Gallagher said this.

He led everyone towards the monument.

"Back here again……"

March 7 looked at the monument, not knowing what was going on.

Gallagher looked at the monument and started talking.

From his perspective, it was as if someone was really here.

"Old friend, sometimes I forget you're dead"

"It seems like you have a lot to say"

"There is still a lot of road to go"

"Now I keep my promise"

"I brought all the descendants you have been thinking about all your life here with me."

Gallagher sighed.

It was clearly a memorial, but at this moment it felt like we were really chatting in front of a grave.

"I don't know why, you never forget that train"

"But I still remember the last words you said before you left this world……"

Gallagher said this.

He had already walked to the front.

To be more precise, he walked to the front of the monument.

""Don't let us down, old man."

Gallagher said so.

Then he could feel a terrifying tremor coming from the entire building, as if it was mechanical.

The swaying building made people feel scared at this moment.

March 7 was already frightened at this time.

"What's going on?"

She said this.

But soon she saw a building rising out of nowhere.

Flying into the sky

【Furninna: What...what is this? The building is flying?】

【Nashida: How is this possible? How much energy would it take to make them fly?】

【Xing: Will it be easier in dreams?】

【March 7: That’s true, but it’s too shocking to watch.】

【Gold Dust: Hahaha! Interesting, interesting. This kind of scene is shocking no matter how many times I see it.】

【Portio: This is really amazing! I love it so much.】

【Bottiou: My dear, the road to inheritance is not that simple.】

【Hanabi: Next, let’s go and witness the legacy.】


On the screen, the buildings rose from the ground and rushed into the sky. Then they saw the world that should have been suspended in the sky.

When the building calmed down, they suddenly found that this place was connected to the steps in front.

If they walked along this road, they could just reach the sky garden.

Gallagher looked into the distance and spoke at this time.

"Go forward, his destination is in the garden ahead."

He said this.

It seemed that he was filled with emotion at this moment.

"Pinocchio's first and last nameless guest"

""Watchmaker, Ragworq Shar Mikhail."

Gallagher introduced him.

Then, they walked along the steps and entered the garden.

In front of them, there was an old man lying there.

There was no sound at this moment, but the subtitles had already shown

【Under the sea of memory,���An old man reclines in an easy chair in a garden near the full moon, silent and quiet】

【The watchmaker - Ragvok Shar Mikhail - he has already stepped into the endless dream, and no sound can wake him up.

Mikhail lay on the chair.

His hat has completely covered his face.

In his hands, he seemed to be holding a huge bubble of dreams.

【Furninna: Is he dead after all?】

【Nashida: Only after death can it be called a legacy, right?】

【March 7: This is the last nameless guest】

【Xing: I wonder what he left behind?】

【Liuying: I think that belongs only to you.】

【Xing: Yes! I am looking forward to it too.

Seeing this scene, Sanyueqi couldn't help but sigh.


"The watchmaker is the third unknown guest"

"Even I guessed it."

At this time, Gallagher also directly told the truth

"The legacy he left behind was a dream bubble"

"I guess there is something in there that is only meaningful to the nameless guest."

He said this.

Xing Jizi and San Yueqi were already standing in front of him.

The three of them were listening to Gallagher's words.

"After all, when I checked the contents, I found nothing in it.……"

"It's probably some kind of cryptanalysis, even more mysterious than me."

Gallagher sighed at this time.

【Black Swan: Nothing. Are you sure there is such a thing?】

【Xing: I don’t know】

【March 7: Don’t look at me, I definitely don’t know anything, you should ask Dan Heng】

【Dan Heng: It’s really hard to say in this situation.】

【Jizi: We'll know if there's anything by just looking at it.】

【Walter: Yes! If there is, I believe it will be obvious.】

【Gold Dust: Hahaha! What is left? I am looking forward to it.】

【Bottiou: It's his treasure! I hope it's a fun treasure. Such a mysterious thing】


On the screen.

Ji Zi also looked at Xing at this time.

"Well, let's take a look."

Ji Zi nodded slightly to Xing.

