『March 7: It’s over, it’s over! Brake quickly! If you don’t fly, you will fall to death!』

『Funina: Uh… He is indeed the protagonist. Even the way he appears is so unique. I feel like I will fall to death.』

『Nacida: She doesn’t seem to be able to fly at all, right?』

『Kamisato Ayaka: Will she become the first person to fall to death in a dream?』

『Charlotte: What would happen if you died in your dream? Directly become a vegetative state?』

『Funina: Maybe from the outside world, it looks like she is simply asleep and cannot wake up, right?』

『Xi’er: I don’t know why, but I always feel that it’s not surprising at all for something like this to happen to her.』

『Liuying: How dangerous! Can she fly?』

『Xing: I think if this dream can give me a pair of wings, I can give it a try』

『March 7: Hey!』

『Hanabi: Hehehehe! This is so much fun! Is there anything more fun? The Fool really likes to see you!』

『Black Tower: She is indeed a star core spirit. There are obviously many good situations, but she can choose the worst every time.』

『Screw Gum: This is indeed the first time I have seen this unique way of falling into dreams, and I always feel that something is wrong.』

『Himeko: Logically speaking, Pinoconi shouldn’t have this way of dreaming. This seems to indicate that dreams are not stable』

『Heita: Have you never considered that it might be the problem of Star Core Jing himself? 』

The rapidly falling star.

She struggled desperately, but as she couldn’t fly, she couldn’t stop her falling.


The meteor that streaked across the sky fell hard and hit the ground directly.

The ground was also directly hit with cracks.

People coming and going even took photos with their mobile phones, as if they wanted to spread the word about this social death scene.

Star struggled to his feet.

Looking back, I saw a worried robin and a helpless Sunday.

But fortunately, nothing happened to her.

In order for Star to adapt, Sunday asked the robin to help Star.

The robin smiled, with ripples appearing in his lake-green eyes, and a huge vortex then rose from the depths of the pool.

Looking at the star, I suddenly felt dizzy.

Her vision became dim, and her body seemed to begin to dissolve, becoming one with the liquid.

A star with weak resistance to memory quality.

She felt that there seemed to be a strange frequency that was leading her, gradually resonating with the robin.

The gradually mixing frequencies seem to be playing a sleeping lullaby.

“It’s okay, it will pass soon.”

The voice of the robin was conveyed slowly.

In a daze, Xing seemed to realize that there was such a seven-color illusion, gently caressing the top of her head. He closed her eyes for her, his movements were gentle and full of love. It was so comfortable here. During this time, Xing seemed to fall asleep and had a good and deep sleep.

After waking up, she felt that her body seemed to be full of vitality.

『March 7: What was that just now? Why does it feel like being hypnotized?』

『Funina: Such a powerful method, can it directly confuse people’s minds?』

『Nasida: Why does it feel… like it’s weird?』

『Keqing: It should be the power from the Star God, right? In other words, is it derived from the envoy?』

『Black Tower: It should be the power from the messenger, or the power they can use』

『Placer Gold: Ouch! This thing looks really scary! I always feel uncomfortable!』

『Doctor Truth: That’s natural. For a gambler, if someone loses his mind, there is nothing he can do about it.』

『Hanabi: The power of harmony, the fool thinks it’s so fun! I’m really looking forward to it more and more』

『Black Swan: The memory of the power of Harmony Moon is also very curious.”

This was explained on Sunday after the synchronization.

Robin uses harmonious music to help Star adapt to the world here.

Except for those who remember Liuguang Yiting, there are only a handful of people who can adapt so quickly.

After helping Xing adapt, the bell rang and the two left.

After receiving the news about March 7, Xing came to the Dreamland Sales Store out of curiosity.

Then, she saw a huge and somewhat dreamy eye

“Welcome to Dreamland Sales Store, the pioneer of Star Dome Train!”

“You can also call me Dr. Edward. I will be happy to help you.”

“You can experience all kinds of novel and interesting dreams here.”

There was a mechanical electronic sound coming from that eye.

After some selection, it helped Xing choose a dream

“I think you will like this dream”

“It came from a private anonymous donation, and the memories within it are said to belong to the fallen star god Akivili”

“I can assure you that this dream bubble is definitely for you!”

Dr. Edward’s voice sounded, but what it said was shocking.

