Chapter 82 Misha & Mikhail! I should… not go anywhere anymore……

【Star: Feeling good! There are so many people coming to help us this time!】

【Xing: My favorite Yingbao! There are also patrols, and now even General Jingyuan is here! Isn’t this too cool?!!】

【March 7: Dan Heng and General Jing Yuan join forces, which is indeed very powerful.】

【Black Tower: It seems that Pinoconi is not calm this time. The Patrol Ranger, Star Core Hunter, and even the Immortal Boat Luofu have all come out. It is indeed very stressful.】

【Screwgum: Judging from the exposure just now, it seems that God Lord Day can directly obtain the power of [Order] Taiyi】

【Screwgum: Once you face an existence of that level, you have to be at the level of an envoy to compete with it.】

【Black Tower: As envoys, they have been blessed by the Star God and can fight against it.】

【Ruan Mei: In this case, Miss Huang Quan’s help should be needed this time.】

【Star: Uh-huh! Now that even General Jingyuan has appeared, it feels like Miss Huang Quan is also a powerful force】

【Huang Quan: Since you are in need, I will also help you.】

【Black Swan: I have a hunch that this exposure is still not over. There are still many, many mysteries and many, many people.】

【Star: So who will be exposed next? Is it Miss Huang Quan?】

【Walter: We have appeared. The Robins, the Rangers, and General Jing Yuan have also appeared.】

【Himeko: From the looks of it, among the current crowd, the one who is most likely to have fighting ability is indeed Ms. Huang Quan.】

【Funina: Is she going to use her knife again? I feel very shocked no matter how many times I watch it】

【Lei Movie: It’s hard to imagine what kind of past she has, but there’s a lot of sadness in her power】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I think if Ms. Huangquan joins, she will give a very shocking performance. 】

So saying.

In the exposed picture, the figures of Jing Yuan and Dan Heng gradually faded away at this time.

The figures of the two people dimmed at this moment, and the exposed light curtain continued to dim at this moment.

And immediately after, a new figure appeared.

This figure seemed to be hidden in the darkness.

In the darkness, sparse bursts of light rushed out.

The hot fire burned brightly.

After these strange flames condensed, they took on new shapes.

It was a middle-aged man with brown curly hair.

He was wearing a straight suit, his eyes were full of melancholy, and the stubble on his face seemed to have been repaired, but not taken care of seriously.

His posture was upright and he looked extremely heroic.

But his unique temperament of decadence and melancholy completely exposed everything about him.


In a sense, a burgundy tie and burgundy pants are also very sexy.

His name was also exposed at this moment.


In the previous scene, the final”murderer” was the one who temporarily stabbed Sunday.

Although it has been proven that there are no real deaths in Pinocchio.

However, his appearance was not peaceful.

At the very least, this time it has caused an uproar

【March 7: It’s Gallagher!! What does he want to do this time?】

【Xing: I always feel like… maybe, he provided us with some kind of help】

【March 7: I don’t doubt this. We heard a lot of information from his mouth.】

【March 7: And Pinocchio didn’t really die, he should have gone somewhere, like the real Pinocchio】

【Funina: Didn’t he say he was a minion of [Mysterious] before?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: At that time, he described himself as an old dog.】

【Nasida: Uh…why do you think your memory is so good?】

【Fuluoti: Hey hey hey! I can sense that Gallagher is trying to reveal something.】

【Star: Hehe! Maybe Gallagher will directly summon the [mysterious] Star God and directly use the power of the Star God to help the Galaxy Bat Man!!】

【March 7: Okay, okay, let’s stop this unrealistic fantasy.】

【Himeko: If the information he said before is true, then he himself is related to the clockmaker】

【Varta: Apparently he knows some of the watchmaker’s secrets】

【Black Tower: So this makes people curious. What’s the point of Gallagher being exposed?】

【Screwgum: Perhaps, he will also play an important role in this battle. ]

With everyone’s expectations, new scenes of this middle-aged man who is full of mysteries have been exposed.

He looked up alone, looking into the distance.

In the distance, there seemed to be a dazzling light.

Gallagher stood and watched.

There seemed to be an old man lying quietly sleeping next to him, but his appearance was not clear.

Garak’s voice also sounded at this time

“I didn’t expect that, old man, your stupid plan really came true.……

“Are you, the unknown guests, all fools who only act on their own initiative? Gallagher said, seeming to be feeling something.

