The next day, the warm sunshine was shining on my body, making me feel comfortable and want to take a nap.

In Liyue Port, as the annual ceremony of inviting immortals is about to come, Liyue is extremely busy with people coming and going.

Well~ After all, the old man is quite popular in Liyue, and it concerns Liyue’s face. Even Ningguang is busy dealing with affairs, not to mention Gan Yu, the best worker.

Liyue’s busyness and stability are inseparable from their god Morax. It is Morax’s powerful force that created the Liyue Port today. The people of Liyue worship Morax from the bottom of their hearts.

Unlike Barbatos next door, this kind of admiration radiates from the bottom of his heart. It’s not that Wendy is bad, it’s just that she is too free. Unlike Zhongli who works once a year, at least he is still here Go to work and manage Liyue

“Hey, sister is coming.”

Barbara couldn’t help but sigh in the room. As the saying goes, you have to pay a price for running away. A sister who opens her heart is a big enemy! How dare Barbara say that her sister is not attractive? Isn’t that with her eyes open? What a lie. I have finally made further progress with Lin Xia in the past few days, and now I have to guard against my sister. Barbara feels a headache just thinking about it.

Looking at Barbara who kept sighing, Dimuli shrugged. She said that she was helpless and she didn’t know much about emotional matters.

Just when Barbara was worried about it

, Zhongli, Lin Xia Paimeng and Ying were drinking here. Chatting over tea, it was unexpectedly very leisurely.

The current Yingmei was surprisingly very leisurely, as if she was not in a hurry to find her brother.

The main reason was that Dimoli, the guy who knew most of the plot, learned about her brother from Mengli.

There was no accident, but the girl was very popular and drank spicy food.

After all, the original purpose of the trip was to find her brother.

If her brother had nothing to do, why should she look for him? She was very popular and drank spicy food without taking her sister with her.

Ying was too lazy to look for traces of Sora.

It was better to stop and enjoy the scenery along the way.

Suddenly, the sky fell and the big screen that had disappeared for seven days appeared again!

New video is about to be played!

【Funina]:Seven days have arrived! Do you know how hard I have waited these seven days?! The trial videos are interesting

【Charlotte]: Ah, isn’t Lord Water God very happy with the water group recently? (Ashamed)

【Kaiya]: That’s different. There’s no video to complain about, and everyone is just competing for pictures in the group, which is not interesting. (picking nose)

【Keli]: Okay! There’s a new video to watch, and Keli is going to be the star!

【Elhaysen]: I just don’t know who the video played this time is about. As for the protagonist, it should be Lin Xia.

【Goro]:Huh? Why do you say that?

【Luyein Heizang]: You can know it from the people in Liyue. The very mysterious Mr. Lin Xia is still very famous in Liyue. He became even more famous after the video was played, so the protagonist Probably Mr. Lin Xia.

On the big screen in the sky, or on the screen in front of everyone, words slowly emerge.

【Act 2: Will the flying locusts be able to protect your smile? Having learned the ten items, I will protect you until the end!】

【The protagonists of this issue: Lin Xia, Nasida, and Buyer!】

【Key line in this issue: If it were for her smile, I would abandon my human body and become a yake on the ruins of the destroyed old world!

But if it’s for the smiles of the whole world, it doesn’t matter even if you fall into eternal hell! Because this is the mission of the Smile Guardian!】

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Kaiya]: Good guy, it’s really you again. I suggest that Lin Xia be investigated strictly!

【Lin Xia]: My brother is a hero~ There is nothing to investigate. (The narcissistic and arrogant hero appears)

【Diluc]: There is indeed nothing wrong with this.

【Wendy]: Buyer? I am not wrong, right? Buyer! (Marmot screams)

【Tevalin]: Ah this? ? ?

【Yae Shenzi]: She is really someone that no one can imagine, the gentle Sister Buyer?

【Lei Movie]: It’s an acquaintance……(Little face surprised)



【Funina]: What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Why are you both so surprised?

【Villette]: Hey… Lord Water God, I told you to read more books on weekdays. Don’t just watch trial dramas and videos all the time. Lord Buyer is the first grass god of Sumeru.

