【You can...】

[Take me to see Kapachili?]

Ruu asked softly. "

"A thousand years of obsession is a big dream. "

In the face of the cold and cruel truth, Ruu didn't cry or make trouble. "

She just calmly accepted the reality. "

At this moment, Ruu's only wish left in her heart is to meet her friends. "

"The god who was once high up..."

"The friend who only has a one-sided relationship..."

"Even if the current Capacchili is gone, there is only a wisp of resentful remnants left..."

"I have to see each other after all. "

"After all, between them..."

"There is also an unfinished agreement. "

Bai An whispered.

The scene was quiet and quiet.

The wind is also soft.

In the face of Ruu's sincere request, the traveler did not hesitate at all, and immediately agreed. "

Then, in the darkness of the night, the two of them walked towards the exit of the crane temple. "

"All the way around and through the fog..."

The two finally walked out of the haze and came to the shallows where the ship "553" only docked. "

"Look at the starry sky above you that is so clear..."

"Looking at the starry sky, the bright moon..."

Ruu was stunned for a long time. "

"It was something she had never seen before. "

"Born in the haze, died in the haze, and lived alone in the haze..."

"Throughout his life, he has never stepped out of that hazy place. "

"This is the first time she has come out of the smog. "

It was also the first time she had seen the scenery outside the world. "

"The world is so clear that it seems so unreal. "

Ruu couldn't help but look at it stupidly. "

"I stopped for a long time, but I never came back to my senses. "

There was a faint sound of sobbing in the wind.

The audience in the audience was already full of tears one by one.

Ruu has lived in haze all her life.

The real world was extraordinarily unreal to her.

The clear starry sky that ordinary people are too lazy to look at is a scenery that Ruu has never seen in his life.

As soon as they thought of this, everyone felt like a fish in their throats, and their hearts were extremely sad.

They are accustomed to being...

It is a great shore that children have never seen.

The galaxy that has been shining for countless centuries...

It never shines in the sky above the child.


"Life is a foggy person, and death is the soul of a foggy country. "

The vastness and clarity of the world made her feel terrified. "

"For us, the misty crane view is a land of dreams. "

But for Ruu, the real world is more like an unreal dreamland. "

"It's really embarrassing..."

Bai An sighed slightly.

The faces of everyone in the audience were even more sad, and their breath was blocked in their throats, and they only felt that they couldn't even breathe.

One by one, the audience was teary-eyed and tearful.

"Although I am afraid..."

"Although I was shocked by the beautiful and clear starry sky..."

But Ruu didn't linger for long. "

"She still has business to do. "

Then, under the light of the stars, Ruu boarded the ship on the outlying island. "

"This repetitive and monotonous day, which lasted for thousands of years, finally came to an end at this moment. "

"And this left-behind child who has been alone in the haze for thousands of years..."

"I finally left the foggy country for the first time. "

Hearing this, the figure of the audience shook again.

But unlike before, this time, people shed tears of emotion.

The thousand-year-old sacrifice has finally come to an end.

That little man finally no longer needs to go through such suffering.

People wept and celebrated.

"A small boat, wearing the stars and the moon all the way, riding the wind and waves. "

Carrying the child's wishes, he sailed towards the island of Seirai. "

For the land of Godfall that is about to arrive, Ruu's heart is both excited and complicated. "

For her, it was a reunion after a millennium. "

"It's also a memorial for the first time in a thousand years. "

"Yes, a memorial, not a ritual. "

"The gods are gone. "

"Naturally, the festival has become a memorial. "

"And this time, there will be no more enthusiastic farewell people, no more flowers, no more singing and dancing..."

"There will be no more cups of gold and silver urns. "

"It's only Ruu. "

And the vows she had hidden in her bosom and remembered for thousands of years. "

"Ruu, come for the promise. "

But she was also full of worry and nervousness. "

She didn't know if Kapacili's remnant remembered her. "

"Do you remember, each other's promises. "

"I'm nervous..."

"Ruu, finally landed on a foreign land. "

"Look at the crumbling and messy empty island in the sky..."

"Look at that big bird hovering in a rage..."

Ruu was silent for a long time. "

[Long time no see...]


Hearing this, the audience finally couldn't hold back.

"Wow", countless viewers cried and became tearful people.

"After thousands of years of separation, until this moment..."

"Finally reunited. "

"This one-sided relationship, but it has maintained a friendship for thousands of years..." (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"These children and gods who are acquainted with the haze and separated from the haze..."

"Under this clear starry sky..."

"It's in a distant foreign land..."

"Finally met again. "

"The last time they met, it was the first time they saw each other. "

"And when they meet again, they are already dead souls. "

"However, life and death have never severed cause and effect, nor have they severed their bonds. "

"These two old friends who were once only separated by a strait..."

"It's finally a fateful reunion. "

"It's a pity that fate is impermanent..."

"Perhaps, as people say, if you don't forget, there will be an echo..."

"Lei Yinquan is hovering in the sky all day long, not knowing what he is asking for. "

But it always remembered that it was thinking about such a small creature. "

"Ruu sacrifices day after day, hoping to satisfy the gods. "

And now, she finally got her wish and saw the god in her heart in an unreal dreamland. "

Bai An spoke softly.

The guests in the audience had long been crying.

"As for Ruu's arrival, Lei Yinquan doesn't know about it now. "

Ruu didn't care about that. "

She knew the gods would hear her. "

"Immediately, Ruu walked to the edge of the cliff and faced the collapsed empty island..."

"Just like a thousand years ago, in the midst of the haze and thunder, facing the statue carved in stone..."

He opened his mouth. "

Bai An's words fell.

A beautiful ballad sounded on the side of the stage.

"Lalala, lalala~"

The ballad has no lyrics.

This beautiful ballad has been heard by the audience once before.

I don't know what the song likes when I first hear it.

When I heard it again, it was already tears.

The first time I listened to this ballad, everyone was hippie and smiling, and the mood was happy.

The second time I heard this ballad, everyone was sad and couldn't cry.


The ballad sounded only twice.

Just like the meeting between Ruu and Kapachili.

Spanning millennia, only twice.

Hundreds of thousands of viewers cried so much that they died and came back to life.

On stage, Bai An continued to tell with a gentle voice, accompanied by the ballad:

"Listen to that innocent ballad..."

Lei Yinquan, who was originally irritable, suddenly quieted down. "

It stood blankly at the edge of the island, looking at the tiny man below. "

And those eyes full of resentment and ferocity4.1 have also become more serene than ever. "

"In that tranquility, wrapped in thousands of years of longing..."

"With unprecedented pleasure. "

"At this moment, it is no longer thundering. "

"It's Capachili. "

"Those pictures of the past, which have been blurred and invisible, finally reappear clearly in front of me. "

[Kapachili, next time we meet, I'll sing to you again!]

"Ruu, kept her promise. "

And this crosses the front, and the reappearance of the song is also a little more meaningful than the last time. "

"It's a reunion agreement..."

"It's also an elegy for farewell. "

"In the midst of that thousand-year-old ballad..."

"God, at last I felt more joy and satisfaction than I had ever felt before. "

"Ruu wasn't doing the ritual. "

But before she knew it, she had completed a perfect sacrifice. "

"She didn't know..."

"Actually, what Kapachiri wants most is just a paragraph..."

"Simple ballads. "。

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