Sunday's voice rang out again.

At the moment when the voice rang out, I could already feel the heavy pressure.

It was obvious that someone was standing against Sunday.

And, what should I say at this time?

Until the end, both sides still chose to use fighting to decide the final result.

Obviously, this was not the most stable way.

However, things have come to this point and can no longer be changed.

【Funina: I feel like he really just wants to create a paradise where he can save more people.】

【Nashida: Indeed, it can still be heard at this time. If there is really someone who can create a more perfect paradise than this, he will definitely give it up.】

【Gold Sand: I can probably understand who his opponent will be.】

【Silver Wolf: In Elio's script, all this was already destined.】

【Black Tower: The script of Star Core Hunter? I see, have you seen this scene before?】

【Screwgoom: He wants to create a perfect paradise, but to be honest, it's not easy to figure out how to do it.】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! This is a person who is willing to die for the path he pursues! This is really interesting!】

【Black Swan: I can’t wait to preserve this memory forever.】

【Huang Quan: I hope they can make choices in the sober world that they won’t regret.】

【Mockingbird: you really have to go to this extent?】

【Sunday: Sister, some things are not as you think】

【Sunday: Something has to be done, and someone has to do it】

【Portio: Good! Very good! I like your attitude! As long as you don't violate the bottom line of the Sea Patrol Ranger, I won't do anything to you.】

【Gold Dust: How about a bet to see whether Sunday wins or someone else wins?】

【Doctor Truth: Gambler, this doesn't make any sense and it won't do you any good】


Chaolu Mansion.

The dreamer also had his own thoughts at this moment.

He looked at Sunday and seemed to understand something.

"There will only be one winner in the end. How far you can go and how loyal you are to Him all depend on your performance."

The Dream Lord said this.

Sunday did not say anything else.


Then, a new figure began to appear on the screen.

It was an old man.

He was lying on a chair, and seemed to be in a deep sleep.

The watchmaker - Mikhail.

In front of him, there was a figure kneeling on one knee.

On the screen, a voice sounded.

"The hands of the clock go round and round…"

"Just like people's confusion…"




"But in the end…"

"People still have to move forward!"

"Just like your pointer, it always points forward."

The voice said so.

Xing, who was kneeling on one knee in front of the old man, also stood up.

In her hand, there was a hat that did not belong to her.

"My journey ends here!"

"From now on, it is your way."

He said this.

All these scenes have changed.

"So-called pioneering…"

"It means to follow the path that has not been completed by predecessors and go a longer distance!"

【Funina: Is it the will to explore? Is this a kind of inheritance?】

【Nashida: Mikhail, although I don't understand what they mean, I can feel their determination.】

【Yaejinko: Pioneering? Is this a kind of belief? And the previous [Same Harmony】?】

【Robin: In our world, there are many star gods, such as [Exploration] and [Harmony]... They are all the destinies of those star gods when they were born.】

【Robin: We follow the star gods and leave footprints in the universe】

【Yae God: I see. I guess that means they each have their own camps and beliefs.】

【Jizi: There is nothing wrong with that, but the Star Gods generally don't look down on anyone. Those who voluntarily walk on the path of destiny are called destiny walkers.】

【Funina: So this time, it is the inheritance of the pioneering will?】

【Nashida: So the [Order] we mentioned before, is it also a kind of Star God?】

【Gold Dust: [Order] does belong to the Star God. It's just that this Star God has been subsumed by [Harmony]】

【Doctor Truth: Coincidentally, the family that Sunday belongs to, Pinocchio, believes in the same】】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! So, is [Order] going to be resurrected? It's really exciting!】

【Star: [Order] Will he be resurrected as a star god?】

【March 7: I saw that you took over the inheritance from the other party, so it should be our turn to stop it, right?】

【Xing: Huh? Mom! I'm on TV!!】

【March 7: Uh… I really don’t know what to say. 】

Ps: On the first day of the new book, please give me some fresh flowers and votes. I wish all pioneers a guaranteed bottom line and good luck every time. The update time after the first day is tentatively set at 8 pm, see you there. There will be no new chapters after 10 pm.

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