after awhile.

Xier finally explained everything she could.

It took a lot of effort for her to wipe away the sweat.

He chose to sit down and took a gulp of water.

Finally feel comfortable. call.

And these two top leaders of Dihuo were constantly amazed and shocked.

"That’s it, I understand. There are countless worlds outside our world. People living in other worlds have not suffered from the crisis of ice, snow and cracked worlds like ours."

"capable of prosperous development."

Of course, the other worlds they are talking about refer to the world view of the Star Railway itself, the worlds under the command of the Amber King (the guardian star god).

They like to call planetary civilizations or galaxies one after another. World.

Going to other galaxies means traveling to a new world.

Things like this are actually very suitable for Liyue's activities in the future.

They didn't expect that Liyue was actually a force from another universe. They just thought it was because they hadn't discovered it yet. Other galaxies, strange planet civilizations.

Therefore, they can easily integrate into it.

So for Oleg, it is quite impactful and unimaginable. After all, for Belloberg, you said they live in On an ice and snow planet, they didn't believe it.

The first reaction was.


We live on a ball?

The white ball is our world?

This is impossible!

After all, civilization has withered for too long, and it has been trapped in the only place like this. In a city, you can't get out. It's all ice and snow outside, and there are monsters from time to time.

Not to mention, this is underground.

The children living here have never even seen ice and snow, and have no idea.

But Oleg is quite old. Big.

He has been outside.

The current commander on the surface of the earth fire was actually the [guard chief] of the silver-maned iron guard stationed in the lower area in the past, 837 but he still said to Xi'er , was moved.

It was really amazing, about this information.

Common sense told him that this was a bit too incredible, but the things in front of him, the delicacies that were completely different from the Beloberg style, seemed to verify that this came from Another civilized thing.

Belloberg definitely does not have such a good level!


To be precise, he never dreamed that barbecue could be so delicious. It was meat that could not be tasted at all. He couldn't eat it. I cried, and I felt like my life was worth it. Even

Xier found it funny, right?

But Liyue is indeed a bit outrageous, why can food develop like this?

And Natasha was also thinking about it

"Well, I have read in books before. It seems that Belloberg had a very glorious past a long time ago, but now it has become like this. The sky is full of ice, snow and disasters, which has made the place unable to recover."

"Is there an extraterrestrial civilization? It’s really a big deal."


Natasha comes from a pretty good background.

Although she is from a lower-class area, her adoptive parents are both very high-ranking people with a wide network of connections, including the Belloberg Medical College.

That An old couple adopted her in the past.

So Natasha is also a person who has received an elite education.

But she is also shocked by this.

Xier is indeed very mature and special as always.

Not only in In terms of command, individual combat, personal infiltration, searching for town resources in the split world, familiarity with a series of books, going to the upper area without being discovered, etc. are all very powerful. They can be called all-round characters.

They are the two of them. The third in command under her.

This time, she even brought a depth charge, which blew everyone away.

I don’t know how Xier contacted the friend she mentioned.

But Natasha still hesitated.

"Well, Xi'er, do you have a good relationship with this person? Can you ask for his help? The lower-level area has insufficient medical resources. It would be a good thing if some medicines could be replenished."

Even Oleg was embarrassed to scratch his head.

"There is also a shortage of resources in the town. If you can get some food, of course, I won't make it difficult for you, Xier, even if it is only one-tenth of these barbecues, no!"

"One percent of the taste is fine."

"I just don’t know what value we can provide here. After all, currency, since it is a different civilization, it should be completely useless."

There is no interoperability at all.

In fact, here in Belloberg, two currency units are in circulation.

【Winter City Shield] and [Credit Points], the former is the official currency of Beloberg, and the latter is the currency promoted by the Interstellar Peace Company. After a long time, it is still in circulation here in Beloberg.

The exchange ratio between the two is 1:50.

But everyone in Belloberg has forgotten the source of credit points.

And Xier also understood their thoughts very well. As for Natasha, she had also been to other towns in the world to help her find medicine.

Because Natasha is such a kind person.

Very good and excellent doctor.

Uncle Oleg.

In fact, he is a bit like Xi'er's elder, father-like positioning role.

If according to Xi'er's original story, Oleg also took Xi'er as a child to go up there.

