Chapter 77: Star: Yingbao, Sam, let me go! Gallagher Faceoff Sunday!

Sam’s appearance was surprising.

And the news he wanted to convey to Xing again and again made people extremely curious.

【Funina: It sounds like Sam has something to say to Xing】

【Nasida: Didn’t we guess before that Liu Ying was Sam? Is it clear now?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: His words are honest and make people very curious. I tried a total of 11 times but failed in the end?】

【Ke Qing: If you put it that way, someone should be stopping Sam.】

【Black Tower: Who is this person stopping him? Family? Or is there someone else? Watchmaker?】

【Screwgum: Someone is obviously behind all this. Anyone who wants to uncover the truth cannot do so.】

【Ruan Mei: It’s hard not to suspect that someone with such power in Pinoconi is the mastermind behind the scenes.】

【March 7: This may be hidden within the family, he may even have been watching】

【Himeko: Even the battle just now was being monitored. Remember that purple bird? When we were at Chaolu Mansion, Sand Jin was also under surveillance outside, and our fight with Sand Jin was also under surveillance.】

【Walter: It is reasonable to suspect that there is a huge connection behind this bird and that person.】

【Xing: So, if it weren’t for Huang Quan’s knife, we still wouldn’t be able to see him, right?】

【Black Swan: Judging from the current situation, this is exactly the case. Ms. Huangquan’s power and the power of Sand Gold’s command are enough to barely resist.】

【Black Swan: Everyone is also beside Miss Huang Quan. It is normal for us to be affected by this power at such a close distance.】

【Fu Xuan: And it seems that this place is not in Pinoconi’s dream, or in other words, it is not in the Pinoconi dream designed by the family.】

【Xing: Speaking of which, this place is a bit like the place I passed by when I first fell asleep from the hotel.】

【Walter: It seems that everything I experienced was not accidental, and it was not necessarily a narrow passage into a dream, but something with a special meaning.】

【March 7: Ah! There are eleven more times, and one less time will be twelve! The golden moment we entered was exactly twelve o’clock!】

【Xing: Was everything planned? That does seem a little strange.】

【Silver Wolf: Have you finally reached this point?】

【Kafka: No! To be precise, we should have finally reached this point.】

【Blade: I hope she can be here, reach her own ending, and move toward liberation.】

【Xing: You guys are talking strangely. Could it be that Sam is really Liuying? And what does liberation mean? ]

Sam turned his back to Xing and was speaking nonchalantly at this time.

Someone once commented that Sam is a simple person.

He’s definitely better at telling the truth.

This is especially true for the being who controls this mecha.

“I don’t understand people’s hearts as well as Elio and Kafka, and I don’t have the skills of Silver Wolf and Blade.”

“Most of the things I’m good at are only applicable to villains who don’t need mercy.”

This is also the trace left by Star Core Hunter Sam.

Often wherever he goes, he is filled with destruction and destruction.


“There is only one [Method] I can use.”

Sam said.

When Xing slowly came closer, a ray of light rushed out of Sam’s body.

This ray of light flickered, as if the armor was about to disintegrate under the influence of force.

“That’s to show you……”

Sam said.

A ball of blazing fire suddenly burst out from his body.

This terrifying flame spurted out and condensed into the hottest vortex.

Sam, standing in the vortex, was slowly and gradually exposed.

Sam is a mecha.

And inside this mecha, there is another figure.

The Sam mecha then disintegrated.

The blazing flame vortex also gradually dispersed under the energy supply.

As the flames gradually weakened, the figure inside became clearer and more obvious.

She has a small figure and looks familiar from behind.

The firelight reflected on Star’s face and caught her eyes.

Xing looked at the scene in front of him, looking at that figure, the look of shock in his eyebrows became a little bit more.

Because, that familiar streamer.

The light fluorescent green skirt and the looming hair accessories.

They all silently explained her existence.


She was holding a golden object, which seemed to be a transformer for summoning mechas.

The transformer was small, with a golden core trailing a faint fluorescent tail, giving it a light yet firm aesthetic.

On her left cheek, clear traces of bright green lines could be faintly seen.

These traces are like a fatal threat, but also like some kind of omen before it is broken.

She turned back slightly, with a trace of hesitation in her eyes

“……my everything.”

She turned around and could see more clearly that there were the same marks on her right cheek.

But she didn’t know if it was because she was in a dream.

