Each one here was weaker than the other, so Naxida also lamented that Liyue was unfathomable. fortunately.

With Liyue at my back, I feel safe.

After all, she had seen it all.

The Daci Tree King and Su Bai both held hands and went to play in the streets of Xumi. It was like this outside, but what if it was at home.

It is precisely because of this relationship.

So we are actually one family.

Nasida was moved, Lord Tree King, you are really great.

Even after he retired, he still continued to help me and played a huge role.

Thank you so much.

You and Su Bai must be happy.

So one family helps another family, and that’s what it is now.

Even the Teaching Order is in a close cooperative relationship with Liyue College. They are almost integrated, and both sides are active and conducting experiments.

People from the two colleges can be seen studying together everywhere.

Whether you are in Xumi or Liyue.

The relationship between the two colleges is very close.

Everyone knows it well, after all, this involves Lord Su Bai.

It's just that they don't know.

This is closer than imagined. Xumi's previous generation of rulers were all attracted by Su Bai and became his partner.

Even your highest goddess is my woman.

The relationship between Xumi and Su Bai goes without saying.

It's just that he and King Daci Shu were left in charge of Nasida.

It's the same anyway.

There are not many gods who are as willing to work hard and actively as Nasida.

Look at other countries, one after another, either there are bards running around, or they are the guests of the Rebirth Hall who eat well and listen well every day.

Even before the film, he was autistic and hiding. do not care.

Leave it all to the general.

Only now, the autistic candidate has become the general himself.

Therefore, all the older gods are more likely to catch fish than the other.

Even Su Bai is the boss, and a bunch of his 170 women are responsible for the things below.

From time to time interest comes.

You can also go to them and have a beautiful night.

And here is Nasida.

It was Rosalin and Shen He who came to protect her and came together.

Even if the Grass Dragon had a bad attitude or wanted to do something, he had to ask them.

However, after the injury was repaired, Apep, the Dragon of Grass, had a calm attitude.

The same goes for Nasida.

Regarding the large-scale development plan she proposed to jointly build Xumi oasis and rainforest.

Grass Dragon expressed his denial.

She has the pride of the Dragon Clan!

I will never join forces with you gods!

The so-called dragon should live upright and proudly on this land, instead of mixing with these gods and mortals.

Nasida was also helpless.

It’s so hard to persuade.

The arrogance and pride of dragons have been deeply imprinted into the heart of Apep, the Dragon of Grass.

So don't look at her without any anger.

In fact, her attitude towards the non-dragon clan is still very resistant and exclusive, unless it is the elemental life born in her body.

It seemed that my earnest and sincere invitation was going to fail. well.

No matter what, Apep was going to get angry if he kept talking, she could tell.

So Nasida looked at the two people next to her

"Shen He, Rosalin, let’s go back. Thank you very much for stopping by this time."

Both women smiled.

"It's okay, just come to us if you need anything"

"Come on, you can also go to Liyue for a walk. We will take you."

As a result, when they turned to leave, Apep, the Dragon of Grass, suddenly asked in surprise.

"this is?"

Nascida was a little confused, but she quickly understood.

In the sky in the direction of the rain forest in the distance, there was a red dragon figure, vibrating its flame-like dragon wings, heading this way at an extremely fast speed. Come on.

That turned out to be a fire dragon.

And on top, Chitong, who has a slender and graceful figure, also waved downwards with a smile on his face.

"Sister Rosalin, Sister Shenhe, I’m here to play with you."


They landed.

As soon as they arrived here, the fire dragon looked at Apep in shock.

"What a big dragon!"

Apepu also said

"What a weak dragon!"

Fire Dragon:......

This made the fire dragon angrily put its dragon wings on its hips. Are you polite?

It hurriedly defended itself

"Because I have just reached this posture not long ago. I will become stronger in the future. This giant grass dragon senior? Oh no, Sister Caolong? Don't look down on me!"

"I read a book by Liyue before, what's that about? Don't bully the fire dragon!"

After all, she is also an immortal-level fire dragon. As a lively and cheerful person, she will not be afraid to say anything even when faced with such an ancient dragon.

"I see, you are indeed young."

But Apep is still very puzzled.

"But as an elemental dragon, one of the seven apexes of the new generation, why don’t you have the strength of a demon? Logically speaking, as the highest standing among elemental creatures,"

"The dragon is directly the devil's starting point"

"And why would you want to be with these people and God? Have you also betrayed the pride of the Dragon Clan?"

A big question mark appeared on the head of the fire dragon.

What is it?

What is this powerful-looking grass elemental dragon talking about?

