【March 7: It is not good to indulge in dreams. We must always face reality.】

【Mockingbird: I think a short break might be one of the benefits of dreams.】

【Shajin: Well, it’s very good. I can feel that the people here have found the meaning of life.】

【Portio: Haha! But if it's too beautiful, you'll get addicted to it.】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! This is the weakness of human nature! If you are not careful, you will be caught.】

【Robin: I just think that humans are not weak】


On the screen.

At this time.

Jizi and his group have already greeted the robin.

"Miss Robin, glad to see you're safe."

"Hello everyone from Star Train,"

"I heard that my disappearance caused quite a stir in the outside world.……"

"I'm very sorry."

She said seriously, with an apologetic look on her face.

"Since you are here…"

"Can we assume that Miss Robin is fully aware of Pinocchio's current situation?"

Jizi couldn't help asking.

Whether the Robin knows or not is very important.

"My voice has become strange since I returned to Pinocchio."

"Gradually evolved into the torture of losing one's voice"

"I thought it was just an accident"

"Maybe he has been living abroad for so long that he is not used to the high concentration of memory in Asdena."

The robin began to talk about his situation.

"But now it seems……"

"The source is not me."

She said

"There are things around me that are inharmonious……"

"Losing your voice is also a sign that your dream is about to end."

The robin said

【Furninna: Lost her voice? Lost her voice? But she's fine now.】

【Nashida: Is it possible that I am fine here, but still in trouble if I am not here?】

【March 7: How did it turn out like this?】

【Xing: It seems like it must be a family problem.】

【Gold Dust: It can only be a family problem. Besides them, who else could it be?】

【Portio: This is really... a bit surprising.】

【Portio: His baby! Or take my gun, if there is a problem, we will love each other.】

【Firefly: Love...love to death……】

【Portio: Don't mind it little girl, my precious synesthesia beacon has been altered!】

【Bottiou: So, sometimes, what is said can only be heard in reverse.】

【Liuying: I understand, you want to kill everyone, right?】

【Bottiou: Oh my god... It's so cool! Finally, someone can be my mouthpiece!】

【Firefly: This……】

【Botio: It’s okay, you don’t have to translate everything, just translate"I love you so much".】

【Xing: So, there is indeed a traitor in the family.】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! Isn't it the dream master? Maybe it can be counted as a Sunday.】

【Black Swan: It seems that this pair of siblings are going to be on opposite sides】

【Robin: Brother……】



Chaolu Mansion.

Robin's words have completely confirmed that there is indeed a problem in the family.

Sunday saw this and his eyes changed slightly.

If possible, he didn't want his sister to know what happened.

But now……

"It seems that your sister already knows about this"

"What are you going to do now?"

The dream master looked at Sunday and started asking.

In fact, he had already guessed what would happen next.

After all, Sunday had known him very well since he was a child.

"Now that she knows, she may not be able to perform at the Harmony Festival."

"In that case, let me do it."

Sunday said calmly.

He seemed to have known the outcome.

"That's good."

The dream master agreed directly.

Sunday was a bit unexpected.

"Agree so quickly?"

"Outsiders know too much information, so we don't need too many twists and turns."

The dream master responded like this.

After a long time, both of them fell into silence.


Interstellar Peace Corporation

"Interesting, it looks like this pair of siblings are going to turn against each other"

"This is a point that can be used."

Said Shajin, and found that he was one step closer.

"Sunday had spoken before, and it was clear that he knew these things"

"It would not be a wise move to contact his sister.

Topa gave his opinion directly.

"Unite all those who can be united. I just like making friends."

Shajin smiled.

The smile on his face became even more intense.


Where the Robins Are

"elder brother…"

"Is it really you who betrayed Tongxie?"

She didn't know.

One was her closest person, and the other was the benefactor who adopted her.

Sunday and Gopherwood.

If there was really a problem between the two.

Robin had to admit that they would definitely confront each other.

That was not what she wanted to see.


On the screen.

Hearing the words of the robin, March Seven was suddenly surprised.

"Dream Collapse……"

"The rememberer said the same thing."

""It turns out to be true!"

