused.

"Well, is your world still at war? Even this kind of magic ship similar to an aerial battleship, oh no, the fairy boat has come out."


"That is just the first-generation commercial version of the fairy boat, suitable for flying everywhere and carrying out commercial activities."

"Business, business?"

This is true, Mei Yi was shocked.

Even Bronya was like this.

Are you all using something similar to a space battleship for commercial activities?

Isn't it a bit too exaggerated?

In our world, there is none This is so outrageous.

After all, when you go to other countries with this kind of flying warship, are you sure you are not going to fight?

Just imagine a salvo of main guns. The destructive power is enough to make those high-level officials green in the face.

So, why It has nothing to do with business!

Isn’t this world too peaceful?

Kiana nodded.

"Yes, the first generation of fairy boats sailed within the world, and the second generation was the main force in exploring and developing the quantum sea. Looking at this situation, it will happen very soon."

"After all, I have no doubts about Su Bai's Liyue infrastructure capabilities and the scale of the Xianzhou construction base."

I remember in the game, there is a special shipbuilding place in Liyue Port.

It looks very big.

Even ordinary ships are like this, so the Xianzhou base will only be bigger. She has seen it last time As long as it goes well at the beginning, the rest will be fast.

Just like making dumplings.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but the rest will be like a snowball.

After all, the second-generation [Battle and Exploration Edition Fairy Ship] she saw before Boat] is of the wind attribute. I'm afraid it looks like it's wrapped in blue fairy clouds when it's activated.

"Explore the quantum sea?"

Bronya was shocked again. Has it reached such a level?

This is not a simple research and experiment.

It is a posture of traveling far away and directly sending fairy boats out.

It's like a space fleet. It’s just like starting a journey. Doesn’t this mean that civilization has been quite developed? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone has begun to act like this.

It’s amazing. This world is really incredible.

It has far exceeded Those experiments on anti-entropy.

And she suddenly felt a glimmer of hope.

Now that she can go to the Quantum Sea, can she let them help her find Xi'er?

Mei Yi is more mature.

She looked at Kia Na, I'm a little worried

"Kiana, you, it’s not a good idea for you to tell this kind of secret directly, isn’t it? After all, we are strangers coming here for the first time."

"It's fine."

In the end, Su Bai whispered

"Now you should also realize that Kiana and I do have a very good relationship. Come on, sit down."

They had strolled to a courtyard. There was a beautiful stone table in front of them, as if it was specially used to entertain guests. After all, Su Bai was standing on a high platform watching before. After everyone sat down, Su Bai With a wave of his hand, tea and tools were brewing automatically. With a flowing rhythm, the brewed and steaming fairy tea was moved in front of everyone.

"This is tea from the Xianjia tea tree. It is quite different from ordinary tea trees, and the taste is much better."


The new tea tree promoted by Changsheng.

It is the snake around Bai Zhu's neck, the immortal [Yaojun] in the past.

There is a very interesting thing.

The origin of tea in Liyue Port is related to this immortal. It was originally planted This kind of tea tree is for growing up in the future, grinding tea for friends to drink, and calling the true kings like Liuyun to borrow the wind, and to regulate the water and mountains.

It is a pity that the war between demons and gods is cruel.

Especially for immortals, it is easy to wipe away the aftermath. Something happened.

Not all immortals are very capable in combat.......

Like the Immortal [Yao Jun], he almost died and his soul returned to the earth.

Those tea trees stayed in the valley.

No one is taking care of it.

So later, the tea trees were transplanted on the branches by the residents in the mountains, spread and cultivated, so that the fragrance of tea spread from here to Liyue Port and many places.

The appearance of the tea cup also comes from this immortal.

Also learned by people.

So after Changsheng regained some strength, he began to study tea trees, established a tea tree planting base, and carried out improvements and improvements.

There has been good progress and several new varieties have been produced.

It actually made a lot of contributions.

The new tea tree is also loved by many people.

Promotion started.

This means that the more talents, the better.

Bronya also looked at the tea, curious.

"Could it be that you and China have the same civilization? Many things are very similar. This tea culture is also a mainstream culture prevalent there."

Su Bai rejected it.

"No, maybe after there are more worlds, civilizations with similar characteristics will naturally emerge. As for China, we also have a secret realm of China here."

"Suitable for producing a range of resources and creatures called dangerous species"

"Dangerous species?"

This unfamiliar name made Bronya startled. She had indeed never heard of it.

The China in their world seemed to be called Monster Beast or something. In fact, it was just a different name. Chi refers to Honkai Energy. Those who are obsessed with evil are dead men.

This is the same as in the world of God Killer.

In fact, they are all curses, but they are called different names in different places, such as magic power, magic power, internal power, etc.

The trace back to the origin is still the same.

But as for the dangerous species, it is true. never heard of that

"When we meet for the first time, if it’s a girl, I won’t give you any fine wine. These fruits are newly cultivated crops here, and they are all rare and precious varieties."

"Hope it meets your taste."

After the words fell, two plates of wonderful fruits appeared in front of them again. One was a teardrop-shaped fruit that looked like crystal. There were many and piled up. The other was blue gem and red. The large fruits of gemstones are very valuable at first sight.

They are blooming with beautiful light.

Kiana grabbed a few of them and put them in her mouth.

Mei Yi was helpless.

You, you, are you a little uncomfortable? I feel like I’m an outsider.

I’m obviously a guest.

But in the end, I feel like I’m at home.

Wow, delicious!"

"I remember what these two are!"Kiana's eyes lit up,"They are [Crystal Candy] and [Gem Fruit] from the Earthly World. No matter which one, they are very rare and expensive fruits."

The former is a fruit that is called a royal snack. Its gem-like shape is very popular with the upper class. A small bottle can be sold for a very expensive price.

The latter is a fruit that can only be born from the ultra-rare gem tree.

Kia Na remembered that there was a gem tree like this in the Big Tree Maze Level 24 in the original book, and the one guarding this tree was the strongest monster on the floor [Tree Dragon]. Unexpectedly,

Su Bai had already transplanted it in Liyue Is that so?

This is the advantage of having a chat group.

Even in Teyvat, you can taste specialties from other worlds. It’s really wonderful.

"Sure enough, now you in Liyue have many products and resources from different worlds. Wow, Su Bai, your place is awesome, so interesting. If we continue to gather them together,"

"Too colorful and attractive, right?"

Mea Yi and Bronya were both shocked.

"It means, apart from our world, have you Liyue come into contact with many other worlds?".

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