They couldn't help but be shocked.

As expected of Lady Bronya, she has done such a big thing not long after taking office.

It almost shook Belloberg’s middle and upper classes.

If we continue to do so, many departments will be paralyzed.

Because these people have too many forces.

He is so confident that even the Landau family is not afraid. Naturally, there is a whole network of relationships, which is intricate.

It's not about fighting alone, it's not about fighting and killing.

The other great guardians wouldn't dare to do it so violently and exaggeratedly, so they had to take their time.

Process one by one.

But everyone knows very well that Lady Bronya is confident.

Beloberg established a contractual relationship with Liyue and established a relationship with friendly civilizations, thus receiving their technical and material support.

Even if this news will temporarily cause Beloberg to break his muscles and bones, it will be worth it!

And they were shocked to find that the Grand Guardian Guangfa recruitment and assessment would retrain and select a new batch of official personnel, so that everyone could sign up enthusiastically, and Liyue would not interfere at all in this.

Very shocking.

Because some people speculate that they deserve it if they jerk off so much at once.

But will this lead to a large number of people from Liyue entering Belloberg's decision-making level, and then becoming"693" for others?

The result was truly shocking.

Liyue doesn't care at all?

People were ashamed of it. It seemed that they were overthinking it.

And judging from the Liyue people I have come into contact with, they are all noble-minded and open-minded people. Their confidence and dazzling light can completely show how developed their civilization is.

The breadth of spirit and thought alone is far beyond the imagination of the Beloberg people.

Is this an advanced civilization?

What a surprise and admiration.

So when this came out, people became excited.

Those who have some talent are rushing to sign up, which means that there are opportunities now.

It will be the best of times.

Because so many of those families have been eliminated, there are suddenly many more ways to rise, and there is no need to worry about being suppressed.

Beloberg will usher in a new life!

The outer area is the melting zone of ice and snow.

At this time, Su Bai and Bronya walked here slowly and stopped in front of an ice and snow statue. The snow here was gradually melting, but because it was too thick, it would still take some time.

But Su Bai suddenly reminded me

"Your drainage and flood discharge facilities must be built in advance. This is the first thing to consider after your new structure is stabilized."

"Many areas were involved."

Because it snows all year round on Yaliluo No. 6, it keeps falling, and the snow layer is actually very thick.

Some of the buildings outside have long been covered by ice and snow.

The little bit on the ground you see is just the roof in the past..

You know how exaggerated it is.

After it melts, Belloberg will have to consider not being flooded.

If something is not done in advance, some areas and houses will be very troublesome.

When the snow disaster is over, then Flood.

Of course.

This is not the focus this time.

Su Bai looked at the statue in front of him. In fact, it was an enemy who invaded this planet a long time ago.——【Antimatter Legion].

They are the legions of destruction, roaming the galaxy turbulently and mightily, bringing disaster and destruction to countless worlds.

In the past, these antimatter legions were raging on this planet, until the snow and ice fell, turning them into their current appearance one by one, like decorations, like stones on the roadside.

But in fact, perhaps, they are also waiting

"Bronya, did you know that the Antimatter Legion was born in the [Forge of War]?"

"The Crucible of War?"

"Constantly being beaten in the flames, constantly being recast in the heat waves, thus mastering the power of destruction. A steady stream of legions appeared, they were born from fire and were born to be used as weapons."

"But now the wind and snow have stopped."

Her eyes widened instantly

"Is it possible?"

A terrible thought quickly appeared in Bronya's mind. Are these things still alive?

And she also heard Su Bai's next words.

"I'm going to unfreeze them."


Wait, wait, what are you going to do! Su Bai!

She panicked.

This is the anti-matter army.

After this, a large number of silver-maned Iron Guards gathered in the Iron Guard restricted area. Here, under the command of the commander, Broni was talking to Su Bai on the high platform in the distance.

"Su Bai, I was scared by you before, but do you really want to do this?"

"Well, on the contrary, I use your place as a battlefield to train the Qianyan Army. For you, it is not a good thing."

"Please don't say that."

She said in a deep voice

"Without you, we would still have to face the antimatter army in the future. Beloberg should be grateful. So just regionalizing some ice and snow into a battlefield is nothing."

"So this time, please let the Silver Mane Iron Guard join the battle."