The traces of green light on her face faded very quickly.

Disarming the mecha in front of Xing also instantly revealed her identity, causing waves of exclamations.

【Funina: It turns out to be Liuying!! Really!!】

【Nasida: Although I had this feeling before, it was still shocking to see it!!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Ryuhata!! Liuying!! Yingbao is really not dead!!】

【Ying: Great, Liuying is not dead either! Sure enough, Hanabi was talking about her!】

【Paimon: That’s it! How could he die so easily when he had already dated Xing?】

【fluorescent:……I think it’s better for you to take back these words and don’t ruin the atmosphere.】

【Hutao: Woohoo!! Fortunately, Liu Ying’s memorial coffin was not prepared in advance!】

【Atractylodes:……Being able to prepare that kind of thing is truly terrifying, right?】

【Hutao: It’s okay. It’s okay if you prepare. Just think of it as giving Qiqi a space to rest.】

【Ke Qing: Just like the guess, it can now be proved that Pinoconi is not really dead.】

【Gan Yu: Hasn’t the death of placer gold been proven long ago?】

【March 7: Phew! It’s really a relief, but it’s okay】

【Star: Liuying! Liuying!! Can Sam please let me go? Can I go in?】

【March 7: Hello!! At this time, don’t say such strange things!!】

【Sand Gold: I am very happy to be able to meet this little girl and to be able to continue to live in Pinoconi.】

【Black Swan: There is no real death in Pinocchio, and it seems that the memory meme also proves this.】

【Fu Xuan: There is only one problem left now, that is, after Liu Ying was killed, she immediately summoned the mecha back】

【Fu Xuan: I’m very curious, what happened in this?】

【Qingque: If you really go to Pinoconi, it’s a bit surprising to come back so soon, right?】

【Esta: In other words, is there a secret that we don’t know about?】

【Black Tower: It is very likely that it involves the truth that Liu Ying enters his dream, and such truth may also contain some important information.】

【Screw Gum: Known: Huangquan used his own power to combine placer gold with the people on the train set, and seemed to give them”death” in their dreams.”】

【Screwgum: So they may have gone to the real Pinoconi, but how the fireflies came back so quickly is also curious.】

【Ruan Mei: Perhaps, the unique method of the Star Core Hunter played a role】

【Star: Hey hey hey! Liuying is going to show everything she has!】

【Silver Wolf: Sure enough, it was a wise choice for Elio to give her a smaller script.】

【Silver Wolf: If she knew all the scripts, she would definitely tell them word for word】

【Kafka: Yeah! Liuying is too innocent. In the conversation with Huang Quan, he was all told by the other party, but he did not get any information about Huang Quan.】

【Liuying:……But I originally wanted to… keep things simple……】

【Blade: I can understand that as long as we can reach the predetermined ending, it doesn’t matter how we do it.】

【Xing: So, can you lend me the Sam mecha?】

【Liu Ying: Well…I’m afraid……】

【March 7: Okay, okay! Stop worrying about this issue! Just keep reading and see what happens.】

【Himeko: Indeed, the truth about Pinoconi is about to be revealed】

【Ji Zi: Liu Ying wants to tell everything she knows. Sand Gold was also sent directly to the real death by Huang Quan under the nose of the family. Naturally, this includes us】

【Himeko: So I’m also very curious about what Mr. Sunday, who cleared out Crocker Film and Television Park in advance, and the family members who were watching, will do.】

【Walter: To pose such a big threat in Pinoconi’s dream is contrary to the family’s guarantee.】

【March 7: So, Huangquan is also in danger, right?】

【Huang Quan: Don’t worry! I didn’t think anything like that would happen. 】

Just talking.

There are also new changes on the screen at this time.

Inside Chaolu Mansion.

When the placer gold was in full swing, a figure also walked in here.

Gallagher, who had already received the news, was walking slowly and striding at this moment.

He seemed to have received the message and was coming here.

Looking at the deserted Chaolu Mansion without any guards.

Gallagher was also unstinting in his evaluation.

“Maze-like corridors and halls, traps everywhere……”

“The owner of this big house is a bit suspicious! Gallagher chuckled.

Opposite the model building, there was another man standing with his hands behind his back.

He was wearing a white dress and had a hair ornament like wings.

Moreover, he still had his hands behind his back and his back to Attracting people

“You have a great sense of humor, Mr. Sheriff.”

