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The scholar was still questioning, but Zhang Jue clenched his fist tightly, looking at the scholars below and suddenly shouted "Enough!

Do you think you can survive by leaving them where they are?

You Do you know how they live?

You have been in the city all your life, and have never seen the darkness outside, nor have you seen the scene of fleeing famine!

You'd better not encounter that kind of cruelty of human nature in your life, otherwise you will die. There.

People can do anything to survive, and now we can control the situation.

They can believe us because we can keep them alive now!

And when one day we can't do it, then the 1st The first ones to be wiped out are us!"

"But even if we delay like this, it's not a solution!

The problem of food shortage will be exposed sooner or later , once there is a problem.

This famine bomb for millions of people will explode loudly!

It can even extinguish the flames that originally lit up Xumi. ”

“Let’s take it one step at a time. It is better to delay it for one day than to do nothing.

Starting from tomorrow, everyone's food will be reduced by half.

I will start with it. As the leader, I will set an example, and you too! "

"But this is not a temporary solution. Even if you cure the root cause, the problem will still break out!"

"Let's delay it for now, as long as we can.

Besides, do you think Lord Grass God can let it go, with so many people not caring?

According to Lord Grass God's power, he is probably already Got it.

Maybe we can delay until Lord Grass God comes to rescue us!"

Zhang Jue's brows were still furrowed, and he sighed softly.

The scale of millions of people was too obvious to be dealt with by blitzkrieg. Get the food from those landlords!

There is no way to go on like this. The problem must be solved, even if it is only a temporary solution!

Thinking of this, Zhang Jue's eyes became cold and his face became serious. The scholars below issued their orders seriously.

"Pass me Order!

From today on, all prisoners of war will no longer be treated preferentially, and landlords defeated again along the way will no longer be imprisoned.

Those who are guilty of serious crimes will be executed on the spot, and those who are not guilty of capital crimes will be exiled directly.

If a landlord burns grain, his entire family will be executed! Nine clans will be exterminated! Don’t leave any one alive!”


After hearing Zhang Jiao’s words, the scholars below were stunned and looked a little embarrassed.

"Wouldn't this be bad? After all, Lord Grass God said that not all landlords deserve to die!"

Zhang Jue's face was still grim. He shook his head gently and said slowly, "It's because we are too tolerant, so Those landlords are unscrupulous.

They would rather burn the food than give it to us.

It is because they know that even if they burn the food.

We can only let them imprison us at most, why should we keep the food to give to outsiders!

If this continues , I am afraid that we will not be able to reach the border of Xumi, and the whole army will starve to death! "

The scholars below also knew that what Zhang Jue said was true, and they sighed softly with a helpless look on their faces, "Ah...

It is obvious that we have won, but the flames It also ignited again in the darkness of Xumi.

The light also illuminated the surroundings, but the darkness further away was still in darkness.

You are right, we should be strict! ”

In the After the clerks finished their discussion, a military order was issued from the army and spread throughout the army.

Those who committed the most heinous crimes will be executed on the spot!

Those who did not commit the death penalty will be exiled locally!

Those who burned food will have their entire family executed, and all nine generations of their clan will be exterminated!

As these three military orders were issued, there was a burst of exclamations throughout the army.

And as The execution of the military order was followed by screams and the sound of people falling to the ground in all parts of the army.

The entire family of the landlords who had previously burned the grain was hacked to death, leaving no one alive, even those who had any connection with them. There is no escape from death!

Zhang Jue was in the army, listening to the screams and cries coming from outside, slowly closed his eyes, his face was complicated, and he took a deep breath.

Originally, only the whole family was executed That's fine, but Zhang Jiao still added the condition of killing all nine clans!

Those who have connections with those landlords are never good people, most of them are lackeys and people who curry favor with the powerful.

The army is running out of food now. Instead of waiting to decide who to abandon later, it is better to kill more people now.

Kill that

Some termites, so that they can hold out longer.

And they can buy more time for Lord Grass God.

On this day, the entire marching army was filled with blood and wailing everywhere.

The civilians around were also trembling and dared not speak.

After this day, the team continued to march, but the eyes of the masses looking at Zhang Jue changed...

People's eyes changed from respect to fear.

Among millions of people, those people in the group were afraid that they would be the next to be killed.

And the hearts of those soldiers were also full of chills.

They killed many people, a total of 100,000 people.

And Zhang Jue also got another name because of this incident!

Killing God!

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