The lady's face turned black, and the other executives looked at her strangely. No wonder everything went wrong, it turned out that everyone was the same.

The lady felt like a thorn in her back, and she was very unhappy. She wanted to fight them on the spot, but for the sake of the live broadcast, she reluctantly held back her anger. She secretly thought in her heart that after taking away the Heart of Thunder God, she must teach these fools a lesson.

What kind of people are they!

One by one, they are too arrogant!

They can't even do such a simple thing as guarding!


"They are all trash!"

The inflated lady didn't know who she was talking about, maybe the Fatui, or someone on the field.

Only Tartaglia didn't care at all, laughing exaggeratedly

, like a madman.


『The Fatui guards were completely frightened, and without waiting for the Traveler and Paimon to ask, they told everything in one go.

From beginning to end, the Traveler and Paimon did not say a word, did not do anything, and the Fatui guards had already told everything.

The audiences of the three major worlds were speechless!

No way,

I thought the Fatui was such a high-end organization!

The result is just like this? No, buddy, it's a bit outrageous!

Such an organization is actually all over the continent of Teyvat, it's a bit outrageous, how weak your combat power is!

The lady was speechless, what's the situation, is this still the Fatui?

Can't you learn from her?

Stepping on the God of Wind, pointing the sword at the God of Thunder, sweeping across the continent of Teyvat!

Of course, the sword pointing at the God of Thunder and seizing the Heart of God was interrupted by the live broadcast before she had time to be moved, but in the eyes of the lady, it was not difficult. After all

, the previous God of Wind, who was admired by thousands of people, had been dealt with by her lightly!

Thor... hehe.

The lady, who was normally inflated, quickly inflated like a balloon after seeing Mondstadt's belief in the God of Wind and the ancient events.

In her heart, there was a voice that kept tempting her.

God of Wind, is that it?

I guess the God of Thunder is even more of a traitor. If she hadn't been watching the live broadcast, the lady would have solved the Heart of God of all the gods. '

Of course, everyone at this time didn't know that the lady's heart was already very twisted. Revenge, anger, everything, formed the bloodstains on the withered rose.

Of course, other things can be ignored. The lady's figure and appearance are still very good, especially her long legs!



Looking at the Fatui soldiers on the screen, and the lady behind the scenes.

Su Xiao remembered a joke about the original god, and the amazing sword strike by the general, and the lady with long legs who was killed in one second by the amazing sword strike.

That is, who is the most resistant person among the Fatui?

It is known that the lady of the Fatui was killed in one second by one sword strike, so, is it enough for General Lei Dian to deal with the Fatui with twelve sword strikes?

Answer: No, it should be fourteen sword strikes, because the young master can withstand three sword strikes.

From this, we can draw a conclusion that the young master is the most tanky among the Fatui. If the young master is at the forefront when fighting against the god of thunder, then there is no need to be afraid of being killed in one second!

Young master: I eat lemons!


『"I don't know which advance team member has the key... but you can go to the room to find them anyway"』

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