On the screen.

After Liuying saw the examples of the three people, she also thought in her heart

"Their wishes did come true.……"

"But I still don't quite understand how she did it."

No one could have guessed how Jade did it.

"What does pawning mean?"

"Go back and ask……"

Liuying was now curious about Feicui.

She wanted to go back and ask Feicui.

When she was about to go back

, she came to the bow and saw a familiar figure doing something eye-catching...

The curious woman asked

"Hey, did you see it?"

"The gray-haired man outside……"

The cautious Pipixi immediately stopped her

"Stop looking and drink your wine!"

"That person seems mentally unstable…"

Following the sound

, Liuying found Xing.

At this time, Xing was on the stern of the Huichangshi, playing with the bird.

"Chirp, chirp……"

"Origami bird...Little Chirp……"

Xing was shouting excitedly.

Sanyueqi, who was below, was also panicked when he saw this scene.

"Hey, I'm talking to you……"

"Come down quickly, everyone is watching!"

However, she could not stop Xing's abstract behavior.

【Qingque: Ah this... I can only say that it is worthy of being a star. This is really too……】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It is indeed a bit outrageous】

【Fu Xuan: Hey! If it were someone else, they might still be a little confused.】

【Fu Xuan: But if she does anything, it won't be surprising】

【Xing: Hehehe, is this a recognition of us?】

【March 7: Do you feel like this is recognition?】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! This is so much fun! You are just like me! Hoshi!】

【Botio: My god, I thought she was just acting weird occasionally, but she is like this all the time.】

【Liuying: Huh? I feel pretty energetic.】

【Xing: Hehehe! This is the official certification of Yingbao! Do you understand?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: This is indeed... very unexpected】

【Ying: Damn it! It’s already this late and you still want to show off】


On the screen, after Liuying had gone through a lot, she finally returned to Feicui's room.

However, this time her mood was completely different from before. Feicui also smiled when she saw Liuying coming back.

"You are back, Miss Samuel.

Liuying nodded and then told her story.

"Well, I found the people you mentioned."

"After visiting Ciyudian, their respective wishes did come true." It's just that Liuying still seems a little confused about these things.

"But I still don't know what you want me to see"

"They all look so... perfect"

【Qingque: It seems that Liuying has not discovered anything wrong inside】

【Ji Zi: To be honest, if you don't think about the person who pawned the money, there really is no problem.】

【Walter: But for a company person, this is something that must be considered.】

【Xing: Everything has a price, but what exactly is this price?】

【March 7: I feel like now, the price has to be revealed.】

【Hanabi: Hehehehe! Then let's take a good look at what the price is.】


On the screen.

Knowing that Liuying had seen everything.

Now Feicui also comforted

"Don't worry, this step is just to make you believe that the goods pledged by Ciyudian are genuine."

She said so.

It was like she was leading people to a certain place step by step.

"Next, I will naturally tell you the price they paid."

She said

【Xing: Now that we are here, we can know what price they paid.】

【Liuying: Pawning, what will the price be?

Jade also began to speak at this time.

"Dell is a rich kid."

"He pursued Dorothy, the girl he loved, but failed to get her."

"In order to win the other person's heart, he made a deal with me"

"Mortgage all your property"

"In exchange for a gift that will surely impress Dorothy."

Emerald said lightly.

【Funina: That’s true, but we should consider the background of this rich kid, right?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Indeed, if I were to exchange it, it would be the most precious thing to me.】

【Nashida: So what is the exchange?】

【Xing: Doesn’t it feel like this wish is a bit too hasty?】

【Xing: Wouldn’t it be nice if I could just choose to make the girl fall in love with me?】

【March 7: You seem to have discovered the blind spot. But is this really possible?】

【Hanabi: Hehehe, I can only say that it is very unrealistic.】

【Hanabi: After all, how could such a thing happen?】

【Jadeite: Don’t underestimate the value of jade pawning, but don’t overestimate it either.】

【Xing: This... is the first time I've heard of something like this.】

【Black Swan: After all, it is difficult to ensure that one person must fall in love with another person...】