At this time, she let Xing take the first step.

Xing took a deep breath and calmed down.

Then, Xing looked at the dead [Watchmaker].

With respect and many feelings.

At this time, Xing had already stepped forward.

She carefully touched the dream bubble in Mikhail's hand.

After touching it, endless memories began to wrap her up.

This memory seemed to be woven into a big net.

Xing felt that this should be accompanied by memories.

But the complex memory did not appear.

In other words... this dream bubble... is empty.

Xing hurriedly concentrated his spirit again, and even tried his best to perceive.

But unfortunately, in the end, he still felt nothing.

There was no red sun setting in the west.

No chuckles.

No stars.

No gunshots, knife shadows.

And no development... nothing.


There is no doubt that this is an empty dream bubble.

This is the current situation.

【Furninna: What does this mean? Does it mean there is nothing?】

【Nashida: It looks like there is nothing.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Is this true? Does that mean there is nothing left as the final legacy?】

【Star: This can’t be true?】

【March 7: A bit too surprising】

【Gold Dust: Hahaha! This is really interesting, an empty dream bubble?】

【Gold Dust: I've never seen anything like this before.】

【Botio: Empty? His treasure! You guys are the ones who are good at playing.】

【Portio: After I left, there was an empty house left behind. What do you want to do?】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! I think this is really funny.】

【Black Swan: Strange, this shouldn’t be the case】

【Black Swan: If it is an empty dream bubble, it should not exist】

【March 7: What do you mean? You can't just grow legs and run away, right? That's impossible.】

【Huang Quan: It is indeed a bit surprising】

【Jizi: So the details may need further clarification.】

【Gallagher: Hahahaha! Is that so? He has his own style.】


Interstellar Peace Corporation

""Is there any record of empty dream bubbles?"

Shajin couldn't help asking.

In his impression, there was no such thing.

"We haven't done much research on Pinocchio, but generally speaking it shouldn't be done."

Emerald gave the answer

"That’s even more interesting, where did the things inside go?"

"Could it be that someone took it away?"

Shajin asked.

And this seemed to involve something deeper.

"Keep watching, you'll have your answer soon."


On the screen.

Sanyueqi also discovered at this time that the dream bubble was not right

"Huh? What happened?……"

"This dream bubble……"

"Really nothing?!!"

Sanyueqi was very surprised.

It was the first time for her to encounter such a situation.

At this time, Jizi was also silent.

"How could this happen?"

March Seven couldn't understand.

But Gallagher seemed to have guessed this would happen.

"Humph, it is indeed the case."

Gallagher sighed helplessly.

He seemed not surprised by this.

"He always has an inexplicable confidence in the unknown guest"

"In his arrangement"

"Development always has a place"

"I don't know where this confidence comes from"

"He never managed to contact a train while he was alive.

Gallagher said this.

He seemed unable to understand what pioneering meant. He also didn't know what Mikhail wanted to do.

"I never understood what this old man was thinking."

"But this empty dream bubble really has his style."

Gallah sighed at this time

"Full of nonsensical fantasies……"

"and incomprehensible romanticism.

Gallagher could not understand

【Funina: It sounds like Mikhail set this up on purpose!】

【Xing: that so?】

【March 7: Huh, so you’ve been fooled?】

【Xing: It seems so.】

【Gold Dust: Well, that's interesting. I want to know the follow-up.】

【Portio: He's precious! This is fun.】

【Black Swan: Although empty dream bubbles generally do not exist, we cannot rule out some】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! It’s fun! It’s really fun!!】


On the screen.

Gallagher has recognized the current situation

"Old Naughty Boy……"

"I didn't expect him to leave any tricks behind, that's all."

Gallagher said this.

He was not that interested in this legacy.

Ji Zi also started to talk at this time.

"No, Mr. Gallagher"

"I think……"

"Mikhail will definitely leave the most precious things to us."

Jizi still holds on to hope.

"Oh, you are not going to start preaching some great truths, are you?"

Gallagher smiled.

But Ji Zi was confident.

