“No impression at all? I vaguely remember that Lin Xia was in Liyue when she made the fuss, and had never been to Mondstadt at all.”

Ye Lan, who was in charge of intelligence work in Qunyu Pavilion, frowned and said with some confusion.

Hearing this, Ningguang put down the information about Lin Xia in his hand,”Is there a possibility that this is what happened in a different world? , didn’t that light curtain also say, reincarnation in the past life?”

“But those monsters……”

Even if he didn’t face it, Ning Guang still felt the terror. Dozens of people with the Eyes of God had no power to resist, just like experimental subjects.

But fortunately, this is something that happened in a previous life or a different world, so you don’t have to worry too much. Yelan has also inquired about the information, and there is no such person in the white robe.

“Do you want to call Lin Xia over and ask? Yelan suggested

“Let’s watch it first and then talk about it. Isn’t the video finished yet?”

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Lisa]: Lin Xia’s little brother is pretty handsome, right? Looking like this, he looks like a handsome and sunny guy, but the rows of rings hanging between his eyes don’t look like ordinary objects.

【Kaiya]: What’s next? Is it so meaningless? Did it jump so fast?

【Wendy]: I hope Mond is okay, put your hands together.jpg

The video will continue to play

“It’s okay, but I still prefer donuts.”

Sighing, Lin Xia put the bitten fisherman’s toast into a paper bag.

Then Lin Xia looked at the people of Mondstadt coming and going on the street, with a slightly confused look in her eyes.

Looking around Everyone can feel Lin Xia’s loneliness in the video, which is a kind of confusion about the future.

Is this a symptom of losing the God’s Eye?

Watching the video, Maplehara Manyo obviously thought of something, but she didn’t know what to do. He didn’t say anything out loud in the group.

General Leiden was still in the group, so there were some things he didn’t need to say clearly.

“Quick, quick, send people here.”

A slightly urgent voice came. Several knights were dirty. If you look closely, there are many wounds that are still bleeding out.

But they didn’t have time to bandage. If you look carefully, you can see that there is a bloody man on their backs. The wound was very serious and he would die soon if not treated in time.

Several nuns anxiously laid a layer of white cloth on the ground, then laid the knight flat on it and did some simple treatment.

“Miss Barbara is here.”

The crowd was peeled away, and a very beautiful girl came to the man in a panic, frowning,”How could it be hurt like this? Is it made by monsters?”

Barbara completely ignored the stained clothes and carefully examined the injuries. The more she understood, the more frightened she became.

There were many burns and cuts made by sharp objects on her body.

Then Barbara immediately started treating the knight. The healing water elemental power began to condense to clean and treat the wound.

The process seemed simple, but it consumed a lot of money. The knight had only one breath left, and all Barbara had to do was. Bringing him back from hell is exhausting just thinking about it.

“When a few of us went to clean up monsters outside Mondstadt as usual, we unexpectedly encountered a two-meter-tall monster with a fiery red and black body and a head that could spit fire. We were attacked before we could react.”

“That one is different from the monsters we usually encounter, it’s simply a monster! Terrible monster!”

These knights were obviously frightened. They were dancing and describing how they were killed and how they escaped from death.

Even the hands of these knights are still shaking.

【Funina]: I can guarantee that the following story will definitely have something to do with the monsters we saw at the beginning.

【Arataki Yidou]: Oh? This dear friend has the same idea as me. You must also be a person with great talents. Are you interested in joining our Arataki sect?

【Kuki Shinobu】:……

【Kuki Shinobu: Boss. Face covering.jpg

【Funina]: Hahahaha, I am the god of wisdom, the water god of Fontaine.


【Navelle]: Sorry, everyone.

Ah this? Who can’t see that the next story is related to those monsters.

Then Villette could hardly stand it anymore. His own god was really… He had obviously taught him not to talk nonsense in the group.

【Tinari]: Fortunately, monsters like that don’t exist in this world. Even people with extraordinary powers like the Eye of God may not be able to escape misfortune.

【Elhaysen]: What’s even more terrifying is that such a monster is born from a human being. It’s better to say that it’s a monster bred with human beings as its mother body.

【Yae Shenzi]: Oh? I just don’t know what the next plot will be like, and I’m suddenly looking forward to it.

In the video, Barbara put down her arm with no strength, and the tension dissipated… The elemental power was exhausted, but the knight was still rescued, and the rest was to rest.

“Has an unknown monster appeared outside Mondstadt?”

From the mouths of other lightly injured knights, Barbara also learned the cause of the incident, and was thinking about reporting it to her sister later.

Lin Xia didn’t know when he touched her side and squatted down. Closer look

“Can you tell me where you were killed?”

The knight was stunned for a moment when he was asked, and blurted out


Lin Xia got the answer, and immediately left the crowd and walked towards the outside of the city.

“What is the Phantom?”

After Barbara heard Lin Xia’s muttering, she couldn’t help but intuitively told her that this man might know something.

Then Barbara told her what to pay attention to, and secretly followed Lin Xia.

【Luyeyuan Heizang]: There is a saying. Miss Barbara is very brave. When facing unknown dangers, she also dares to explore alone.


【Amber]: There won’t be any danger next, right? I suddenly felt a little nervous. I hope Barbara is okay.

【Hutao】: Lin Xia looks really suspicious @林夏

【Lin Xia: You can’t ask me about the past life.

【Kaiya】:The real owner is out, captured.jpg

【Paimon]: The real master is out, captured.jpg

“By the way, why are you following me?”

The girl’s tracking skills are really good. She was discovered before she followed Lin Xia out of the city gate.

“Do you know something, and what the phantom is.”

After being discovered, Barbara stopped hiding herself and directly asked

“So here comes the question, why should I tell you?”

With a slightly funny expression, Lin Xia looked at Barbara and said


Barbara was obviously stunned by these words. After all, Barbara is just a girl who has not experienced much in the world, and she is far worse than her sister. ps: Please vote for flowers!!!!!!!

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