Just seeing the people above wasting food makes Xier uncomfortable.

It means these people don’t know that there are still many people in lower-class areas who don’t have enough to eat. certainly.

Today's Xi'er is doing the opposite, robbing the rich and giving to the poor. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

People just have to be flexible.

But in the final analysis, the environment and resources in the lower areas are scarce and harsh. Otherwise, how could the food studied be bad for the body if eaten in excess.

There is just a lack of resources.

So the lower levels need help.

This made Xi'er nod, and she thought hard for a moment.

"Otherwise, exchange it for earth marrow. For us here, this is the most valuable thing."

"I'll wait and ask my friend if he needs (abah) this. They are in Liyue, known as the Kingdom of Rocks, which is good at mining and excavating a series of ores."

"I don’t know how useful the earth marrow is to them now that they have developed like that."

Is it okay to exchange for some daily life resources?

Xi'er doesn't want to be indebted to Su Bai all the time. There is no one with nothing. She has to wait for equal value, communicate and discuss, etc. in a series of ways..

Originally, it wasn’t because the erosion of the world was not eroding so fast.

She wanted to discuss the star core issue with Su Bai.

However, the problem of Panyan Town is here and needs to be faced first. It would be good to improve the living standard..


Sister Natasha has also reached the right age to talk about marriage. Hehehe, Xier showed a sly smile, just sell sister Natasha to Su Bai. Look, how rich it is..

For those who don’t know, I thought that a certain Ms. Raven changed her job as a wet nurse after being exposed on the Internet.

And she must have accumulated SP very quickly.

There is another outrageous thing, Raven’s brother died, Natasha , her brother is also alive and dead, why, you have to pay tribute to this?

He has to die, right?

Anyway, Su Bai can't have a double crow?

Pay tribute to Odin.

Two ravens on the shoulders.

Hi! , why is she so perverted?

Looking at Xier's smile, Natasha suddenly felt a tremor all over her body, a little weird.

Is it an illusion?

"Xi'er, do you have anything to ask me about?"


In front of everyone, Su Bai appeared here instantly.

Oleg and Natasha were shocked.

Regarding their reactions, Su Bai just smiled lightly.

"Hello, Xi'er's partner, I heard her talk about you, no need to be surprised, we are good at space capabilities, otherwise how did Xi'er see me?"

"Do you want to experience it?"

As the words fell, the environment around everyone changed.

They appeared directly in a field of ice and snow. Under the cold wind, Oleg shivered. It was such a low temperature!

After staying down there for a long time, he suddenly came here. , the temperature difference was a bit too big.

But just for a moment, Su Bai whispered

"Temperature adjustment, setting range, within three meters."

In an instant, it became warm here.

Natasha was extremely surprised.

"Is this outside the city? Came to this place all of a sudden?"

"He was clearly in the underground area just a second ago."

This is across the upper level and then outside.

And this temperature.

She was surprised. She could clearly see the wind and snow blowing in the distance, but it was not cold at all here. Is it because of this mysterious young man?

Then they disappeared here again.

At the moment before leaving, Su Bai playfully glanced at a snowdrift on the other side of the snowfield and snapped his fingers.

Then a voice similar to a stranger's sounded there.

"Oh, why did you get into the snowdrift? You're not stupid from the cold, right? The silver-maned iron guard over there, come and take a look."

The next moment, the snowdrift jumped up in fright, and a person came out of it.

He ran away without looking back.

He was yelling curses while running.

"Crazy, what bastard tricked me!"

There seemed to be shouts from the patrolling soldiers of the Silver Mane Iron Guard from behind.

"Who is where? Don't run! Stop it! What are you doing sneaking around here!"

It can only be said that this is Su Bai's usual entertainment behavior.

He is also quite sinister.

That voice was simulated randomly.

I'm afraid the other party will be confused.

In Belloberg, some people like to hide in the snow. Inside the pile, even the Silver-maned Iron Guard sometimes does this, in order to track suspects or something.

Even certain creatures like to hide in snowdrifts.

The fire room in the lower area of ​​Belloberg.

After returning again.

They saw A shocked look appeared inside.

Okay, so powerful.

Is this the power of people from other civilizations in other worlds?.

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