Chapter 52 Walter confronts Huang Quan! In the name of the world! Rubbing black holes or copying the law?

The situation in Pinoconi now is unclear.

If you want to get a good result here, you obviously need to be more careful.

“We also have to be careful about how close we are to our family, and we must not get too close.”

“Cooperating with companies can be regarded as a method of checks and balances. If any party has other intentions, we will have the opportunity to withdraw.”

Walter gave his own opinion

“So you suggest, first accept the cooperation proposal of placer gold.”

Ji Zi simply concluded.

“Yes, hidden dangers certainly exist……”

“But we can only wait until all parties have clarity before making further judgments.”

Walter still wanted to get more intelligence information.

Hearing this, March 7 sighed helplessly.

“I understand the truth, but there are so many bad women and bad men here that I really worry about being stabbed in the back!”

“Xingdu has been bullied several times. I really can’t stand it.……”

Regarding Xing being bullied, March 7th is really helpless.

【Xing: March is better! I can’t stand it now】

【March 7: Uh… don’t speak in such a strange tone, okay? I can’t stand it】

【Liu Ying: Indeed, there is real trouble here. It would be best if we could not get involved.】

【Funina: March 7th is so cute! I feel like the train crew is quite loving.】

【Nashida: Of all the people I have seen so far, the train group is my favorite.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Maybe they don’t have any bad intentions at all? It’s called pioneering, but actually it’s helping everywhere.】

【Xiaogong: Speaking of which, Grand Duke Minghuo didn’t declare war on Kaikai at that time, so……】

【Star: Hey hey hey! We are very powerful!】

【March 7: It’s okay. Ji Zi and Uncle Yang will take care of it if something goes wrong. 】

Hearing March 7’s emotion, Xing’s mood warmed up a little at this time.

“It’s okay, he gave a lot.”

What Xing said was exactly what Sha Jin did before to give money.

As an envoy of the company, Sha Jin really gave a lot.

“Hey you……”

On March 71st, I was almost choked to death by Xing’s words and sent away.

【Hanabi:Hahaha! Jiangjiang! Sure enough, money is still very useful.】

【Xing: Sand Gold gave me a lot of credit points, and Black Swan also gave me a card. They really gave me a lot!】

【Qingque: I gave you money! Then I understand】

【Hutao: If after someone bullies me, he takes care of my business and directly customizes hundreds of coffins, I will thank him with all the gongs and drums.】

【Bai Shu: Then…I feel like this person is quite miserable.】

【Paimon: Hundreds of coffins…how many people are going to be laid in them at once?】

【Ying: It’s a bit scary. Suddenly it becomes like a ghost story.】

【Funina: It seems that Xing has recovered a lot and can even joke around.】

【Nasida: I hope there won’t be anything too sad next, otherwise I’ll really make people cry to death.】

【Folotti: Generally speaking, when you say this, something bad happens. 】

Xing said that he could be bullied if he gave money. March 7 was stunned for a moment, but he still refused to give up.

“no! This girl cannot accept this reason!!”

“Forget it, let me keep an eye on him. If that doesn’t work, let’s use him instead.”

At this time of March 7, I was also ready to take action personally.

The cooperation with Sand Gold began.

After Xing replied to the message, he immediately received 200,000 credits from Sand Gold

【March 7: Are all the people in this company so rich? Is that a little too much?】

【Xing: I told you, he is really rich, he is a rich man】

【Funina: If you really have money, you can give it to me directly.】

【Nasida: I seem to understand why Xing is in a good mood】

【Topa: Hey! Now you can understand how distressing it is to have a rich colleague who loves to show off, right?】

【Sand Gold: Hey hey hey! There is no way, who makes it easy for me to live alone?】

【Hanabi: The train crew bets on both sides and has two legs. It’s so much fun】

【Black Swan: This is a wise choice. This is often necessary when you don’t know your opponent clearly.】

【Heita: I started to wonder what would happen next, the truth about Pinoconi. 】

After reaching cooperation with Sand Jin, Xing found March 7 again and started chatting.

Regarding this incident, March 7 expressed his feelings again.

“I don’t know if it’s too sudden, but I always feel that Miss Mockingbird is not dead and is still alive and well somewhere..”

“It’s all just a…prank……”

She said so.

I don’t want to believe what has happened, and I feel that it may not be true.

“Because… isn’t this in a dream?”

“How could someone die in Dreamland? Shouldn’t only good things happen…?”

