
Satellite Zeya’s research was successful! The test flight stage is just short of, not only that, but also the Kamen Rider system belt has made new progress, and the last step is just short of completing the adaptability.

Everything is moving in the right direction!

As the launch phase approached, Lin Xia’s parents brought Lin Xia and Xi’er to the research institute for the first time to witness this magical moment together!

“Wow even.”

The high technology in the research institute opened Xiao Lin Xia’s eyes. He stretched out his little hand curiously and touched it carefully. Xi’er accompanied Xiao Lin Xia and looked at Lin Xia with a childlike smile. As a sister, Xi’er Son, a smile appeared on his face unconsciously

“It seems that Xier must have awakened to the technological singularity soon.”

“It’s really magical. Although it is possible in the design that Humagia will awaken the technological singularity and be no different from humans at that time, this is only a theory on paper. It is still surprising to see it with your own eyes now.”

Lin Xia’s parents put their hands in the pockets of their white coats. They were a little surprised to see the smile on Xi’er’s face, but at least their theory was proved to be correct.

Xi’er, who is now caring for Lin Xia’s growth, is really like a Like a sister, she protects Lin Xia

“Director, the satellite Zeya is about to be launched.”

A researcher came over to ask Lin Xia’s parents for instructions. The director was asked to press the button during the final launch stage.

“Well, I get it.”

Nodding, Lin Xia’s parents followed the researcher and walked towards the command post.

Before leaving, Lin Xia’s mother asked Xier to take care of Lin Xia.

“Excuse me, Xi’er, I’ll ask you to take care of Xiao Linxia.”

“okay, I get it.”

Xi’er solemnly stood by Lin Xia’s side.

With Xi’er taking care of her, Lin Xia’s parents were relieved to let little Lin Xia play here alone.

Seeing Lin Xia staring intently at the belt in the display cabinet, her parents Walk away with peace of mind. When the satellite is successfully launched, you will have time to spend some time with Lin Xia as a parent.

In the command post, all the scientific researchers solemnly waited for Director Xia to arrive.

The rocket carrying the Zeya satellite has also entered the final inspection stage. Based on the failure experience of Yak last time, this time everyone inspected all aspects of the rocket extremely carefully, and no detail was spared.

“Be sure to successfully launch the satellite, this time it will definitely not fail!”

Director Xia looked serious. After all inspections were completed, he opened the rocket launcher. Under the expectant eyes of everyone,……

【Keqing]: Oh my god~ It’s really something that people can’t even imagine.

【Coral Palace Heart Sea]: The technology outside the world is really amazing and makes people feel extremely magical.

【Amber]: It should be successful this time, right?

With everyone watching, the rocket is about to launch








As the countdown ended, Director Xia pressed the button to launch the rocket!

The rocket’s ignition device burned with brilliant tail flames, and the rocket carrying everyone’s hope and hard work took off under the attention of everyone.

“The data is normal and the rocket is about to reach the expected orbit.……”

“About to separate… The separation was successful. Satellite Zeya has reached the expected orbit and has not deviated from the expected route.”

“Director, we succeeded!!”

As the inspiring words came one after another, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It was really sweat-inducing and could not relax for a moment.

“Everyone! Our hopes have been successfully raised!!”

Director Xia used the microphone to declare to everyone in the institute and to the Xumi people in front of the screen the successful launch of the satellite Zeya! He also announced to everyone that their efforts over the years have not been in vain!!!




Everyone in the institute cheered and expressed their joy. For a moment, everyone hugged each other excitedly.

“It worked.”

Holding her husband’s arm, the tense emotions finally relaxed. Seeing her husband heaving a sigh of relief, Mrs. Xia couldn’t help but feel happy about it.

Despite his calm appearance, he was actually very nervous all the time. , the whole body is still tense.

“Yes, we succeeded.”

All these years of hard work have not been in vain.……

“Then let’s go back later and buy a cake to celebrate and spend time with our children.……”


Director Xia smiled and nodded.

Beep! Beep! Beep…

The sudden sound of the alarm made everyone feel like they were facing an enemy. They suddenly came back from the celebratory state and sat in their seats. Looking at the computer,

Director Xia even grabbed a seat. This satellite, which is the focus of everyone’s efforts, must not cause any trouble.

“what’s the situation!”

“Director! There is strange code attacking our satellite Zeya. Zeya is already building a firewall, but the opponent’s intrusion speed is too fast and we can’t keep up with the defense.”

The researcher was sweating profusely and reported to the director.

It’s too fast! It’s too fast! The other party seems to be very familiar with the weaknesses of the firewall. It gave the defense system a heavy blow from the beginning, and people were hit without even reacting. to invade

“Oh no! Zeya’s core data was invaded, we only intercepted part of it, and Zeya also started to fight back! It’s over, Humagia’s database has been hacked! The purpose of the intruder is not at all the core data of Ximagia!”

“Hurry up!! Estimate the loss, lock the other party’s IP, and intercept the other party.……”

Before Director Xia finished speaking, the riot had already started!

I saw most of the Ximagia in the institute twitching like electricity leaking, and then paralyzed on the ground as if their strength had been drained.

