What a prosperous civilization.

Whether it is the magnificent creation of the giant gods, the scene of changing the world, many rainforest cities and flying creatures, a series of artificial rainfall, advanced urban agglomerations, various magical items, and gliding trains in the sky.

Spaceships fill the sky.

And the underground with its forest ocean.

It's so vast.

Perhaps, this is only a small part of Liyue, and there are many more amazing things that I have not seen.

Thinking about it this way, she was even more shocked.

This is a highly developed civilization.

So after that, she and Su Bai returned to the discussion room in Panyan Town. When they were about to go out, Bronya suddenly remembered that she still had the [Wind Cattail Fan] on her.

A very delicate looking item. very cute.

But the effect is very great.

And after returning here, she could feel that she had become much more comfortable here.


Bronya reluctantly returned it to Su Bai, after all, it was someone else’s thing.

In the end, Su Bai just smiled and shook his head.

"If you like it, just accept it. As long as you don't worry about any bad effects, that's fine"

"And the power inside can protect your mind"

"After all, even if I say that this is just a small item, a suspicious person will still have many thoughts."

Bronya waved quickly

"You are worrying too much. I have already felt your kindness, Mr. Su Bai, but do you really want to give this to me?"

"Um. Don't worry, it's not something expensive."

This makes her veryFeeling embarrassed, Bronya, who had been influenced by etiquette and knowledge since she was a child, wanted to give a gift to Mr. Su Bai in the same way.

It is only reasonable that things come and go.

So she turned over her body, then her eyes lit up, and she took out a medal

"Mr. Su Bai, I can't take what you have for nothing. I'll give this to you. Maybe for your items, mine is a lot worse."

"However, the highest purity earth marrow crystal is inlaid here, which also represents my past achievements. It is the most important item on my body. I hope you can accept it well."

"Medal? I think it's better for you to keep it yourself."

"No, take it."

Just when the two were pushing each other, there was a noise outside.

This made Bronya shyly put it into Su Bai's hand, and then ran away quickly.

When she turned around, she showed a smiling face

"Thank you for showing me around, Bronya. Thank you very much. When I go back to the Great Guardian to talk about the problem of the star core, I will come back to you immediately."


She still planned to go back first.

So Bronya went outside and realized that she had been away for a long time and others were worried about her, but it would be nothing when she came out.

Then the team went to the upper floor.Another part of the mining area

"Check out Hook's new hole machine, go ahead, Fire Missile!"

Facing several blue monsters like birds flying towards them, Hook took the hole machine newly modified by Zhiqiong and directly released several missiles, blowing up all the frost crystal creations in one fell swoop. Broken!

Fire and smoke shrouded this place.

After the fog dissipated, Ke screamed excitedly

"As expected of Sister Zhiqiong's strengthening, Hook should pull her into my mole party, so that my dark reputation as Lord Hook can be known to everyone in the lower areas."

And facing other monsters rushing towards her, Hook directly converted the hole machine on his hand into a vehicle. He sat on it and turned the handle!

Very quickly.

This is like an alchemy motorcycle, No, judging from the equipment in the lower area, it should be a vehicle like a steam motorcycle. It burst into flames and carried her away in a hurry.

Seeing that the monster could only eat ashes behind it made Hook very happy. Yue's skills are so amazing!

Now if the Rangers dare to be arrogant, she can crush those guys.

Uh, wait.

It seems that the bad guys in the Rangers are almost gone.

They are all the Qianyan Army. I don’t know if there will be others who came from other places.

I heard from Sister Zhiqiong that she learned explosions and alchemy. The reason why she learned alchemy was because of the astonishing fame achieved by her elder brother Su Bai.

She was like this. What about

Brother Su Bai?

At this time, a world-splitting monster aimed an arrow at Hook. It was a familiar centaur monster, the Wind Maker. This time, in order to test the equipment, Hook was a little bit It went too deep.

Some of the cracks were cleared by the Qianyan Army.

Just when the attack was about to fall, a cold snort came from the distance.

"Barrier sword! go!"

A silver sword was suddenly thrown over and stood behind Hook, forming a silver barrier that directly blocked the attack. It also shocked Hook.

What happened?

Then she also Noticed the monster and gritted his teeth

"Damn it, you actually attacked Hook secretly"

"See if Hook kills you.."

As a result, the next moment, a familiar voice sounded again

"Explosive sword."

