Interstellar Peace Company.

When Sha Jin saw that Sunday was going to be exposed directly on it, his smile became even more intense.

His original plan was to go to Pinoconi.

It would be a good thing to get to know the head of the Oak family earlier.

In Pinoconi, the Oak family represents the family and is responsible for the management of Pinoconi and its connection with the outside world.

Obviously, if Sha Jin wants to go to Pinoconi, he will inevitably encounter Sunday.

"Let me get to know the head of the Oak family in advance. What kind of person is he?

He looked at the scene and was already looking forward to it.


In the cross-world chat group.

At this moment, a group of people have already started chatting.

【Hanabi: Hehehe! Interesting, is the head of the Oak family going to be exposed first? What secrets does he have?】

【Robin: I didn’t expect to expose my brother right away】

【March 7: Ah? Is Sunday Miss Robin's brother? Is that okay?���To more things】

【Mockingbird: Yes, that is my brother.】

【Botio: My dear, you are the head of a family right away? I can take a good look at you.】

【Gold Dust: What will be revealed? It's getting exciting.】

【Black Swan: Hope is a good memory with good value】

【Xing: seems like you guys take it very seriously.】

【Firefly: Expose it quickly!】

【Silver Wolf: The more information you know about the other party, the more useful it will be.】

【Black Tower: Haha! Is the Star Core Hunter here too? What a surprise!】

【Funina: It feels like there are many forces. I don’t know what will happen next. 】

At this time, words began to appear on the screen.

"Are day and night equal? "

The deep voice was filled with majesty and exploded at this moment.

Just by hearing Sunday's voice, people could feel a huge pressure.

【Fernina: Day and night? Aren't those two sides of the same day?】

【Nashida: That's right! If that's the case, how can they be equal?】

【Botio: Oh my god, it's so boring to play such a profound thing right at the beginning】

【Gold Dust: Oh? It seems like Mr. Sunday has a lot of his own understandings!】

【Doctor Zhenli: These two things cannot be equated at all. I don’t know what they are thinking.】

【Mockingbird: Brother...why do you ask such a question?】

【Jing Yuan: It's really interesting. The head of the Oak family seems to want to argue about something.】

【Jade: Haha! What exactly is he trying to do will soon be revealed. 】

After the question, the second voice soon followed.

Different from the previous day and night, this time there was obviously a clear opposition

"Are the righteous equal to the sinners?"

Sunday asked again.

That majestic voice made people sweat profusely.

【Funina: The righteous and the sinners? How can they be equal?】

【Nashida: The questions are starting to get really weird.】

【Gold Dust: Hehehe! So, what exactly does he want to say?】

【Black Swan: Seems like a wonderful memory】

【Ying: I don’t know why, but I feel really shocked.】

【Zhongli: From his words, I can sense his majesty and the deepness hidden underneath.】

【Robin: Brother……】

【Xing: It feels weird. Why do we have to equate people? Even if they are not opposites, there are no two people in the world who are exactly the same, right?】

【March 7: Yes, yes! It feels so strange.】

【Huang Quan: He seemed to have some ambitions, and there was some reluctance hidden in his voice, as if... he was announcing something. 】

Everyone could feel the majesty of Sunday from that voice.

At this moment, he was like a pious announcer.

He was telling the world, everyone, and announcing everything in this world.

"If only man were born weak!"

"Which god should the weak find peace from?!"

His words seemed to be spoken for the weak.

The voice resounded at this moment, and it felt deafening.

【Furninna: Seek peace from the gods? I can sense that he wants to speak for the weak.】

【Nashida: Awesome! Does he want to become a god too?】

【Navilet: There is a feeling of wanting to protect all the weak, which is indeed a great ideal】

【Gold Dust: Is that so? But it's really interesting. Didn't Pinocchio believe in harmony? What? Doesn't he believe in it now?】

【Robin: We should really believe in [Tongxie]. We will all be blessed by [Tongxie] and should be able to find peace and security.】

【Botio: My goodness! I'm beginning to wonder what he wants to do! He's not an ordinary person! 】

Ps: On the first day of the new book, I'm asking for some fresh flowers and recommendation votes. I wish all pioneers a guaranteed bottom line and good luck every time. The update time after the first day is tentatively scheduled for 8 pm, see you there. There will be no new chapters after 10 pm.

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