“I hope this sense of humor has helped you find the serial murderer.”

I was sarcastic when I came up on Sunday.

Seeing the chat group here, it can be said to be very lively.

【March 7: It’s coming, it’s coming! I’ve said it before, it’s going to be a very interesting thing, and it’s finally here……】

【Black Tower: Gallagher and Sunday, among the two characters currently appearing, the two most likely to be suspicious】

【Funina: Are they going to confront each other? I feel that once something happens to gold dust, the peaceful situation will be broken.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: This is really the most stressful part.】

【Hanabi: Hehehehe! Fight, fight! This is fun! Fight!】

【Xing: Isn’t this going to be a hair-pulling situation?】

【March 7:……Don’t use your imagination at this time!】

【Hanabi: So, I have a picture】

【Charlotte: Certain images… entered my mind in a very sinful way. ah! Help!! ]

Gallagher walked forward, looking at Sunday, still looking lazy.

“Just express my personal opinion”

“What, did it hit you where it hurts?”

Gallagher mocked.

By this time on Sunday, he was already a little angry.

“Mr. Gallagher, I don’t have much patience.”

“Being passive and slacking off… will only make me more suspicious that you are involved with the real murderer.”

Sunday turned around and looked at Gallagher with anger in his eyes.

At this time, Gallagher smiled directly after hearing this


Then, he sighed heavily again


“Scoundrel, gangster, drunkard, hooligan……”

“I have heard too much of this rubbish, but I never thought that one day I would be regarded as an accomplice of a murderer.”

Gallagher walked towards Sunday.

As the camera continued to rise, it was still possible to���See the bird above watching all this.

Obviously, this conversation is also being monitored.

However, it is still open to question who is under the supervision of

“I retract my preamble: Your problem is not that you are too suspicious”

“You’re a madman, understand? madman.”

Gallagher emphasized this point again.

It was even Gallagher’s turn to become angry.

“You – family——”

“Break the spine of my old dog, pull out the fangs, and now accuse me of murder?”

“Damn it, only a drunken idiot from Surada would be crazy about a stray dog on the street.”

Gallagher refuted it when he came up. This curse did not make people feel relaxed at all.

“What is it that makes you keep talking crazy here?”

“Rather than me, you should be more concerned about the group of foreign guests who are making a fuss in the film and television park.”

Gallagher gave his own opinion.

And Sunday had his own ideas.

“No need for you to remind me”

“As soon as the envoy left the mansion, I knew what he was going to do. My servants saw it all.”

“His little magic trick did fool me, but no matter, I am very happy to see the current situation.”

Sunday said, but his eyes fell on the purple bird in the sky.

Obviously, this purple bird was Sunday’s eyeliner.

【Funina: That’s true! I knew it……】

【Nasida: I really didn’t expect that those birds were all Sunday’s spies?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Before, we all thought it belonged to the family, but now it seems…it does belong to the family, but it is just a Sunday servant.】

【Black Tower: That has something to do with the Oak family! The incident itself is unusual】

【Screw Gum: People have to start to wonder, what will happen next?】

【March 7: Sunday was already suspicious of Gallagher. Was it because he told the train crew too much?】

【Himeko: I don’t deny this, but the family didn’t tell us much useful information. I actually got a lot of information from Gallagher.】

【Star: Sunday said before that he had found the murderer, but he just asked Shajin to verify it. I believe the murderer will be revealed soon. 】

Sunday’s words.

He seemed to be very happy to see Shajin make a big fuss and lead everyone to Clark Movie Park

“Why do you think I let him go, and why did I clear the stage of that film and television park?”

“Because my goal from beginning to end is you! hound!”

Sunday targeted Gallagher.

“The more noise he makes, the more opportunities I have to make you and your true master pay with blood.”

Hearing this, Gallagher did not have any worries.

On the contrary, he was very relaxed and could refute

“If I am really the murderer, why are you so secretive?”

“Ha, I forgot, you also have a difficult master to serve (Pinoconi’s Dream Master)”

“They told you to ignore the bullshit murder case and focus on the Harmony Ceremony】……”

Gallagher said, and then he came closer.

“Isn’t that right, gentle brother?”

He deliberately used this word.

Behind this word, it seems to point directly to the robin.

Sunday sneered directly

“snort! It seems that your disguise has helped you fully understand every detail of the family.”

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