I had an unforgettable experience with him.

However, there was no temptation at all!


As a result, Scathach didn't even bother to listen. He twisted his beautiful waist and left here, walking towards the sun umbrella. Riveria was speechless, Scathach, you are so awkward, you feel so hot.

Everyone has such good looks and figures.

But I heard Scathach leave and chuckled softly and said, maybe, this is youth and youth.

The energetic Riveria is quite cute, isn't she?

This made Riveria's face twitch and her eyes look evil.

She used to feel that she was old.

Now it's your turn, right?

Don't forget that we are all female Su Bai. How about relying on our elders and showing off to them? This is not good!

But the world is different, and the time spent by each group member is also very different. Scathach is much older than her.

Sometimes you just feel like you are an elder, you are obviously from the same generation. snort.

Miss Scathach, if one day you are no longer so elegant and arrogant, but are just as shy and blushing, then I will laugh at you.

But despite Riveria's disapproval, their relationship is still very good.

And she also stuns Scathach.

What a sexy big sister.

Hydrating and moving.

The style is completely different from that of the elven royal family like myself, no, I should call her the elven goddess now.

As expected of the"young" and beautiful Scathach from her previous life.

Beautiful legs master.

Purple-haired old woman.

It was outrageous that Su Bai could appreciate it so generously.

On the contrary, I was too embarrassed to stop.


Speaking of Su Bai, what about others?

Only then did Riveria realize that Su Bai had disappeared at some point, along with Morgan, but it was Esdeath and the others who were laughing and talking to Scathach. call. so close.

If he hadn't been here for the conversation just now, he would have been less embarrassed.

Seeing Tendo Mugen bring a big cake over, Riveria also nodded, go and call Su Bai and the others back, and share the desserts with everyone. This life is so beautiful.

From now on, I can visit often.

Going to the dungeon? expedition?

Riveria: Don't bother me, thank you. I have retired.

It's still fun to connect so many worlds. You don't have to stay in that world like other gods. The unknown is constantly becoming known, and it gradually becomes boring.

Start having fun.

Life is becoming more and more boring, and the personalities of many gods will gradually become distorted.

Some are happy, evasive, cruel, and do anything to the extreme. There are a lot of people who carry out evil and destruction, but there is also a relatively large proportion who are obsessed with cultivating brave men and heroes.

That is, the story of heroes from the lower world.

An epic of heroes and monsters.

The heroic efforts of the children!

Some gods are so bored that they fall asleep in heaven.

It’s also absolutely amazing.

Instead, she remembered that the great god Ouranos had been sitting on the throne and suppressing the underground city with his divine power, and would not come down. After a long time, Riveria felt unbearable just thinking about it.

There is no fun in this kind of life.

Explodingly boring.

Not being able to go out, not being able to play around, eat, drink or have fun, it’s terrible.

Lonely watch.

She would not choose this path.

So looking at the other people in the distance, the female Su Bais, Riveria also showed a happy smile, it would be best if you were here.

Relative to the gods trapped in a corner.

I was lucky enough to meet you, and thus also met other worlds.

The other gods will go crazy with envy, right? well.

Let yourself bear this kind of happiness alone and enjoy it secretly.

Soon, Riveria saw Su Bai and Morgan. The two of them were playing around. Morgan swung his leg as if he wanted to kick Su Bai, but Su Bai grabbed Bai's thigh and leaned against her..

Making Morgan's face turn redder and redder

"Old, husband! That's too much. Stop teasing me and go back.."

"Riveria saw it! Woo, let go."


You guys really know how to play.

On the way back together, they also saw Fubuki wearing a black stocking. Riveria was surprised.

"Fubuki, why are you wearing this? And you only have one pair?"

"Aren't you going to take a dip in the swimming pool later?"

Fubixue looked at Su Bai shyly, with flushed cheeks. It was obvious that this was what Su Bai meant. You should wear it like this in the swimming pool. This is what a pervert is like.

This made Riveria's face twitch. This is what Su Bai meant. Bai He likes his daughter Su Bai, you, you! I will definitely not join you!

In broad daylight, shameless!

Her heart trembles!

This is with me and Scathach, you are all like this, then what if No, I can't even think about it!

Did you just open that thing?

Fuxue wondered.

It was me who wore a pair of black stockings, not you.

Riveria, why are you blushing and glaring at Su Bai ? What about a glance?

Good guy.

You won't take my place, will you?

Okay, Fubuki understood the plot of the innocent princess who suffered a huge shock.

But she snickered a little. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Letting my long legs be played with by Su Bai, this is the expression of my love for him.

