The battle between Mie and Xun, Desia and Candice begins!

The battle between the two sides was very fierce, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Disiya and Candice were the ones suffering the loss, and the combat power of the two sides was not equal.

Mie, who used the Death Thunder to force the sublimation device to transform, leisurely blocked Desiya’s attack, and then drew his bow to attack Candice. This battle was completely like Mie’s personal performance.

Not only that, when attacking Disiya, Mie still had time to talk and mentally attack~ Disiya and Candice

“Is that all you have?”

“shut up! I will knock you down! Show me!”

Desia inserted the sublimation key into the shooting driver, and bombarded it with an energy light bullet at close range.

But Mie held the briefcase crossbow to block the attack, and then threw out a whip kick, The fierce whip kick carried huge kinetic energy, and the fighting level of the two was not at the same level. Disiya was still too young and was provoked. Just rush forward regardless

“Desiya, don’t be impulsive.”

Take the time to look at the battle here. Candice was harassed and had no choice but to do anything. Xun, who was flying in the air, had the absolute initiative. Candice could only take out the shooting sublimator and shoot in the air, but Xun Tai If you’re flexible, you won’t be able to hit at all.

“What a hateful guy.”

Dishiya pushed away the big stone that was pressing on her body and spat secretly. This guy is too strong. She couldn’t even fight back after he hit her.

“Ang, I get it.”

Hearing Candice’s words, Desia also restrained her temper, and distanced herself from Mie to start a long-distance fight.

After all, what they had to do was to delay the time until Nasida’s plan could succeed.

At the same time, Ai On Erhaisen’s side, when Candice and Disia were making a big fuss in the Ordinary House, Erhaisen, Nasida and Izzy had quietly sneaked into the Ordinary House.

Candice was responsible for this plan. Go with Desia to absorb the firepower so that Izzy and Elhaysen can find Nasida’s hiding place and rescue the little grass god.

That’s why Candice told Desia not to fight with Death Thunder. The guys fought too fiercely. In terms of physical strength, they were no match for these two guys. All they had to do was hold off these two guys.

“Sure enough, I was also affected by my emotions.”

Sneaking into the Jingshan Palace, Elhaysen sighed helplessly and said. If it were according to his nature, he might have planned in advance and then started the rescue, instead of rushing in without any preparation.

However, There’s nothing you can do about it. Sometimes emotions still prevail over rationality.

“Almost at the front, I felt my place.”

Walking to a gate, Nasida stopped and said. The closer she got to the gate, the more she could sense the position of her body. If nothing goes wrong, she should be imprisoned here.

“Wait a minute, there’s a situation.”

Elhaysen stopped the two of them, stood up and looked around. His intuition told him that there seemed to be a scam! Everything went so smoothly! It was so smooth that Elhaysen felt the hair on his back.

It was so quiet! There was so much beating at the entrance of the teaching court. Why is it so quiet here?

“Humph, that’s really good, you guys.”

Pah! Pah! Pah!

In the quiet environment, the inexplicable sound of applause was so harsh.

Not far from Elhaysen and his party, the great sage Azar was followed by three magic machines and A large number of trilobite monsters are coming here.

“That’s really cool. You should be Al Haisen, the R&D director of Feidian Intelligent Technology Company, right? I’ve heard of you.”

Azar looked at Alhaysen arrogantly and said

“Huh, should I say it’s an honor to be known by the great sage, or?”

“Oh, I originally planned to draw you to work for me in the Teaching Council a long time ago, but it’s a pity~ It’s a pity that you didn’t seize this opportunity, right?”

Elhaysen did not respond to Azar’s words. He glanced around secretly, trying to find a place to retreat.

“What a pity, our Lord Grass God, why do you want to connect these outsiders? Obviously you just need to do your thing in the palace, so why should you let others know your existence?”

Azar looked directly at Nasida and said

“It was precisely because of your exposure that Lin Xia died, wasn’t it? Why not just stay in the cage?”

His words were like sharp blades that pierced into Nasida’s heart. Yes, it was really because of her prayers and expectations that Lin Xia was killed.

So if it was just like what Azar said, would it be okay? The result will not be like this!!

Nasida clenched her fist tightly!

No matter what the result is, it can’t cover up the atrocities of the Imperial Academy!

, Azar glanced at Alhaysen who was on guard. It was too boring to talk to them, so

Azar waved his hand and turned around. These magic machine idols surrounded Alhaysen as if they had received instructions. Erhaisen and the others don’t need him to deal with the next thing.

The situation is in crisis!


A loud explosion made everyone stunned, and they saw a big hole in the wall on the side. Dissipated, and a person who surprised everyone came out of it

“Lin Xia!!”


Izzy and Nasida looked at the sudden appearance of Lin Xia in surprise.

They saw Lin Xia walking out in ragged clothes, with bandages wrapped around her abdomen. They looked carefully to see if there was any dried blood on her pants. At this time, Lin Xia limped in front of Elhaysen and the others.[]

“Didn’t you, this guy, get wiped out?……”

“yes! So I’m back from hell. Lin

Xia waved her finger at the great sage Azar with a charming smile.

“Sorry for making you worry.”

Then Lin Xia said sorry to everyone behind him. Lin Xia knew that during the period when he disappeared, everyone was worried about him.

“Sure enough, you idiot won’t die that easily.”

Alhaisen’s paralyzed face had a curve for the first time. Yes, he had always believed in Lin Xia. It would not be so easy to be knocked down and unable to stand up.

“Hey, it sounds so nice. Now that you show up, you are just seeking death for yourself. Do you think you can stop these magical puppets just because you are covered in scars? If I remember correctly your belt driver was smashed to pieces.”

Lin Xia’s appearance surprised Azar, but he was not worried about what kind of waves this guy could make. After all, without the ability to transform, he was no match for Three Magic Machine Puppets.

“Oh, is it so? But I brought good things from hell.”

Lin Xia took out the forced drive from his arms and held it in front of Azar.

Người mua: Mortminh

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