The performance is very spectacular

"According to records, there have been two Envoys of the Order of Plenty so far."

"Hey, two?"

Morgan was surprised. She thought there was just one person coming out.

But after a moment, Morgan's eyes lit up.

"I see! It's Rakshasa! With this face, he definitely wouldn't be an ordinary person, so he is actually the Envoy of Abundance, right?"

In this case.

Aren't there just two?

Su Bai paused for a moment, and then spoke

"The first more conspicuous Envoy of Abundance is actually the leader of the [WingMakers] civilization.——【Yuhuang】"

The so-called Wing Makers are also the great enemies of the Immortal Boat.

There are two wings on the back.

In the past, they lived in the world of trees called Qiongsang, causing chaos everywhere and being notorious. However, they were later defeated by the anti-matter army, causing this force to fall apart.

It became a ball of loose sand.

Judging from this situation, the Envoy of the Order of Abundance [Feather Emperor] may have died.

"Therefore, Rakshasa may be the third messenger of fertility."


All of a sudden there were three

"Then, what happened to the Order of Abundance, and he was the second one to come out? A newcomer to Queen Feather?"

"Newcomer? That's not true. The opponent's record of"657" is much better than that of the WingMakers."

【Suhu] This fertile messenger is definitely no stranger to the Immortal Boat Alliance.

Because if we count the time, during the Second Fengrao People's War, it was this [Suddenly] who led his men to focus on the Immortal Boat [Yuque] and besieged it, almost destroying the Immortal Boat.

Each fairy boat has different functions.

As for this [Yuque] Immortal Boat, you can tell by looking at the information they sent. There are always various"Supervision Reports" from this Immortal Boat.

They are like the Immortal Boat Alliance's reconnaissance, enemy search, radar, and detection ship positioning.

Responsible for observing a series of trends and transmitting intelligence.

Once it is knocked out, the eyes and ears of the Immortal Boat Alliance will be gone, and it will easily become deaf and blind.

This was naturally the plan of the Envoy of Fertility.

At that time, the [Yuque] Immortal Boat was indeed on its last legs. The Interstellar Peace Company quickly asked the [Erudition Society] to dispatch the [Erudition] Legion to join forces with the Immortal Boat to fight against the enemy.

Among them, the story of Wuxiao on the Cloud also happened at this stage, resulting in the birth of five heroes.

Famous in the Immortal Boat Alliance!

That is Jingyuan, Jingliu, Yingxing, Danfeng, and Baiheng.

Together they shattered the living stars.

You can tell.

Dan Feng, the Dragon Lord, has obviously lost the glory of the Immortal Star God period long ago, and is not an envoy.

We all fight together.

Anyway, the gathering and alliance of all forces were able to defeat this disaster that was suddenly brought about by the Order of Abundance.

And speaking of Jingliu among the Five Xiaos.

She came from the fairy boat [Cangcheng], but this fairy boat was swallowed by the activated planet [Rahu] before, so she could only come to the Luofu fairy boat.

Whose handiwork is this [Rahu]?

It was this Order of Abundance again [Suddenly] who ignited the Death Star, gave it life, and indirectly killed an immortal ship.

After the incident with these two fairy boats, it was this guy again who personally led an army to attack the Luofu fairy boat!

The army pressed on the territory, shouting to kill, shaking the sky, and blood flowed into rivers.

It can be said to be extremely tragic.

There were corpses of Yunqijun everywhere.

As a result, not one of Yunqi's troops survived, and half of Luofu Cave and Sky was destroyed.

So you will find a detail.

On today's Luofu Fairy Boat, these managers are all so young, because the older generation has almost finished fighting, and the younger generation has not yet been able to catch up.

Historically, it was called the Sudden Rebellion.

At that time, the Luofu Immortal Boat was extremely powerful, and there were so many masters. The general at that time was not Jing Yuan, but a man named [Teng Xiao]. At that time, the Divine Lord was used by him, and he was the contemporary hunting envoy.

Jing Yuan is still a Yunqi Xiaowei holding a sword.

Then it’s the general [Teng Xiao]】+【The luxurious lineup of"Five Heroes on the Cloud", the latter includes"Dragon Master" and"Luofu Sword Head".

But even so.

Longzun Danfeng was still beaten and unable to resist.

Various comrades around him died.

Anyway, Luofu Immortal Boat paid a huge price in that battle.

The unknown about Wuxiao on the Cloud was precisely because of this war that triggered a series of stories.

Ying Xing (Blade) also has a [Sudden] blessing on him.

What a bad taste.

As mentioned before, Ying Xing's hometown was destroyed by the Fengrao people [Waili people], and everyone in his hometown was turned into pieces of meat.

He hated the rich people to his core.

A blood feud.

As a result, this emissary also converted him into a rich citizen.

The main thing is an explosion.

He was obviously an envoy of the Order of Fertility, but he behaved in such a bad and fun way.

As an envoy of fertility, how many immortal boats did he encounter along the way?

It can really cause trouble

【Yuhuang's record is not half as good as his.

