【Hanabi: I am working very hard to prepare things.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Ah, this... let's not do that】

【Xing: It's good that you don't prepare for this bomb when you first enter. Just keep it like this.】

【March 7: Yes, yes, yes! Let’s keep it like this! No more bombs】

【Sambo: Tsk tsk tsk… This is really difficult.】

【Sambo: It's not an easy task to make Hanabi give up.】


At this time, the screen also began to show new traces of playback.

At this time, Xing also asked Shu Weng about Gallagher.

"What happened to Gallagher?"


They were still here and learned about Mikhail and Gallagher.

Shu Weng also responded after hearing this.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since we met at the bar last time."

"Looking back, his arrival and departure were always so silent."

"At this bar, we talk about everything"

"But when he pushed the door open and left, I realized that I didn't know this man at all."

"Gallagher is so mysterious."

Shu Weng said.

Her voice had already lowered at this time.

【Funina: It seems that Shu Weng has already sensed something?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: The thing is, no one really saw Gallagher's farewell.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: He was at Liumeng Reef, and disappeared so ordinary】

【Qingque: Maybe this is the real farewell.】

【Fu Xuan: After all, it was made up by a fictional historian, and it is a false existence in itself.】

【Fu Xuan: After being exposed, it became what it is now.】

【Qingque: It's really touching! But I won't be able to see you again after all.】

【Gallagher: Hahaha! Although the ending is not what I imagined, it still has an ending.】

【Gallagher: Pinocchio! I hope you can take the correct"313" path in the future.】


In that picture, Mr. Shu seemed to have had a premonition.

She sighed.

"I just have a hunch…"

"Maybe his wish has come true and he will never come back.

This short sentence is enough to explain something.

【Xing: Yes! Some people have fulfilled their wishes, so they won’t come back.】

【March 7: That is indeed the case! I hope everyone’s wishes can come true, but the less farewells there are, the better.】

【Liuying: I hope everyone can reach the ending they want.】


On the screen.

After the chat,

Mr. Shu then began to prepare the drink.

"I have some idea of what kind of drink to make."

"Bitter or sweet, you make the choice"

"See which flavor is more suitable for your mood at this moment.

Shu Weng smiled and then looked at Xing in front of him.

Xing thought for a while and made a choice.

"Sweet bar"

"Sweet Drunk - One of the most difficult drinks to make"

"As long as the proportion of raw materials is slightly unbalanced, the taste will become too thick and greasy."

"On the contrary, if the ratio is appropriate……"

"Then you can get a unique sweet drink with a long aftertaste"

"Good choice, let's start mixing the drink."

Shu Weng said so.

Then, she personally directed Xing to start mixing the drink.

【Xing: No, can you still do this yourself? Isn’t this so cool?】

【March 7: Great! This is absolutely great! There really is such a thing!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I didn’t expect that! It’s really surprising】

【Ying: I feel like we are missing this kind of thing.】

【Diluk: What? Do you want to come?】

【Paimon: Ah, this... let's not do that.】

【Greenbird: Sweetness? I feel like there are so many wonderful things happening now.】

【Qingque: It is always easy to solve, and it feels like a quick ending.】

【Fu Xuan: I hope this drink can bring this final story to a good end.】

【Xing: I hope every ending can be a happy one.】


On the screen, after watching Xing finish mixing the drink,

Shu Weng also began to praise her.

"Words are always pale"

"If you want to end a past event, there is no better way than to mix drinks in this bar."

"Pour all the memories and feelings together and mix them well"

"Through the filter of time, what remains in the cup is something worth savoring."

"OK, that's it.……"

Mr. Shu said this.

Now, it is enough to make people feel deeply moved.

【Xing: Although words are pale, all these experiences have left some deep marks.】

【March 7: This time, I got to meet a few people, didn’t I?】

【Huang Quan: Those profound moments play an important role in memories.】

【Black Swan: I hope everyone can leave a deep mark in their memory】

【Qingque: In short, I really got to see some real people.】

【Qingque: There are stubborn and cool people, and there are also unsung heroes who dedicate themselves to this world.】

【Fu Xuan: How can such a story not make people moved?】


On the screen.

