The gentle voice of the black swan came at this moment.

That gentle voice was like a bedtime story.

"You feel very relaxed now."

"Right? So……"

"Now, it's time to tell you a little bedtime story."

【Ningguang: Here I come! The answer this time is crucial!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: That’s right!】

【I think we will get the answer from this】

【Xing: That’s right! Black Swan is really going to take me out!!】

【Bronya: No matter how beautiful the dream is, are we finally going to wake up?】

【Xier: Actually, this is not a beautiful dream.】

【Gold Sand: Indeed, you have become mere puppets, trapped in the illusion of a dream.】

【March 7: Okay, okay, let’s not talk about this anymore. I already feel terrified.】


The black swan suddenly appeared.

She was like coaxing a child to sleep.

In her hand, there was actually a book.

The black swan also spoke.

"Let me start with the conclusion"

"In the confrontation with Sunday, everyone in the train crew and even everyone in Pinocchio failed, and no one survived.

Although her voice was very soft, everyone could feel the extreme horror from it.


No one survived.

【Ningguang: Everyone fails, right?】

【Ganyu: Isn’t this too dangerous?】

【Shen He: As expected, everyone fell into a dream.】

【Zhongli: The sense of disharmony in the dream actually came from here】

【Lei Movie: Everyone failed, but they still used the power of the star core to further expand the illusory dream】

【Xing: No one survived? Isn't this too horrible?】

【March 7: No one escaped. What about General Jing Yuan?……】

【"713" Ji Zi: Very suspicious, Miss Huang Quan is also a Void Order user……】

【Ji Zi: If we are both envoys, will we still be affected?】

【Walter: The existence of the Unison Choir is extremely special and is known as one of the three incarnations of harmony.】

【Walter: Perhaps the chorus itself has a very powerful power.】

【Huang Quan: Simply put, if the star core is added, everything may be different】

【Black Swan: The memory realm of dreams, everything here can control people】

【Xing: So, is there still any hope now?】

【March 7: Miss Black Swan has already come out, how can there be no salvation?】

【Black Swan: Yeah! I think we can see a turning point.】

【Firefly: Is it in that light cone? There are things we didn't expect.】


The black swan in the picture before my eyes.

At this moment, it also said gently

"But don't be nervous"

"Although the facts are horrific, they are not irreversible."

"You still have a chance, and that's why I'm here."

【Zhongli: Looks like we need to change planes.】

【Ying: Does it really look like we can win?】

【Paimon: It has come to this, we should win.】

【Xing: If you take too big a step, you might hurt yourself. It’s better to be safe and wake up first.】

【March 7:...Isn’t it unpleasant to hear these words coming from your mouth?】


The black swan in front of me is still talking

"Next, I will use this empty light cone that records all your memories to retell you everything that happened before."

"When the end of the story comes, I believe you will find……"

"There is a fatal flaw in the story you experienced."

"And that ray of hope is hidden behind this flaw."

"So, are you ready?"

Black Swan asked softly at this time.

【Xing: I'm ready, I'm ready! Come on, tell me】

【March 7: Now is the time to reveal!!】

【Heita: I feel a bit of a headache, is this really okay?】

【Charlotte: The most anticipated moment has arrived! What is the flaw?】


After Xing said that he was ready,

Black Swan began to explain

"do you remember?"

"When the clock hands turn back to the starting point, the train starts to jump and sends you into a strange dream."

At this time, Black Swan has already started to help Xing recall from the beginning.

"Although I am confused, the sea patroller Huang Quan has pointed out a way out for you."

At this moment, the picture on the screen is exactly the picture of Huang Quan sending Xing back with one knife.

Such a picture is indeed very unexpected.

【Xing: Hmm? What do you mean? Huang Quan wanted to kill me?】

【March 7: I didn’t understand why, and now I’m even less clear】

【Fu Nina: When will you reveal all the previous events? Maybe then we can understand.】

【Gold Dust: Hehehe! It feels like it will take a very long time. 】

Afterwards, Black Swan continued to speak

"You arrive at the Daydream Hotel"

"Here he met the doorman Misha and had a conflict with the company's envoy Shajin."

"Fortunately, Miss Huang Quan passed by again and let you escape in time."

At this time, the picture was also changing rapidly.

Although there were only pictures one by one, you could also feel what was happening in them.

【Xing: Oh!! It was at this time that I met Misha, Huangquan and Shajin!!】

【March 7: Why do you look so happy?】

【Xing: I’m very happy, okay?】

【Himeko: So, it was at this time that Misha left the dream bubble and saw us?】

【Jizi: Wait! The problem has already occurred】

【Walter: That's right! Misha is���The existence in the bubble! We didn't care before】

【Black Tower: How do fictional things become reality?】

【Gallagher:... indeed.】

【Liuying: I still remember what Misha said at Liumeng Reef.】

【Liuying: He works at the hotel during the day and returns to Liumengjiao to rest at night.】

【Gold Dust: It seems that everything has closed a loop! Misha's appearance is strange in itself. 】

At this moment, everyone already knows the truth.

Black Swan's narration is still going on at this time.

After the encounter is completed……

"Then, you saved Miss Liuying in your dream."

"And visited Pinocchio with her"

"You met Hanabi pretending to be Sambo and fell into the dream of a child."