Another black sword was inserted into the world-breaking monster with lightning speed, and an astonishing explosion instantly covered it.

Hook turned around in shock.

Then he was pleasantly surprised.

"Sister Zhiqiong!"


As a result, she was slapped in the head by Zhiqiong and was severely scolded.

"Hook, what are you doing? It’s very dangerous, do you know that?"

"To be so careless, think about what you would do if I didn't come here."

Xie'er on the side looked at Hook feeling aggrieved and chose to turn his head away.

He said coldly.

"Should be beaten"


Xier looked at a very thin rectangular box behind Zhiqiong in surprise. How thin it was. It could only hold a sword inside, and it was just right.

"Zhiqiong, what kind of equipment do you have?"

She gave Hook missile and vehicle functions, as well as a series of small attacks and so on.

Xi'er thought it was a bit strange, but it was normal.

After all, this is the future version of Liyue.

And there are some ruins in Teyvat. When the guards of the Diaomao ruins encounter you, it will be a wave of locks + missiles.

Missiles are flying all over the sky. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at it this way, there are often many adventurers in Teyvat, and they are Killed by a missile?

Or, even if you resist a missile, you won't die?

After all, it's impossible for everyone to have the eye of God.

And today's Liyue has also led to many changes in Zhiqiong.

Facing Xi'er's Doubtful, and Hook also turned his probing eyes over, Zhiqiong smiled proudly.

"Hehe, this is the alchemy equipment that Master Su Bai rewarded me for my achievements.——【Magic Sword Box】"

"Of course I prefer to call it the Explosive Sword Box!"

This is fairy-level equipment.

It is very powerful and full of lethality.

Its function is to generate a magic sword with various effects after a period of time. It can be summoned directly and then thrown out. Depending on the power, the speed of generation will be different. The time is also different.

Those with less power can grow more and faster.

Among them, in addition to the barrier sword and explosive sword just now, there are also storm sword, thunder sword, fire sword, dark sword, flash sword and so on. A series of swords, and you can arrange sword formations, timed sword explosions, detonations, traps, etc. according to your ideas. There are many uses.

It can also be used as a bow to shoot spiral swords.


What sword bones.

Anyway, most of them are exploding swords that can release astonishing power, which is perfect for Zhiqiong, an explosion maniac.

She happily slept with the sword box in her arms every day.

So cool!

This is simply the equipment of my dreams!

And Zhiqiong suddenly complained speechlessly.

"`It's a pity that my friends all say that I am a magic sword launcher and have taken such a title. Damn it, those of them who also use flying swords, how dare they say that to me?"

"Even if I had to give him a nickname, it would have to be the Demon Sword Explosion Master!"

"Do you understand what explosion is? It is art."

At this time, the monster in the distance came running, Zhiqiong's eyebrows were dancing with joy.

"Watch out, another use of this sword box is the group attack technique!"

She directly took down the sword box, inserted it on the ground in front of her, and cast a spell.

In an instant, the sword box itself was like a peacock opening its tail, and glowing white swords appeared from both sides, which were then controlled by Zhiqiong. The sword skills flew out one after another.

In an instant, terrifying waves of explosions came from over there.

All the monsters were washed away and bombed.

Now there were no monsters at all.

(Li's) was also accompanied by the explosion and impact of energy, setting off a heat wave, and the caves here were crumbling.

The temperature has risen quite a bit.

Xier was silent again.

She understood why Zhiqiong was called a magic sword launcher.

The production inspiration of that guy Su Bai.

Not only does it have the Earth Demon Sword + FGO Sword Bones, but it also has Teresa's Judas, right?

Does Theresa know about your equipment?

Um, wait.

It seems that Spider World also has something like this.

This is so good at sewing.

Moreover, if this kind of equipment is used for a long time, it can easily cause the user to become significantly weaker once the weapon is gone.

Seeing Zhiqiong like this, I hope she can take advantage of it.

It's outrageous.

When Xi'er ran to see Su Bai, her eyes lit up and she said proudly.

"Let's go, Su Bai, I want to repay the favor"


"Let me take you to meet another young lady. Bronya has already gone to [Clipper Castle] to find Cocolia. During this time, let’s also meet someone. She is in the upper area."

Belloberg Upper District Altar

【Yongdong Mechanical House]

The temperature inside is very low at this time, and the floor heating outside is broken and has not been repaired yet.

But it’s useless to repair it now.

Because the intact marrow heater inside also plays a minimal role..

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