Headquarters of the Knights of Favonius.

Office of the Acting Head of Mission.

The atmosphere is a little subtle.

In order to have a clear understanding of the incident, the head of the Qin regiment told everything he knew.

And this naturally includes the stories told by the teenagers.

After hearing the ins and outs of what happened, the people became silent.

There's a lot of complexity inside.

After a long time.

"Oops~, Lord Anemoshen..."

"After all, do you still admit that you are a girl..."

Lisa opened her mouth to break the dull atmosphere, and although her words were frivolous, her tone was still complicated.

"A magical light curtain..."

"A storyteller who walks with God..."

Kaeya held her chin and looked pensive.

"Sister Eula, is that why you set off for Liyue..."

Amber's eyes were amazed, and she was shocked.

Klee was also stunned.

Unlike everyone, she was surprised by the fact that "the one who sings is Lord Fengshen".

Inside the room, it was quiet.

Everyone's emotions seem to be very complicated.

"Stories, good stories indeed..."

"Poetry... Also writes "three-three-three" excellently. "

Lisa, who has a flirtatious personality, once again broke the silence and was the first to break away from the dull atmosphere.

The lazy praise is full of laziness and charm.

"Lisa, I didn't call you here to discuss literature. "

The head of the Qin troupe still had a deep face, and he looked worried.

Listening to the other party's deep voice, Kaeya and the others also came back to their senses.

Immediately, his face became equally solemn and deep.

Listening to what the head of the piano said so much, even the most stupid person understood the reason for the other party's anxiety.

"So, the departure of Lord Anemo bothered you?"

Lisa told her friend where the knot was.

"Hmm. "

Jean nodded slowly.

The gods of the Land of the Wind left the Land of the Wind and went to the Land of the Rock God.

If such a thing were to be exposed, it would definitely shake the whole of Mondstadt.

Actually, you don't have to be so upset. "

Lisa chuckled comfortingly.

"It's normal for Lord Fengshen to lose contact every day. "

"After all, in this free city-state, he is the most free and loose one~"

Lisa said with a playful look in her eyes.

When everyone heard this, their faces were also stunned.

Thinking of the elusive bard and the god of wind, everyone's eyes were a little dazed.

For that one, losing contact is indeed the norm.

"But this time it's different. "

Jean shook her head, her face becoming more solemn.

"Lord Barbatos is not going to a no-man's land, but to the land of the rock gods. "

"This has already involved the sovereignty of the Seven Rulers of the Earthly Realm. "

When everyone heard this, they were stunned again.

There are seven earthly rulers, each with its own territory.

The behavior of the wind god has undoubtedly violated the taboo and is an act that crosses the line.

If it is serious, his actions may even lead to a war.

Although Liyue and Mondstadt are good friends, no one can say anything like this, big or small.

"Is it possible, Lord Barbatos, that he was invited by Lord Iwajin?"

Amber asked.

"Amber, don't you remember? "

Kaeya sighed helplessly and said.

"Ahh I forgot..."

Amber bowed her head in disagreement.

"Probably not invited. "

"After all, in Liyue, the only person who knows the identity of the Wind God and is qualified to invite the Wind God is the rock god who has passed away. "

Jean held her chin and said as she pondered.

"I didn't get invited, and I went to the country of Iwano..."

"This is undoubtedly a very sensitive matter..."

Jean's face was extremely solemn.

Hearing this, Kaeya and Amber's expressions also deepened.

"Lord Barbatos, will you fight those immortals in Liyue?"

Amber looked worried and nervous.

Hearing this, Jean and Kaeya couldn't help but "chuckle" in their hearts.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became extremely solemn.

Even Klee, who was ignorant, couldn't help but become nervous.

"You don't need to worry about this~"

"After all, I don't have the impression that Lord Anemo is not the kind of person who is brave and ruthless. "

Lisa covered her mouth and chuckled, her eyes full of banter.

Hearing this, everyone reacted in hindsight.

A blue-green figure floated in his mind, kicked to the ground by the lady, unconscious and pretending to be dead...

It was a picture that people were desperate to recall.

