After the doctor left, Tianyun took Xiaoci back to Xumi City.

People were coming and going on the street, and when people saw the little grass god, they greeted him enthusiastically.

But when they got closer, they looked at the two grass gods in confusion.

People then realized that there were actually two grass gods coming in, and they looked exactly the same.

People exclaimed with surprise and doubt in their eyes

"Could it be...

Another grass god was born?"

"Are they twins?"

"I wonder which one is the real grass god?"

The people of Xumi only had a general impression of the appearance of the grass god.

But Nashida and Xiaoci looked too similar.

So for a moment, it was hard to tell which one was the real grass god.

Wendy had been following the two of them, but the people around him ignored him.

Wendy was naturally happy to be free, holding a pot of wine in his hand, drinking by himself, and his face was a little red.

"What a good wine!

I wonder if the 200 bottles of wine still count..."

Logically speaking, the mission was over and Wendy could leave, but Wendy was thinking about the wine that Tianyun promised him.

The wine hadn't been given yet, how could he leave like this!

And one more day is one more day, one more day means one more day of wine to drink.

In order to avoid any accidents, and to teach and protect Xiaoci.

Tianyun took Xiaoci directly to Coral Palace Xinhai, and when Coral Palace Xinhai saw Xiaoci, he was stunned.

Two grass gods?

Coral Palace Xinhai looked at the two almost identical grass gods in front of him curiously.

However, it was still very quick to identify Tianyun's true identity, because the two people's temperaments were very different.

At the same time, the eyes are also the best way to determine who the Grass God is...

Judging from the eyes of the two people, the one on the left should be the wise man.

As for the one on the right...

Shanhu Gong Xinhai was a little uncertain. Although his eyes were innocent and pure, his temperament always felt different from the previous little Grass God Nashida.

"Grass God...

Who is this?"

Shanhu Gong Xinhai, who was confused, asked directly, and there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

Tianyun smiled and touched Xiaoci's head, and then introduced her proudly.

"This is the tree king Xiaoci, created by me to protect the world tree.

She is also the Great Compassion Tree King, but her consciousness has fallen into a deep sleep."

Coral Palace Xinhai looked at Xiaoci with some doubt, and said in disbelief

"She is the Great Compassion Tree King!"

It's no wonder that Coral Palace Xinhai was surprised. After coming to Xumi, he had heard a lot about the legend of the Great Compassion Tree King and learned a lot about it, but the more he learned, the more surprised he was.

The contributions and efforts made by the Great Compassion Tree King to Xumi are worthy of awe and respect.

But didn't the Great Compassion Tree King exist 500 years ago? And wasn't he dead?

Could it be that Lord Grass God...

resurrected the dead Great Compassion Tree King?

It's no wonder that Coral Palace Xinhai would think so. After all, Grass God is a god!

In Coral Palace Xinhai's view, gods are omnipotent.


Tianyun nodded, but he also saw what was in Coral Palace Xinhai's mind. He rubbed Xiaoci's face with his hand and continued to explain

"You can understand it as...

She is the same as me.

We both have two consciousnesses..."

After hearing what Tianyun said, Coral Palace Xinhai was thoughtful and touched his chin with his hand.

"Is that so..."

Then Tianyun scratched his head again embarrassedly and looked at it. Xiaoci said a little embarrassedly

"She is almost a newborn. She only has worldly knowledge, but lacks common sense and common sense.

If she is left alone, there may be trouble.

So I hope you can serve her like you serve me."

Tianyun rubbed Xiaoci's head again, and then pushed Xiaoci forward and brought Xiaoci to Coral Palace Xinhai.

Coral Palace Xinhai's eyes lit up when he looked at the face in front of him that was exactly the same as the Little Grass God.

This is simply a replica of the Grass God!


"Lord Grass God! Can I touch her?"

Coral Palace Xinhai looked at Tianyun with shining eyes, eager to try.

"Uh... of course."

Tianyun naturally understood Coral Palace Xinhai's thoughts

, but did not stop it.

After all, Coral Palace Xinhai will definitely take care of Xiaoci's daily life in the future, so touching is inevitable.

After getting Tianyun's answer, Coral Palace Xinhai's eyes lit up immediately.

Then Coral Palace Xinhai lowered his head again and asked Xiaoci in front of him

"Can I touch you?"

Tree King Xiaoci nodded expressionlessly.

If the mother agrees, there is no problem.

Coral Palace Xinhai put his hands directly on the face of Tree King Xiaoci and rubbed it gently.

Rubbed Xiaoci's little face into various cute expressions, and Coral Palace Xinhai looked at this scene and was extremely happy.

So cute!

You can't do that to Lord Grass God.

But it's okay to do this in this way.

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