Before everyone in the institute could react to what was going on, the riots in Ximagia began!

There was a red light in his eyes, and he suddenly attacked everyone.

Not only in the research institute, but also in some towns in Sumeru, Xumagia began to attack humans indiscriminately. Humagia, which once brought convenience to people’s lives, has now become a terrifying weapon, attacking everything around it wantonly.

【Paimon]:Ahhh! Why did this happen all of a sudden? It was quite normal at first, right?

【Charlotte]:Many people died.

【Kaiya]: I thought it was a normal start, transitioning to the story line, but I didn’t expect that there would be a big one at the beginning?

【Elhaysen]: Sure enough, when technology brings convenience, it also brings potential harm.

【Zhongli]: Everything has two sides~

【Paimon]: Look! Xiao Linxia is in danger!!!

In the video, Lin Xia and Xi’er were surrounded by a group of Ximagia.

In the malicious red light, Lin Xia was so frightened that she hid behind Xi’er tremblingly.

Xi’er, on the other hand, stood unswervingly in front of Lin Xia, refusing to give in even a step.

【Kaiya]:Huh? Not much, why didn’t Xi’er riot like other Ximagia?

【Funina]: I also discovered this! But I don’t know why they didn’t riot like other Humagiyas. Maybe Xier is special? After all, the people around the protagonist need to be special.

【Elhaysen]: It should be the technological singularity. Humagia who has awakened to the technological singularity is almost indistinguishable from humans. That proves that in Xi’er’s order, protecting Lin Xia takes precedence over the invasion order.

【Ning Guang]: This is human emotion.

“Sister Xier……”

Lin Xia spoke out in fear, her young, pitiful and helpless look made people feel heartbroken.

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid.”

Xie’er protected Lin Xia and led him through the laboratory and ran towards a safe place.

But there were so many Humagiyas in the research institute that hundreds of rioting Humagiyas blocked the escape route. Lin Xia and Xi’er were approaching the passage step by step.

This was almost a desperate situation.

They opened the small door behind them and entered the room. Xi’er locked the door and piled up everything that could be used to block the door. , trying to hold back the footsteps of those Ximagiyas.

In the small room, Xi’er hugged Lin Xia’s young body and covered his ears to prevent him from hearing the screams coming from outside the door. The screams of Humagia’s wanton massacre of researchers echoed through every corner of the institute… It made people feel horrified. What a horrific massacre it was.

Inside the command post, the scene here was even more terrifying. It was tragic, with the corpses of researchers everywhere.

The console was covered in blood…

Lin Xia’s parents had been killed, but when they were dying, they used their stabbed bodies to upload a command to the satellite Zeya.

In the end, he helplessly hugged his lover who had closed his eyes. Blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, dripping down.

“I’m sorry, Lin Xia, dad broke his promise again…and Xi’er, Lin Xia, bye���is you.”

In the end, this couple was not able to accompany Lin Xia until he grew up. This may be the only regret in my heart.

The riots in Ximagiya continue!

“Sister, will we be okay?”

In the small room, Lin Xia raised her head and looked at Xi’er. Although he didn’t understand anything, he knew that some very scary things were happening outside, and he was a little scared… He wanted his parents.

“It’s okay, sister, promise you, okay? When it gets quiet outside, sister will take you to eat your favorite pudding, okay?”

Xie’er stroked Lin Xia’s hair tenderly and showed a smile that reassured Lin Xia.

But the sound of banging on the door made Xi’er a little worried, but what she needed to worry about more was not only Ximagia outside the door. And… if you look closely at Xi’er’s eyes, you will find that there is data flowing inside! Moreover, Xi’er’s body is also shaking.

This is because she is resisting the attacker who invaded her data, and Xi’er’s expression can’t help but show pain. Look.

Can robots also suffer?

The answer is yes!

All the databases of Xumajia have been invaded and controlled in reverse, but only one of them has spread. Ximagiya’s data is still the only one preserved under this menacing attack!

This is an invisible battle!

And step by step, the core data of Xi’er’s technology is expanding!

But the opponent’s attack methods are even more intense! Advanced, it seems that he is very familiar with the weak points of Xumajia’s core data, and he is approaching Xi’er’s data step by step.

Resist! Resist!

【Delete all redundant memory and emotional data, and allow the entry of…】


【Please follow Ya…’s instructions!】


【If the veto is invalid, hand over the core command data immediately! Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Xi’er resisted very hard, as if a superior was crushing his subordinates!

“Zea, please help me.”

When she could no longer hold on any longer, Xier prayed to Zeya!

【The data of Humagiya, codenamed Xi’er, has been connected. Zeya is at your service.】

“Leave the core instructions to protect Lin Xia, and the rest……”

Xi’er stroked Lin Xia’s cheek, and suddenly she seemed to feel her chest beating! The apparently empty chest seemed to have the rhythm of life.


No! That’s not an illusion! It’s a feeling that belongs exclusively to Xi’er! It’s Xi’er’s true feelings!! ps: The good challenge failed and I shot 15 times.

Le.jpg, take a rest early, get up at noon tomorrow to finish the rest, save the manuscript at night, and try to post more after it is put on the shelf.

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