On March 7, everyone was filled with emotion.

This room is full of books, which is really strange.

"Ah!! Misha, you are finally here!!"

A childish voice suddenly came over.

There was joy in the voice.

Looking in the direction of the voice, I saw the clock boy.

The clock boy I had seen in Liumeng Reef before, I saw him again now.

"Ah! Clock Boy, you are here"

"Yes, I think it was in this room when we first met.……"

Misha was reminiscing at this time.

His memories seemed to reveal more information.

【Funina: It feels like there are more and more mysteries.】

【Bottiou: His baby! So what is the truth?】

【Gold Dust: As far as the current situation is concerned, the Mikhail mentioned by Misha is somewhat different from the watchmaker Mikhail.】

【Gold Sand: Clock Boy and Misha, other than the train crew, no one else seems to be able to see them.】

【Gold Dust: Have you thought of anything?】

【Xing: The empty dream bubble left behind by the previous watchmaker?】

【Star: Gallagher seems to have mentioned a secret code that has not been explored much.……】

【March 7: Huh? Is there really such a thing? Didn’t they say it’s completely gone?】

【Jizi: No! If no one else can see it, but we can, isn't this a kind of secret code?】

【Walter: So, Misha and the Watchboy are what Mikhail the Watchmaker left us?】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! This kind of speculation is starting to get interesting.】

【Walter: It's just that Misha seems to have lost some of his memory.】

【Liuying: So, Ms. Jizi is the one who helps to find out the truth?】

【Xing: So that's how it is! Now I understand.】


On the exposure screen.

Misha began to recall more.

Jizi looked at the wall of books and became more and more curious.

"This wall of books……"

"Is this the log left by the navigator Mikhail?"

She couldn't help asking.

"Every time Mikhail comes back from sea"

"He would put a logbook on the bookshelf in his room."


This is a record of his exploration of every corner of the world.

【March 7: So many? How many worlds did Mikhail explore?】

【Xing: It is indeed a lot. I have never seen such a situation before.】

【March 7: I feel like this sentence is a pioneering one. 】

Misha is also continuing to recall Mikhail's story

"He said……"

"Our world is like that fountain"

"I don't know when it started, but the sea water is gradually flooding the places where people live."

He said this

"To provide everyone with a place to live"

"Mikhail must continue to explore the sea to find the source of the sea water"

【Xing: It feels like saving the world.】

【Funina: Are the seas rising? Flooding the land?】

【Walter: Perhaps this refers to the rise in sea levels. It seems to be the impact of global warming.】

【Jizi: In this case, even if we find the source, it is difficult to deal with it because it may be the melting of the iceberg.】

【Portio: Hehehe! Even though I'm a navigator, I feel like a hero.】


On the exposure screen,

Misha was also recalling.

His memory was becoming clearer and clearer.

This memory was very different from before.

So now, he knew exactly what happened at that time.

"That day, he called me into the study."

"He said he was going to go out to sea as usual."

"But I could see that grandpa had a serious expression on his face.

Misha looked a little sad when he said this.

"I saw the same look on my father's face before his last voyage.

At that time, Misha could feel that he was about to lose something again.

"I begged him to take me with him, but he said my adventure wasn't here"

"He asked me to stay at home and wait patiently for the sound outside the door."

Misha recalled.

The memories of the past also seemed very strange.

"What sound?"

Sanyueqi couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Mikhail said that there is a more vast ocean in the sky, the ocean of stars."

"There is a train carrying children who want to go far away"

"Crossing the sea of stars without stopping."

Misha seemed to be looking forward to

【March 7: Wait! Could this be the Star Train?】

【Xing: Are there other trains in the universe that can travel across the galaxy?】

【March 7: Is it really us? This is too unexpected, right?】

【Himeko: So, Misha is waiting for us.】

【Gold Dust: Wonderful! Why do I feel like there is a double entendre here?】

【Walter: Darling, just say whatever you want to say, don't hesitate.】

【Gold Sand: This might be when Misha was a child, or it might be the real reason why Misha is in the dream bubble.】

【Gold Sand: If it was when we were kids, it would be Misha stepping on the Starry Sky Train】

【Gold Dust: If not, the grandfather he mentioned is a watchmaker.】

【Gold Sand: Because this dream bubble was originally reserved for the Starry Sky Train! Naturally, it is waiting for its arrival.】

【Furninna: If that's the case... I think both are possible.】

【Xing: Right now, it seems that the second possibility is more likely.】

【Liuying: Indeed, it seems that Misha really lives in a dream bubble.】


On the screen.