At this moment, Shu Weng seemed to be saying his final goodbye.

"To the unknown guests sleeping underground"

"And my good friend, Gallagher."

Shu Weng deliberately mentioned Gallagher's existence.

Among so many people, the one who impressed her the most was Gallagher.

"The spirit of freedom will spread far and wide among the stars"

"Its aftertaste will be more lasting than the pastoral"

"We are not accepted by the outside world, so we gather here"

"And one day, our souls will be together"


Everyone raised their glasses at this moment.

At this moment, they really toasted those unknown heroes.

Similarly, the past experience is over.

All they have to do is to move towards the future.

【March 7: I feel like this sense of ritual is so strong!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I feel at ease! It's so comfortable!】

【Funina: Didn’t Gallagher also raise his glass at the end?】

【Funina: Let me think about it.……】

【Funina: That’s right! He used the phrase"meet and part sometimes" at that time! He was paying tribute to an imperfect tomorrow.】

【Xing: It was also the last thing he did.】

【Xing: I don’t know if people will really gather together again.】

【Firefly: If we use a romantic way of speaking, it should be possible.】

【Liuying: Because we also hope in our hearts that we can get a new life in another world after death, and we also hope to be reunited in the end.】

【Black Swan: This is the most beautiful thing in the human heart】


On the screen.

After the toast. After

Xing was upgraded, he suddenly received a message from Ji Zi.

To be precise.

In the Star Train family group, Ji Zi sent a message

【Jizi: Everyone, please move to the Huichangshi.】

【Jizi: I'll finish up here soon, we'll meet at the stern pool later.】

【Danheng: 11】

【Walter: See you later. 】

Xing saw this and couldn't help asking

【Xing: By the way, what is Miss Himeko busy with?】

【March 7:! I want to ask too!!】

【Jizi: (drinking tea)】

【Jizi: Keep it secret for now】

【Ji Zi: Don't be impatient, you will know after the opening ceremony.】

【March 7: Hey……】

【March 7: Looking forward to it!!】


Looking at these messages in the group chat, one can't help but wonder what exactly happened.

【Xing: Could it be that Ji Zi has already reached an agreement?】

【March 7: Actually, it is not impossible. What is supposed to happen will happen.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Actually, it should be over. After all, so many things have happened.】

【Gold Dust: This is interesting! It seems that the moment when the Family Company and the Star Core Hunter will be on the same stage is not far away. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Topa: The future of Pinocchio will soon be decided! Who will control the future?】

【Hanabi: Hehehehe! Hanabi doesn't know. She only knows to prepare the bomb.】

【Botio: Holy crap! I've sorted out my thoughts, but they still feel a mess. I don't know what's going to happen next.】

【Qingque: To be honest, Feicui and Topa are also going to look for evidence, right?】

【Fu Xuan: It is a handle, but it can also be a rumor】

【Fu Xuan: According to the company's network, as long as the rumor spreads, it will naturally affect Pinoconi's so-called independent listing.】

【Fu Xuan: If you were a little more ruthless���Can completely suppress】

【Xing: Anyway, let's leave such a complicated matter to Jizi.】


On the screen, after seeing the group of people accepting the news, they all seemed to be about to leave.

Shu Weng couldn't help but ask

"Are you setting off?"

"Then take it with you.[]

She gave some drinks with the origami bird logo on them

"For this last special drink, I specially mixed some more"

"The past is like smoke, I hope it can make you remember the taste of Pinocchio."

Walter nodded to express his gratitude

"Thank you, I think it will be an unforgettable taste."

He said so.

Then he accepted it.

Knowing this, Shu Weng still missed Gallagher.

"If you can see Gallagher, let him have a drink too."

"I know that guy's taste. He will definitely like it."

【March 7: As expected, Miss Shu Weng is still worried about Gallaher!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: This is true. After all, it is someone I see often. If he suddenly disappears, I will feel a little empty inside.】

【Furninna: There is no way, after all, things have come to this point.】

【Xing: If someone around us suddenly disappears, we would also feel strange.】

【March 7: In short, everything seems to be over】

【Xing: But we will still go to Liumeng Reef. Then we will know the truth.】

【Firefly: Maybe sometimes, I hope the truth comes later.......】


On the screen.

