Although there are still many things to be solved, everyone hopes for a better tomorrow.

【Qingque: Anyway, I hope everything will be alright in the end】

【Fu Xuan: Yes, everything will be fine in the end.】

【Fu Xuan: Pinocchio has its own future】

【Fu Xuan: I believe that after the core crisis is resolved, Liumeng Reef will not suffer the same fate as being swallowed.】

【Black Swan: After that, this place will become an independent entity and will always exist here.】

【Xing: All the rich people went to the dreamland above】

【Star: The stowaways who like it will quietly come here to spend a relatively leisurely time】

【March 7: That’s right, this can also be considered a kind of diversion.】

【March 7: I hope that things will become easier in the future.】

【Robin: Away from the family disputes, I should be able to get what I want here】

【Star: The land of dreams, this place really looks like it】


Afterwards, after saying goodbye to many people, the group has returned to the familiar place. There, a man was lying on a chair.

He fell asleep. Mikhail. He had left long ago. But it was here that they truly inherited the will to explore again. Now, after a circle, they returned to the starting point. It can be said that there is a different feeling. And, the people who came this time can be regarded as all members. As for Pam, of course she couldn't be there.

【Star: Mikhail, the watchmaker! I am back here again.】

【March 7: Yes, it is really touching.】

【March 7: It seems that not long has passed since I left here, but I feel as if I am in another world.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: There is no other way. After all, things have evolved to this point.】

【Qingque: That’s right,"290" is finally complete.】

【Qingque: I have officially left Pinocchio, but I will never forget them.】

【Funina: Now, everyone should be able to rest in peace.】


A group of people followed suit and sighed.

At this time,

Ji Zi also spoke first.

"In the end, we ended up here again."

She sighed.

This is actually everyone's feeling.

Or, this is the beginning of the journey of Pinocchio.

For the entire train group, it is like this.

"This pioneering journey began with the encounter between a pioneer and a doorman"

"After going around in circles, it returned to its original starting point."

Jizi said so.

As for the doorman, it was naturally Misha.

The dream bubble created by Mikhail.

But he didn't expect that he would run out of the dream bubble.

Only in Pinocchio, this kind of thing would happen.

【Qingque: I won't be able to see Misha anymore.】

【Funina: That’s right, we won’t see each other anymore.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: After all, it's just a dream bubble. If it can't be maintained in this dream, it will disappear forever.】

【Xing: If you think about it this way, time flies by really fast.】

【March 7: It was a foresight from the predecessors. Fortunately, everything ended in the end.】

【Liuying: Yeah, this kind of ending can be considered a relatively formal farewell.】

【Xing: Senior, it all started with Mikhail’s invitation and it ends with this one.】


On that screen.

At this time, Ji Zi was still talking

"Just like the hands of a clock go round and round"

"But the beginning and end of each day"

"Always fall at twelve o'clock in the forward direction."

Going around in circles, it finally returned to the original place.

However, now everyone can feel that this origin is not the original origin.

After experiencing some things, everyone started a new journey.

But no one has forgotten why they set out.

And the meaning of setting out at the beginning.

With such a belief, they will eventually arrive at a better tomorrow.

Now, the people of the Starry Sky Train are standing here to prove this point.

Ji Zi finished her sigh.

Then, she was ready to announce that this farewell was over.

She looked at the sleeping watchmaker Mikhail.

This person who had left long ago

"There shouldn't be much more to say."

"All these stories started because of you"

"Naturally, it should end with you."

Ji Zi said calmly.

And all this is the pioneering

"Then, let's turn to the next page."

Jizi said so.

Now, the most important things and the unimportant things.

What these things are like is actually not particularly important.

There is no need to think too much.

There is no need to think about the distant future.

Because, sooner or later, everything will have a relatively good ending. There is only one thing to do now

, and that is to move forward.

There will always be people who stop in the process.

But that's no problem, there will always be people who will reconnect and continue to move forward.

Although the pioneering star god Akivali has fallen.

