The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

When the loud horn sounded throughout the city wall.

The lurking rebels all moved!

When the loud horn sounded throughout the city wall.

The lurking rebels all moved!

Their eyes flashed with determination, and they held faith in their hearts.

They rushed towards the surrounding soldiers with swords in their hands without hesitation.

On the wall of Xumi City, the sound of shouting and the collision of weapons instantly rang out.

They held the belief that they must die!

Encircled by the enemy, they would not have any way to survive!

But they still chose to resist and became the death squad of the resistance army!

They were the first to fight and would be the first to sacrifice.

Zhou Shuzheng gathered many students in the academy, and they all held a thick book in their hands!

It was Zhou Shu's diary!

There were thousands of people gathered, all of whom were cultural people, scholars with profound knowledge, and students who had just enrolled.

Even Zhou Shu's teacher was quietly watching Zhou Shu from the audience, holding a diary of Zhou Shu in his hand!

A few days ago!

After Zhou Shu's diary of Zhou Shu was published, it caused a great response in the literary world of Xumi!

This book is like a ray of light, shining into the academic world!

Let people see the real world clearly, and also let people see Xumi under the darkness clearly!

But when this book was published, it encountered great obstacles!

Zhou Shu was even in danger several times because of this. If Chen Chen hadn't come out to rescue him in time, he might have been arrested and imprisoned by the guards!

The appearance of this book also awakened the scholars who were originally sleeping in the darkness.

They really understood that the current Xumi could not be dark anymore!


It needs a new life!

These people with lofty ideals gathered together to contribute their own efforts for Xumi and the cause of resistance!

Zhou Shu stood at the top, looking at the students gathered below, and spoke in a serious voice

"I opened the history and checked it. It was full of benevolence, righteousness and morality. I couldn't sleep all night!

I studied it for half the night and found it from the gaps between the words!

The whole book is written with two words!


The whole Xumi is like a dark room. The room can no longer be illuminated by light, and the people inside are about to be suffocated!

But everyone is sleeping, only a few people stay awake!

Even if they roar and scream hard, Only a small number of people can be awakened!

The darkness and despair around us still exist!

But when the red flame appears in the darkness!

That ray of light in the darkness is hope!

Now that light is still very weak, and we need to support and help.

For a brighter future, and for the rebirth of Xumi!

Let us be pioneers and forerunners!

To illuminate the darkness, to explore dangers! "

Zhou Shumeng raised his hand high, and the students around him also raised their hands high.

"Now it is just the darkness before the dawn, we must create the light that belongs to Xumi!"

Those students are full of vigor and their eyes are full of fighting spirit.

They are a group of people who sincerely hope that the country will become better, and they are also the future of this country.

If the youth are wise, the country will be wise!

If the youth are strong, the country will be strong!

If the youth are strong, the country will be strong!

This group of aspiring young people gathered together for the country, for the nation, and for the future of Xumi.

They gambled their lives!

If the red flame is extinguished by darkness, then they will also be swallowed by darkness.

But if the red flame can be made to burn and illuminate the night of Xumi.

Then even if it costs their lives, it is worth it!

When the loud horn sounded, these students began to pick up their weapons, their eyes full of fighting spirit.

Their goal is the Church of the Order, which stands in the center of Xumi City!

In the main city of Xumi, many people stayed at home in panic.

Everything that happened outside had long been perceived by them through virtual devices.

And when the loud horn sounded, the whole Xumi City was in chaos!

There were many people shouting outside, and there were conflicts with the guards!

Many chess pieces of the rebels lurking in the city also took action after the loud horn sounded.

They headed towards the Church of the Order!

And those guards who usually oppressed the people and exploited them became the targets of exploitation at this moment.

When they met a few people, they could easily crush the rebels.

But when the number of people reached dozens or hundreds, they had no chance to resist!

At the highest point of the training academy, Tianyun was standing there!

And next to Tianyun, there was a woman, Coral Palace Xinhai.

Coral Palace Xinhai, with a heavy and unbelievable face, looked at the endless sea of ​​fire outside the city.

The whole person was also in shock. She had never seen a rebel army of this scale!

The number of this army added up is many times more than the number of their Inazuma rebels!

You have to know that this is just a battlefield, all over Xumi.

Such scenes are countless, it is really hard to imagine how many people there are!

