The time has come for Tianyun to solve a very important problem.

However, the most urgent task now is that Tianyun needs to solve a very important problem.

The rebels, the time and plan of the rebellion have been exposed!

The rebels are waiting for the birthday of the flower god to revolt, but those people in the Order are also waiting for the birthday of the flower god.

They want to catch all the rebels in one fell swoop on that day!

Tianyun is not surprised at all that the rebels' plan will be exposed.

You know, in the whole Xumi, in addition to those landlords and regular troops, there are also some fools lurking everywhere.

In addition, the one who is laying out in Xumi is the second doctor of the executive officer!

How can those who don't have much knowledge and only have a passion for blood be able to fight against it!

Tianyun was not good at such a large-scale struggle of wisdom, so he discussed this matter with Coral Palace Xinhai.

Tianyun believed in Coral Palace Xinhai, who had rich experience in resistance.

After listening to Tianyun's words, Coral Palace Xinhai lowered his head and pondered for a while before slowly saying

"If things have really come to this point, it may not be a bad thing."

"What do you mean?"

"They think they have understood everything about the resistance army, and they are all confident and confident of victory. They are arrogant soldiers!

If it weren't for us, they would definitely fail no matter what.

Perhaps they would consider that you, as the God of Grass, would come back here!

But they didn't expect that our Inazuma resistance army would also come.

In this case, why not use a trick against them!

For example, this way...

And then this way..."

After listening, Tianyun's eyes lit up and he felt that Coral Palace Xinhai's plan was feasible.

"Okay! Just do as you say!"

Tianyun agreed to the decision immediately, and then slowly looked towards the direction of the Church Order with a smile on his face

"Rotten termites! It's time for a grand opening ceremony!

Are you ready to welcome the return of the gods?"

After Tianyun finished speaking, he let the grass god Nashida take control of the body. The first step of the plan needed the grass god Nashida to carry out, and Tianyun was not suitable.

At the moment when the grass god Nashida slowly opened her eyes, green light bloomed from the grass god Nashida's body. The grass god Nashida put her hands together and whispered softly.

"All things have spirits!

Giant trees that are silent underground, wake up!"

As soon as the voice fell, a green beam of light rose from the grass god as the center and pierced the sky!

Strong energy kept gathering, and when the green light reached its peak, a towering giant tree emerged from the ground.

The giant tree that appeared this time was so huge that it even reached the top of the tree and touched the clouds in the sky.

Even in the most remote places in Xumi, the towering tree could be seen.

The little grass god Nashida slowly put her hands together, and waves of green waves passed along her palms to the trunk, and the upper tree also lit up with green light.

The leaves grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. When they reached emerald green, they fell off the world giant tree and slowly floated towards the sky.

The sky also began to condense the elemental power of grass attributes. The whole sky was covered with a layer of light green, and a dark cloud began to grow slowly.

As more and more leaves rushed to the sky, the sky seemed to be covered by shadows and became more and more oppressive.

All people under the shadow, whether they were landlords, officials or ordinary people, felt a pressure, which was the pressure of the gods.

The people at the bottom knelt on the ground, with tears in their eyes, praying to the Lord Grass God.

"Lord Grass God!"

"Lord Grass God is back!"

"Lord Grass God is watching us!"

In the Order Hall, the elders looked at the sky covered by shadows with horror, feeling the power that was so familiar to them.

Many people were pale, some fell to the ground and trembled, and the elders were in a panic.


"God is back, he is back to punish us!"

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

The great sage who had just ascended to the throne saw this chaotic scene, frowned, and shouted

"Calm down, calm down, what are you afraid of!

We will soon have our own gods, and there is nothing to be afraid of for the Grass God who has lost the Heart of God.

Since the matter has been done, it is no longer necessary.

There is room for turning back.

The only thing you can do now is to kill the Grass God, so that you can survive!"

Perhaps it was the great sage's usual majesty that showed its effect at this moment.

Or perhaps it was because they had enough confidence in the gods they created, and the panicked elders really calmed down slowly.

After seeing this scene, the great sage nodded with satisfaction, and after comforting everyone, he slowly left.

Not long after...

The great sage slowly came to a man in a cloak and glasses, and slowly knelt down in worry.

"My lord...

As you expected, the Grass God is back!


What should we do?"

As the person above, it was the doctor who was the second executive officer!

The doctor held a cane in his hand, and did not look at the kneeling great sage below, but cast his eyes on the towering tree in the distance and spoke softly, his voice cold.

"Everything is as planned, act according to the plan!

Since the Grass God has returned, let her stay here forever!"


I'll take my leave!"

The Great Sage nodded slowly, then stood up and walked out of the room, with confidence on his face, no longer in the panic when he came.

When he learned that the gods had returned, he was also panicked, but after seeing the doctor, he was full of confidence again.

When the Great Sage thought of the doctor's figure, his eyes were full of fanaticism!

"Such a wise person should be the leader of Xumi!

The kind of god who is nothing but cute is of no benefit to the development of Xumi. "

After the Great Sage left, the doctor slowly stood up, waved his hand gently, and two fools appeared beside him, slowly came to him and knelt on one knee.

"My Lord!"

"Go! Tell the scattered soldiers! His enemies are here. If you don't want to lose the Heart of God, don't want to go back to that place!

Then be ready!

Be ready to go to war with the gods! "

The two people below nodded slowly and then left.

After the two left, the doctor slowly raised his head again, looking at the towering tree in the distance with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Without the Heart of God, do you still have such power?

It seems that the Grass God of Xumi is more powerful than I thought.

But it doesn't matter...

Without wisdom, power is nothing but my plaything!

But I still need to make more preparations...

This time, I may have to stain my hands with the blood of God!

My Lord Grass God! "

The doctor's eyes flashed with a special light, and there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

The sun shone on the doctor's face, bright and dark.

At this time, the doctor looked very elegant, but gave people a chilling feeling.

(Preview of the next issue

Chapter 49, the doctor's trap, the appearance of the scattered soldiers

Chapter 50, the scattered soldiers who played boxing with the shadow in the reincarnation

Chapter 51, Thor beats the scattered soldiers, your mother is still your mother

Chapter 52 Crisis! Controlled people, suppressed grass god

Chapter 53 The doctor's first move, the grass god's dream

Today is the third day of the explosion...

Today is 14,000 a day, tomorrow is 10,000 a day, the accumulated manuscripts are cleared, and I will continue to work hard tomorrow. Such a hard-working author,

won't you come to generate electricity for love and encourage it

The first show starts today, and I will ask you for the next 14 days.

Read it every day, the author will get 10,000 a day.

The first show is very important to the author



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