March 7 murmured

“well! When I see that big theater, I can’t help but think about it……”

Seeing her like this, Xing also comforted her.

“We will make dreams return to normal.”

She said this, and March 7 also agreed with it.

“Well, of course, at this time, we have to look at our train crew.”

“Families and companies all only have their own plans.”

“People on the street are still so happy, no one knows what happened……”

“It’s so unreal, as if Firefly, Miss Mockingbird, and us… are people from another world.”

“This dream… is becoming increasingly unreal.”

March 7 said with emotion

“Don’t worry, everything will be fine.”

Xing comforted.

Then, she found other people.

From Walter, Xing learned about Uncle Yang’s guess.

Sha Jin’s accusation against Huang Quan was very arbitrary and would only make himself look suspicious.

He still did it, Just to make them doubt Huang Quan , that’s all. Regarding

Huang Quan, her existence itself is a huge mystery.

【Funina: Although placer gold doesn’t appear often, others think highly of him.】

【March 7: Indeed…when it comes to the company, it starts to become troublesome】

【Esta: Uh… I think it’s just that pure placer gold is more difficult to deal with.】

【Xing: I agree with this. Topa is very principled in doing things.】

【Topa: This is the happiest thing I heard today】

【Sha Jin: Oh my, you are all so careful and wary of me, it really makes me sad!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Sure enough, the previous accusation against Huang Quan was just to arouse the train crew’s vigilance against Huang Quan?】

【Fu Luoti: I suddenly felt, was this intentional?】

【Qingque: Deliberately let the train crew and other forces fall into their own blindness, and then, can I implement my own plan?】

【Hanabi: Hehehehe! You are so smart, my dear】

【Qingque: Then do you want to play Emperor Yuan Qiongyu? I can give you a hand】

【Hanabi: No, pretending to be a robin is much more fun than playing cards.】

【Himeko: However, the difficulty of the problem now is how Sand Gold prepares to reveal the matter of death.】

【Walter: If you want the company to get involved and embarrass the family at the same time, it must be a big move.】

【Heita: That’s a gambler! To be honest, I also want to know how much trouble he can cause in Pinoconi for others to clean up.】

【Placer Gold: This is not difficult. As long as we can get the cornerstone, everything will be easy.】

【Doctor Truth: However, as early as the beginning, someone’s cornerstone has been directly withheld】

【Placer Gold: Ouch! professor! Don’t be so impatient! Relax a little, do you think the person who seized my foundation stone will come to me?】

【Xing: Does this mean you still have a backup plan?】

【Placer gold: If the cornerstone is gone, you can get it back. This is a very simple matter. And someone will deliver it personally. 】

After the train group and Sand Gold formally reached cooperation, Sand Gold did not immediately make more requests.

Walter is also prepared to handle the family’s entrustment first.

That’s two murders

“One thing I’m curious about is, if a person dies in a dream, what about him in reality?”

“Since we have the family’s instructions, we might as well return to reality and verify Miss Liuying’s situation with the hotel.……”

“You can also inquire about Miss Mockingbird!”

Ji Zi put forward her own opinion.

Obviously, if people in reality are fine, then dying in a dream is not a terrible thing.

And it will be easier to investigate in this way.

After hearing this, Walter also put forward his own opinions

“How about this?”

“Our troops are divided into two groups. There are some things of concern in the dream. I want to investigate first and meet you later.”

Walter wanted to act alone.

Jizi was a little curious when Walter said this.

“Something to care about?”

“Oh… no problem, that’s up to you.”

Ji Zi did not ask directly, but allowed Walter to act.

After deciding what to do, Ji Zi left with March 7 and Xing.

After the three left, Walter’s eyes changed. Be fierce

“Distinguished guest, can you come out and meet me?”

Walter asked.

But there was obviously no one else around him.

But, in the next moment,

Huang Quan suddenly appeared behind Walter.

