This word made people feel a little strange.

But Walter keenly noticed something even more wrong.

This Liumeng Reef... is the home of the hotel doorman?

"You said, this is your home?"

Walter was very confused and didn't quite understand what Misha meant.

One is reality, the other is a dream.

There is obviously something strange here.


"After the dream work is finished, I will go home."

Misha responded as a matter of course.

"Transportation was quite convenient before"

"But since I can no longer travel freely……"

"It has always been Mimi who takes people back and forth between the two dreams."

Misha explained.

The Mimi mentioned by Misha also seemed a little strange.

【Xing: There seems to be something strange】

【Shajin: Is his home in Liumengjiao? A real person, his home is in a dream?】

【Botio: It's obvious that there's something wrong with his baby! This Misha is definitely not ordinary.】

【Jizi: Hmm! The relationship between dreams and reality? Anyway, it is a bit strange.���The place】

【March 7: Could it be that Misha is a ghost?】

【Xing: This... shouldn't be the case, right? I don't think it should be this kind of scene.】

【Hanabi: Hehehe, there are more and more weird people.】



Chaolu Mansion.

Sunday and the dream master, after being reminded, also felt that Misha's existence was becoming more and more strange.

"His home is in Liumengjiao? His home is in the dream, but he works in reality?"

The dreamer pondered.

He always felt that there was something unspeakable strange here.

Sunday noticed the dreamer's doubts at this time.

However, when the dreamer didn't notice, a smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of Sunday's mouth.

"True and false, false and true"

"Wasn't it like this from the beginning?"

Sunday smiled slightly, his face still elegant and easy-going.

The dream master listened to Sunday's words and looked at the smile on his face.

At this time, he seemed to finally understand something.

"So that's how it is, this is also your method, right?"


On the screen.

Walter was even more confused about what Misha said.

"Who is"Mian Mian"?…"

""Can you describe its appearance?"

He wanted to confirm it again.

Maybe it could solve the doubts in his heart.

Misha responded immediately.

"Mianmian is a memory domain meme, looks fierce, and has many big eyes"

"But it is actually very obedient, and it is Gallagher who has been taking care of it."

Misha described it, while pointing out Gallagher

【Gold Dust: It’s Gallagher again, his presence is very strong!】

【Star: Could he be the mastermind behind this, or someone else?】

【March 7: I feel like I need to take another look】

【Gallagher: The mastermind? Haha! I didn't expect someone would call me that.

After hearing what Misha said, Walter was sure.

"Judging from the description, the meme is undoubtedly"Death』"

"Although it is regarded as a nightmare by the family, in the eyes of the residents here…"

"The facts seem to be completely different."

Walter said so.

When Misha heard about death, he became a little anxious.


"How can there be death in dreams?"

"Mianmian is more fierce…"

"Sometimes it would bring back innocent passengers by mistake, but it would never harm anyone."

Misha explained.

It can be seen that he and this sleeping cat should have a good relationship.

Walter did not continue to investigate.

It was certain that there was no death.

Now, it was important to uncover the secret.

"In that case, may I ask if it has brought back any guests in the past two days?"

"In fact, we are investigating a missing person case in a dream."

Walter looked at Misha.

He felt that Misha knew a lot of information.

This should be a good channel.

Asking this is something Misha is not good at.

"So that's it…"

"Then you should talk to Gallagher."

"However, he was receiving visitors from the Oak family, so he specifically asked everyone not to disturb him.

Misha accidentally revealed another thing. As soon as Misha said it, it immediately caused an uproar.

【Gold Dust: What does it mean? Are the Gallaher and Oak families related?】

【Robin: This……】

【Furninna: It is obvious that Gallagher knows a lot of information and is not an ordinary person.】

【Hanabi: Oh! A distinguished guest from the Oak family! Who could this distinguished guest be?】

【Xing: The people in the family don't seem to know the existence of Liumeng Reef, they only know that people disappear.】

【Portio: His dear! Could it be that Sunday and Gallagher were working together to plot something?】



Chaolu Mansion.

This possibility instantly drew the dreamer's attention to Sunday.

"A person who does not exist"

"And the existence of Liumeng Reef…"

"The people of the Oak family are all my eyes, ears and mouths. Who is this distinguished guest from the family?"

