Before the unveiling ceremony began, Ying and Paimon decided to walk around

the venue first, and Yukiaki was carefully signing autographs for the readers, and his handwriting was very fluent, even though Albedo's signature design was not complicated, in order to satisfy the readers, he must have practiced

Kamisato Aya and Kamisato Ayaka for a long time while waiting for Toma, while discussing all kinds of interesting things about the Rongcai Festival, as if he heard "Brother, even if Toma is here, but you shouldn't forget to bring your wallet no matter what..."

Miko and Elysia chatted and drank as the empty bottle grew at a visible rate...

Klee listened very carefully to March 7's story of their pioneering...

Star and Dome, Dan Heng and Himeko, the four of them drank drinks in front of a store

, Walter was expressionless, but he seemed to carry things for Dr. Tesla and Dr. Einstein with three points of humility....

As for Pam....

It's too small, I don't know where to go

and Kaveh, the final climax of the Rongcai Festival

, and the heron released him at this time, he was wandering around, and by the way, he inspected the Inazuma building

and came to Wendy and the heron's side....

They were sitting at a food stall, eating and drinking together, chatting

"Heron, this is delicious, this is also delicious, you can eat some too

..."Wendy is interested in everything like a child, "Alas..."The heron on the side sighed, eating together

like a child, and the boss on the side showed a kind smile, while looking at Lut and Wendy with the eyes of a sister with a child

, "Heron, Wendy, you are here" Paimon floated over

, "I didn't expect Inazuma's snacks to be so suitable for the current snacks and dishes", "I didn't

have so many delicious foods when I came to Inazuma before

," Wendy

said with tears in her eyes, "Uh..."Ying put one hand on her forehead, pretending not to know this person

, "Okay, you guys can continue eating," Paimon said as he pulled Ying to look elsewhere

After Ying turned to leave

, Wendy suddenly smiled and said, "Lu, how about I go to see my uncle and aunt with a few bottles of wine next time?"

"!!" Lu's eating hand suddenly froze

, why did Wendy know? No, why did she mention this,

seeing that Lut didn't answer for a long time, Wendy smiled again and said

, "

Are you kidding? We elemental elves are born and raised, how can we have parents and parents?"

Heron just smiled and didn't speak, but he panicked in his heart

Although Wendy doesn't usually do business, he actually knows that

the wind is his eyeliner, as long as it is where the wind blows, there is nothing he

doesn't know Although Wendy is so powerful, but Wendy actually doesn't know the secret about

the heron at all The heron is Wendy's only homogeneous kind, Wendy respects the heron and won't take the initiative to pay attention to the secrets of the heron


"What? concert!"

Paimon learns from Hiruwa that there will be a concert after the end of the Rong Cai Festival, and it is Shiluva who is the only one who will

come to Teyva, mainly because when Miko asks Himiko if she can come to help

, Shiluwa just wants to hold a concert, but is distressed by the single audience

Knowing that he could go to other worlds and maybe hold a concert, Shiluwa pulled his brother Jeppard and his friend Pera to come over with


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