And after everyone enjoyed a dinner.

Looking at these two beauties, Lisa's plump body and slender black stocking legs, as well as Esdeath's tall and domineering beauty, can be said to be straight and straight when walking.

A rare and beautiful woman.

So Su Bai spoke slightly

"Today is our first night at Luofu Xianzhou, so we should remember it carefully"

"Let's go and see what the second floor is like."

The two women couldn't help but have their beautiful eyes flowing, smiled, and then took the initiative to hold Su Bai's hand and walked towards the stairs.

They also accompanied him closely.

Lisa also joked

"Esdeath is so amazing. Although he is very domineering outside, once he follows the cutie, he immediately becomes tender and affectionate. This kind of switching also makes the cutie like it very much."

"Lisa, please stop making fun of me. Last time, Su Bai asked me to show my domineering side, and then bullied me severely."


It really made Lisa laugh.

But Esdeath also said it with a smile. After all, she liked Su Bai so much.

It's great to be such a good lover to her all the time.

This is the tacit understanding between her and him Ah.

The next day,

Su Bai, Esdeath, and Lisa began their life of traveling to Xianzhou.

First, they went to the very famous [Zhiweishengyuan] in Xianzhou.

As you can tell by the name, this is Xianzhou. They can taste a series of special dishes from Luofu Xianzhou and Alliance, such as [Ming Ting Cuisine] and [De Yue Cuisine].

This can't help but remind them of those two days in Liyue. So, [Liyue] and [Yuecai] used to occupy half of Liyue respectively.

But later,

Liyue’s cuisine developed greatly, and a lot of new cuisines began to challenge these two types of 583.

As a result, it has evolved now It became the posture of a hundred flowers blooming.

As for the one here in Xianzhou, they tried it.


Very good.

A completely different style from Liyue's, and the two sides have embarked on different paths.

It would be perfect if they could complement each other.

After all, They found that there were many types and ingredients they had never seen before, coming from various galaxies in the Milky Way, which was very interesting.

But over in Liyue, their own family members knew about their own affairs.

That was even more incredible.

Even those from other worlds You can see the ingredients.

There is far more than one kind.

But if Liyue can have more of these, the types of food will explode again, right?

After all, there is no end to the ingredients.

But it’s like Xianzhou There is a very strange phenomenon in the Immortal civilization. Like in other civilizations, the signboard is a"hundred-year-old store", but here. Any random store is a store with a history of more than a hundred years.

The ones that are slightly famous are all Thousands of years ago.

And if you ate in this restaurant five hundred years ago, if you come back again, you will be surprised to find that it is still the same boss, and maybe the chef is also the same.

That feeling is very interesting.

Think about it, Liyue will also appear in the future If this situation was opened by an immortal, then thousands of years have passed and the immortal is still the shopkeeper, so it would have a sense of transcending time.

This sense of immortality is something that Liyue and the Xianzhou Alliance have. A point that resonates.

And what’s fun is that maybe some tourists who come to Xianzhou Alliance for the first time will be frightened by the gimmick of the [100-year-old restaurant], but they find that it is not delicious and are deceived.

Because the so-called century-old, There is no gold content at all.

People in Xianzhou may be over a hundred years old after reading (cicc) books, and their cooking skills may not be that good. They still have to look at the chef.

But Su Bai took them to this most famous One of the stores, we won’t encounter this problem.

I heard that there is also a [Shangziwei].

They plan to try it next time.

While traveling, Lisa noticed the trees planted everywhere, which seemed to It was no different from an ordinary tree, but she knocked it a little, and the trunk made a metallic sound.

It made her thoughtful.

After all, Lisa was also a genius, so she noticed this immediately.

Su Bai smiled

"Isn't it interesting? In fact, the trees here were created by the Immortal Boat Alliance using biological cultivation projects, so they are different from ordinary trees."

"This can be regarded as a characteristic of Xianzhou."

It's like the pioneer [Xing]. In the previous life plot, she took her stick and hit the tree with it, trying to get the book off the tree.

It turned out that the tree didn't move at all.

She was surprised to find out. This situation.

Many things on the Luofu Immortal Boat have this characteristic. It seems that the first impression is that of an ancient country. The architecture and the style of various things also have that ancient feel.

In fact, in essence, they are all hidden mysteries. They are all high-end Technology.

Xianzhou Technology, girl.


Therefore, this kind of [preserving ancient customs] requires other people who come to Xianzhou to adapt to it, otherwise they will easily be confused.

