Following Doctor Truth’s guidance, Xing came to the bottom of the space station.

Finally she saw the huge room and the huge petri dish.


A strange electric current was emitted from the petri dish. From a distance, it looked like it was completely broken.

Xing, who slowly walked forward, looked at the destroyed petri dish and felt a little nervous for a moment.

The surrounding lights dimmed and emitted a tragic dark red color, as if announcing the coming crisis.

She continued walking forward.

On the broken ground, there is an unknown orange-yellow viscous liquid

“Funina: It seems that danger is coming!!”

“Nasida: You can’t enter a place like this from the beginning, right?”

“Navilette: There is a saying that curiosity killed the cat! Curiosity is necessary! But sometimes, this is not necessary”

“Jingyuan: Generally speaking, if nothing happens in this kind of scene, it will be surprising.”

“Black Tower: If it is really related to the breeding star god Taizyuros, then you have to be careful”

“March 7: Look, look, look! star! You are in danger! Learn your lesson quickly! Don’t come here next time!”

“Yae Kamiko: From the looks of it, Dr. Truth, who is responsible for guiding the way, is also very suspicious!”

“Skirmisher: Insider! Definitely a mole!”

“Arataki Yidou: The best thing to do is to be more careful in everything.”

“Xing: Sure enough, mom is right, beautiful women are dangerous”

“Liuying: Huh?!”

“Silver Wolf: Don’t worry, you can’t be described as beautiful!”

“Kafka: The future you are stepping into is quite interesting.”

“Doctor Truth: Don’t worry! I can’t do such a thing as letting someone die in vain! All I can say is that sometimes we need to train ordinary people to see what they will do after they are separated from the geniuses.”

“Funina: Is this a test of relying on yourself?”

After Xing touched the orange-yellow viscous liquid, a gust of wind suddenly blew by.

After the sound of the wind blew, Xing instantly felt a strong sense of suffocation.

Behind her, a huge figure suddenly It appears from time to time.

It has a huge body, like a flying beetle.

There is occasionally a hint of red on its body!

“March 7: What a big guy!”

“Jizi: No! It’s really dangerous this time!!”

“Star: Isn’t it too scary? I will never dare to go underground alone again!”

“Funina: Is this the existence related to the breeding star god Taizyuros?”

“Navilet: Indeed, with this body type, it would be very troublesome to deal with it.”

“Keqing: So why would anyone still do this kind of research?”

“Hutao: I don’t feel like my opponent at all! Be extra careful”

“Huo Huo: This is much scarier than Suiyang!”

“Jackdaw: Yeah! At least Suiyang doesn’t look that big and won’t directly cause huge damage, but the one in front of him is obviously very different.”

“Sand Gold: Oh ho! The big guy appears!”

“Sambo: Of course this kind of thing could not have happened earlier!”

“Hanabi: Jiang Jiang! This is so much fun! I thought she was a beautiful and talented scientist, but I was blinded by someone saying”darling”, and finally found out that she was actually conducting crazy research.”

“Xing:…I admit that the phrase”dear” sounds a bit nice.”

“March 7: You are stupid! We can’t be controlled by a bad woman! Don’t get lost in their charm!”

Facing the huge Zerg that suddenly appeared, the clone of the Breeding Order, the Star-Shattering Insect King Skrakabaz.

Xing immediately took out her bat.

She fiercely aimed at the Star-Shattering Insect King The body was smashed with a terrifying explosion, and the Star-Breaking Insect King immediately began to flap its wings at a high speed

, and launched a ferocious attack on Xing. , listening to the buzzing sound, she quickly turned over and ran away.

The stick that had just hit the Star Breaker King made her palms feel numb.

This was not something she could do at all. It is not difficult to imagine that the entire space here began to vibrate in an undesirable way as it attacked the surrounding builders wildly. , if it continues like this, the entire space station will not be able to suppress it. Xing, who was thinking a lot, was also hit hard and fell to the ground during the continuous impact. A terrifying sound. It roared and was about to deliver a fatal blow to the fallen star.

“March 7: Oops! If it hits you, you will really die!”

“Funina: How could this be an opponent? I finally understand why the people in your world must kill this guy!”

“Nacida: If their numbers increase, they will be impossible to deal with! What a disaster!”

“Skirmisher: How terrible! What kind of power is this?”

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