"I didn't expect there would be so many people, since the resistance here is so strong.

Why did you come to Inazuma to ask us for help?"

Coral Palace Xinhai reached out and gently stroked his chin, looking at the young figure not far away, and also looking into the distance, and asked softly.

Tianyun's brows were still frowning, looking at the crowd in the distance and sighing softly

"The large number of people does not mean strong. I look for you because you have experience in how to dodge and hide yourself.

If there is no experience, more people will die before the birthday of the flower god.

If it weren't for you, there might be greater casualties!"

Tianyun slowly turned his head and stared into Coral Palace Xinhai's eyes, his voice sincere

"Thank you!"

Tianyun's plan was perfect, and now it has come to the final stage, and Coral Palace Xinhai's advice is indispensable.

The most important thing is that after that battle, the doctor did not come out to make trouble again!

This made the plan go smoothly without too many twists and turns!

Coral Palace Xinhai was a little uncomfortable with this Lord Grass God.

Coral Palace Xinhai blushed and held her dress tightly with both hands.

"You're welcome!

After all, as a priest, it is my duty to share the worries of the gods!

Now the plan is coming to an end, and the parade crowd is about to approach the Church Order!

I wonder what plans you have next, Lord Grass God?"

Tianyun looked at the students and people who kept moving towards the Church Order.

Tianyun looked at the elders who were struggling in the dream in the Church Order!

His eyes were cold, his voice was icy, and he exuded a chilling aura.

"These cancers that harm the people are the culprits of the darkness of Xumi.

Naturally, they should be handed over to the people for judgment!

All the people who have been oppressed by them can be judged once.

And in dreams, such trials can be conducted countless times!

Let them slowly pay off the sins they have committed in countless trials!"

(Preview of the next issue

Chapter 74 The end of the Order Court, the bloody battle at the city gate shows the power of the three brothers

Chapter 75 The meeting of the three giants, a historic moment, the appearance of the God of Grass

Chapter 76 The miserable elders, the confirmation of the people's dream judgment

Chapter 77 The war that ended in Xumi City, Nilu who wanted to dance the dance of the flower god

Chapter 78 The truth about the Flower God’s Birthday scam, the most authentic Flower God’s Birthday

It’s the 7th day of overwork, and today is still 10,000 a day.

I’m calling for a collection of how you want to judge the great sages and elders, and the judgment words, and post them in the chapter comments.

The methods include burning and beheading.

The judgment words are why he was killed.

The readers’ judgment will appear in the book.

You can also write the details of the process and the whole process of the trial yourself.

If the number of words exceeds a certain level, the author will put it in the extra chapter of this book for everyone to see.

Many readers say that the author has a good liver, and ask the author if he will sell his liver.

Of course, the author knows that these are all jokes.

But in fact, the daily 10,000 is not as good as you It is not as easy as we imagine.

There is no such thing as a gifted person

A good liver...


It is just that I have devoted more time

and effort.

In order to reach 10,000 a day, I spend more than 4 hours writing a book every day

In order to give readers the best viewing experience, I have to memorize the manuscript in advance so that readers can read it all at once and enjoy it all at once.

Instead of opening the phone to see if there is any update after a period of time.

The author is really working hard to do better, and I hope that readers can understand more.

It is really not easy to get this book to where it is now. It is now in a critical period of PK, and there is another big guy at the same time.

In the next 14 days,

Each of your following is very important for this book!

If you think this book is okay, please follow it every day.

Open it every day and read it, instead of waiting for more chapters to read it all at once.

Perhaps this book died on the way of waiting.

Once again, I sincerely thank the readers of this book, and thank those readers who have been supporting and following.

Meeting is fate...

Fate makes us meet, so let us move forward together.

Let us witness the daily journey together!

Let us go forward together!

The author will not let the readers down!

Please readers don’t give up on the author

Give up on this book

Believe that you can walk out of the sky and see a broader vision.


Please don’t give up on this book, follow it every day!


If possible, please follow the author, and urge for more chapters to exceed a thousand.

But there are very few people who follow the author, only more than 100.

And the big guy who PKs with me at the same time, he has tens of thousands of followers!

That's why I said, if I don't follow up enough, I'll be beaten to death!

As for how far and how long this book can go.

Let's work hard together!

Come on! )

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