The Phoenix is now an out-and-out monster. The consciousnesses of Gulemlin and the Phoenix compete for the body one after another, but in the end they turn into a desire for destruction!

The phantom’s instinct has never been such boring things as turning Gate into a phantom out of despair and adding companions. The phantom’s instinct is out-and-out killing and destruction.

The Phoenix, who was obsessed with taking revenge on Lin Xia and Di Mu, absorbed all the magic power of the phantom. The violent magic power caused the Phoenix’s body to cycle through destruction and rebirth, and finally reached an incredible critical point.

At this moment, the demon gods of Tehuat continent sensed the existence of a monster with terrifying power in Mondstadt. The terrifying strength had already surpassed the demon god.

Even the guy on Sky Island did it

【Paimon]: It’s so scary, this guy was actually released!

【Elhaysen]: It is obvious that the phoenix, which has integrated the consciousness of Golemlin and attracted the magic power of other phantoms, has reached a level beyond what ordinary people can imagine. In preparation, there is no one who can defeat the Teyvat continent. The existence of this monster

【Navelle]: Pertinent and to the point.

【Qiliangliang]: Doesn’t that mean that Lin Xia and the others are finished? ?

【Dadalia]: Will Lin Xia team up with the White Magician to fight against the Phoenix next?

【Ningguang]: It’s possible. After all, the enemy is currently facing us. This phoenix has grown to an unimaginable level. We should deal with such a monster first.

【Leader of Qin: Lin Xia……

【barbara】:(Worry, pray.jpg)

“Phoenix? No, there is also the aura of Golemlin, right?”

After seeing the phoenix appear, Fueki Kan knew that the guy from Gurremlin must have stolen the magic item that sealed Phoenix, but he didn’t expect that crazy guy would actually let the phoenix devour him.

Now he was in trouble. ah……


The soaring magic power swept up a storm, causing the Knights of the West Wind and others who had rushed over to deal with the ghouls to tremble with fear.

They all looked at the roaring phoenix in the sky.

“Take Barba and Qin away quickly, I’ll hold them here first.”

Looking at the Phoenix solemnly, he knew that this time he might really have to…but no matter what, he had to ensure the lives of others first.

“What about you, Lin Xia!”

Ying asked worriedly and anxiously, isn’t it equivalent to asking for death if Lin Xia is cut off? That monster is simply not something that humans can defeat.

“He came for me, and……”

Before she finished speaking, Lin Xia shook her head.

“The chances of everyone surviving if we run together is not high, and don’t worry, I have other options.”

With a smile on your face, you can feel at ease and don’t have to worry about his safety.

“No, you are not allowed to face such a monster alone, I will fight too!”

“I don’t allow you, Lin Xia, to be alone……”

Qin and Barbara were determined not to leave. How could it be possible to let Lin Xia face the Phoenix alone?

No one knows Lin Xia better than Qin. This guy didn’t think about running away. He obviously planned to deal with the Phoenix himself, but……

“Okay, I said I would come back and I will come back. You can just wait in Mondstadt with peace of mind.”

Lin Xia turned her back and didn’t look at the tearful faces of the girls.

Ah~ I have been in this world for so long, and I haven’t been able to spend a peaceful day in this world. It’s really a failure. Oh, by the way, It seemed like I only took a bite of the donuts I ate. I would have put a few more in my mouth before I could do it.

No matter how reluctant Qin and Barbara were, they couldn’t move Lin Xia’s determined heart. Knock Barbara and Qin unconscious. If you drag them on longer, they won’t be able to leave.

“Oh, by the way, give this to Barbara for me.”

After canceling the transformation, Lin Xia took off the other magic rings and put them on Ying’s hand.

“This was the reward promised to her, but it was a pity that it could not be given to her in person.”

Lin Xia’s words have been made very clear. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and nodded heavily.

“Lin Xia~ Wuwuwu, you must come back safely, I also want to eat the donuts you made.”

Little Paimeng cried and said goodbye to Lin Xia.