【Liuying: That’s true. Did you just change something to impress others?】

【Jade: Perhaps it can also be understood that what he mortgaged was not enough.】

【Jade: Love is a very emotional thing. But at the same time, as long as there is still or, then there will be contact】

【Jade: We can artificially create accidental moments one after another, so that we can continue that feeling.】

【Jadeite: But can he afford that price?】

【Jade: Mortgage all your property, but you can only buy a moment】

【Xing: This... Doesn’t that mean he has no money at all?】

【Robin: The cruel reality is that when you have no money, you can no longer stay in Nocho.】

【Robin: To be honest, I am very worried about their future.】


On the screen.

Jade was still talking at this time

"With the company's intelligence and network of contacts, this is easy."

The necklace was obviously made by Feicui using the company's means.

"But Dell will soon be kicked out of the dream because he can't afford the room fee"

"Can I escape from my impoverished life after that?……"

"It all depends on his personal efforts.

Jade has said this cruel thing.

However, in the end, she still offered her blessing.

"I hope that necklace can keep their relationship forever."

【Qingque: I hope that the necklace can keep their relationship intact? How is that possible?】

【Qingque: If relationships could be maintained by a necklace, wouldn’t everyone buy a necklace?】

【Fu Xuan: The most important thing is what is behind the necklace.】

【Fu Xuan: Dorothy thought that Dale had always cared about him and knew many details.】

【Fu Xuan: But in fact, if we trade like this, our true identity will be exposed in the future.】

【Xing: When they are finally exposed, they will separate.】

【March 7: And then he even lost his own property. Isn’t that too miserable?】

【Gold Dust: Haha, isn't that miserable? To use all his wealth to win the heart of a girl, isn't that what he wants?】

【Gold Dust: Maybe it's just a moment, but if he thinks that moment is worth it, then it's worth it.】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! I feel like I can have a lot of fun following Jade.】


On the screen.

Jade continued to talk about other people

"Stacey is a gambling addict"

"She hopes to get great luck from me"

"But she didn't have any property to pledge.

This time, she was talking about the woman who played poker with the gambler.

"So I took away something else: all her intimacy.

Jade said lightly, as if she was doing something ordinary.

"From the moment I walked out of Ciyu Pawnshop"

"Every casino in the universe will remember her name"

"And her parents and siblings will cut off contact with her because of this."

"Stacy will never make any real friends again."

In just a few words, Stacy's situation was revealed. (To read the best novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"She will gain infinite wealth through luck"

"But I can no longer use that wealth on important people."

This is what Feicui said.

But listening to this still makes people feel strange.

【Liuying: Although some explanations have been given, it still hasn’t explained where her good luck comes from.】

【Qingque: Yes, this is still very suspicious.】

【Xing: Could it be that all of this was a trap set up by Feicui?】

【Xing: Feicui hired so many people just to make Liuying trust him?】

【March 7: Ah this... Don't say it, we can't rule out this possibility】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! You are so smart! I like you more and more】

【Jizi: That is indeed a possibility.】

【Jizi: Now I don’t know what will happen next?】


On the screen.

At this time, we have already talked about the third person[]

"As for Detective Walker.

Jade hesitated for a moment, then said

"He spent twenty years trying to catch a wanted criminal."

"But I can never step on the other's shadow"

"In despair, he found me"

【Qingque: I didn’t expect this to be a detective】

【Fu Xuan: We are still hunting down a very serious criminal.】

【Xing: The key point is that this criminal joined the family and changed his appearance.】

【March 7: To be honest, I don’t think my family is that good right now.】

【Jizi: Indeed, Pinocchio has a beautiful dream, and in the dream, many things can change.】

【Ji Zi: As long as the other party can pay for the room, he can stay in the dream forever.】

【Gallagher: The family's decay has been going on for a long time】

【Gallagher: It's just purely for profit.】

【Liuying: But what price did he pay?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: This is very doubtful.】