It was like she had been standing here and never left. Live the same

【Star: All of a sudden it appeared! how did you do that? Is it some kind of magical means?】

【March 7: So… so scary! Feels like a ghost】

【Huo Huo: It’s scarier than… than those Suiyangs who just hide in dark corners, waiting for lost girls to pass by, and suddenly pop up to scare people.】

【Uncle Tail: Why do you say that? It seems like you have been scared?】

【Funina: Is this the envoy? What a magical method. Was that just a display of your own power?】

【Nacida: I remember I speculated that she has something to do with nothingness, so is this also a kind of ability?】

【Fu Luoti: Does this mean… that even if you stand where you are, you will be ignored? That is indeed quite nihilistic.】

【Ying: Do you have the ability to not be discovered? Isn’t this too fragrant? If I had this ability, I would directly……】

【Paimon: I’ll go directly to Crescent House for a big meal】

【fluorescent:……Isn’t this a bit overkill?】

【Keqing: If you want to do bad things, that’s not allowed!】

【Hutao: Yes, yes! You can’t come and go to the Hall of Life to steal coffins! Not even stealing Qiqi】

【fluorescent:……No one wants to steal the coffin, right? What were you stealing for? Take it for yourself?】

【Villette: What Walter said just now is that he felt the existence of Huang Quan?】

【March 7: How awesome, Uncle Yang! As expected of Uncle Yang! Really reliable!】

【Xing: I hope the two of them will have a friendly conversation】

【Hanabi:Hehehe! By friendly, do you mean fighting directly? 】

Huang Quan appeared out of thin air from behind Walter.

Walter, who felt someone suddenly appeared behind him, also turned around.

He looked back, and after seeing Huang Quan, his eyes seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

It seems familiar, or maybe it’s not.

“Being stared at like this would make me feel embarrassed.”

After a period of silence, Huang Quan spoke first.

Walter seemed a little embarrassed at this moment.

“excuse me”

“My name is Walter Young, a member of the Star Train. I believe you have met my companions.”

He introduced himself


Huang Quan muttered, as if the name seemed familiar.

【March 7: This… feels a little wrong! How do you feel about two people?……】

【Xing: I feel like they know each other】

【Funina: It feels like the two of them know each other, but neither of them seems to have said it.】

【Kamisato Ayaka:Huh? Could it be that the two of them really knew each other?】

【Charlotte: If I knew each other… wouldn’t this Walter be super powerful too? The train set is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon!】

【Sand Gold: Oh? Will this happen again? It’s really exciting! I’m starting to wonder what’s going to happen next】

【Black Swan: Maybe we can get more information about her from here.】

【Hanabi: Let’s fight! Let’s fight!!】

【March 7: Uncle Yang…do you really know each other?】

【Walter: She does look like an old friend from the past, but… maybe not】

【Xing: Uncle Yang is also full of secrets! Is there any order to make someone strong? really curious】

【Walter: Unfortunately, fighting is not my strong point. I only know some small tricks】

【Black Tower: Does this little trick mean that when the star core power in the star is released, use a crutch to directly suppress that energy perfectly?】

【March 7: Huh?!! How did you know?】

【Black Tower: All space stations are monitored, otherwise why is it called the Black Tower Space Station?】

【March 7:……】

When Huang Quan met Walter, they obviously had their own concerns.

To be precise, because of the placer gold, they had to reconsider the existence of Huangquan

“Before that, don’t you ask me my name?”

Huang Quan was a little surprised that he didn’t need an introduction.

“I’m afraid no need! Miss Huang Quan!”

“You are now a well-known figure in Pinoconi.”

Walter’s words were sharp, as if he could directly penetrate

“What did they say?”

Huang Quan asked helplessly

“Someone claims that you are the real culprit in this serial murder case”

“The Annihilation Gang who came to the banquet also died tragically under your knife. Now, you are trying to start another bloody storm in Pinoconi.”

Walter said it straight to the point.

Being mentioned in this way, Huang Quan seemed to remember, what

“The Annihilation Gang?”

“Everett from the Eternal Fire Mansion!”

Walter continued to press

“Tragic death……”

Huang Quan is not satisfied with this word

“The great prince turned his dying body into fire and died as a martyr.”

“He is a determined and heroic man who pursues his destiny. Even a villain should not be slandered like this.”

Huang Quan has a very high opinion of Grand Duke Minghuo.

Such comments come from her mouth, which is somewhat surprising.

“What’s more, there are quite a few suspicious people invited.”

“Do they really think… a long knife is more dangerous than the [black hole] in your hand?”

Huang Quan said, directly telling Walter’s trump card.

【March 7: Black, black, black… black hole? Isn’t that a cane that Uncle Yang is holding? Roar】

【star:……It suppresses the star core in my body. Don’t you think that is really a crutch?】

【Paimon: Black hole? what is that? It sounds so awesome】

【Ying: After Huang Quan said this, he won’t be weak no matter what, right?】

【Esta: To put it simply… it’s something that can even swallow the sun directly.】

【star:……Such an intuitive description, you can immediately understand the concept. Although I know what it is. 】

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