Mikhail said.

Then, he walked forward.

However, in his words, the future was obviously extraordinary.

"I will wait for you at the end of this time corridor."

He said so.

Then, Misha walked away.

He walked forward, but disappeared the moment he walked.

Watchboy saw this scene and immediately followed him.

Then, they disappeared together.

Jizi also started to ask

"Okay, everyone."

"Let's make a decision.

She said this, looking very serious.

Then, Jizi started laughing while she was talking.

"But I think no one will object."

【Star: Galaxy Stick Man! We must help Pinocchio at this time!】

【March 7: It's a star core crisis after all! It's our turn to take action!】

【Ji Zi: Our choice has already been made】

【Walter: Since we are on a pioneering path, turning back is not the best option】

【Gold Dust: Hahahaha! Wonderful, wonderful! Yeah! This is really wonderful!】

【Bottiou: His baby! Then go and see what story Mikhail left behind!】

【Botio: Hehe! I can already guess what interesting things are going to happen.】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! Now, it's our turn to enter each other's inner world.】


On the exposure screen.

After the official statement was made.

Xing immediately expressed his attitude

"I can choose to explore!"

Sanyueqi also put his hands on his hips.


"It has come to this!"

"Are there any options other than moving forward?"

Xing and Sanyueqi's attitudes were both extremely resolute.

Looking at the two of them, Jizi also smiled.

"In this case, it is passed unanimously."

"Then let us go to the end of this dream together……"

"Tell Mikhail!"

""Let's make our choice!"

Ji Zi said.

They walked forward together and opened the door.

Then they saw the story.

Pioneer and watchmaker - Mikhail!

The story left for them in the corridor of time


The exposure screen suddenly turned dark at this moment.

Then there was a long sigh from the old man.

This sigh seemed to drain all his body.

Then, like playing a movie film, scenes began to emerge.

The first scene was an old man and a child.

It was the conversation between the two people.

"Mikhail! Where are you going?……"

Ragworq Sharmiyar shouted.

He didn't quite understand where his grandfather was going.

"Someone has to save Rusalka."

""Misha, why can't it be me?"

Mishail, the grandfather of the navigator, smiled at this moment.

He had made his own decision.

"Don't go, okay?"

"Or take me with you."

"Please, don't leave.……"

Raghu Woqchar Mikhail, when he was a child, he was still reluctant to leave

【Liuying: These words... seem to be very similar to the voices and words that appeared in the dream bubble.】

【Silver Wolf: It's not similar, it's 100% confirmed.】

【Funina: Is this what the watchmaker asked his grandfather when he was a child?】

【Keqing: I still remember, he said that this was his grandfather's last time going out to sea, and he never came back since then】

【Xing: He obviously felt something, just like his father did at that time.】

【March 7: Considering the star core, his grandfather should have sacrificed his life to get rid of the star core.】

【Gold Dust: Yes! It seems to be true.】

【Mockingbird: That’s too… Is his grandfather also an unknown guest?】

【Jizi: Maybe, maybe it's the nameless guest who chose to stay on this planet, or maybe it's the newly-named guest.】


On the exposure screen.

Ragvokshaer Mikhail's request did not stop his grandfather.

Grandpa Mikhail, a navigator, comforted him at this time.

"Even without me, you should know how to move forward"

"Brave Captain Misha!"

"Compass is waiting for you'!"

"Haven't you always wanted to be a better adventurer than me?"

He asked.

Then he sent Ragwok Sharmikhail to the Star Train.

"Let's go, get on that train!"


""Just start your journey."

The old man said so.

His life has come to an end.

But his grandson is about to lose his relatives.

And he has to start looking for his own way.

【March 7: So, it was at this time that we boarded the Starry Sky Train!】

【Xing: Yes, it’s this time!】

【Jizi: From then on, the watchmaker officially embarked on the road of pioneering】

【Gold Dust: Later he stayed in the Asdena system and became a watchmaker there.】

【Black Swan: The story of the past has been closed at this moment】


On the exposure screen.

