Chapter 80 God’s Day Exposed! The first day…Taiyi! Meng Zhao comes back! Lay the foundation for our paradise.

The narrator explains at this time.

It already feels extremely heavy.

That seemed to bring the final end to a story.

It seems that the final outcome of this pair of brothers and sisters has been determined.

And what flows out from this picture is enough to make people feel a lot.

【Funina: Although I still don’t know how the story will develop.】

【Fonina: But judging from the current situation, it is obvious that Sunday and Robin are going to be opposites.】

【Nasida: The fates of the two people are really different. Can the gap between [Harmony] and [Order] be so obvious?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: The two brothers and sisters are destined to fight. Such an ending is really disappointing.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: There is no such thing as a brother and sister who will die, right? Do you really want to die?】

【Shen He: Judging from the current situation, this possibility is not non-existent.】

【Black Tower: [Tongharmony] can accommodate [Order], but [Order] cannot tolerate [Tongharmony]. Although the two are intertwined, they are also slightly different.】

【Black Tower: What Mockingbird wants is a world where everyone can tolerate each other and overcome difficulties together to move towards the future.】

【Black Tower: What Sunday wants is a perfect world, perfect without any flaws. But it’s impossible to achieve perfection】

【Black Tower: Unless you really have something and pay the price】

【Screwgum: If everyone in Pinoconi can be immersed in a sweet dream and they don’t want to wake up from it, does this fulfill Sunday’s wish?】

【March 7: So… is this true?】

【Hoshi: This kind of thing… just thinking about it makes me feel terrible.】

【Mockingbird: People can’t always be immersed in the past. It won’t do any good. My brother must not do that.】

【Hanabi:Hehehe! Now, differences arise】

【Black Swan: Two different ideas collide with each other. Perhaps as mentioned before on Sunday, they can only use their own strength to determine the outcome.】

【Huang Quan: I hope they can get their wish and return to the sober world. 】

On that screen.

The story of this pair of brothers and sisters has not ended yet.

From up there, there are still sounds.

“What does it take to become a tuner?”

The little robin asked, full of curiosity.

She has a beautiful dream, and now she wants to realize this dream, which requires some methods and efforts.

However, this time she is responding to her adult Sunday

“Maybe…you have to become a star first……”

Such a response seems to imply that there is a big difference between childhood and adulthood.

After this sound, the robin’s voice also has a hint of sadness

“Even if the place where the star is is an eternal lonely night?”

This kind of inquiry seems to imply something.

Some people turn into the sun, some people turn into stars, and some people have to pay the price for everything they want.

The place where the stars are is the eternal night, and this eternal night also implies Loneliness.

Obviously, what Sunday did has already destined him to be lonely.

There is also a question from Sunday about the differences between the two people.

“If you and I were never alone…how could we embark on the road of drifting apart?……”

“The night was still… too short.”

This deep voice, falling towards Sunday, seemed to be in the deep world, falling into the endless darkness.

However, at this moment.

Suddenly, a figure rushed out.

She Fly down from the sky and hold tightly the sun that is about to fall

“If unfortunately your wings are missing, then lend them to each other”

“elder brother……”

“Dream…it’s time to wake up……”

Robin whispered, hugging his brother.

This is the only thing she can do as a sister.

And this move seemed to bring the final end to this battle.

But Sunday’s response still seemed brutal

“The living have obligations……”

“finish me off……”

“Then fly to the sky……”

Sunday said softly.

The figures of a pair of brothers and sisters fell from the sky, as if they were about to fall to the horizon.

The two people embraced each other in that light, and the light of heaven and earth converged at this moment.

Sunday was ready to die, and that was exactly what he was doing.

However, as a younger sister, Mockingbird obviously cannot accept this.

“We…we were supposed to fly into the sky together……”

“I also want to be with you………”

Sunday said so.

But the figures of the two people were already moving further and further away in completely different directions.

【Sunday Mockingbird – If you and I were never alone, how could we ever embark on the road of drifting apart?……】

When such subtitles are presented, it seems that the predetermined endings of the two brothers and sisters have been explained.

Although from this exposed picture, only a few words and some simple pictures can be heard.

But at this moment, they all understood very clearly what was about to happen.