She sighed, she didn't expect that such a thing would actually happen.

At this moment, the robin continued to say

"During the time I was away from Pinocchio"

"The boundaries of the Twelve Dreams continue to expand outward"

"But when I talk about the visions in my dreams"

"But I always feel that the owners are keeping silent."

"Only my brother is willing to answer……"

She had obviously noticed something was wrong.

"Afterwards, the company's envoy secretly sent a secret letter"

"It makes me more convinced that there is some unspeakable secret lurking under the light of Pinocchio."

"Finally, I found this place through some clues in the Oak family files..."

This is the cause and effect of the robin's arrival here

"The place of exile covered up by the family under the name of death"

"Buried the dream within the dream of Pinocchio's past."

At this time, Jizi couldn't help but speak.

"Now it sounds like Miss Robin's voice has recovered somewhat?"

She asked curiously.

"Although it is cruel, it is an indisputable fact"

"The harmony here is more widespread than in dreams.……"

In other words, the orthodoxy of Tongxie is in Liumeng Reef.

This Liumeng Reef, which is about to be destroyed,

"I'm sorry, there's a betrayer in the family"

"He...or they…"

"Abandoned the original belief"

"Taking advantage of human weakness in the name of harmony"

""It has turned Pinocchio into a star of the pageant who is lost in a dream of illusion." said the robin.

She was obviously unhappy.

"This is not at all about the strong supporting the weak"

"But by forcing the weak"

"A world without equality is doomed to no longer be favored by harmony."

"The voice blessed by Him...cannot sing"

【Xing: I didn't realize that Miss Mockingbird could investigate so carefully.】

【March 7: Yes, I thought she was just a big star who couldn’t do anything, but I didn’t expect her to be so strong.】

【Robin: I have been to many places and learned something from many people.】

【Jizi: These places should be those filled with war, right?】

【Jizi: Miss Robin is committed to spreading the voice of harmony.】

【Mockingbird: Yes, I learned a lot from them.】

【Mockingbird: So, I cannot forgive the situation of being forced to be weak.】

【Gold Dust: Wonderful! It seems that our Miss Robin also has the potential to be a chivalrous hero.】

【Portio: His dear! Bullying the weak? Then my bullets will catch up with them.】


On the screen.

After listening to the words of the robin,

Walter couldn't help asking

"Miss Robin, is there another possibility?"

"Is there another force involved in the change of family philosophy?"

He thought of more

"After all, judging from the example of Miss Royal Power"

"Unless there is an order for the above forces to intervene"

"Otherwise, it is hard to imagine that in the territory of Tonghe, there would be another will that could influence everyone."

Walter's words were really scary.

【Xing: What Uncle Yang means is...are there other envoys in the Tongxie territory?】

【March 7: But who is that? Even Miss Huang Quan doesn't seem to have this kind of influence, right?】

【Robin: This……】

【Gold Sand: Looks like there's a new powerful opponent.】

【Portio: An envoy? Tsk! A mere envoy, nothing more than a chicken or a dog!】

【March 7: So, you are very brave?】

【Portio: Of course, we, the Sea Rangers, have hunted down the Envoys before! Don't be afraid.】

【March 7: This is really amazing】


On the screen.

Regarding Walter's conjecture, the robin also expressed his own opinion

"I have also heard about the experience of the Xianzhou Alliance"

"But as far as I know, there is no external interference in the family."

"It may also be that I have been away from home for too long and there are too many places I have not seen."

The robin did not dare to guarantee that there was really no problem.


"I cannot accept that my hometown, in the name of harmony, has gone the other way."

She said this

"In order to find out why the watchmaker Mikhail broke with his family and who made the decision to betray him.

At this moment, the robin looked at Mikhail.

"Mr. Mikael, do you remember our deal?"

"Now is the time for me to respond."

"I'm willing to give up!"

"Not on the stage of the Harmony Festival!!"

She said very seriously.

At this moment, she had already given her answer.