“I can smell the false dream coming to an end”

“Although those unknown guests are young, they are indeed capable of doing this…just like you did back then.”

Gallacher is obviously full of confidence in the unknown guest in his mouth.

“It’s a pity that I can’t let you witness this scene with your own eyes”

“I’m afraid I don’t have this blessing anymore.……【If you see through the fictional things, they are equivalent to non-existence.”

He said this, as if he was already prepared to meet his end.

“Do you still remember how those bastards cursed us back then?”

“Well, they said: [Go to hell, damn traitor! 】”

Gallagher said alone.

He didn’t get any response, but he was still sighing alone, seeming to be telling his injustice and past.

“Mikhail! I don’t know if what they say is true, but if your heart is free, you deserve to go to hell.……”

“Then I’ll go down to find you soon, old man.”

Gallacher said this.

He was already prepared for his own death.

“Let’s have dinner together again in hell”

“Use this cup of [Gathering and Parting Time] to greet you… Pioneer……”

“To the imperfect…tomorrow……”

Gallagher’s voice gradually came out from the dark curtain of light.

From that voice, one could already hear his exhaustion.

It was obvious that his death was destined to come

【Gallagher – There is a time to gather and disperse, and respect the imperfect tomorrow! 】

When this subtitle appears, it means that Gallagher’s story has finally come to an end.

【Funina: How do you hear this? He seems to be dying?】

【Folotti: That’s exactly what it means. Once [fictional] things are seen through, they no longer exist. This is so strange.】

【Nacida: Maybe it’s the mysterious things that are unique to their world?】

【Ying: Listen to what he just said. He and Mikhail know each other. This is very important!】

【Paimon: So, is the man lying down Mikhail?】

【March 7: I’m starting to feel a little headache now. This Mikhail is the watchmaker, isn’t he?】

【Star: I remember before, Gallagher said that Mikhail was the watchmaker! And he betrayed the clockmaker back then】

【Himeko: Then it’s very possible that Gallagher knows where the clockmaker is and is going to lead us there this time】

【Walter: He paid tribute to the Trail Blazers and also mentioned many unknown guests, which shows that we must have been in contact.】

【Heita: But according to what he meant, Mikhail is already dead.】

【Black Tower: The clockmaker is dead! What will his legacy be like?】

【Screwgum: I have a feeling now that the watchmaker is not as simple as death.】

【Ruan Mei: There are still many mysteries, but what is certain now is that there is a problem in the family, and there is also a problem on Sunday.】

【March 7: It seems that this battle is very tragic, and many people died.】

【Xing: This is really confirmed. What you said before is like a river of blood.】

【March 7: Well… to be honest, if possible, I really don’t want to do this】

【Black Swan: The watchmaker’s legacy, perhaps this legacy will also play a role in dealing with God’s Sunday】

【Sha Jin: Although my mission is completed, I am becoming more and more interested in you.】

【Doctor Truth: There is still a doubt. Where did the family’s knowledge about the star core come from?】

【March 7: Is there any problem with this?】

【Sand Gold: Hahaha! Of course there is a problem! In the past, our focus was not on this star core. Now that we think about it, this is indeed very problematic.】

【Sha Jin: If you want to study star cores, you will inevitably come into contact with them. Since they have come into contact, what star core did they come into contact with?】

【March 7: Huh? Could it be that Pinoconi also has a brother of yours?】

【star:……What do you mean by my brother… I just have a star core in my body, but it’s not a real star core.】

【Himeko: Speaking of which, there are indeed doubts. We cannot rule out the possibility that Pinoconi has a star core.】

【Bronya: The star core seems to have its own will and can confuse other people’s judgment.】

【March 7: This… seems to be exactly the same as the dream!】

【Star: It’s starting to feel more and more confusing! What exactly is there? Now what a surprise! 】

Obviously, one thing mentioned inadvertently made everyone feel sweaty in an instant.

If there really is a star core in Pinoconi.

Star core and dreams are intertwined, so what happens will be destined to be terrifying.

However, the story about Pinoconi is now being revealed bit by bit.

For example, on the screen, a new figure appeared at this time.

One character after another exits, and then a new one appears.

This time two figures appeared.

On the left, the boy wearing a dress and a little hat is Misha.