I am very happy.

"Come on, Morgan-chan, this is your share. Tendo

Mugen smiled and brought a piece of cake to Morgan, and she took it. She was about to say thank you, but a bug suddenly appeared on it, which made her scream.

"There are bugs!"

Morgan instantly threw the cake high into the sky, and with a little carelessness, it exploded with an energy wave.

Scathach was also a little dumbfounded.

Although you are Morgan, you are also a female Su Bai, why are you also I hate bugs.

It’s really funny.

Then Morgan looked at the naughty Tendo Kisara with a dark face. He gritted his teeth in a low voice.

"Kisara, you guy, you did it on purpose just now, you used Kiana's space ability that you got from the chat group."

"Don't think I didn't notice."

Tendou Mugena, a beauty with long, straight black hair, stuck out her tongue and smiled.

"I'm just joking, but your reaction is really funny"

"ah! Stop fighting, stop fighting! It hurts, it hurts. Although it can't be hurt, the pain doesn't go away!"

Ki Geng wailed.

"Woo hoo, please let me go, Sister Morgan. In fact, those are goblin candies. They look like big caterpillars, but they are actually delicious candies."

"There's no way I'm going to actually take the bugs."


Morgan got up from Tendo Mugen and slapped her long legs hard.

Mugen screamed in pain and looked at Su Bai with tearful eyes.

"Oh, husband, why don't you save me?"

Su Bai spread his hands and watched.

Don't you deserve it? I know that Morgan hates bugs. The last time we were in the woods with her, she was also startled by a ladybug.

But Esdeath smiled carefully.

"Bug candy, it reminds me of which world I come from. There is a kind of cockroach candy, which is crunchy in the mouth. Maybe it is the kind of protein and curiosity you eat, but it is definitely a candy."

"Imagine that when you take this candy.."

"Stop it! Stop talking!"


Riveria didn't hold back.

Esdeath, you must be poisonous! Why did you go out of your way to describe the feeling of eating it!

It's disgusting.

I wouldn't eat this kind of candy even to death!

Scathach was also thinking deeply.

"Is it the candy of the Hogwarts world? It seems that Dumbledore liked this kind of candy better? forget"

"I remember there were other strange-flavored beans, and that one was outrageous. They smelled like stinky socks, sour dead fish, rotten eggs, and vomit. It’s hard to imagine what the maker went through. How did he know what so many flavors were like?"

Hearing this, Fubuki also smiled widely.

"Yes, remember there are other magic candies, such as sour popping candies, bloody lollipops, licorice wands, candy cane quills, dental floss mints, ice mice, chocolate frogs, etc."

"It feels suitable to be developed as a new snack and become popular in Liyue."

Or they can make it themselves, play with it and taste it.

Something like this is very suitable for Lisa and Rosalin to study.

They all have a witch-like style, with wizards and big hats. They are the existences of Teyvat with magical characteristics..

Speaking of research, Riveria sighed.

"I'm really convinced, Su Bai, you and Luo Hao are two perverts."

Scathach also had a complex look in his eyes.

These two guys!

It's really outrageous!

Regarding this, it also involves the previous group members gathering together to celebrate Riveria's becoming a god. Only one person did not come, and that was Spider.

She is developing quietly.

So she cannot leave in the middle, otherwise (Li Hao) the evil god will be puzzled and his eyes will widen.


Where did he go?

This behavior will increase the attention of the evil god D to her. , It’s not necessary.

Luo Hao’s eyes suddenly flashed at that time.

A strong suggestion

"Otherwise, wipe out the evil god D, the evil-destroying god, so that the spiders can't come over and kill her directly. What I don’t lack the most is the experience of fighting, defeating, slaying, and killing gods."

As arrogant as she is, just standing there is filled with a sense of oppression, just like the sky and the earth.

Her powerful palms are enough to easily kill the gods.

Whether it is palm or fist, every move is the pinnacle of martial arts. Dominate the world.

She is as beautiful as a flower, and she is also a slender and peerless beauty. With a pair of stockings and cheongsam-style clothing, and those round and straight legs, she is really a beautiful woman like a flying phoenix.

Everyone was stunned. Sweating fire.

Among us, Luo Hao is the most violent and the most trouble-making.

Su Bai is developing civilization and strengthening herself.

She is constantly collecting power everywhere, researching power, and constantly growing her strength.

The other female Su Bai was also living his own life.

In a sense, Luo Hao's behavior was very convenient for Su Bai.

After all, Su Bai didn't need to do it.

So Su Bai chuckled at that time.

"Is that your idea completed?".

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