Chapter 50 [Nothingness] Huang Quan draws his sword! May this burning illuminate your bottomless dreams.

These words of Duke Minghuo have completely sentenced him to death.

Yes, he refused to live.

After hearing this, Huang Quan also spoke immediately.

“Tophet’s fire demon, even if you sacrifice your life for that star god, you will not get his favor.”

Huang Quan announced ruthlessly.

Although this sentence sounds full of ridicule, it is indeed the truth.

Grand Duke Minghuo has done many things, but so far, he has never been glanced at by Nanook.

【Funina: What… does this mean? Grand Duke Minghuo just wants to die?!!】

【Nasida:Huh? Doesn’t he want to live anymore?】

【Charlotte: It’s hard to believe. Is he preparing for martyrdom?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Isn’t it a bit too fake? That Grand Duke of Hellfire…actually asked for death?】

【Funina: If this is the case, Archduke Minghuo deserves some respect. Although……】

【Ying: Although he did not get the favor of Nanook, the Star God of Destruction, hahaha!】

【Hanabi: Hehehehe! This is so interesting! I know things are not that simple, fun things happen all the time.】

【Heita: Hey! He can be regarded as a destiny walker walking on the path of destiny.】

【March 7: But he is a bad person! You couldn’t stay from the beginning, right?】

【Xing: You really can’t stay. If you really meet someone, you have to fight!】

【Ji Zi: His understanding of destruction is too narrow. Being in the Annihilation Gang, it is different from what the Star God wants. This may be the real answer.】

【Placer Gold: Good, good, good! Is that so? If that’s the case, then things get interesting】

【Huang Quan: That’s quite admirable. 】

Huang Quan expressed his opinion without hesitation.

It also revealed the fact that Grand Duke Hellfire would never be ignored by Nanook, which was very heartbreaking.

However, this is absolutely not the case for Grand Duke Minghuo.

“Ranger, you are on a narrow [hunting] journey, so naturally you cannot understand it.”

Duke Minghuo said.

His own beliefs are unwavering and cannot be disrupted by others.

“We come from fire, we are born by fire”

“Spread, burn, and destroy until the firewood is burned out, leaving ashes everywhere.”

Duke Minghuo said, and seemed to become excited.

“Burning is the life of the fire demon, the starting point and the end point”

“We are born to die, just to realize the truth of the universe, profile: all things are born for [destruction].”

As he said this, he was even more excited.

For Duke Minghuo, his obsession and madness are no longer understandable by others.

This is a kind of luck, but also a kind of sadness.

Fortunately, , most people spend their entire lives without such a firm goal in life, and sadly, they have been deeply involved in it and cannot extricate themselves.

【Funina: This Archduke of Hellfire seems quite pious.】

【Nilu: I feel like his piety is used in the wrong place】

【Nacida: How was the Fire Demon born? It feels like he is miserable】

【Screwgum: The fire demon of Tophet. After Nanook destroyed Tophet, he was born due to some special power and burned for life.】

【Doctor of Truth: In their view, they are a life form created by Nanook, and they have fanatical belief in Nanook.】

【March 7: It’s Nanook again. I feel like he wouldn’t have appeared if there was no destruction, right?】

【Xing: From the source, this is indeed the case. In short, it is also a sad product. 】

Duke Minghuo is ready to die.

It seems that Huang Quan is still giving Duke Minghuo a choice.

“Your companions don’t seem to think so, and they fight for your chance to survive.”

Some people hope that Grand Duke Minghuo will live, and the descendants of Grand Duke Minghuo really think so.

Regarding this, Grand Duke Minghuo’s voice began to become slightly deeper, as if he was sighing.

“They are my children, just like me once, they are flames that are not yet white-hot.”

“They’re young and I don’t blame them.”

It’s just that when he said this, his voice became a little weak.

“But my flames are hoarse and time is running out”

“See the gala star in the distance? I’m taking Purgatory there, so before that, I have to get you across.”

Grand Duke Minghuo does not shy away from his thoughts at all.

He is absolutely crazy in the eyes of outsiders.

But when it comes to destruction, he is extremely frank.


Looking at the Duke of Minghuo in front of him, Huang Quan became even more curious.

“Because on the road they opened, you have gone further than me.……”


Grand Duke Minghuo announced this word.

This word is very obvious, and it refers to Huang Quan himself.

Huang Quan seemed a little helpless when he heard the words.

He didn’t know whether it was the helplessness of his identity being exposed, or other people’s misunderstanding of him. Caused a lot of trouble

“You can’t hide your identity.”