【Funina: Is there really no way for two people to survive?】

【Nasida: I always feel that…this brother and sister are a bit too miserable.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Everything we said before was just speculation, and it hasn’t really happened yet, right?】

【Fu Luoti: But it seems that the two of them can no longer look back.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I mean, this exposure is just like Huang Quan and placer gold, it just explains part of the truth, right?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Just like before, we didn’t know that Huangquan was actually easy to talk to, and sand gold also had its own unknown past, right?】

【Funina: But…compared to the previous exposure, this exposure has revealed too much information.】

【Esta: Yes, it can be seen that their relationship was very good when they were young. However, as they grow up, the two of them seem to be a little different.】

【Black Tower: From the looks of it, the last Sunday should be a failure and prepare to die.】

【Screwgum: But there are still a lot of conjectures about the details, and this is the most concerning thing.】

【Botio: The baby has a broken leg! After working on it for a long time, it’s really interesting that there is such a thing in Pinoconi! It seems like it was really not in vain.】

【March 7: I hope the last two people are okay】

【Xing: I also hope that my uncle is okay, and that there is also a robin】

【Liuying: Although I agree with your point of view, can this uncle change his opinion? (angry)】

【Ying:Yes! That’s my uncle!】

【Paimon:……Why don’t you get involved in this excitement?】

【Black Swan: The brother and sister have turned against each other. It seems that the two of them will leave an unforgettable memory on the stage of Pinoconi.】

【Sand Gold: To be honest, I am more and more interested in Sundays now】

【Hanabi: Hehehehe! Fight, fight!! 】

On the screen, Sunday and Robin have been exposed one after another.

Although the details are still unknown to everyone.

But this sweet dream of Pinoconi has clearly felt that it is not as simple as imagined.

After that, a new figure appeared above.

It was a huge golden figure.

He also has a huge body, with golden light emitting from all over his body.

That flickering existence is like grace from heaven.

He holds a golden baton in his right hand, as if he is making peace with the whole world.

And beside him, there were golden elves.

This golden figure, the moment he appeared, had a line of words

【Choir in unison!】

【God’s Day! 】

This word was exposed, and many people were shocked.

【Nacida: What is it this time? Choir in unison? What is that?】

【Funina: God’s Sunday… I remember when it was exposed just now, it seemed like the robin said when he was a child that his wish was to summon the [Unison Choir Dominics], right?】

【Funina: But why does this become God’s Day?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Could it be said that the Harmony Ceremony really went on as scheduled?】

【Nilu: It feels like there are more truths about to be revealed.】

【Villette: Let them explain the stories that belong to their world.】

【Ji Zi: [Qi Xiang Choir] is indeed one of the incarnations of [Tong Xie] Xi Pei. The [Endless Husband] that appeared before was also this incarnation.】

【Himeko: Normally speaking, the choir should be Dominics】

【March 7: But this is called God’s Day, so obviously there are some problems, right?��】

【Walter: That’s right! And the key to this is believed to be the power of [Order] at work.】

【Walter: Maybe it was because of the interference from the power of [Order] that it became like this.】

【Xing: In other words, is this the final BOSS we want to fight?】

【March 7: This explanation… is really easy to understand.……】

【Black Tower: If we think about it further, could it be this [God’s Sunday] who needs to pay the price on Sunday?】

【Screwgum: I got some opinions from some records of folk beliefs in the world.】

【Screwgum: They believe that there is a mysterious and supreme being who created the world in seven days】

【Screw Gum: If we divide these seven days, they are also from Monday to Sunday.】

【Heita: I have to wonder, this Sunday is Sunday, right?】

【Screwgum: All of this is too coincidental, and this possibility still exists.】

【March 7: Ah! That’s it! Isn’t that awesome?】

【Xing: No matter what, we will defeat him!!】

【Sand Gold: Hey! What a big guy! It was even bigger than the noise I made before.】

【Doctor of Truth: The Ceremony of Harmony…God’s Day…and the Star Core…Pinoconi has a lot of secrets……】

【Black Swan: Because of this, people are looking forward to what will happen next】

【Hanabi: Hehehehe! Smart people will never get into the game from the beginning, you are already in the game! But it’s fun to watch you guys fight.】

【Bronya: Compared to our planet, the war in Pinocchio seems more scary.】

【Xier: Believe them! Everyone on the Star Dome Train is very powerful.】

【Silver Wolf: I hope everything goes according to the script】

【Liu Ying: Now it seems that the script cannot be changed. 】

God’s Sunday has been exposed.