This is someone everyone sees often.

On the right side of the screen, an old man appeared.

He almost wore the same clothes as Misha, but he was much older.

The names of the two people were also named at this moment.


【Clockmaker – Mikhail! ]

Such a brief introduction seems to have explained something.

As in Sunday with Mockingbird before, the relationship between the two is obviously very close

【Funina: Sure enough, Misha and Mikhail are related】

【Nasida: This means that Misha should know the clockmaker. Is he really Mikhail’s grandson?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It looks really similar, just like a real grandson】

【Ying: So, when Misha first met Hoshi and the others, was it all arranged by Mikhail?】

【Paimon: I don’t rule out this possibility. I feel that the possibility is still very high.】

【March 7: Hurry up and reveal the answer, I can’t wait now!】

【Hoshi: But… it seems that the clockmaker is already dead, and will Misha inherit his grandfather’s will?】

【Heita: Is it really a grandfather relationship? Don’t jump to conclusions so quickly, after all this is a dream】

【Screw Gum: There are still many doubts to think about】

【Hanabi: Hehehehe! Two similar people! Really looking forward to it! 】

At this time, there was sound on the screen, and the subtitles sounded.

Misha looked at the many pioneers and told one thing very calmly.

“The dream tycoon that everyone longed for is long gone.”

This sentence refers to the watchmaker

“I was born on the planet Lukasha in the Przesmir system, and am the adopted son of the navigator Mr. Mikhail and Mrs. Charles.”

Misha introduced himself.

And then, he seemed to be telling more stories about the clockmaker.

“Mikhail’s wealth is nothing more than a rumor on the streets.”

Misha said.

But at the same time, there was an old voice, echoing

“When I was a child, I bid farewell to my hometown and embarked on a pioneering journey”

“I keep moving forward all my life, but in the end my road comes to an end”

“The body is like a tattered front end of a car, and there is no property worth entrusting behind.”

“So we have to ask what is left in this dilapidated locomotive, something that can be called a legacy.……”

“All that is left, I think, is what is still burning in the hearth of the engine.”

The voices of Misha and Mikhail seemed to overlap at this moment.

“You already know what’s going on with Pinocchio, and I certainly hope someone will help put the world back on track.”

“But this decision should be made by you.”

Misha looked at Ji Zixing and March 7

“Because the path pioneered is never paved by others.”

“Let’s go! Get on that train! Start your journey!”

He said this as if he was entrusting something.

However, these short messages have revealed too much.

【March 7: Is there nothing in the watchmaker’s legacy?】

【Star: Judging from the exposure, it seems like this, and they want us to help Pinoconi】

【Himeko: Putting it this way, we can understand that Mikhail was originally an unknown guest. He sent out the invitation just because he wanted us to save Pinoconi.】

【Xing: How could he miss this kind of thing? Then he has found the right person.】

【Funina: Has the pioneering work of our predecessors been passed on to future generations to continue?】

【Nacida: This looks like a real inheritance!】

【Himeko: Mikhail stayed in Pinoconi and accomplished a lot here, and now it’s our turn to save Pinoconi.】

【Star: Galaxy Bat Man! The mission must be achieved!! Just leave it to me!!】

【March 7: I really didn’t expect it to be like this】

【Walter: The mystery seems to be solved bit by bit. 】

When he said this, Mikhail’s confession when he was young also sounded on the screen.

“I plan to stay in Asdena, with Lazarina and Tiernan……”


“Someone has to go to the front line, and now there is only one former unknown person left in Pinoconi, why can’t it be me?”

“His footsteps cannot be stopped. If I fail to escape, then you will be the next watchmaker!”


“We’re going to have a great party!”

“reason! Just use the watchmaker’s legacy!”

“Then send out an invitation to the whole galaxy and gather people here!”

“Remember! Be sure to send your invitations to Stardome Train!”

……And… these intermittent voices sounded, and the owner of these voices gradually changed from your boyhood, youth…until your twilight years.

At the end, he said���In this case

“Clockboy…take me to Flowing Dreams Reef……”

As soon as the scene turned, Misha arrived at Liumeng Reef and walked towards the deck chair.

“And then…where to go?”

The clock boy asked excitedly.

At this time, Misha’s voice had become much softer.

“clock boy……”

“I should… not go anywhere anymore……”

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