“You must come back safely. I haven’t bought you a drink yet.”

“Hum, if you didn’t come back, you would hate me for this… I will never forget it in my life.”

Everyone in the Knights said goodbye to Lin Xia, feeling reluctant and helpless, but more out of admiration for Lin Xia!

“If I could ask you to bring Li, I am guilty, but Li is a very well-behaved and gentle girl.”

With Dimu Calendar in his arms, Dimu Zaou, as a father, actually prayed to everyone and even bowed to them.

“Ah this………”

Wendy looked at Lin Xia, trying to find out what he meant.

“Take it with you.”

Lin Xia nodded and asked everyone to take the calendar behind the Wind Demon Dragon. Then the dragon’s wings shook and carried everyone away from the battlefield.

“Thank you very much, also……”

“There is no point in saying this. I am not an ignorant person. That girl is innocent.”

It’s useless to say this now. What’s important is how to deal with the Phoenix.

The breath of the Phoenix in the burst of magic gradually calmed down. It’s obvious that it has controlled the surge of power in the body in such a short period of time. Such a Phoenix is even more powerful. Terrible

“Flute music! wizard!!!”

“Although I don’t know how long it can last, but………If I fall, then who will protect everyone’s hope! Dragon! Please, lend me your power!!”

(You are such a shameless boy. I have just recovered my magic power and you are targeting me. This kind of monster is coming for you. If you die, I probably won’t be able to survive.)

“Damn, showtime!” dragon.timer all dragon

Lin Xia, who transformed into a full dragon form, stood side by side with Di Muzou.

“Sure enough, there was nothing wrong in choosing you.”

Looking at Lin Xia, who still had magic power to transform into a full dragon, Dimu Zao sighed inwardly.

But it’s really sad. The two people who were fighting to the death just now have to join forces to fight against the same person. The enemy didn’t have much time to react! The phoenix rushed to the middle of the two of them, grabbed one with one hand, and slammed it to the ground. Two heavy explosions sounded.

Lin Xia and Dimu Zuo, who were suppressed, wanted to get up and break free from the shackles of the phoenix. The dragon’s claws glowed with earth-yellow light, and they slashed hard at the chest of the phoenix with the gravity of the earth demon dragon.

Go, the dragon’s tail behind him also stretches out to restrain the phoenix’s waist, and throws it away.

“Cough cough cough.”

After coughing twice, Di Muzou stood up with great difficulty. He had a fight with Lin Xia because of the transfer of magic power, so the magic power in his body did not recover at all. He was lucky to be able to stand up.

Panting Roughly, Lin Xia shook his arm, that guy’s body is so hard

“There is only one way to defeat the phoenix. If it fails…forget it, it’s too ugly to say such depressing words.”

“any solution.”

Lin Xia looked sideways

“You and I use gravity to restrain the phoenix, and then I will get close to it and absorb the magic of the phoenix. I may be able to break free later, but as long as I can absorb as much as I can to weaken that guy.”

The plan didn’t sound very reliable, but there wasn’t enough time for them to waste any more.

The two immediately followed the plan and used the magic of gravity to suppress the attackers.

“Do it quickly, I won’t last long.”

Lin Xia gritted her teeth and said, the consumption of magic power in her body doubled.

Not daring to delay her action, Dimuzo immediately came to the side of the Phoenix and stretched out her hand…

But at this moment! Suddenly there was a fire in the Phoenix’s belly. He stretched out a green arm and grabbed Di Muzou’s body tightly.


Dimuzou, who had not expected this situation, was startled. What followed was the wailing of Gulemulin, mixed with the screams and cries of other phantoms.

“Flute music!!!”

“Help me, Sage, it’s so painful!”

“Was the magic power extracted in reverse?”

Di Muzou suddenly found that the magic power in his body was flowing backwards. How is this possible!

“It really is……”

I couldn’t help but smile bitterly, the plan failed… It’s a pity, it’s a pity that I couldn’t see Li standing up again, and I didn’t hear Li call me daddy.

