Xi'er showed a hopeful look

"ah? Can you teach me this too?"

"Of course, being able to make my elemental martial arts shine and shine is what I, the creator, want to see. And your future strength will definitely have this ability."


This time, Su Bai didn't give him a martial arts scroll.

With just a few clicks of his finger, a large amount of information poured into Xi'er's mind.

She became instantly familiar with it.

Demon-level elemental martial arts, seven-day seal.

Sea-covering seal , Huntian Seal, Moving Mountain Seal, Ventilation Seal, God-Expelling Seal, Flat Heaven Seal, Qitian Seal.

Each seal can be separated. It is also located at the Demon God level.

When each seal is mastered, the power will be greatly increased, and the seven seals will be combined. One, it’s even more incredible.

The upper limit is very high.

Why does Xi’er feel that she has a strong sense of déjà vu?

This name is one of the Seven Saints, right?

It’s indeed Su Bai from Liyue. The elemental martial arts he created have names like this. Suitable for the occasion and fitting, with a sense of myth and legend.

It’s yours!

But why would you even give such a good thing to yourself? She was so touched.

"In this way, in addition to sickles and alchemy equipment, you also have new powerful moves that you can use however you want."

"It's just that it takes a lot of time to master martial arts and Xiaocheng, so that's fine, come with me"

"I'll train you."

Su Bai directly created a trial space and brought Xi'er into it.

She didn't know at all that her hellish training was coming.

The kind that even Kiana had to be afraid of.

She only knew that in the trial space , her screams kept coming

"What kind of trial is this? You want my life, Su Bai, let me go, ah ah ah ah. 03"

"Bastard, why is there still a trial where you run over me with your car?"

"You think I am Fengyuan!!!"

"Don't come here!"

"He even sealed my power. This is too much. Woohoo, help!"

"Don't be afraid, Xi'er, you are the type who is good at running and speed, why are you panicking?"

"Get out of here! It's not you who got hit!"

A long, long time passed in the trial space, but to the outside it was just a moment.

The next moment,

Xi'er came out with tears in her eyes and looked at Su Bai behind her with resentment.

You guy!!!

This is really training. A test of sealing?

In fact, you are teasing me a lot, right?

"Strange, something happened? Why is the temperature in the square here so low? Oh, it’s freezing to death for me, old Sambo. My little arms and legs can’t help but freeze."

"This heater doesn't work, please add more earth marrow."

"Why are you so stingy? This boss really doesn’t know how to do business!"

Obviously before, this man was still running wildly in the snow, playing hide and seek with the silver-maned iron guard.

Now he is afraid of the cold.

And the upper level is almost enough, he quietly walked along the path He began to head back to the underground area. After all, he often ran up and down.

After a series of careful actions, the man named Sambo successfully returned to the underground area.

As a veteran of wandering around, he paid attention It wasn't just one square that got colder.

It was the same in many other places.

It was as if the earth's essence was not enough and they began to reduce their use expenses.

So Sambo said something.

He was very surprised, what the hell.

The supply of earth marrow is low?

It shouldn’t be.

More than half of the people in the lower areas are counting on this material to survive. How can they choose to have less supply? They are even eager to dig more in the hope of getting more. There is definitely no shortage. That makes sense!

As for what the boss said, could it be that the earth marrow reserves are in short supply? In fact, there is not much earth marrow that can be dug out from below?

Sangbo did not pay attention to this statement.


The earth marrow is still enough for Bellobo He had been holding on for a long time.

So he went back underground, but as soon as he came out of the secret place, someone shouted


"Did the people at the top touch it?"

Sambo was so frightened that he trembled. This situation seemed familiar. Last time, someone shouted something from someone, causing him to be chased by the silver-maned iron guard. It took a lot of effort to escape.

Facing the The spear suddenly came over, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Wait, wait a minute, eldest sister, I am a good person! You have to believe me, I am from the lower class"

"I remembered that the quilt at home was still confiscated, so I went back first!"

Sangbo ran away in a panic.

Then he was chased by a Qianyan Army, and several more in front of him. His face turned green. What happened? Where did this person come from?

He was not from Beloberg at all. Ah!

Why have other outsiders appeared in the underground area? Are they the culprits responsible for the decrease in the amount of earth marrow transported to the lower level?


In fact, this Sambo is also a very extraordinary person.

But what he likes to do is generally They are all kinds of reselling items, and they have some fun and gain happiness in the process.

Essentially, he likes to tease others, and if he is teased, it is even more undesirable.

So he often disguises his identity and acts in a low-key manner. When the boss If you're not careful, he will steal three kilograms of black bread and spices. When he was in the lower area, he often did some work as a salesman.

By the way, he helped Dihuo to pass on information.