Misha continued to speak

"Grandpa said he knew the people in that car"

"He would ask the other party to take me away with him"

"My dream trip...will start from here."

Misha has always wanted to sail.

However, it is not the vast ocean on the planet.

It is the vast sea of stars.

When March Seven heard this, he also became a little curious.


She didn't say it, but the meaning was obvious.

"It's the Star Train!!"

"I remembered that Mikhail's friends were a group of unknown guests."

At this time, Misha obviously thought of more memories.

"They came to our world"

"That was to solve the disaster caused by a star."

Misha said seriously

【March 7: It feels like everything matches up! Star Core, Star Train, and Mikhail and the Nameless Guest!!】

【Xing: So, Mikhail is really the watchmaker?】

【Gold Dust: It seems that this is the case.】

【Portio: Holy crap! So Misha is the grandson of watchmaker Mikhail?】

【Portio: That's not right? What is Misha now? Isn't he just a memory?】

【Himeko: It looks a bit strange...…】

【Walter: What if Misha is Mikhail himself?】

【Hanabi: Oh?! That's so interesting! What is this? I made myself up?】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! Or are you acting as both a grandfather and a grandson to yourself?】

【Xing: But it seems that Misha didn’t get on the Star Train either, right?】

【March 7: He is still in a dream bubble, that's right】


On the exposure screen,

Misha is still talking.

The story at that time is also continuing to develop.

"Then, Michal gave me his own pocket watch."

"That's his treasure."

"Appears in every sailing story"

"He said that the days ahead would be difficult, but the hands of the pocket watch would point me in the right direction."

Misha was smiling as he spoke.

Obviously, this matter made him feel very happy.

"Just keep taking that step forward"

"I will definitely reach where I want to go."

Misha said so

"Then, I seemed to hear……"

"The train whistle sounded from the other side of the room……"

Misha said this.

She was immediately lost in her memories.

【Xing: The train whistle? Wait, why does it feel so weird? Is there something wrong?】

【March 7: The room next door? I'm starting to feel a little confused too.】

【Ji Zi: This dream bubble should be in Liumeng Reef, right? But if it is in Liumeng Reef, how can I hear the train whistle? 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Walter: Yes! This is indeed strange? When we were at Liumeng Reef, everyone else also said that they had known that the Star Train had arrived at Pinocchio.】

【March 7: Yeah...how did they know?】

【Xing: Something seems to be messing up.】

【Gold Dust: Indeed, there is a dreamy feeling here.】

【Portio: Holy crap! Isn't this a little weird?】[]


On the exposure screen.

Hearing Misha's words, Clock Boy immediately responded

"Yes, Misha!"

"Then we followed the direction of the sound, right?"

"Yes, I should be able to find the way back then."

Misha recalled.

He thought he should be able to remember something.

Then, they had already peeked into another room from the album on the wall.

Following this room, they came directly to this room.

This room was completely different from the previous room.

The previous room was full of books, and here was only a dream.

"Here it is"

"This is my watch room."

Misha said happily.

"While waiting for Mikhail to return from his voyage"

"Uncle Wald gave me these studios"

"This is my secret place, a toy room"

"Here I am, learning to repair springs and gears"

"I like precision machinery"

"I am the captain of the Compass, and I am with my companions, Clock Boy and Mirror Lady."

"Together we search for new lands in our dreams."

Misha talked about his past.

The playtime when he was a child was the happiest time of his childhood.


"I grew up here."

Misha had already recognized this reality.

Or rather, he had recalled his story...........