【Nashida: Indeed, it feels quite unexpected.】

【Mockingbird: What's the price a detective can pay?】

【Black Swan: Nature is a useful thing for jade】

【Black Swan: Guess what is the most useful thing for a detective?】

【Funina: Relationships or connections? Or his abilities?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I feel like that’s all there is, right?】

【Black Swan: You seem to have forgotten that there is a most precious thing called memory.】

【Black Swan: He is a detective. How many cases has he experienced during his tenure?】

【Black Swan: And how much inside information does he need to know?】

【Black Swan: If all these memories are obtained by the company, would that be a fortune?】

【Xing: Oh my god, when I said that, I suddenly felt a little sweaty.】

【March 7: It is only valuable in the hands of others.】


Then, Jade told the price the detective paid.

"His collateral is his own storage system"

"Soon, his memory as a detective will be wiped"

"He will completely forget who he is."

"I won't remember the sacrifices I made."

【Xing: The price of such sacrifice is too high.】

【Qingque: Indeed, for a wanted criminal, I gave my all】

【Fu Xuan: We don’t know the specific reasons, nor do we know why he wanted to arrest】

【Fu Xuan: But since it has been arrested for 22 years, I think it is a very important thing in life.】

【Liuying: This is also a kind of perfection.】

【Xing: Yes, that’s the fact.】

��Hanabi: From this perspective, the company is making a lot of money, and they want to have some fun.】

【Xing: No! You should just stay here quietly.】


On the screen, Jade started laughing at these things.

"Very interesting phenomenon, isn't it?"

"I satisfy the desires of some people and grant them favors"

"And this favor will soon return to me, accompanied by greater desire."

Jade said this.

The things she said can also make people feel a little scared.

The desire in human nature is like a huge black hole, changing and getting bigger.

Then this process cannot even be changed.

"And when people's desire to see others is satisfied"

"I will also have the same desire, endless"

"Finally, I can fish out what I want from this vortex.

Jade said this.

She has told everything she knows.

"And what I am best at is waiting"

【Qingque: Here it comes! It’s time to finally say what you want】

【Fu Xuan: That’s right. The price you have to pay is not an equal exchange in the true sense, but the value that Jade wants.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Then what is the price that Firefly can give?】

【Silver Wolf: Star Core Hunter, this is probably the only useful thing for her.】

【Ji Zi: Indeed, the company (Zhao Li's) does not lack any combat power at all, they do not lack talents】

【Jizi: The only thing I want is probably the network of Star Core Hunters.】

【Black Swan: That’s right, so now Firefly has joined the game.】

【Black Swan: With the company's intelligence network, there is no reason why they don't know Liuying's true identity.】

On the screen.

At this time, Feicui also directly revealed Liuying's identity

"So now, do you understand what you're paying for, Miss Samuel?"

"Or should I call you…"

"Remnants of the Grammer Riders——AR-26710?"

【Xing: It’s so accurate that even the number is clear!】

【March 7: Yes, even the serial number is clear.】

【Liuying: This is normal, or it can be said that we have been prepared for this. 】

On the screen.

At this time, Liuying behaved exceptionally calmly.

"Not surprising at all.

Seeing this, Jade also laughed.

"You're much calmer than I thought."

"Loss of Entropy... What an unexpected disaster!"

"Isn't it?"

Feicui further pointed out the situation of Liuying.

She even began to reveal more information.

"The Gramerites are determined to prevent the Republic's most powerful weapon from falling into the hands of others."

"This is a safety precaution that was set up in the genetic code of the warriors."

"The price…"

"Because these cavalrymen have never been seen as independent people"

"Nature is also priceless."

Emerald tells more.

These things also make people feel surprised and shocked.

"But you are different"

"Now you are a star core hunter"

"It's a firefly.���A living life"

"Of course you want to live"

"But the former Sky Front has been destroyed"

"There is no one left who knows this secret and can cure it.

Jade's last words were like a final word.

It seemed that there was no hope for everything.

【Xing: This... from what Feicui said, it seems like there is really no hope.】

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