The Dream Master said this, basically blocking the conversation here on Sunday.

More than 100,000 people are just puppets of the Dream Master.

So who might the remaining people be?

At this point, it can be said that it is self-evident.

"If I'm not mistaken, this watchmaker's lackey must have some ulterior motive in looking for me.

Sunday remained calm.

In a short period of time, he directly gave his guess.

"What do you think they will do?"

The dream master did not show anger.

Instead, he continued to ask

"The watchmaker has always been at odds with his family, so this time he is looking for help."

"Invitation letters were sent to various forces, and even the people in the Eternal Fire Residence who were under the Void Order received invitations."

"Obviously, they have reached the end of their rope."

Sunday said calmly.

In just a short moment, he had already obtained the information that the watchmaker was not going to be able to do it.

This important information would definitely be useful to them.

"But they don't know how much of a failure they have made."

The dream master continued.

At this time, he finally regained some confidence from the picture.

The oppression brought by Huang Quan before was too strong.


On the screen.

After Misha finished speaking, he continued to ask


"Mr. Walter, the person you are looking for…"

"Could it be Miss Mockingbird?"

Misha guessed.


"With Miss Liuying as a precedent, it was not surprising."Walter was not so surprised that Misha knew about the existence of the robin.

Now, it is certain that the robin is also in Liumeng Reef.

【Fernina: Miss Mockingbird? Is that who I imagined?】

【March 7: Could it really be……】

【Robin: So... I actually also... went to Liumeng Reef?】

【Xing: It seems that you didn’t use normal means to get to Liumeng Reef.】

【Nashida: Uh... death in a dream, right?】

【Gold Dust: This is so interesting! The robin, a famous singer in the universe, died in a dream.】

【Gold Dust: So, the Fool's impersonation was obviously arranged by someone in the family.】

【Hanabi: I was wrongly accused just now. I was clearly helping others.】

【Xing: The bomb you doesn’t look like an injustice to you, right?】

【Portio: Hehehe! This Gallagher is really good! He actually used this method to get the robin here.】

【Sunday: I will make him pay the price!!】

【Robin: Brother……】

【Xing: I can feel it through the screen. There is a terrible murderous aura! Someone is really in danger this time.】


On the screen.

Misha seemed to know exactly where the robin was.

"If you two are here to see Miss Mockingbird, I can lead the way."

"She has said that we can receive guests from outside."

Misha said so.

Seeing that things were going well, Walter also said directly

"I'll leave it to you."

"In addition, we are also looking for our lost companions.

By the way, he also asked about the news about Ji Zi and the others.

"A red-haired woman, with a pink-haired girl beside her, do you have any impression of her?"

Misha had no impression of her after hearing this.

Apparently, Jizi and Sanyueqi were not that focused yet.

"Well, that's gone...."

"But don't worry, Liumeng Reef is not big."

"It's not as prosperous as the dream, but the security is first-class."

Misha comforted him.

He was obviously relieved by Walter and the others.

It seemed that nothing would happen when they arrived at Liumeng Reef.

Misha said this and suddenly had an idea.

"How about this!"

"Since this is your first time visiting Liumeng Reef, I will be your guide."

"I will take you to find your companions first, and then we will go visit Miss Robin together."

Misha's enthusiasm is really hard to refuse.

"The young lady went to visit Mrs. Grissa's children."

"She won't leave for a while, so she should be able to make it in time."

There was no need for Walter to refuse Misha's decision.


"It is better to obey than to be respectful."

He said so

【March 7: Misha is so nice! It seems like we can take action now!】

【Ji Zi: It’s not a bad thing to be able to quickly learn about Liumeng Reef, right?】

【Gold Sand: It is indeed the Star Train. No matter where we go, there are people to help us.】

【Bottiou: Of course, they are the best talkers in the universe.】

【Botio: If we help them now, they will come back to help us if we have any problems.】

【Xing: This is the benefit of accumulating popularity!】

【Furninna: I seem to relax all of a sudden. The tension I felt when I was confronting the dream master is completely different.】

【Nashida: But there are still many mysteries. 】

Before the official operation began, Walter also called Xing aside.

He began to analyze seriously.