But this Qianyan Army felt it. Fairy Eyes, this man is talking nonsense, you don’t even need fairy eyes, you can hear it by listening to his tone.

Who are you kidding?

And there is a Qianyan Army squad leader standing on the roof, silently watching this scene.

In his hand There is an alchemy screen

"Well, the population data of the underground area has already been recorded, and the only ones left are those who are still in the cracked world, but this one who came down from above should be Sambo."

"Let me take a look at the information Master Su Bai gave him."

A series of deeds about Sambo are displayed here. If Sambo knew this, his face would twitch.

The above are all dark blue scams he has done.

After all, this guy has blue hair.

And the upper area is also displayed here. The information and a certain book"Revised Edition of the Anti-Fraud Guide" were specially revised by the upper management.

There were many"Deep Blue Scam" cases and victim records created by Sambo.

It made him think deeply.

So that's it. (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And Sambo also saw so many people, blocking everything in front and back, and had to give up resistance. He was also very curious in his heart.

Belloberg has not been civilized for many years. Come here.

Is this, which civilization accidentally came here from the star track?

It's quite unlucky.

Due to the influence of the star core, the star track here is blocked, which is equivalent to the road ahead being cut off. , we can only stop.

The Interstellar Peace Company stopped coming here a long time ago.

This is an area that has long been forgotten.

In the universe, many years ago, Beloberg was led by the pioneering star god. The orbit connected here, ushering in prosperous development, and it was the star orbit left by this Star God in the universe. It has become the safe route for the Immortal Boat Alliance and the Interstellar Peace Company.

Everyone uses this star orbit.

Without this thing, it’s really hard to say how the universe would flow and cross. It would be very troublesome.

We can only gradually explore and move forward.

Therefore, Beloberg, who has been ignored for a long time, ushered in a new world outside the world. Are you a visitor? It’s really interesting.

As for the specific information, Sambo can’t tell.

After all, there are countless civilizations in one galaxy alone. Who can remember coming here? There are so many as ghosts!

He only cares about being content and happy every day in the shell Loberg could run up and down the area and be chased by all kinds of things.

Not to mention, being chased by the silver-maned iron guard was quite exciting. He liked this feeling. He hadn't been chased for a while and he wasn't used to it.

So he He is very honest. He has always hidden his own information, otherwise it would be boring. He usually wears various disguises to prevent others from discovering him. Here, he has a bunch of false identities. For example, he is a cold-legged uncle.

Naturally. Along the way, he started to be courteous to Qianyanjun, as if rubbing his hands together. Unfortunately, Qianyanjun knew exactly what kind of person he was.

Pretending was useless.

So Sangbo was depressed. I was disappointed.

Hey, why are these guys and girls so disciplined? They are too serious and can’t even get any useful information.

But everyone thinks that this guy is not a bad person..

At best, he is a fun-loving person.

So when he went to Panyan Town, he gave him a piece of barbecue, which surprised Sambo. What the hell, he is not going to poison me to death, right?

Not to mention 597, it is quite exquisite.

A The box contained barbecue, with knives and forks on it.

Seeing everyone else eating, Sangbo took a tentative bite and his eyes widened.

He was so moved.

"Oh my god, your food is so good. Are you even willing to share this with me? I didn’t expect you to be so good."

"If we had known earlier, we wouldn't have run away, right?"

"Very good, you will be my Sambo’s friends from now on"

"Well, let me tell you, my last meal was just a small bite of grilled mushrooms, and I'm still hungry. It's not easy to survive in this world."

His exaggerated performance made a Qianyanjun couldn't stand it any longer. He spoke speechlessly.

"In fact, you can wipe off the remaining cream chocolate from the corners of your mouth first."

Sangbo was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head in embarrassment and laughed.

"Hehe, hehe."


I forgot to remove the traces of cake that I had eaten on the upper floor before.


But for Sambo, this is also part of the joy of life.

Being exposed, it will be embarrassing for a while at most.

Then continue to be shameless.

The result He was escorted to Earth Fire. When he saw the familiar Natasha and Xier, he quickly cried out for help.

"Oh, isn't this a misunderstanding? Sister, please let these people let me go."

"I was just passing by and why was I caught?"

A certain female Qian Yanjun on the side added.

"If you weren't feeling guilty, would you run away?"


Sambo was speechless, and then suddenly remembered

"Ah, yes, I have never seen you before. I am a commoner, how can I not be afraid?"

"You are not a commoner."

What surprised Sambo was that a young man next to Natasha looked him up and down, and then suddenly said

"I have an impression. When I came to your surface city, the traffic above..."

Sambo instantly panicked.

Because what the other party wants to say is probably about the wanted order.

He has recently been targeted by the Silver Mane Iron Guard again

"Oh brother, brother! Please stop talking, no, no!".

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