Her eyes became weird.

"One of seven what? what is that? Can I eat it? I’m not the one anyway."

"I am Liyue's new fire dragon. I have received the emperor's gift and am allowed to live here and be able to run around."

"As for strength, I don’t understand what you mean, I can still continue to grow."

"Wait for the long years to pass. It’s Gu Long. By then, it should be stronger."

Anyway, now.

She thinks the strength is enough.

Regarding the levels of these dragons, this is how it is in the spider world.

Dragon, ancient dragon, ancient dragon chief.

At the third step, it is to command (chcd) all the dragons with this attribute. The leader of the Dragon Clan is also the Dragon King in a sense.

It refers to the strongest ancient dragon!

It is still in the category of [Ancient Dragon].

And above those ancient dragon chiefs, there is also a boss.

The Dragon God! (Read Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for Teyvat.

Although in"Before the Sun and Moon", it talks about seven terrifying kings, and then says that these kings are actually dragons.

The dragon king is not explicitly mentioned.

But in The background information of [Deep Sea Dragon Lizard] is straightforward. The ancient seven kings withered and a new generation of seven kings was born.

This shows that

Teyvat is also seven dragon kings.

At most, it is the same as the world over Spider-Man. Just one more dragon.

And the fire dragon felt baffled by the words of the grass dragon Apep.

"betray? There is no way to talk about this. Master Su Bai is my boss. He leads my clan and protects me."

"And in Liyue, people and dragons live in harmony."

"Just plain, just plain!"

Hearing this strange sound, Shen He and the others looked at the back of the fire dragon.

There was a young rock dragon lizard rolling over.

It surprised everyone who was familiar with it.

"It's you, little rock dragon lizard, are you here too?"

"Well, it’s a nest! Hehehe, when he saw Sister Chitong and Sister Fire Dragon, Wo said, can he take Wo to play with them?"

"Wo also wants to come to Xumi."


No one else has this accent.

Previously, Su Bai and Bao's [Taixu Spirit Awakening Pill] gave the Rock Dragon Lizard clan spiritual enlightenment and increased wisdom. speed up their evolution.

And wisdom continues to sprout.

The tallest ancient rock dragon lizard can even speak completely and possesses great wisdom.

Even some rock dragon lizards can speak some words.

One of the young rock dragon lizards is able to communicate completely, and its intelligence has reached that of a teenage child. These are all huge changes brought about by the evolution of the elixir and the rock dragon lizard.

Just a little bit.

When it spoke, it sounded like a little human girl with a weird accent.

Plus he is very active and runs around everywhere.

Many Qianyanjun and Liyue people know it.

Last time, it ran to the streets of Liyue and shouted,"Restaurant, bring me some squirrel fish and Mora meat!"

It caused quite a stir.

Everyone was shocked!

What the hell, rock dragon lizards can talk?

It shocked countless Liyue people.

It was Shen He who had to deal with and calm down this matter.

Shen He was now also a member of the senior management in Liyue, serving as both Esdeath's and Su Bai's assistant.

And at this time, he looked like he was drooling

"Well, the shrimp I ate at Xu Mi Flavor Restaurant last time was really good! If we go to Xumi, there should be more people who are not dead, right?"

"...You're talking about Xumi's curry shrimp, right? And it’s not that he’s not dead, it’s delicious food"

"I remember that store also had [Coconut Charcoal Cake], Qiqi liked it very much"

"That's not a big deal! Nest wants to eat something else."

Nasita was speechless. What kind of rice?

How is Sumeru?

But she also thought this little rock dragon lizard was very interesting, and she also laughed.

"There are also delicacies such as omelette rice waltz, rain salad, crispy balls with green juice, potato boats, secret-flavored meat dumplings, and honey-gold pickled fruits. You are welcome to try it."

"And if you like big meat pies like Mora meat, you can also try our Xumi [Pocket Pie]】"

"There are various fillings, and the combination of the flavors of vegetables and meat is like magic. It tastes crispy and refreshing, leaving a fragrant mouthfeel, and is particularly delicious."

And isn't the relationship between Xumi and Liyue very good? Those meats are made exclusively from dangerous breeds of meat from Liyue.

The taste of the original pocket cakes is once again far superior to that of the previous ones, which are even better after going up several floors. Ah.

It has become a popular snack in Sumeru.

This made the little rock dragon lizard almost drool out.

It quickly bowed its head in respect and happiness.

"Crab Little Lucky Grass King’s kind wishes!"

"That sounds great!"

Grass Dragon Apep:???

You just ignored me in front of me and started talking to yourself?"

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