"In this way, the two murders that troubled Pinocchio were solved."

One was a firefly, and the other was a robin.

"It's just the intention of the mastermind behind the scenes...It became even more confusing.

Walter couldn't figure out why he did this.

Obviously, there was no real death in the dream.

"Visitors from the Oak family... who could this be?"

Xing couldn't help asking.

"Hmm... I don't know"

"However, its relationship with Gallagher is worth further investigation."

"No matter what, we have to find him."

Walter has already decided how to do it.

After saying this, Walter mentioned something that he was very concerned about.

"Now, you mentioned earlier"

"You've seen a clock kid that only you can see, haven't you?"

"That's the one just now."

"Mr. Walter can see it too."

Xing admitted it directly and generously.

This situation made Walter fall into self-doubt.

"I always have a strange feeling, could it be that my childishness has also……"

"Never mind, it's not important. Let's just follow Misha first!"

【Funina: Didn’t Walter just want to say that his childlike innocence has not yet been extinguished?】

【Nashida: If someone with a childlike heart could see this, it would really suit Walter.】

【Walter: That's true.……】

【Bottiou: Hahaha! He's so cute! He's still so childish at this age, it's so interesting!】

【March 7: Uncle Yang still has a childlike heart】

【Xing: There is an unexpected sense of contrast】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! This is the funniest thing.】

On the screen.

At this time, Misha took Xing and Walter and started to set off.

"Everyone, look!"

""Here you can see the most spectacular view of Liumeng Reef!"

Misha introduced.

And just in the distance ahead, there can be seen a huge bright color.

The surrounding light ring is white, and it looks like a huge black hole.

"Black hole?"

Walter almost blurted out

"No, it is an accretion disk formed by the condensation of memory matter."

He said uncertainly.

"Liumeng Reef is actually built on such an unstable memory."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Walter felt a little surprised.

He didn't expect that this would be the case.

【Gold Dust: Yeah! It is indeed very unstable. It looks like it will collapse at any time.】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! Looks like someone is going to end it.】

【Xing: It feels like the uptown and the downtown. The uptown is still liveable, but the downtown is……】

【Bronya: This...everything will change sooner or later】

【Black Swan: Yeah! This level is indeed surprising. I didn’t expect it to be like this.】

【Hanabi: What? Are you getting curious?】

【Black Swan: The rememberer is most curious about memory. If there is a memory here, maybe I would be curious.】

【Robin: I never thought that such a place could exist for such a long time.】

【March 7: I feel like... not necessarily? The more unstable something is, the more problems it will cause sooner or later, right? 】

On the screen.

Walter's response also surprised Misha.

"Huh? It turns out Mr. Walter also knows about mesodynamics."

"I was just wondering how to introduce this cave to you all."

At this moment, Misha seemed to have found a savior.

"In this case, you must have something in common with Miss Komei!"

Misha said.

He took Xing and Walter and went directly to Miss Komei.

"Look, she's right there."

From a distance, Misha had already told everyone about her presence.

The three of them walked over together, only to find that Miss Komei was muttering to herself at this time.

"I finally figured it out!"

"In ten more systems, the beautiful dreams above will swallow up the beautiful dreams below!"

"My guess was right, this place will no longer exist, the dream will devour everything......"

Miss Ke Mei said anxiously.

Her words were like a bombshell.

【March 7: What does that mean? Does that mean Liumeng Reef is going to be destroyed?】

【Xing: Is this true? Is this really going to happen?】

【Mockingbird: Sweet dreams above…sweet dreams below……】

【Gold Dust: It sounds like it should be Pinoconi and the Liumeng Reef below.】

【Portio: Darling! This is something dangerous, it's starting to happen, right?】

【Furninna: This is too... a little bit unacceptable】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! Everything will be destroyed! Everything is about to end! Hehehehe!】

【Black Swan: So, is there a crisis at Liumeng Reef? But what exactly caused this crisis?】

【yellow���: At present, there is no clear answer】

【Firefly: Maybe... it could be a star core. 】

Ps: Please give me some fresh flowers for recommendation. I wish all pioneers a stable guarantee and good luck every time. The update time after the first day is tentatively set at 8pm. See you there. There will be no new chapters after 10pm.

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