Death Star.

The surging thunderstorm was like a giant beast with bared fangs and claws, constantly churning.

The violent storm, lightning and thunder gradually formed a terrifying vortex on the sea.


Everyone present saw this scene and took a breath of cold air.

"Big sister, can we really rush over?"

The first mate of the Death Star looked solemn and turned to look at Beidou beside him.

Beidou waved his hand and said decisively: "There is no other way except to rush over. How much fuel is left on the Death Star? Can it support the return voyage?"

"The fuel on the ship is only enough to reach the outlying island, and it is definitely not enough to return."

The first mate shook his head, his eyes full of despair.

Beidou took a deep breath and said coldly: "Go over and accelerate at full speed."



After conveying his order, Beidou turned his attention to Walnut, Klee and his group.

"Sister Beidou, can that vortex be blown up with a bouncing bomb?"

Before Beidou could speak to comfort her, Klee asked innocently.

Everyone was upset when they heard this.

You are indeed the daughter of Alice.

No matter what the matter is, you always think of answering with a bomb.

Everyone was thinking about how to answer Klee's words.

Klee took out a bouncing bomb from her bag and threw it hard in the eyes of everyone.

"No, Klee..."

"Don't throw bouncing bombs randomly..."



As soon as the bouncing bomb touched the surging thunderstorm, it exploded violently.

A wave of heat came over them.

The thunderstorm also stopped surging, as if it had been blown away.

Beidou was startled and turned to look at Klee, shocked and speechless.

Klee patted her chest and said with a proud look on her face: "I said the bouncing bomb can blow it up, right?"

Everyone looked at Klee with relief.

Unexpectedly, Klee accidentally solved the thunderstorm. Just when everyone wanted to praise Klee, something strange happened.

The thunderstorm that had dissipated gathered again, and this time the thunderstorm was......

hundreds of times stronger than before!

Seeing this scene, Zhongli, who was playing badly on the side, couldn't calm down, and murmured: "Zhao!"

"What's going on?"

"Why did the thunderstorm get bigger? It should have disappeared just now..."

"It should be that the bouncing bomb and the thunderstorm had some special reaction, or disturbed the mysterious existence."

"What should we do now?"

"Sprint with all our strength."

Zhongli's face gradually became solemn, and he felt a hint of unusual breath.


Castle Tower.

General Lei Dian grabbed Bai Ye's collar and threw him to the ground.

Bai Ye was confused, he didn't know what General Lei Dian wanted to do.

"Shouldn't you call me mom?"

Bai Ye was speechless, thinking that General Lei Dian was sick?

He could understand that Lei Dian was sick, but what was wrong with the puppet?

Bai Ye coughed dryly: "General, do you have anything to do?"

"Can't I come to you if there is nothing to do?"

General Lei Dian looked at Bai Ye coldly with an indifferent face.

"Then I don't know what General Lei Dian wants to talk to me about?"

"Then give me all the dumplings and milk you divided."

General Lei Dian patted Bai Ye's shoulder.

Bai Ye was stunned.

Good guy, this is an intelligent machine crisis.

General Lei Dian has developed self-awareness, and even milk knows to blackmail.

He can give the dumplings and milk to General Lei Dian.

But if he does so, the one who is dedicated to the Pure Land will definitely not let him go.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye shouted: "Ying, save me."

"She is already thinking about eternity and can't hear your call for help."

General Lei Dian's eyes became a little playful.

Bai Ye naturally didn't believe what General Lei Dian said.

But he shouted for a long time, and Lei Dian didn't respond at all.

This made Bai Ye accept this fact in his heart.

Bai Ye thought that General Lei Dian had used some special method to keep Lei Dian in the dark.

In fact, what General Lei Dian said was also true. Lei Dian really couldn't hear Bai Ye's voice.

After experiencing a series of events, Lei Dian's desire for eternity became stronger and stronger.

After Bai Ye left Yixin Pure Land, he immediately entered a state of thinking about eternity.

"What have you considered?"

General Lei Dian pondered for a moment and spoke again.

"General, what if the person in Yixin Pure Land comes to me?What should I do if I have trouble? "

Bai Ye glanced at General Lei Dian, and the meaning was clear. I can give it to you, but you have to protect me.

I can't give you Tuanzi Milk and then be the one who suffers.

"You can rest assured about this. Ying's state will last for at least a year. As long as she is not told about the news, she will not know."

"Deal, I will send it to you in two days. Can I leave now?"

Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

He could only agree to it on the surface. The tactic of procrastination is still invincible.

First delay General Lei Dian, and then make a long-term plan.

Maybe these two people are stinging for law enforcement.

"Okay, go ahead. If I can't see Tuanzi Milk, I will find you in person. "

General Raiden closed his eyes after saying this and no longer looked at Bai Ye.


After leaving the castle tower.

Bai Ye's face was dark and his mouth twitched constantly.

Just ten seconds ago, he had just accepted the task issued by the system, and this task was a bit weird!

[Teyvat Continent·Inazuma·Main Quest Release]

[Solve the troubles encountered by the Liyue ship Death Star within 8 hours. There is no reward after completing this task, but the evaluation after completing the task will still be calculated]

[Please note that if this task fails, it will be punished by being wiped out, and all the perfect clearances accumulated before will be cleared]

[Please note that the evaluation of this side quest will be included in the final evaluation of this world]

[You have entered the Teyvat Continent·Inazuma Area·Perfect Clearance Route]

[Please make every choice carefully, all your choices will affect the normal development of the entire plot line]


Bai Ye's mouth One draw.

The system means to get something for free, only issuing tasks but no rewards.

Good guy.

No wonder the last task gave two rewards, it seems that they are waiting here.

Also, is there something wrong with the system in the past two days, issuing two tasks in a row.

This frequency is very abnormal.

Bai Ye thought about it and could understand the system's approach. After all, everyone has those days, including Bai Ye.


Bai Ye sighed helplessly.

According to the tasks issued, nine out of ten are on the outlying islands.

He is now in Inazuma, and the rescue will be done at the specified time, so it must be somewhere close to him.

The Death Star often travels between Liyue and the outlying islands, so the mission location must be near the outlying islands.

Bai Ye took a deep breath and looked in the direction of the outlying islands.

There was a dark mass in the direction of the outlying islands, and a loud noise was heard from time to time.

You know, Bai Ye is now in the castle tower far away from the outlying islands.

It is hard to imagine what terrible things happened on the outlying islands.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye turned back to the castle tower again.

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