Although the Starry Sky Train has been suspended for a time.

However, there will always be people who continue to move forward.

To be precise, they must move forward.

Having said that,

Jizi raised the glass as the train navigator.

Once upon a time.

Mikhail once took over the inheritance from a navigator.

Now, someone will continue to move towards tomorrow.

Jizi led the current people in the train group.

Said directly and frankly

"Raghu Walker Shar Mikhail!"

"Greetings to you!"

"The watchmaker of the dreamland, the unknown guest of the star train!!"

Jizi said this.

Everyone could feel the seriousness of this moment.

"To the past, present and future of Pinocchio……"

""The dream of being with the child till death."

That was a good wish for Pinocchio.

As for the child's dream, there was only one person who corresponded to it.


【Xing: After going around in circles, I finally came back】

【March 7: Yes, this is really touching.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: All in all, the story has a relatively happy ending.】

【Fernina: That’s not a problem.】

【Nashida: We will go further after the development, but I don’t know where we will go.】

【Gold Dust: Okay, okay! This is a rare serious farewell!】

【Botio: What a treasure! Just looking at it makes people feel a lot of emotions】

【Kamisato Ayaka: That’s true, but it’s not bad.】

【Black Swan: Now that the farewell is complete, what will happen next?】

【Black Swan: When will it set off to the next stop?】


In that scene.

From Pinoconi to Liumengjiao.

Along the way, everyone said goodbye.

On March 7th.

She also said softly

"In this way, our mission as the nameless guest is completed... right?"

Now, she is still not sure.

The whole atmosphere is too cold.

Now, I don't know what to say to lighten the mood.

Dan Heng seems to have a lot of feelings in such a scene.

"Pioneering can point people in the right direction"

"But the fate of a world must eventually be returned to its owner."

He said so.

March Seven also breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at Mikhail again, who would never open his eyes.

Her sigh was filled with endless sadness.

"I think Mr. Mikhail would like to witness this day with his own eyes.

She couldn't help but say

【Qingque: Suddenly I feel... March 7th seems to be getting sad.】

【Fu Xuan: Well, compared to before, it seems that I am not as lively now.】

【Funina: After all, I've been through so much, so it's normal that I'm not as lively as before.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Mikhail must want to see this scene, right? 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Kamisato Ayaka: Seeing myself staying here, devoting my whole life to this place... I finally succeeded in getting back on track.】

【Nashida: That’s right.】

【Gallagher: No one wants to see this scene】

【Gallagher: But sometimes things don't go as planned.】

【Gallagher: If we could solve it, we wouldn't have to send out invitations】

【Gallagher: In short, although there are still some regrets, but not many】

【Gold dust: Because the most critical problem has been solved】

【Bottiou: That’s it.……】


In that picture,

Ji Zi also noticed that San Yueqi was unusual.

She could feel that San Yueqi was not in a very good mood.

She couldn't help but ask


Little Sanyue, what's on your mind?[]

She immediately spoke up

"Just a weird feeling"

"Although it happened in the previous stops, it was particularly obvious this time."

March Seven still seemed hesitant, which was not like her at all.

Walter also encouraged her at this time.

"Why not say it out loud?"

"Maybe everyone is thinking the same thing?"

Walter's words.

To be honest, this is the most surprising thing.

【Qingque: Is this what everyone is thinking about?】

【Fu Xuan: What did you see from this incident?】

【Xing: What exactly did you feel?】

【March 7:'s hard not to be sentimental in this kind of environment, right?】

【Portio: That's right, but……】

【Gold Dust: But some things will have better results.】

【Funina: Watching people leave one by one】

【Furnin: Nothing is destined to last forever】

【Dan Heng: That’s right. Although I don’t want to admit it, this is the fact.】

【Xing: In short, even if the road ahead is uncertain, we must continue to persevere.】


On that screen,

Sanyueqi received encouragement.

At this time, she finally couldn't help but speak out what she was thinking.

