Chapter 46: Drunk Yora, the falling star!

Night came as expected.

Angel's Gift 2nd Floor

"All the expenses today will be paid for by Mr. Diluc!"

Kaia picked up the wine glass and said loudly.

Cavalry Captain Kaia.

He and Diluc are actually cousins.

After a"coming-of-age ceremony", they took different paths.

Kaia's life experience is a mystery.

Diluc Ke may know something, but he is too lazy to investigate.

"snort. Diluc snorted coldly, unwilling to talk to Kaia, and poured a glass of wine on his own.

Then he raised the glass and said:

"Let us thank the two strangers for their efforts"

"Without the two of them, the dragon disaster in Mondstadt would not be solved until just relying on the Knights."

While Diluc was celebrating, he still subconsciously insulted the Knights by saying a few words.

"Drinking Drinking"

"Have fun today and don't talk about unpleasant things."

Wendy said cheerfully.

If the knights are incompetent, what about him, the god of wind?

Hey, so, we can't go into details....



Ying, Paimon, and Kelly on the side raised their juices.

Members of the Knights, Captain Qin, Amber, and Lisa......

As well as the bard Wendy and Lin Tian, they raised their glasses together.......

Drinking and drinking.

I've had a few glasses of wine

"Are you going to Liyue?"Lin Tian turned his head and looked at Ying

"Um."Ying poured a glass of juice for herself and Paimon, and then said:

"Wendy said that the ceremony of inviting immortals in neighboring Liyue is about to begin."

"If you want to see the gods of Liyue, it's best to do it before the 'Invitation to the Immortal Ceremony' begins."

Lin Tian nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Wendy finally did something serious.

She informed Ying Ying of the key information of"Inviting the Immortal Ceremony"

"Do you want to go with me?"

Ying asked.

She looked at Lin Tian with expectant eyes.

"If you come with us, you will have company on the way."

"Also, if you encounter a monster, you don't have to fight alone."

Paimon nodded in agreement.

After the question was asked,

Lisa looked over.

Everyone else was also listening.

"I won't follow. Lin

Tian said calmly.

Yingmei went to Liyue, and troubles came one after another.

First, she asked Xian Dianyi to be wanted, then she went to visit Xunxun Mountain and asked the immortal to uphold justice.

Then she worked for Zhongli and held a"send-off" ceremony. Materials for"Fairy Ceremony"......

This is too much trouble.

Now is not a good time to go to Liyue.

If you want to go, you'd better wait until you finish these things before going.......

"That's it......"Ying raised her head and drank the juice in one gulp, wondering what she was thinking.

He's not ready to leave yet!

Lisa caught this key information, picked up the wine glass and walked over.

She dressed up carefully to attend the cocktail party tonight.

The witch hat was taken off, revealing her beautiful face.

The eye of the thunder god hangs on his neck, forming a sharp contrast with Hung Qian's skin color.

It makes people wonder where to look for a while

"How is your magic turning on?"

Lisa sat next to Lin Tian. After exchanging glasses, she raised her head and drank the wine in her hand.

Perhaps she drank too quickly.

A drop of wine slipped from the corner of her mouth.

A strange color was added to the snow-white swan's neck.

Makes you want to wipe it off

"Miss Tolisa's Blessing"

"Already turned on."

How did the thunder dragon-slaying magic be turned on?

Lin Tian didn't dare to think about it at all, for fear that the gun wouldn't be able to suppress it.

Lisa smiled, drank another glass of wine with Lin Tian, and left.

She ran to join the piano group After sitting at the same table for a long time, there are some things that cannot be said clearly with so many people present.......

During the second half of the reception.

Amber brought a friend.

A member of the Knights -

Wave Knight Yura.

Her hair color gradually fades from blue to white at the ends, and is held in place by a black lace headband.

Wearing a knight's attire that is neat and elegant, the middle row of black bodysuit is relatively thin, and the white lace short jacket is tied to the body with a chest strap.

The legs are worn with high-heeled boots that reach the thighs. There are black belts on the inside of the legs to reinforce them, and there are silver spurs on the back of the boots.

The thighs are tight, and the ends of the boots actually create an effect similar to leg rings.

"Amber, I even told you not to come, you insist......"

"I have recorded this grudge."

Yora said with disdain for her integrity.

However, Amber took offense to this and ignored it.


"There are no outsiders here. If you want to drink, you can drink freely today."

Yora's identity is very special. She is the descendant of Lawrence, the rebellious old noble.

The Mondstadt people hate Yura's bloodline and are usually very unfriendly to her.

But at this cocktail party, everyone present has the same identity. A special situation. Therefore, it will not happen that the residents of Mondstadt hate Yura.

"It's Yura"

"Come on over and have a couple of drinks."

Lisa said hello.

Qin also said, let's not talk about work today, just have a drink and say goodbye to her daughter.


Yora was speechless, picked up a glass of dandelion wine, and drank it.

Of these two people, one was her family's old enemy, Qin.

The other was Lisa, who had"read thousands of books" and could list Lawrence's"crimes" casually..

It was not easy to deal with, so Youla could only reluctantly respond:

"Don't call me when you drink, I will bear this grudge."

Immediately, she left and found a place to sit down by herself.

"Is this her unique way of speaking?"

Paimon whispered to her.

When she met Yula, she was a little confused as to why she kept talking about"holding a grudge".


Paimon imitated it.

He put his hands on his hips and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle:"I have remembered this grudge."......

At the end of the reception.

Qin left first because of work matters.

Later, after giving Lin Tian a meaningful look, Lisa also left one after another.

Because Keli was a child, she couldn't stay too late, so Amber took her back.......

Almost everyone left.

Yura was the only one drinking wine alone.

As a Mondstadt.

Yura's drinking capacity is undoubtedly very good.

But with one glass of wine after another.

Her face was also stained with a layer of blush

"Drinking alone is a pity in life." Eula looked in the direction of the voice and saw a black-haired young man looking at her with a smile.......Isn't this the stranger Amber often told her about?

"A lady cannot be disturbed when she is drinking."

"It's time for you to practice noble etiquette."

Youla raised her drunken eyes and said.

Lin Tian didn't care and said calmly:"The banquet is over, they have all left, should I take you back?"

"Walk? What to go!"

"Come and have two more drinks with me!"

When Youla heard that she was leaving, she became excited.

Are you still drinking?

Lin Tian wondered why Mengzi likes to drink so much.

She is obviously drunk, and she still wants to drink.

Youla didn't get it. In response, he raised his drunken eyes and said again:

"Hey, when a lady is talking, look into her eyes."

That's all. Let's have a drink with her.

Wait until Amber comes.

Otherwise, Lin Tian will feel sorry for leaving the drunk Youra here alone........

The night is deep.

A wanderer with a rice wife arrived at the border of Mondstadt.


A shooting star streaked across the sky.

Immediately afterwards, more and more meteors fell!

Looking at the scope of the fall, it is mainly in Mondstadt and the place where it meets Liyue.

The floating man raised his head, holding the city girl's hat, looking surprised


"Is it something that Harlequin asked me to investigate?"......

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