Xiang Ling: (Selfie of winning the all-around competition.jpg)

In the official photo fixed in frame.

Chef Xiangling has a bright smile, and his aura of pride and pride can be seen through the photos.

Behind her, stood several elves who also raised their heads and held their chests high.

Of course, what most envied all the melon-eating trainers on the Internet was the championship reward that Xiang Ling held tightly in her hands, her only one.

A gilded box engraved with the image of Arceus.

This is the gift pack of self-selected evolutionary props that everyone in the group is longing for.

Then, there is a Master Ball.

The probability of catching high-level wild elves is very high!

And, only the champion has an extra piece of magic candy!

This candy can ignore the restrictions of the elf's rank, potential, etc.

After feeding, increase the level of the elf by 1.

It is most suitable to feed one when breaking the level. It can be regarded as a cultivated magical item that has never been circulated in the outside market.

Get off the podium.

Xiangling was bombarded with interviews from all walks of life.

Even though she was young and lively and a disciple of the Immortal, she felt a little overwhelmed.

So, after coming down, I quickly ran away.

Run outside the competition area of ​​the all-around competition.

Xiangling looked around, but there was no one around.

Then she released her original friend, the Burning Insect, who had been accompanying her all this time.

"Come on, Chongchong"

"In this competition, you also calculated your strength"

"This magical candy is given to you 053!"

Xiang Ling smiled brightly, holding the magical candy, and her tone and expression showed no sign of reluctance.

The level of the Burning Bug has been stuck at level 59 for a long time.

It has been unable to reach the key level of 60 to break the bottleneck.

However, after the Burning Bug came out, , just rubbed Xiangling's trousers, the insect's eyes were full of perseverance.

It shook its head, indicating that it did not need magical candy. It crawled forward for more than ten meters.

Looking back at Xiangling who stayed in place, the insect's head Several of its flame tentacles were swinging, as if bidding farewell to Xiangling and the old body of the Burning Worm.


A dazzling evolutionary light emerged from the Burning Worm's body.

"Ah, this? ?"

Xiang Ling was excited and quickly took the illustrated book to record the video.

In just a few seconds, the small bug suddenly evolved into a large moth Pokémon.

Its body length is about 2 meters.

The one behind it The wings bloom like petals, and the width after expansion is estimated to be more than 2 meters.

For such a large moth, it is not too much to call it large.

The key is!

The 6 petal wings blooming behind the Vulcan Moth!

These 6 wings kept scattering spark scale powder.

These dust fell on the land in the suburbs of Lisha.

The vegetation was like experiencing the high temperature of the volcanic environment. It withered and turned black in the blink of an eye, and then burst into flames with a"pop" sound..After the evolution of the Vulcan moth was completed, it made a joyful insect cry.

It was a bit like the chirping of cicadas in summer.

It waved 6 wings.

It turned back all the way to Xiangling.

But Xiangling was stunned, and even had a faint scalp numbness..

On the path that the Vulcan Moth passed by!

The spark scale powder turned the surrounding area into a black death place.

The sea of ​​​​fire spread raging in a few seconds!

How dare Xiangling let the Vulcan Moth fall on him? Vomiting at the mouth, he quickly took out the elf ball and took back the newly evolved Vulcan Moth.

"Inform the elf guards and I'll run away first."Xiang Ling immediately stepped away.

Just kidding, as soon as she won the fresh and hot All-Around Competition championship, she was invited to drink tea in the Liyue Elf Alliance.

Then wouldn't she, the new champion, become the laughing stock of the entire network in an instant?

Xiang Ling It took less than 5 minutes after disappearing.

A Liyue elf guard team took a wind speed dog and rushed to the scene of the incident on the outskirts of Lisha. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The captain led by , glanced at the fire sweeping across the countryside, and took a breath of cold air:


"If there are any water elves, come out and put out the fire for me!"

Speaking of which, it's because Xiangling doesn't have a powerful enough water Pokémon, otherwise Vulcan Moth wouldn't be in trouble. She can only yo-yo.

This guard team, including the captain, surprisingly gathered 3 Looks like a water-type Pokémon[] water gun. rapids.

Pray for rain.

These fancy water skill combinations can be beaten down.

Without the Vulcan Moth, the largest source of volcanoes.

The wildfire was extinguished.

The area that was devastated by the fire was only a corner in the suburbs of Lisa.

The captain took a photo with a picture book device and uploaded it to the Liyue Elf Guard group, where two immediate superiors were designated.

Hongyi is clear, (picture), the wildfire in the suburbs has been extinguished, and there are no casualties.

Do you want to search further for the source of the wildfire?

Hongyi: Uh...

Keqing: No need, someone has surrendered and pleaded guilty. You should close the team. yes!


In the group chat.

The topic of conversation was the short video Xiangling had just sent and her sincere confession specifically to Liyue Qixing.

Ke Qing: Xiang Ling, return the punishment. There are no casualties. According to the Liyue Elf Alliance Public Security Regulations, a fine will be enough.

Xiangling: (relieved.jpg) Okay~ Let’s pay the fine. How much is it?

Keqing: Go to the guard station yourself and let the people below evaluate it. I won’t ask about the details.

Ke Qing: Tsk tsk, having said that, if you can help it, don't let go of your Vulcan Moth. This time it's outside the city. If it causes a fire in Liyue Port next time, it may mean that you will lose everything.

Xiangling: (trembling.jpg) I have fully realized my mistake! It means that we will never release the Vulcan Moth in the urban area!

Hutao: (smirk.jpg) Congratulations, Xiangling champion. Not only am I happy to receive the championship reward package, but I also received a public security ticket!

Xiangling: Hutao, are you laughing at me? Come on, challenge!

Hutao: Okay, the burning bug has just evolved into the Vulcan Moth, and its tail is raised to the sky. If you challenge him solo, you will be a dog!

Xiangling: Hutao, now! See you in the main store’s virtual arena!

Hutao: Wow wow wow~ It’s really annoying. A level 60 Vulcan Moth jumps like this? Come, come, come, I will let Biting Lusha educate you and let you, Chef Xiangling, know what it means to be a quasi-god and not to be insulted. Even if the Vulcan Moth is the elf closest to a quasi-god, it cannot touch porcelain!

The drama of sisterly quarrel is happening again.

The group members were naturally laughing and eating melons with joy. It seemed that Xiangling had been putting up with walnuts for a long time. It was not until the Burning Bug evolved into the complete form of the Vulcan Moth that he suddenly launched an attack and wanted to regain his place.

Soon, when the gorgeous competition was held outside the Liyue venue, the knockout rounds started lively.

In the virtual arena.

But it was the main elf fight between sisters Hutao and Xiangling.

As a melon eater.

The group members just sat in the live seats of the gorgeous competition, and turned on the live broadcast of the virtual venue on their mobile phones.

Both types of battles are equally enjoyable.

And Xiangling’s Vulcan Moth.

Its complete picture book information was posted on the group chat interface by Fang Ye, taking advantage of the popularity:

"Vulcan Moth, Bug and Fire Type, Sun Pokémon

Ability: Flame Body

Hidden Ability: Insect Premonition

Level: Lv.60

Racial Value: 550

A Pokémon that has been worshiped since ancient times as the incarnation of the sun. ;

Legend has it that when the sun was blocked by volcanic ash due to volcanic eruptions, the Vulcan moth used flames to make its wings shine and illuminate the world instead of the sun; it has organs in its body that can burn flames, and can reach temperatures of up to 1,500 degrees Celsius!".

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