Duke Minghuo said leisurely, very confident in his judgment.

“Pull out that knife, we’re here to stay”

“We were destined to fight to the death because I”choose” to do so.”

Grand Duke Minghuo has made this choice at this moment.

He did not make his choice to protect the music box, but to fulfill his destiny.

He gave up the possibility of survival given to him by Huangquan , chose to continue fighting

“【Destruction is a heroic moment. If you are despicable and survive…this life will be too long.”

Duke Minghuo said leisurely.

The words he once said have some desolate meaning at this moment.

“Even if the answer…maybe it’s your own destruction? Huang

Quan asked, still not pulling out the knife.

Because she firmly believed in one thing.

Before pulling out the knife, you must think about who your enemy is and the price you will pay for pulling out the knife.

“The answer doesn’t matter, what matters is that it exists. Just like your existence”

“Everything exists to be destroyed! The envoy is no different.”

Duke Minghuo said, his beliefs and logic are self-consistent and cannot be understood by others.

“Even the void can give birth to sweet dreams”

“The so-called impossible is just something that has not yet come.”

In these words, Grand Duke Minghuo seemed to feel that he still had hope to defeat Huang Quan.

From these words, he heard Grand Duke Minghuo’s determination.

Huang Quan also sighed again

“Okay, I promise you.”

At this moment, Huang Quan was ready to draw his sword.

Under the strong request of Grand Duke Minghuo, Huang Quan chose to meet his request-draw his sword.

After hearing what Huang Quan said, Grand Duke Minghuo also made a declaration

“You will witness the most brilliant and explosive fire in the world. May this burning illuminate your bottomless dreams.”

In the final war, he chose the most heroic death

“A bottomless dream… indeed”

“But you misunderstood one thing, the knife was still in its sheath, not out of pity or contempt”

“It’s a secret I don’t want to show anyone…but in return……”

Huang Quan said, his hand has already fallen on the handle of the knife

“I will be honest with you”

“【Hunting] is not my path.”

She said so, she has already said a lot

“May death end your long dream……”

“Lead you back to the sober world……”

The knife has been drawn from its sheath.

The sound of the blade was ferocious at this moment, and the sound bloomed, taking away the last life and obsession.

Flowers bloom on the other side, there is no room left

【Funina: So… such a shocking feeling! Unexpectedly, Archduke Minghuo was not a clown. He had already been prepared to be destroyed.】

【Then Villette: Is his own destruction also part of the destruction? It seems so】

【Funina: However, Huang Quan said she was not hunting, so who could she be?】

【Black Swan: It seems that I got a good memory and some good results.】

【Black Tower: Hunting is indeed not her destiny. With such an aura of death, the choice space is already very small.】

【Black Tower: She is not destroyed, and it is impossible to preserve harmonious and happy memories. Among the remaining star gods, it is impossible to develop knowledge, balance, abundance and mystery.】

【Black Tower: If it is so aggressive and has some final meaning, then obviously there is only the end and nothingness.】

【Black Tower: The end means the end, and nothingness means that everything is meaningless. However, if it is the messenger of the end, she must be happy to end the Archduke of Hellfire】

【Black Tower: The biggest possibility, I personally think is nothingness. When we talk about this, we have to think of another thing: nothingness has no command.】

【Funina: Huh? Nothingness has no command? What does it mean?】

【Nadda: It feels like…something extraordinary has happened.】

【Screwgum: The existence of [Nothingness] is not like other star gods. He will not take the initiative to give blessings.】

【Black Tower: Just like the name of the robe, everything is full of meaninglessness, and the selection of envoys for blessing itself is also meaningless.】

【Screwgum: Therefore, the Void Fate does not claim to have a command to the outside world. But there are also many people who, for various reasons, are contaminated by his power and go further on this path.】

【March 7: That is to say, although it is not called the messenger, it is actually as powerful as the messenger.】

【Ji Zi: It can be easily understood. In fact, the path opened by each Star God is different, and only those who walk on that path can know the specific details.】

【Huang Quan: It seems that the discussion has reached a final answer.】

【Hanabi:Jiangjiang! They appear again! I became even more curious. Since we were walking on a road of nothingness, why did we come to Pinoconi?】

【Huang Quan:……I can’t speak】

【Black Swan: Do people who are unfortunate enough to be infected with power walk the world as rangers? I started to wonder if there was really a patrol patrol being invited.】

【Portio’s ban time has ended】

【Botio: What a treasure! It’s finally out! It’s really suffocating me to death!】

【Botio: Fuck you little cutie! She is the one who wants to move into Pinoconi under my name, right?】