Sometimes you will find that the lighting tool on Xianzhou is a fish.

Inside is the manufacturing technology.

Complex and cumbersome, it’s like a work of art.

It’s not the tech-style flashlight you think of anyway.

People who are used to living in a technologically advanced world will be blinded when they come here. What you think and what is actually happening are completely different.

As a result, I need to guess what this is for.

While they were walking here, the voices of other immortal boat people and tourists came from behind.

"Who is that? I am a staff member of the Earth Hengs Department. Please take out the [Die Butterfly Illusion]. I want to confiscate it."

"Why!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sorry, because you have violated the laws of Xianzhou, the one in your hand is more advanced and requires an age limit of more than 350 years before it can be used."


"What about these two?"

"This one is 100 years old, this one is 200 years old. It turns out you have two hidden on your body, almostFound it and confiscated it too"

"you!!! But I myself will not live to be a hundred years old!"

Lisa and the others all turned their heads curiously and looked at that scene. It was quite interesting.

After listening to it for a few times, I understood that it turned out that [Die Butterfly Fantasy] has a grading system, and those under the age are not allowed to watch it..

This is really surprising.

The higher the age requirement, what kind of heavyweight content will be in it.

But it should be serious.

For example, some alien war?

Or it may be too violent, and young immortals are strictly prohibited. Boatman watching?

A fantasy where you can immerse yourself wholeheartedly and do all kinds of impossible things in reality. It sounds a bit like a combination of a virtual world and a movie.

So I heard the girl’s unwilling cry.

"Wow, this is the science fiction blockbuster I want to watch. That was the story of the battle between the Vidyadhara clan and the super-ancient planet monster civilization that had awakened."


Everyone was happy.

Sure enough, in this Luofu Alliance, you can see all kinds of things related to age and time.

Then they also walked to the bookstore and browsed a series of popular classic novels and"Luofu Xianzhou" Literature, among which the store manager recommended a lot. Lisa looked at a book called"The Fisherman's Case". She couldn't help but shake her head.

"This name is really not attractive enough, but it is also a classic detective story that has been popular for many years?"

Xianzhouren's book has been serialized for a longer time.

It has been here for hundreds of years, and it is still serialized here. It is estimated that there are many short-lived ones. Now there is really no new content. I asked my grandson to burn it in front of his grave in the future. Myself.

It was originally a joke.

But here in the Immortal Boat Alliance, it is a situation that often happens.

Especially the stories written by the Immortal Boat people.

Lisa saw a book that was still serialized 800 years ago. I heard that the author I became addicted to [Emperor Yuan Qiongyu] and played cards or cards every day. Countless readers in the galaxy who followed this book were very angry about it.

They all denounced Emperor Yuan Qiongyu for being harmful!

Expressing whether there is an immortal boat People, hurry up and urge the update.

By the way, the people who promote [Imperial Palace Qiongyu] should be beaten!

No, ten times.

Otherwise it will be difficult to relieve everyone’s hatred!


At this time, the anonymity effect comes out

"But this"Fishing Case" is really interesting. It seems that it has been popular for hundreds of years and has become a classic because of its excellent content. It tells the story of the protagonist, a fisherman, who was given poison by a mysterious man in black."

"As a result, he survived the disaster, but his body shrank miraculously and turned into a child."

"Then a series of detective stories unfolded in this posture."

Esdeath almost spit out a mouthful of water.

Lisa was surprised.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I've heard of a movie called Detective Conan before, which is somewhat similar to this one."

Su Bai just laughed.

After all, Xianzhou has many stories and documents. It is normal for Esdeath to encounter people who have no memory.

He did remember this fishing case.

And as he walked, a huge gate appeared in the sky in the distance. It's like a huge formation. A large number of spaceships are coming in. That's the [Jade Realm Gate] that came from the beginning.

Because of the cave effect.

You can see it from here, but it's actually quite far away. Distance.

Lisa understands this.

It’s a cave.

And if you stand at a high place, you can still see the so-called [Building Immortal Traces] left on the Luofu Immortal Boat. To the people here, Jianmu is nothing. Hard-to-know information.

After recalling, the last war between the Immortal Boat Alliance was more than 30 years ago.

Lisa shook her head.

Over the past 8,000 years, how many years had this been fought?

Even now, the Immortal Boat people are still on guard at all times. Wait, maybe the war will come again.

This civilization, which is very similar to Liyue, is much more disaster-prone than Liyue.

Sure enough, it is better to hide the location of your hometown.

Then you can travel outside casually. What's going on...

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