『Black Tower: The fallen star god Akivili? Is there even His memory in Pinocone?』

『Screwgum: If this is true, it would be really shocking.』

『Esta: I feel like my breathing is starting to get a little tense. Can I really see it? real or fake?』

『Walter: It is indeed very attractive. At the same time, it is not difficult to show that Pinoconi does have traces of the unknown guest.』

『Himeko: Maybe it’s the trick of a fool, but no one knows whether it’s true until we see it.』

『Ruan Mei: Pinoconi, can I buy this dream bubble?』

『Sand Gold: I’m starting to look forward to it! The first thing that comes up is the star god Akivili who is related to the unknown guest, which is indeed very interesting.』

『Black Swan: Regarding the memory of the Star God, I believe no one can refuse it, even the rememberer of Liuguang Yiting』

『Underworld: Pioneering Star God…Akivili……』

『Hanabi: Jiang Jiang! Fun things are going to continue to happen again! Hey hey hey! Private donation, who will donate it?』

『Jing Yuan: Pinoconi was formerly a border prison of the Interstellar Peace Company. The people who could be exiled and imprisoned here were extraordinary.』

『Jingyuan: Under such circumstances, there will be some unforgettable things, which is reasonable.』

『Fu Xuan: I seem to understand why the company wants to take back Pinoconi. This is not just a frontier prison, it is also a huge asset that can bring enough benefits.』

『Bronya: This… is indeed completely different from Yalota Six』

『March 7: It’s okay, the Topa people are pretty good. Although I have to pay off my debt, I feel like it shouldn’t be that difficult.』

『Sand Gold: Hahaha! For the sake of Yalota No. 6, I even lowered my rating. It was so fun! I’m taller than you now』

『Topa: Cut! Can anyone tell me what I should do if I encounter a colleague who shows off at work? Waiting online, it’s quite urgent』

『Star: Maybe you can treat him to a cup of olive lemon tea, remember to add more olives, he will definitely”thank you”』

『Placer Gold: Can I choose not to drink it?』

『Topa: I rarely invite people.』

『Placer gold:……』

『Topa: Okay! Add more olives, not lemon』

『Funina: It feels like they have a good relationship! Interstellar Peace Company seems to be different from what you imagined』

『Jing Yuan: Perhaps, every star god will surprise people』

『Pam: So, really���Will there be any memory of Akivelli? 』

After talking with Dr. Edward.

Xing then got the memory bubble from him, and his whole person seemed to be brought into that memory.

A scene that seemed to be played in an old movie began to gradually emerge.

The difference is that this old movie is in color.

Xing Zhen began to be involved in it, and what came into view was a familiar figure of a big rabbit.


『Nasida: It’s here! The train conductor appears again!』

『Xiaogong: It’s so cute! I want to touch its ears』

『Pam: Don’t touch the conductor’s ears!』

『Star: I didn’t expect it to be Pam! Is this really Akivelli’s memory? If so, how long did Pam live?』

『March 7: Huh? Why do I feel like this shouldn’t be a question you can ask?』

『Himeko: So, what exactly is recorded in it?”

Pam came into view and asked aggressively.

“A pioneer of Stardome Train? Do you plead guilty?”

Pam’s question made Xing Zhen confused. What she brought in now was clearly a first-person perspective.

From Doctor Edward, she learned that she had shared the memory of the owner of the dream bubble, and could experience everything he had to do personally. See and hear.

And some of these concepts will be automatically covered.

After Dr. Edward’s voice passed,

Pam continued to speak aggressively.

“The crime you committed is unforgivable, but the train conductor respects everyone’s right to voluntary labor!!”

“Do a thorough cleaning job for me!! Pam yelled, obviously very angry.

『March 7: This… is indeed Pam, exactly the same. Remember, never make the conductor angry』

『Xing: What is this inexplicable sense of substitution?』

『Himeko: It seems like Akivelli did something to make Pam angry?』

『Nasida: I feel like I’m going crazy. What bad thing did you do? Do star gods also do bad things?』

『Black Tower: Like the Happy Star God Aha, this is what happens. He will even become a human to have fun』

『Screwgum: In this way, Akivili and the Star Train also have an inseparable relationship. Maybe even transformed into a human form』

『Placer Gold: Interesting! This is so much fun! Will the aloof Star God still have such a side?』

『Hanabi: Jiang Jiang! Fun things happen all the time! Looking forward to it more and more! Facing Pam

, Akivelli seemed to say something.

However, the audio track was not saved.

This memory bubble couldn’t withstand that power, so Dr. Edward chose to let Xing choose to reappear.

Xing directly put his own voice into it and experienced it more immersively.

At this time, Pam also started asking questions.

“So, do you, and other passengers, admit to being responsible for the following vicious incidents?!”

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