The huge golden figure also showed its vastness and power at this moment.

His energy was mobilized at this moment, and the golden light shone more and more at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, the announcement was made

【All the work of creation has been completed!】

【There is no doubt that the day has come】

【The fetus of philosophy】

【Reshape everything in the world for us!!】


A deep, ethereal and majestic voice sounded, seemingly with compassion like the Creator.

When the voice sounded, it quickly spread to everyone’s heart.

【In the beginning there was a way!】

【Day one! Give [truth]】……】

【Day two! Give [calendar]】……】

【The third day! give [words]】……】

【The fourth day! give [value]】……】

【The fifth day! Give [rules]】……】

【The sixth day! give [meaning]】……】

【The seventh day! bestow [dignity]】……】

【Dead Star God, I salute you!!】

【With this seven-day oath, I will obey orders.……】

【You are not the one who created all things!】

【But man recreated you!】

【Use your divine body to lay the foundation for our paradise!!】

【Taiyi!! Meng Zhao comes back!! 】

God raised his hand at this moment.

The golden finger pointed towards the sky, and a golden vortex appeared in the sky.

From the golden vortex, a hand came out from afar.

That hand was golden-white all over, but from the thumb to the beginning of the wrist, it seemed to carry a vast sea of stars.

This is the legendary Star God.

In the midst of the insect plague in the universe, the Star God merged with [Tonghe]!

【Order – Taiyi!! 】

The moment two fingers touched, it was like the scene when God created Adam, the ancestor of mankind.

【Genesis – the creation of Adam! 】

The vast power is triggered at this moment.

The Star God gives its vast power to those who need it.

This scene completely exploded in the golden light released.

The surging power swept towards the surroundings and was about to overflow from the screen.

And looking at the people on the exposure screen, I still couldn’t hide the shock in my heart.

【Zhongli: This is… God’s Day……】

【Funina: What a strong sense of oppression! This sense of oppression does not come from power, but from…holiness……】

【Nacida: Is this the guy we’re going to deal with? It doesn’t look like it can be dealt with at all. Is it really possible?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It’s so shocking! Such majesty! It’s really like a god!!】

【Lei Movie: That last finger also has a lot of aftertaste that is worthy of careful consideration.】

【Ning Guang: That last finger seems to come from the Star God. Believers pray to the Star God for his power in exchange for one of his fingers】

【Ying: I really can’t imagine that such an opponent can really be defeated?】

【Paimon: It doesn’t seem like there’s a chance at all.】

【March 7: Isn’t it too… too awesome?】

【Black Tower: The last finger indeed comes from the Order Star God Taiyi】

【Black Tower: There is a description of [Order] Taiyi in the existing data, and the traces on the hands are indeed like this.】

【Screwgum: Sure enough, the Harmony Ceremony is to summon the [Order] Star God and resurrect it】

【Ruan Mei: I can’t make a complete conclusion yet, but it’s clear that the opponent this time is too powerful.】

【Hanabi:Hehehe! Summoning Taiyi on Xipei’s territory is really awesome! I don’t know how Xipei could bear it.】

【Black Swan: Now it is absolutely certain that this is definitely a beautiful memory. Or, there are different opportunities】

【Sha Jin: If we really move all the Star Gods out, it will be completely hopeless.】

【Doctor Truth: It’s too early to say that everything can’t be saved. Maybe there will be a new turning point.】

【Sha Jin: Taiyi, who has been swallowed up, is still able to stretch out a finger at this time. That power is already difficult to compete with.】

【Heita: Indeed! The power gap between the Star God and the Envoy is not as huge as usual. If Taiyi really comes in person, I am afraid that only Xipei comes together to be able to compete with it.】

【Hanabi: Hehehehe! Maybe Nanook will come too! By that time, Pinoconi will be in complete chaos!!】

【Hoshi: Uh…you don’t think you want to blow Pinoconi into the sky again, do you?】

【Hanabi:Hehehe! Little Gray Fur, it’s up to the two of us to talk! How about it? Do you want to give one to you when the time comes? Very fun!】

【Xing: Forget it, I don’t want to be blown up too. But God’s Sunday is kind of abnormally strong! 】

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