It was the "peak moment" of Lord Fengshen.

How could such a god fight with others?

It's okay not to pretend to be dead.

Everyone couldn't help but shake their heads and sigh, directly erasing the picture of "gods vs. immortals" in their minds.

"What is the reason for that?"

Jean groaned, pulling the topic back.

"I think there's another possibility. "

Lisa's expression was finally a little more serious.

"Tell me about it. "

Jean looked up, expectant.

The friend in front of him can always see the key to the problem and give the most ingenious answer.

Hopefully this time will be no exception.

Kaeya and the others also looked at Lisa, their eyes shining.

"In my opinion, Lord Anemo didn't go to Liyue as a god~"

"It's as an artist. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hearing this, Qin and the others were stunned.


Jean's eyes were stunned.

"Yes. "

Lisa chuckled and nodded.

"Qin, let me ask you, who is Bai An?"

Listening to Lisa's inquiry, Jean subconsciously replied, "Storyteller, what's wrong?"

"So, who is Lord Barbatos?"

"I mean, who he walks in the world. "

Lisa's smile widened.

"He's a bard..."

Jean's eyes widened slowly as she spoke.

"One of Liyue's most famous genius storytellers. "

"One of Mondstadt's most eminent bards. "

"It seems to me that Lord Barbatos traveled to Liyue and took the stage with the boy..."

"The reason for this couldn't be more obvious. "

Lisa chuckled.

"You mean... Artists are attracted to each other?"

Jean understood the meaning of the other party in an instant.....


"However, this is just my speculation, and it does not rule out other possibilities. "

I have to say that Lisa is worthy of being the brain-level figure of the Knights of Favonius, almost in a word.

"This speculation, although it sounds a bit unserious..."

"But the more I think about it, the more I think it's possible..."

"After all, Lord Barbatos, it's quite..."

After all, Qin held back the word "improper".

Although Lord Anemo is not in Mondstadt, a staunch believer will not blaspheme at any time.

"As things stand, this is undoubtedly the most likely. "

Jean is also a smart man, even when he comes to a conclusion.

"What do you think about that magical light curtain?"

Jean then cast an inquiring glance at Lisa.

"I don't know about this~"

Lisa spread her hands, showing that she couldn't help.

That kind of thing, after all, was still beyond her knowledge.


Jean then fell back into deep thought.

The room was silent, and no one dared to disturb the acting head of the group, who was thinking.

"This thing, after all, is still too weird. "

After a long time, Jean finally spoke again, her eyes complicated.

"A magical light curtain..."

"The objects it chooses are also very special..."

Jean said as she looked at Klee to the side.

Everyone looked at each other, and their eyes became complicated.

The only two light curtains...

One voted for the current commander-in-chief of the Order.

One voted for the Hanabi Knight...

Daughter of Alice the Witch.

There must be some subtle implication in this.

After all, Alice is the most special being in all of Mondstadt, except for the god of Anemo.

As Alice's daughter and Mondstadt's favorite Klee, her particularity is self-evident.

Even, the fact that the light curtain was cast on Klee was more thought-provoking than the fact that it was placed on the head of the Knights, 3.9.

Feeling the deep gaze of everyone, Klee lowered her head uneasily.

She was reflecting on whether she had done something wrong again.

Why are people staring at themselves like this...

"There are too many doubts about this matter. "

"Lord Barbatos's involvement has also made things even more elusive. "

"Although Lisa's analysis just made sense..."

"But if I don't find out the truth, I can't feel at ease. "

Jean withdrew her gaze and said in a deep voice.

"Although I've already sent Eula to Liyue..."

But this matter is obviously beyond her ability. "

"She can't handle it. "

Jean said, her eyes changing.

It seems to be struggling inside.

"So, what are you going to do?"

Lisa had already vaguely guessed what the other party was thinking.

"Let's go to Liyue. "

Jean finally made up her mind, and her expression became determined.

Hearing this, everyone's faces changed.

"When you say we, you mean..."

Lisa's eyes flickered.

"Knights of Favonius..."

"All the top staff!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces finally changed greatly.

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