【Funina]:Huh? The grass god of Sumeru! (Awe-stricken)

As soon as the protagonist of the video appeared, the people of Xumi were shocked. They did not expect that the protagonist this time was actually their grass god.

It’s not so strange that the protagonist is Lin Xia, after all, Lin Xia is mysterious enough and has a story.

In Xumi’s Jingshan Palace, Nasida’s face was surprised. When her name appeared in the video, she was at a loss and at a loss. Although she hoped that this video could show Xumi’s scene, she never thought about it. Can you become the protagonist?

And~Buyer…well? How could she not recognize the grass god of the previous generation?

Not only was Nasida surprised, but the Great Sage was sweating profusely, hoping that this exposure would expose what they had done.

Don’t look at the great sage who is arrogant, domineering and arrogant in Xumi, and even dares to imprison the current Grass God.

But that was in a state where the current grass god was weak, so imprisoning the god was a taboo! And it’s based on the fact that the protagonist is Lord Buyer, whom they respected most from the previous generation!

And among the participants is Lin Xia…

Lin Xia’s fighting power, Tiyvat is blatantly powerful!

So we can only hope that this video will not expose what they did.

Within the World Tree, it seems that his own���Words, if there is any feeling, the shadow slowly opens its eyes.

Even before the video started, the group was already in a frenzy.

【Kaiya]: Be good, the god of grass from the previous generation!

【Tinari]: I can only say that it is very surprising.

【Alhaysen]: That’s true.

Elhaysen’s attention was not on Lord Buyer’s name, but instead he looked at Nasida. If he guessed correctly, he was the current Goddess of Grass. It was just the Order…

Realizing something, Elhaysen snorted coldly. , and then the corners of his mouth curved slightly, it seemed that his plan could be suspended.

After all, with Lin Xia here, there is no doubt about Lin Xia’s strength.

After the text, there is a picture. In the dark Xumi, in the forest burning with fire, the figure of the knight in the darkness cannot be seen clearly.

The other picture is a radiant place, and a slender white hand rests on the palm of a hand full of scars.

The unclear pictures have whetted everyone’s appetite! It makes people impatient and want to continue reading.

【Goro]: The black knight is probably not a villain, but I can’t see the specific figure, but it feels very oppressive.

【Kelai]: Xumi is gone? ? ?

Sumeru burning in the sea of fire is enough to shock people. This is much worse than Mondstadt at the beginning.

【Sano】:(I don’t make it?)

【Nasida]: Uneasy atmosphere……(pursed lips worried)

【Funina]: What are you afraid of? We still have Lin Xia! Xia Bao, go, go, go!! Funina will always be with you

【Lin Xia]:Thank you for the invitation, don’t be a fool to be my mother


【Arataki Yidou]: Hahahaha, I also believe that Brother Lin Xia can save the world. After all, he is my idol!

As everyone discussed, the video began to play.

The picture in the video is exactly the scene of Xumi, but it is different from the Xumi that everyone knows in daily life. The various technologies are dazzling to see. This kind of interweaving of technology and simplicity is enough to make people feel the visual impact.!

Different from Fontaine’s technology, Xumi’s technology looks more sci-fi.

However, people in Xumi do not see any discomfort in their lives, but feel somewhat accustomed to it.

At this time, the narration sounded, answering everyone’s doubts

【In the xxx year of Xumi, a group of travelers from outside the world came to this day. They called themselves scientists. They integrated Tewa specialties with science and created many magical products called technology.……】 ps: You don’t really think that my next site will be Liyue, right? Liyue had better put it aside for the time being. Some things still needed to be thought out, but Ina Wife and Fengdan had already thought about the suitable Kamen Rider.

Also, after Xumi is finished writing, the next world will jump to other worlds, and the plot of Genshin Impact will be slowed down for the time being.

Because I really want to see the world where Grandma Zong slaughters pitch-black bullets!!!! Jie Jie Jie Jie!!! Give them a little bit of grandma rice dumpling shock.

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