【Funina: I feel like I’m starting to get confused.】

【Xing: Misha said that he was born here... Was it this room on another planet, or was it born in the dream bubble?】

【March 7: I am also starting to feel a little confused】

【Gold Dust: No, now we can say that the truth is getting closer and closer】

【Bottiou: My dear! I've been fooled.】

【Gold Dust: Misha was born here. Is it possible that this sentence is also a pun?】

【Gold Dust: This room is indeed the room in his memory. He was born here when he was a child.】

【Gold Sand: And now, he was born as a memory in this dream bubble.】

【Himeko: It seems that Mr. Shajin already has the answer.】

【Gold Dust: Hahaha! I didn't expect you guys could guess it so quickly. The Star Train is worthy of its reputation.】

【March 7: What? What are you talking about?】

【Xing: It seems that there is a conclusion.】

【Walter: Keep watching, the result is about to be revealed.】


On the exposure screen.

At this time, Jizi also understood what Misha meant.

"So, this building in the dream bubble is your childhood home."

Misha hesitated slightly, wanting to nod but shaking his head

"Yes, but also no"

"Maybe it would be more appropriate to say……"

He tried to explain

"This dream bubble is my home"

【March 7: Mengpao? Is it Misha’s home?】

【Xing: This is his home!】

【Gold Sand: The truth is beginning to be revealed. 】

On the exposure screen , Himeko has already looked at Misha

"It seems that you have remembered everything."

March Seven was still confused at this time.

"Etc., etc!"

"How come everyone except me has this feeling of being in tune with me?"

Xing also said

"In fact, I do not know……"

At this time, Ji Zi also spoke up.

"Little March"

"Do you remember Xing mentioned earlier that there is a clock boy that only she can see?"

After asking this question,

Sanyueqi responded directly.


"Isn't it the one next to him?"

"But we all saw it at Liumeng Reef."

"Uncle Yang also greeted it."The clock boy heard this and said proudly

"It seems that everyone on the Star Train has a very childlike heart."

【Portio: Here we go! It's time to solve the puzzle】

【Gold Dust: Now it seems that it is no coincidence that the people on the Star Train were able to see Misha and the Watchmaker.】

【Xing: Because there is a connection, right?】

【March 7: It really has something to do with us!】


On the exposure screen,

Jizi began to solve the mystery

"The answer is the Star Train"

"Xing's experience proves that at least Miss Liuying and Miss Huangquan cannot see the watch boy."

"At Liumeng Reef, I wonder if you have noticed"

"Others outside the train crew……"

"They were so subtle that they didn't have any conversation with it."

Jizi directly pointed out the fact that no one else could see Misha and the Clock Boy.

"I found it too."

Xing nodded.

5.1"Only certain people can see the meme life"

"It's just like... a secret letter from someone to the unknown guest."

Jizi said at this time.

Now, everything is closed.

As Gallagher said before, Mikhail left something that only the unknown guest can see.

When March 7 heard this, he began to have doubts.

"You can say that"

"Can't Xiaomisha also see the Clock Boy?"

"They are even good friends who grew up together."

"But Misha hasn't embarked on the road of pioneering yet..."

Sanyueqi didn't fully understand at this time.

Jizi still patiently guided

"That's the key to the mystery"

"Little March, now try to recall…"

"Just like the Clock Boy, have you ever seen anyone other than the train crew interact with Misha?"

After hearing what Jizi said,

Sanyueqi began to react.

Neither Mika, Aunt Tris, nor Robin had ever mentioned Misha's existence.

She was starting to feel a little scalp-tingling.

"No way…"

【Gold Dust: This is what watchmaker Mikhail left for them.】

【Botio: Haha! I've felt there were some problems before, and now I'm finally starting to find answers】

【March 7: Ah! I'd better just wait for the result! Maybe it will be better this way】

【Xing: That’s right, thinking consumes too many brain cells.】

【Furninna: Misha is just like Clock Boy, all his memories are in the dream bubble.】

【Funina: But, this memory can only be seen by certain people.】

On the exposure screen.

Misha also helped them to give an answer

"That's the answer, Miss March 7"

"This dream bubble is the cradle of my birth"

"I am a dreamer who is no different from the memory domain meme"

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