"I always can't help thinking......."

"Whether it is Mr. Mikhail"

"Mr. Tiernan, Ms. Lazarina"

"Their lives are very long."

"I must have experienced many, many stories.……"

March 7th sighed like this.

It's like sighing about the infinity of life.

"They were young too"

"Stumbling and fighting like us"

"Partners, rivals, journeys, adventures, all the sad and happy memories……"

"They also experienced the same things that we are used to."

March Seven said.

These things are actually more like the daily life of the train group now.

But such things seem to be no longer important now.

To be precise, they can no longer be important.

"But those things……"

"It's all over."

Now it's clear that March Seven's tone is a little sad.

Everything that he was familiar with is over.

The familiar people will leave.

It may even be like them.

This may be their future.

【Qingque: Will this very ordinary day that I am experiencing with my companions now become the most precious memory in the future?】

【Fu Xuan: That’s probably what it means. These precious memories will eventually disappear.】

【Black Swan: Yes, time is always merciless】

【Black Swan: Time waits for no one, leaving only memories】

【Xing: This... I didn't expect March to be so emotional.】

【Firefly: My comrades, my companions, will eventually leave me】

【Liuying: I actually understand this feeling better】

【Liuying: But no matter what happened in the past, I believe everyone will have a better tomorrow.】

【Liuying: We cannot prevent future events, so what we can do is to live each day to the fullest.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: This is really……】

【Xing: In short, we can only try our best to move forward.】

【March 7: Do you cherish every day now?】

【Portio: Hehehe! I don't think so much.】

【Portio: It's no use thinking too much, this is how it is.】

【Bottiou: Rather than being sentimental, it is better to live every day as much as possible.】

【Xing: Yes! Sadness is not desirable】

【Xing: Just live well now and every day in the future】

【Xing: After all, no one knows when the accident will happen.】


On the screen,

San Yueqi kept talking. When Xing heard this

, he couldn't help but sigh.

"You are so sentimental today.……"

This sudden interruption also made San Yueqi a little overwhelmed.

"It's rare for this girl to be serious, so just cooperate with me!"


She said helplessly.


March 7 gave a relatively vivid statement.

"Let me give you an analogy so you can understand."

"Just like reading a book"

"If the characters always encounter difficulties"

"Afterwards, it ended in a regretful ending."

"Our feelings are always a bit complicated, right?"

She said so.

At this time, Xing couldn't help it.

2.9 To be precise, Xing in front of the live broadcast room

【Xing: Wait! Wait! What does this mean?】

【Xing: Why do I feel something is so wrong?】

【Xing: Am I not the protagonist? Why did I end up with such a regrettable ending?】

【March 7: I don’t think I said anything about you?】

【Qingque: But to be honest, it does make people feel emotional.】

【Qingque: After many setbacks, I still feel regretful in the end】

【Qingque: This future is too bitter.】

【Xing: It is very painful, it is better to end the pain】

【Hanabi: Hahaha, I thought you wanted others to drink something sweet】

【Liuying: Anyway, the matter has come to an end.】

【Star: Sadness is always inevitable】

【Xing: As for the future, no matter what the future results will be, we will not give up our right to choose】

【Xing: After all, we shape our destiny, not destiny shapes us】

【Liuying: I think I said this, right?】

【Xing: Yes! I found it very useful, so I used it right away.】

【March 7:…】

【Huang Quan: Actually, you just need to ask yourself】

【Huang Quan: If the end of this journey is destined to be filled with sorrow, will you still move forward?】

【Xing: Could this be a portrayal of yourself?】


【Xing: But I think I will still go】

【Xing: After all, moving towards the future is a must】

On that screen.

After March 7 finished speaking again

"In any case, this is hard to accept."

Xing still gave this answer.

It is indeed hard to accept such a result.

If a lifetime of suffering ends, it would be too despairing.

March 7 was still sighing at this time.

"Because we have seen every bit of their lives, we think these people are special."

At this time, she said something very surprising.

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