What a failure…

Knowing that he was dead, Fueki Kanade faced death suddenly at the last moment. He dropped his arms feebly and was pulled into the body of the phoenix.

“Please Lin Xia, my last hope.”

Throwing a ring with all his strength!

Lin Xia could only watch Dimu Zuo being swallowed by the Phoenix. Has his last hope been shattered?

He held the ring Dimu Zuo gave him tightly! Hope has not been shattered yet! He still has Standing here!

As long as I am alive, I will not give up any hope!

“Come on, Phoenix, it’s our fight next.”

Stop transmitting the power of gravity magic, and stand fearlessly in front of the Phoenix, Lin Xia made final preparations!

“wizard!! Kill you!”

The magic dragon and the immortal bird collide!

To the phantom of despair! Hold high the banner of hope!

【Yae Shenzi]: Such an ending……

【Paimeng]: Woohoo, come on, Lin Xia!

【Ying]: I want to win!

Under the worried eyes of everyone, Lin Xia, who was swallowed by the fire, knelt weakly on the ground. The dragon timer also turned into ashes, and finally collapsed on the ground.


【Keli]: Big brother, woo woo woo

【Funina]: Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, how could Lin Xia lose? Isn’t he the knight of hope?

【Na Villette]: Hey~

The fact that Lin Xia lost is unacceptable to everyone. You are the protagonist, how could you fall in this place.

The morning sun is so dazzling and dazzling. The morning sun is so dazzling. The morning sun is so dazzling. The morning sun is so dazzling. (As if asking about the meaning of memory)

黑の中でも思い出す(Remember even in the darkness)

前に入むの(I will move forward indomitably)

见ていてよ(Please wait and see)

Sorepeatedly(This way we will wait and see ))

【Ying】:bgm! It’s the BGM ringing

“So, I haven’t done anything good since I met you. I just want to take your body.”

“But you, Demon Dragon, are my most important partner, right?”

In the inner world, Mo Long and Lin Xia, whose bodies were covered with wounds, were lying on the lawn.

“ha? Hahaha, buddy, you are really interesting. You have to know that if it weren’t for me, you would have lived a peaceful life as an ordinary person. How could you fight like this every day to guard the ridiculous hope?”

“But even at the last moment, you channeled all your magic, didn’t you?”

With a slight smile on her lips, Lin Xia never considered the demon dragon to be a burden or encumbrance, but rather regarded it as her companion!

Listening to Lin Xia’s words, the demon dragon fell silent… Maybe it’s just what Lin Xia said. Well, I have already recognized this guy in my heart unconsciously. After all, in a sense, he is a part of Lin Xia

“Sure enough, you’re a very interesting guy”

“Sarah, let’s fight side by side, partners.”

Lin Xia raised her right hand and reconciled with her past despair!

“Hahahaha, then you have to be careful, I may take your body in the future, but let me be your partner again!”

The magic dragon laughed and raised its claws to touch Lin Xia.

Along with the singing, Lin Xia’s inner world bloomed with infinite light. This is the light of hope!!

In the real world!

Lin Xia stretched out her right hand. At this moment He took hold of his own magic! His own hope bloomed in his hands! The ring named Infinity was born!

���The glow, and the magical power full of hope make the Phoenix restless, but it can’t get closer.

“”Sa, let.isshowtime(Let’s!’ Let’s start the show!)” driveon please! shabadoobiTouchHenshin!

ShabadoobiTouchHenshin! infinityinfinity

The magic dragon as bright as a gem emerges from the magic circle and surrounds Lin Xia.

The main body is white. , a magic circle with colored light appeared at Lin Xia’s feet and slowly rose.

Amidst the loud standby sound, Lin Xia completed the transformation.

(The all-encompassing magical dragon~)

The chanting is over!

The armor composed of high-purity magic gemstones covers the whole body, and the robe symbolizing the mage has also turned white, a new form that is as dazzling as a diamond, gorgeous and noble! ps: Damn, this chapter is getting longer and longer as I write it. I originally planned to end it in two chapters but it doesn’t seem to work.

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