"After they heard about this incident, they also enthusiastically signed up to protect their homeland."

Even if they are just cooperating with the Qianyan Army.

But no one wants to stand by.

They are the civilization living here. In the past, these anti-matter legions ignited the planet, causing wars to burn everywhere. Countless gunpowder smoke filled the air of Yalilo 6. Planet.

Despair and destruction are sweeping here.

But the people in the past are still fighting bravely!

Today's Silver-maned Iron Guards also have to protect this place, so I also want to know what it is like to fight against these monsters, even if Just experiencing some of them is precious.

So when Su Bai and the others came over, Bronya also inspected the many iron guards. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) and drink

"Do you still remember your oath and mission?"

"Protect the last city-state of mankind! Beloberg, who is waiting to protect me!"

"Great, so what should you do?"

"Raise your weapons and defend the glory of the Silver Mane Iron Guard! Defend the honor of the builders! Fight for the people!"

The turbulent and neat shouts resounded here.

Su Bai nodded slowly

"Now, it's time for my army to come over."

Su Bai just clapped his hands.

The next moment, a large amount of light began to appear in the sky, just like the stars in the sky had arrived, and they lit up one after another. Even during the day, they were still so majestic and vast..

In that light, Qianshu battleships appeared out of thin air one after another, and the number could not be counted at once.

Huge numbers of air fleet groups continued to appear here. 0.........

Showing the majesty of dominating the sky!

And it’s still growing!

There are flying ships everywhere.

The silver-maned iron guards who looked at them all raised their heads, with extremely shocked expressions on their faces, and their hearts were greatly shocked!

My whole body is shaking!

Is this what Liyue's real mobilization of the army looks like?

It’s completely different from what they thought!

Not only do they have ground combat capabilities, they also have so many creations that can fly in the sky?

How vast!

How terrifying!

For Belloberg, they don't have any flying machinery, and their civilization has already weakened to the point where it is difficult to recover. Not to mention that the sky is full of blizzards and only terrible cold currents will appear.

The higher you go, the colder it gets.

Birds can freeze into ice cubes for you and fall right off!

So it has always been a long-term ground battle!

So they, who had never seen aerial combat before, saw so many Liyue flying ships appear, and the feeling was unparalleled horror. Their scalps were numb, and they felt a tremor rush from the soles of their feet directly to Tianling Gai.

All over the sky! Look down at the earth!

Let them just look up!

Even Geppard Landau, the silver-maned Iron Guard garrison officer, had already lost his cool and looked at this scene in shock.

The hands holding the shield were sweating.

One can imagine how it made him feel. and.

Why, why are there so many?

He thought that the scale of the fight this time would not be very big.

But unfreeze an area?

After all, the number of antimatter legions frozen in ice is very large, and they are everywhere on the planet. Otherwise, how could they have defeated Beloberg in the first place, saying that they were endless and endless?

It’s just because the quantity is so outrageous.

In addition, these things are not human at all, not flesh and blood.

Soldiers like those on Yalilo 6 will be injured and bleed, which will affect the situation.

Continuous and rapid attrition.

Even if the Anti-Material Legion had one hand, it wouldn't be a problem. It still had a cold look on its face and chopped it off with its other hand!

In terms of consumption, Yaliluo No. 6 suffered a big loss.

We can't afford this kind of war damage.

So now. 1.6

The most reasonable efficiency and method is that a regionIt takes a lot of time to scan an area.

But it's safe and convenient.

But look at this posture.

I'm afraid my guess was wrong, very wrong!

Liyue's situation is much bigger than he thought!

Are you planning to include them all in one go?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but break into a cold sweat and even took a breath.

What a confidence.

And the other party also showed such strength, it was so frightening!

A fleet that checks and balances the sky?

It is said that in the distant past, those alien beings came here in spaceships. As a result, now, such spaceships can be seen wherever you look.

Even Xi'er, who was standing here and leading the army, sighed again.

Liyue spaceship formation.

No matter how many times I watch it, it's still very impactful.

Feel it again.

How cool it is to have a big boss in the group who has a huge and powerful force.


Next time she also wants to try the feeling of flying a flying ship to fight.

It must be awesome!

Soar in the sea of ​​stars and fight against icy enemies!.

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