The film-like screen began to flicker at this time.

After flickering, this time the scene on the train emerged.

Ragvokshaer Mikhail has boarded the train.

Now he has become a member of the train.

And the name Mikhail belongs only to him.

""Mikhail, where are you going?" asked Falken Amundsen, the navigator of the Star Express.

Mikhail, who had become a teenager, seemed a little hesitant at this time.

"I...I'm going to mop the floor in the observation car!"

"I promised the conductor……���

Mikhail was about to leave.

However, he was stopped by Falken Amundsen again.

"Hey! Stop!"

"Tell me first, did you repair this watch?"

He looked at Mikhail with some surprise.

"Yes... yes..."

Falken Amundsen was even more surprised

"I know what it originally looked like."

"The chain is broken and the back shell is damaged"

"The scale is almost worn off.……"

"How did you do it?

Falken Amundsen was very strange and curious.

According to this description, the pocket watch should have been completely broken.

But now the watch is as good as new.

"How did you do it……"

"It's hard for me to explain, but I know it can be fixed.……"

Mikhail had no way of explaining the principle, but he knew the end result.

Finally, he found the key.

"It's a pointer, Mr. Amundsen."

"Its pointer is still good."

"Still able to point in the right direction"

"So the rest can be solved."

Mikhail said this.

Falken Amundsen heard Mikhail's words and then fell into a brief silence.

"From now on, you follow me."

"I'll take care of the conductor. Haven't you always wanted to tinker with the train?"

"From today on, you are the mechanic on the train.

Falken Amundsen made this decision.

From then on, Mikhail embarked on the path of a train maintenance worker.

"But...but I only know how to repair watches……"

Mikhail was a little surprised at this time.

He didn't quite understand whether he could do the job.

"Don't worry, one thing leads to another." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"I will teach you where you are lacking."

Falken Amundsen smiled and accepted this disciple.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the cross-world chat group also began to discuss.

【Funina: So repairing the pocket watch was that opportunity?】[]

【Ningguang: It does look like that.】

【Ningguang: And it seems that it is not just a simple repair of the pocket watch. From the description, the watch should be completely broken.】

【Xing: But in the end it was repaired successfully and it is as good as new.】

【March 7: This... is really amazing】

【March 7: How did Mikhail do it?】

【Zhongli: Maybe it's just like what Mikhail said, the pointer is not broken, everything can be fixed.】

【March 7: Huh? Can you really do this?】

【Xing: I don’t think it’s impossible.】

【Liuying: Repairing pocket watches. Mikhail often repaired pocket watches when he was a child. Does this mean he started this from a young age?】

【Gold Dust: Yeah! But I still think that pocket watch is extraordinary.】

【Gold dust: It is not easy to truly make it look brand new】

【Doctor Truth: Are you trying to say that Mikhail has some ability to influence time?】

【Gold Dust: Professor Latio, I didn't expect to be able to attract you out】

【Doctor Zhenli: We cannot deny that this possibility exists. Of course, I am only talking about the possibility.】

【Portio: It would be really interesting if that pocket watch could reverse time.】


On the exposure screen.

At this time, new changes began to occur.

The scene, like a film film, at this moment, also moved forward with the passage of time.

This time, it was before departure.

But the protagonist above has already changed.

Mikhail has grown up and is now a qualified adult.

The train's navigator has also been replaced at this time.


This is the name of the new navigator.

At the same time, his age is about the same as Mikhail now.

"Ragwalker, where are you going?"

"We should leave for the next stop.

Granholm said.

The train was about to embark on a new journey.

They, the unknown passengers, had to continue on the road of exploration.

But this time, Mikhail took a deep breath.

Then, he seemed a little hesitant.

"I...may not leave."

Mikhail felt somewhat relieved when he made this decision.

"I plan to stay in Asdena"

"Stay here with Lazarina and Tiernan.