【Xing: What does it mean to give up on the stage of the Harmony Festival?】

【March 7: It's obvious now, right? She's the big star of the family, but she refuses to sing.】

【March 7: Just the fans of Miss Mockingbird will destroy the family】

【Xing: Uh... indeed... amazing!】

【Gold Dust: This is an attitude. As long as there is this attitude, it will be difficult for the family to handle】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! Now let's see how the family ends.】

【Hanabi: Everyone knows that Miss Robin will sing.】

【Portio: Hehehe! When I get to Pinocchio, I'll give them a few bullets.】


The video was still playing on the screen.

Suddenly, subtitles appeared.

【The Harmony Festival opens】

【11 System Time】

At the same time, on the other side of Liumeng Reef, it seemed like a deep dream.

It also seemed like a memory.

It was in a garden.

A little girl was holding a bird with colorful feathers in her hand.

"Brother, look, there is a little bird here."

That voice was the voice of the young robin. When

Sunday heard this, he also said it when he was young.

"It looks like a little Harmony pigeon."

He said so

"There is no habitat for the Harmony Pigeon nearby, so why is it here alone?"

"Was he abandoned by his parents?"

Sunday asked curiously.

"It looks like it has no strength at all…"

"Let's find a cushion and make it a nest." said the robin.

But Sunday thought differently.

"It's too dangerous here."

"Let's take it back first."

"It's on the wooden shelf in front of your window."

Sunday said

"Good, its singing voice must be very beautiful."

The robin said happily

"But where will it live?"

"I will ask the owner to build a birdcage for it."

Sunday said so.

Hearing this, the robin did not seem very happy.


"Then it can't fly freely, right?"

Obviously, the two people's opinions are somewhat inconsistent.

At this time, Gefeimu came over.

"Let me see…"

"What makes the two best interpreters of the Lord so curious?"

"I forgot to even taste the dessert after dinner."

Gophermu said curiously.

Then he saw the little Harmony Pigeon.

"Oh, poor little thing."

"The situation is probably not optimistic"

"Do you want to save it?" he asked.


"But I don't think it can be locked up." said the robin.


Gopher was curious.

"Although it is still small, its feathers have not yet grown, and it can't sing"

"But it didn't break out of its shell to live in a cage."

The robin thought so.

"Birds are born to be in the sky.

That's her opinion.

【Xing: Yes! I agree with this statement.】

【March 7: Me too】

【Gold Dust: Indeed, if a bird cannot fly, it can only be described as pathetic.】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! This big star is very romantic.】


On the screen,

Gefeimu also laughed.

"Very romantic idea"

"What about you? Little Doctor, do you agree with your sister's point of view?

He asked Sunday

"I think my sister is right."

"But if you leave it in the wild, it will die in a few days."

Sunday was visibly terrified that the bird would die

"Haha, it seems our little doctor is still a little confused"

"Well, children, let me tell you a story.

"You should know that the Harmony Pigeon is a bird that can fly through the atmosphere."

"When they fly at high altitudes, their feathers emit a magnificent glow due to the high temperatures generated by friction."

"It's like a series of shooting stars.

This is the scene of the harmonious pigeon flying.

"We are so familiar with the beautiful scenery that we think it is their innate ability."


"That meteor-like brilliance is the result of their struggle with nature for hundreds of amber ages.

"The ancestors of the Harmony pigeons were too weak"

"Unable to win the struggle for survival on the ground"

"To avoid being hunted"

"They began to look up at the sky, flapping their wings and leaping up…"

"that's all…"

"After thousands and tens of thousands of generations of attempts"

"A bird in the flock finally learned how to flap its wings correctly"

"It flew up and said goodbye to the earth."

Gopherwood said.

Obviously, the Harmony Pigeon did not become like this directly.

It was the result of adapting to nature.

After listening to it, the robin expressed his opinion

"So, in fact, birds are not born to fly."

"But they did it of their own volition, right?"

"Haha, this is indeed an idealistic interpretation."

Gopherm laughed.

"So, Sunday, what do you think?"

He looked at Sunday again.

As for Sunday, he also had his own opinion.


"I think…"

"The reason why people think flying is the nature of birds…"

"Because they have never seen a dead bird fall."

Sunday thought so.

Ps: I wish all the pioneers will have a good guarantee and win gold every time.

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