Facing Mr. Shu's request, Xing nodded seriously.

"We will"

"Okay, that's enough."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit strange, Mr. Shu started to drive them away.

"You still have to talk about business, don't let the atmosphere continue to become sad"

"Whether it is the Starry Sky Train or Pinocchio"

"There is still a long way to go in the future, so cheer up."

Then they set off.

【Xing: I feel like this will be the last time I see Ms. Shu Weng in the near future.】

【March 7: We still have a lot of things to deal with! After we really finish dealing with them, many things are still hard to say】

【Liuying: When everything calms down, there will always be a chance to meet again.】

【Jizi: Yes, although we are on the road of pioneering, it does not mean that everything is over.】


On the screen.

Because the meeting with Oti Aifa did not start smoothly.

Jade and Toppa were discussing the strategy for the second half on the Hibiscus.……

"…That old Odi is so hard to deal with."

"Unexpectedly, at the most critical moment of Pinocchio"

"He actually took the risky step of going public."

At this moment, Topa couldn't help but admire him.

"Yes, he's courageous."

"It is with this courage that he has become the Odi Aifa of today."

Jade also agreed

【Qingque: It can be seen that this time, the pressure that Old Aodi has brought to the company is really not small.】

【Fu Xuan���It is not small. If the company does not handle it well, it will make things very troublesome. This is obviously not what Feicui and the others see.】

【Black Swan: So, where is the help the company is looking for?】

【Xing: I always feel that it might be hard to find the help I want.】

【March 7: It can only be us, right? The family has already contacted Sister Jizi】

【Gold Dust: Hahaha! It all depends on who wins.】


On the screen.

Although Lao Aodi temporarily has the upper hand.

But now, Feicui still has enough confidence.

"But the balance of victory has not yet tilted in either direction"

"No matter how loud the voice is, it has no weight.

Then, Emerald looked at Topa seriously.

"Topa, is there any follow-up to the phone call you made?"

Jade asked

"Yes, they agreed."

"But it will take a while for them to arrive."

Topa responded.

Hearing this, Emerald smiled.

"That's just right"

"Ganlu should be served after poison."

【Funina: I think it's not hard to understand. The person who called was Ji Zi.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: The Star Train is about to arrive, and they don't want to see any chance of winning.】

【Nashida: It must be difficult to control both parties accurately!】

【Xing: Things are starting to get troublesome. I wonder what will happen next?】

【Xing: Can you get what you want?】

【March 7: Don't worry! Sister Ji Zi will make things easier 3.7】

【Jizi: All I can say is that all I can do is mediate.】

【Jizi: If both parties can accept the right conditions, then it will be simple.】

【Black Swan: So the key point is, what does old Mr. Odi want?】

【Black Swan: Is it just to save Pinocchio, or to make the company lose everything?】

【Jade: That depends on what he can do.】

【Jade: Once the event is reached, he has only one choice to leave, and that is to accept it.】


On the screen.

Seeing Jade like this, Topa also laughed

"It seems that this time, the exchange of apples will be omitted.

She is very familiar with the methods of jadeite.

This can also be regarded as a kind of ridicule.

"Who said the other party was a greedy businessman?"

""An apple that is neither sweet nor bland will not solve the problem."

Jade described, and finally couldn't help but sigh.

"Ah, it seems that this statement has also hurt me by mistake."

Obviously, neither side intends to stop after tasting a little sweetness.

That is not in line with their style and expectations.

Then, Emerald asked Topa again.

"I suddenly became curious"

"In your opinion, is Pinocchio a high-quality asset?

This question is crucial.

And Topa's response is also very decisive.

"Good credit, huge profits, and development prospects"

"Even after this catastrophe, it is still the Milky Way���It is a first-class quality asset, there is no doubt about that.

Obviously, Topa has great confidence in Pinoconi.

【Funina: Sure enough, this is fat meat visible to the naked eye! Everyone seems to like it.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Yes, I like them all, and it’s very simple and easy.】

【Xing: So many people come and go, all wanting to experience the dream, some even sell their children, this is absolutely amazing】

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