"As Mikhail believes the future unknown guest"

"We will also unconditionally believe in the nameless guest of the past"

"They are willing to devote their lives to the land they love."

"How could he leave in such a hurry with regrets about the future?"

Ji Zi gave her own inference

"This dream bubble must have content"

"It's just that we haven't figured it out yet."

Jizi thought so

【Xing: Yeah! If Jizi said that, it must have some substance.】

【March 7: Believe in Sister Jizi!】

【Botio: He is precious! Now the question is where to find this content?】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! Isn't this a kind of fun? 】

Himeko continued

"Mr. Gallagher"

"You are the same when it comes to trusting the watchmaker, aren't you?"

Ji Zi said so.

In response, Gallagher directly expressed his attitude

"I'm a believer in mysterious destiny."

"The philosophy of life is to not believe in anything."

Gallagher chose not to believe.……

"So I understand that too"

"What does it mean to believe in development?"

"I also want to know...what he left behind"

""Oh, it's up to you."

Gallagher said so.

Then, he handed it over to Jizi to investigate.

Jizi thought about it.

In a short time, she had her own ideas.

"Please use your pet"

"I need to go back to the golden time"

"Go to the Dream Store to confirm some things……"

"For Mikhail!"

"It is also for the future of Pinocchio."

Ji Zi said firmly

【Xing: It seems that I need to look for it carefully.】

【March 7: I feel like I've been through a lot of things! But I didn't see Dan Heng.】

【Dan Heng: In the dream, you have already split into two groups.】

【Dan Heng: One way is to negotiate with the dream master, and the other way is to find the watchmaker's legacy】

【Danheng: I think people should stay on the train.��

【Ji Zi: That's right, Dan Heng should be on the train】

【March 7: Why do I feel like you are relatively free? We are all very busy inside.】

【Danheng: I don’t think so. I am not busy at all outside.】

【Danheng: Even in reality, I will help you】


On the screen.

At this time, subtitles have already appeared

【12 system hours before the opening of the Harmony Ceremony, Starry Sky Train】

These are some of the things that Dan Heng encountered when Ji Zi and the others went to Liumeng Reef.

Obviously, reality is also very troublesome.

The cold voice of news was reported at this time

【News from our station: The countdown to the Pinocchio Music Festival has begun】

【With the ticking of the clock boy, 12 hours later, the celebration is about to usher in a grand opening.……】

The voice thought so.

However, the Star Train was not peaceful.

Dan Heng was pointed at with a gun by a strange mechanical cowboy.

Well, should good people be pointed at with guns?

Pam was very anxious at this time.

"I told you, if there is anything, we can discuss it properly!" it shouted anxiously

"Sorry, furry little guy."

"I have some urgent matters to attend to, so I have to ask for your help in this way."

At this time, Potio has already started to speak

【Botio: Damn his legs! I didn't expect it to be so exciting right away! Well, using a gun is indeed the fastest way to open up the situation.】

【Gold Sand: Hehe, Sea Patrol Ranger? Head-on conflict with the Star Train?】

【Xing: Uh... Danheng seems to be dangerous too.】

【March 7: I take back what I said, Dan Heng is indeed... a little busy】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! This is a mess.】

【Botio: Don't worry, I mean no harm.】

【Dan Heng: Do you think anyone will believe what you said?】


On the screen,

Potio directly stated his request.

Dan Heng also looked at Potio indifferently.

"Now that you know what you are doing"

"Then I must remind you of the risks of doing so.

"Brother, why are you so tense?"

Potiou smiled.

"Isn't the purpose of taking this thing to say hello?"

【Xing: Your way of greeting is quite novel.】

【March 7: Yes, it’s quite novel.】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! It's really novel.】


Dan Heng ignored it and said in a deep voice


For the last time, please tell us who you are and why you are here.

"My name is Potio! I'm a sea ranger!"

He said cheerfully.

This was quite surprising.

Ps: Please give me some fresh flowers for recommendation. I wish all pioneers a guaranteed success and good luck. The update time after the first day is tentatively set at 8 pm. See you there. There will be no new chapters after 10 pm.

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