This is the time when the train stopped in Asdena.

【Xing: Here they come, it’s at this time that Mikhail and the predecessors stayed!】

【March 7: This is what the conductor said, they used to stay here】

【Gold Dust: Yeah! That is, after they overthrew the Border Prison】

【Gold Dust: Speaking of this, you guys are really going to cause trouble for the company.】

【Jizi: I believe that the seniors will not do meaningless things】

【Jizi: The reason for the resistance is probably because the oppression here has lasted too long.】

【Jizi: But how many people are exiled to the border prison? Do they have their own descendants?】

【Ji Zi: And will their descendants continue to inherit the sins of their parents?】

【Walter: We don’t know the details yet.】

【Botio: Hehehe! My dear, why think so much? Where there is oppression, there will be resistance.】

【Portio: Do you remember what I said? The bottom line of the Sea Ranger is not so easy to cross!】


On the exposure screen.

Hearing this, Granholm seemed to understand something.


"Does this place remind you of your home?"

He asked doubtfully.

He didn't quite understand what happened.

However, Mikhail had his own thoughts.

They were not from himself, but from the people living here.

"The Asdenans only won a small victory"

"From true freedom……"

"there's still a long way to go"

"Hanunu needs us.

Mikhail said so seriously.

He wanted to stay here and continue to help the people here.

A small victory is just a beginning, and how to build in the future is the real problem.

Mikhail said after���

Then, more like comforting Granholm

"Don't worry, not all journeys lead to the sea of stars."

"Even if you leave the train"

"Our exploration will not end.

Mikhail said so.

Granholm, the new navigator, had already thought of this ending.

"It doesn't matter. I knew you guys couldn't stay."

"Go easy, my friend."

"Oh, and bring this up too."

Granholm said, handing Mikhail a hat.

"Is this... Mr. Amundsen's hat?"


Mikhail was not quite sure why the former navigator wanted to return the hat.

"When he left, he said he would leave it to his best student."

"I think now is the time."

Granholm said

"Goodbye, Ragwalker"

"Take good care of Tiernan and Lazarina"


"Write to us."

Granholm said as he bid farewell to his friend.


After hearing these words, the train crew also understood the weight of the legacy.

【March 7: So the hat that was handed to us this time was obtained from the predecessor before Mikhail? (No Qian Zhao)】

【Xing: It is indeed true. This is the legacy of our predecessors!】

【Jizi: We received this power from our predecessors.】

【Jizi: Afterwards, we will continue to use this power to move forward】

【Gold dust: a legacy of pioneering? This is really surprising】

【Robin: Taking over the power from the previous generation, passing through generation after generation】

【Mockingbird: In the end, did it evolve into what it is now?】

【Botio: Hehehe! It seems that every faction has its own inheritance moment.】


At this time, the exposure image changed again.

Time and the film continued to move forward at this moment.

Unconsciously, Mikhail had become an uncle.

He had spent a long time here.

And the people around him also began to have a youth.

""Watchmaker, where are you going?"

Now, Mikhail is already a famous watchmaker.

The person who asked this question is Mikael.

In the future, he will guard the tombs of the three heroes in Liliumeng Reef.

At this time, Mikhail also has his own ideas.

"Rest assured, Mikay"

"It's just a long trip."

Mikhail explained.

"Someone has to go to the frontier of interstellar exploration"

"Now there is only one unknown customer left in Pinocchio"

"I was thinking, why can't this person be me?"

Mikhail smiled.

He was ready to embark on a pioneering journey again.

【March 7: Does this mean that both predecessors are dead?】

【Xing: The last one, obviously.】

【Furninna: Lazarina disappeared while studying the memory void.���】

【Funina: Tiernan participated in the insect plague and never came back.】

【Gold Dust: So, right after Mikhail leaves, the family will use the power of the star core.】

【Mockingbird: This is where the evil begins】

【Xing: Oh! If only this hadn’t happened】

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