【Botio: There is only one ranger invited by Pinoconi this time, and that can only be me. Just wait for me, my bullet will definitely hit her】


【Botio: Before that, she’d better find a coffin to keep for herself, faker】


【After testing, Botio was banned again due to excessive language.】

【March 7:……】


【Black Swan:……】

【Huang Quan:……】

【……(There are too many duplicate comments and they will not be displayed for the time being.)】

【Finina: This Poteo…seems pretty miserable.】

【March 7: Uh…it feels like he really has a problem with Huang Quan】

【Xing: Everyone can see this. I really don’t know… what happened between them.】

【Himeko: I think maybe my identity was used simply because I stayed in Pinoconi.】

【Esta: In this case, does it mean that he can’t live in it?】

【Sand Gold: Hahaha! Not only can’t you live in it, but if you don’t make it, you’ll be arrested on the spot like a stowaway.】

【Hanabi:Hahaha! Honey! This is so much fun! I’ve never heard anything so funny】

【Xing: And then he was banned from the chat group… I can only say… Have a good trip】

【March 7: Hello! Don’t worry! Now that the Archduke of Hellfire is gone, don’t we still have to deal with Sam? Will she draw the knife? 】

After seeing the fire, Huang Quan gradually came back to his senses from his previous memories.

Her right hand holding the handle of the knife also silently let go at this moment.

“I still dream about it. Huang

Quan said, answering what he had asked before.


She still dreams about those who died because of her.

Realizing that Huang Quan no longer had a strong intention to fight.

The flames on Sam’s right arm also slowly dissipated.

The flames on his body also dispersed.


Sam didn’t understand what Huang Quan wanted to do in front of him.

Huang Quan had his own judgment.

“Stop it! Your time has not yet come.”

She said this as if she already knew the date of Sam’s death.

“My time?”

Sam was a little surprised. He didn’t know what Huang Quan was referring to.

However, Huang Quan seemed to have seen through everything.

“I have seen many seemingly clever disguises that can hide the appearance, but cannot hide the heart”

“You are no exception.”

Huang Quan shook his head, seeming to have seen through Sam.

“You didn’t want to kill the star”

“You just took action to drive me away from the Rememberer… Why? Huang

Quan said she was confused.

She once said that she relied on her feelings.

Her feelings told her that this was the truth.

【Funina: Just dispel the underworld and the black swan? Sam doesn’t intend to take action against Xing?】

【Xing: Suddenly I felt like I was being given preferential treatment. This was really unexpected.】

【March 7: Didn’t you say that you are the protagonist? Isn’t this how the protagonist is treated?】

【Black Tower: Speaking of which, a certain star core hunter who likes to sneak in and play games seems to be particularly merciful to stars.】

【Silver Wolf: What do you want to say?】

【Black Tower: As a star core hunter, you didn’t take away the star. This is very unusual in itself. Or are you planning to experiment?】

【Xing: Uh… don’t worry, don’t panic, I’m used to the simulated universe anyway.】

【Xing: And… I think the Star Core Hunter is actually pretty good to me…】

【March 7:……Why does it suddenly feel like…the Star Core Hunters are no longer the enemy?】

【Silver Wolf: This was not written in Elio’s script. I can only say that he was lucky. 】

Huang Quan asked Sam to no avail, so she asked again tentatively.

“Did [Slave of Destiny] make you do this?”

When mentioning this, Sam also became curious.

“Do you know Elio?”

“I thought this would be in your [script].”

Huang Quan obviously knows about the existence of Elio, and also knows about the actions of the Star Core Hunters, and has the script written by Elio.

When talking about this, Sam can be said to answer all questions.

“My scripts always only have a few lines”

“Other than that, it is unnecessary and unnecessary”

“He knows my character: there is only one destiny, and no one can circumvent it. Until then, I have a choice.”

Sam seemed to be so stubborn that Elio couldn’t help it.

“But you don’t seem to know, so it’s my turn to ask, who are you?”

Sam asked.

Facing his own identity being seen through, Sam also wanted to know the identity of the other party.

Huang Quan hesitated slightly when facing the question. After a moment of thinking, she gave an ambiguous answer

“Maybe not your enemy.”

As before, not an enemy

“The answer is wrong!”

Sam is obviously not satisfied with this answer.

And Huang Quan still has no intention of revealing his identity.

“I’m not worthy of your curiosity”

“People who travel alone in the galaxy always have some secrets. I have also been wanted by the company, and I know something about the Galaxy Hunters. It is not surprising, and that’s about it.”

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