Let’s not talk about the final outcome, after all, the Luofu Immortal Boat is still there.

On the other hand, it seems that the immortal boats of the Immortal Boat Alliance have been involved in various wars, and many of them have experienced difficult battles.

This made Morgan ponder

"Huh? Is it very possible that Marshal Hua is on the Yaoqing Immortal Boat? Yao Qing is the alliance's main victory force. Once defeated, it will weaken the spirit of the entire Xianzhou Alliance."

"So a heavyweight master is needed to take charge."

"It was Fang Hu who couldn't resist the accident, but Yao Qing seemed to be fighting well?"

These days.

It's already difficult without an envoy. A civilization without such protection from combat power may be wiped out at any time. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As a result, the Fairy Boat Alliance Even though they have the fighting power of the envoy, the battle is so difficult.

The key to each immortal boat is that they are the general (the envoy), there is also a Dragon Lord, and a sword leader.

The three pillars stand together and help each other.

The Dragon Lord is not only One, and more than one sword head. As mentioned in Yanqing's mission, Luofu's sword head has always been empty, and no one is taking it, so he wants to get this title.

And he is very confident, saying that he will win it!

Although he asked Jing Jing Where did the flow come from? Jingliu said [Cangcheng], and he actually said,"Is there such a fairy boat?"

Why didn't he remember it?

It's funny.

It was obviously one of the fairy boats that were swallowed up in the past, so it must be very famous. History.

It is normal that the affairs of Jingliu will be blocked.

But [Cangcheng] Xianzhou was sacrificed in the war. Not only will this not be blocked, but it must be remembered in history.

It seems that Yanqing is also I have practiced swordsmanship a lot.

I haven’t started studying history yet.

What kind of big name is Li Sushang?

It seems that he came out of the same way.

Morgan shook his head for a while.

"Looking at it this way, the gold content of the Dragon Lord has plummeted. No wonder they want to join the Immortal Boat Alliance. It is not easy for them to survive on their own. However, the Vidyadhara clan here in Luofu..."

It’s really hard to describe 0........

Especially those dragon masters

"This makes me doubt whether the [Immortal Power] on that planet is enough. After all, it is the power exerted by the Vidyadharas. It seems that I need to let the treasure keeper work hard."

No big deal.

When the time comes, with her knowledge of law and martial arts, and her immortal power, she should be able to forcefully squeeze into the envoys, right?

Thus, she can cultivate an envoy.

Let's start fiercely. Exploding a wave of gold coins from the Awakening Tribe.

Alas, that’s not right.

They, Liyue, got it based on their ability.

Anyway, it’s there, no one else would it?

Morgan felt confident.

Then she smiled

"After doing this, Fu Hua became embarrassed again, but it's okay. Isn't this your role as husband? Slowly cultivate Fu Hua, then slowly take her down and hold her in your arms."

"Hold the beauty back."

After all, according to Morgan's discovery, Su Bai has gradually entered Fu Hua's heart.

He often goes to accompany others to reminisce about the past in good name.

I'm afraid. You always see good things, right?

Fu Hua will be finished by you. I'm afraid she has been extremely shy more than once or twice.

At this time, Morgan also saw the information from Tiandao Terminal.

There was playfulness in her eyes.

"oh? After gathering a series of new ores, and through constant experiments, the immortals created another new type of immortal gold based on the past [Taiyi Fine Gold]."

"really not bad."

This is the benefit of having more types and resources.

In Liyue in the past, only those types could be used to develop a hammer.

On the contrary, now it is possible to make breakthroughs one after another.

Immortal gold can be used in all aspects, and it is in the construction of civilization. It is a very important cornerstone.

Infrastructure is needed, items are needed, forging is needed, furnaces are needed, alchemy ships are built, battle ships are cultivated, immortal ships are needed in every place. Is n’t it like Qianshu battle ships that are grown? ?

In the process of cultivation, it is also necessary to incorporate absorption alloys. The new Immortal Gold 4.8 means that [battleships] can be improved and equipped with different combinations, so that they can grow ships with better performance.

What a construction panacea.

And The [Ten Thousand Years Immortal Ice] developed before has also been used to create something to assist in the practice of elemental martial arts. It can help calm the mind and avoid going crazy. If you are richer, make a whole piece of it and make it into ice. Bed.

Usually sitting cross-legged on it to practice, it is of great help and bonus to the ice system.

And various other functions, centered around its [ice] characteristics, it can be said to be rich and colorful.

Various fairy golds, Very interesting.

However, many of them were synthesized with the help of [Taiyi Fine Gold], which is an advanced synthetic material. As a result, just a few moments later, Morgan was surprised to find that the new type of fairy gold on the front foot had just been studied and Invented.

The next moment, another kind of fairy gold also came out.

"Uh-huh, is this a coincidence? I took the earth marrow transported from Yaliluo No. 6, plus new ores soaked in other worlds, and a series of combinations, and I succeeded in creating an immortal by chance. gold"

"Still golden."

It's really good.

This represents the vitality of civilization's continuous prosperity.

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