As he said this, the memory began to approach.

"I saved you two from death, but Miss Liuying was unable to return to reality."

"She discovered the truth and wanted to invite you to join the game, but it led to an unexpected death."

"What's even more terrifying is that you soon ran into another murder."

The screen at this time showed what happened before.

The firefly and the robin had already met their own death before.

Seeing such a picture, it is inevitable that people feel shocked.

【Xing: Really? The firefly is dead? And the robin is dead too.……】

【March 7: In this case, it seems to match the fireflies and robins we encountered when we were at Liumeng Reef.】

【Firefly: Now it seems that it was the sleep that brought us there.】

【Liuying: But in the beautiful dream created by the family, there is death.】

【Xing: So I have quite a lot of experience.】

【March 7: Seeing someone dead is not a good thing, right?

The black swan on the screen, the voice is still saying

"Two deaths prompted you to investigate the truth behind the dream."

"You want to start with the information of the two, but you don't get the point"

"Instead, he learned information about the watchmaker from Gallagher."

"At the same time, Shajin is secretly preparing his own plan, and you are chosen by him as the driving force of the plan."

"Miss Huang Quan drew her sword in the fierce battle, and was forced to reveal her identity as the Void Commander." (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"This attack not only knocked down the gold dust, but also tore open the passage between the beautiful dream and the original memory realm."

"You arrived at Liumeng Reef and learned that death is actually sleep. You also learned the truth about dreams, star cores, and even the doorman Misha."

【Furninna: Seeing this, everything makes sense.】

【Nashida: That's right! They're all starting to match up! This is such a surprise!】

【Xing: After many twists and turns, I finally came back! But this memory doesn't seem to have any obvious problems.】[]

【March 7: No obvious loopholes were found, at least it is logical.

Black Swan is still talking at this time.

"You, Sunday and Robin decided to split up and find a way to seal the core."

"Who would have thought that Sunday and the dreamer had other plans"

"You will eventually have to fight to the death on the stage of the Harmony Festival"

"Finally, the story comes to an end"

"You defeated him, opened up and overwhelmed the order, and Pinocchio was able to embrace a bright and peaceful future.……"

"So far, the dreamlike and ups-and-downs journey of Pinocchio has come to an end."

"I guess you've already noticed it, right?"

Black Swan asked after a thorough review.

【Xing: It can only be Misha! There is definitely something wrong with Misha!!】

【March 7: Yes! There is indeed a problem! Meeting at this time is obviously not normal!】

【Jizi: Why do things in dreams come into reality?】

【Walter: Could it be that all this is just a dream?】


On that screen, the Black Swan asked

"The fatal flaw that is completely contrary to the known information appears in this part of the story."

"I first met Misha at the hotel.

Xing also answered directly

"Hehe, millet sand…"

"Or should we call him Mr. Watchmaker now?"

Black Swan smiled.

"He is a memory in a dream bubble"

"But because of his pioneering spirit, he left Mengpao and even started a great adventure in Pinoconi.……"

"Unfortunately, this Xiaomisha is just a special memory domain meme0........"

"No matter how powerful his power is, there is only one thing he cannot do."

"Life born in the memory realm will never appear in reality"

"So why did he meet you in the real daydream hotel?"

"The answer is simple: because he is the fatal flaw that contradicts all known information."

"This also means that you who believe in this memory……"

"At this moment, I am still in a dream"

"Wake up, pioneers"

"Get out of this endless dream and return to the waking world"

"We will all find the answer there."

【Xing: I can finally return to the sober world.】

【March 7: Isn’t this too hard? It’s finally over!】

【Fu Nina: But where will I wake up this time?

Xing opened his eyes and entered the moment of the train jump.

But it is still unknown when this jump will correspond to.

"The jump is about to begin!!"

Pam's voice sounded again





Countless memory fragments flashed by quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Xing woke up in the hotel room.

【Xing: Why do I still feel dizzy?】

【March 7: When will the train jump this time?】

【Xing: Was it in a vague dream? Or was it when you first arrived at Pinocchio?】

【Jizi: What do you mean?���Maybe it was just a dream?】

【Black Swan: This guess... is really bold!】

【Black Swan: But Pinocchio is a memory domain after all. Since it is a memory domain, some accidents are normal.】

【Gold Sand: In other words, does the situation of dreaming within a dream still exist?】

【Bottiou: His precious! If you say that, I start to wonder if I am dreaming again.】


At this time,

Xing had already woken up.

She looked around.

This was indeed the hotel.

"This way, dear."

Black Swan guided at this time.

Xing walked out and then saw Huang Quan and Black Swan.


Huang Quan saw Xing and couldn't help but say

"Great. Thank you very much, Miss Black Swan."

She also thanked the Black Swan.

"Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

Seeing Xing coming, Black Swan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Xing looked at the two of them, who were still full of doubts at this time.

"This scene seems familiar……"

【March 7: Everything feels so confusing! Where is this place?】

【Black Tower: I want to know more about what happened?】

【Nashida: I seem to be awake, but I also feel like I am not awake.】

【Keqing: From now on, the situation is not simple】

【Gold Dust: Hehehe! Is this another deep sleep, or a new awakening?】


Huang Quan on the screen began to explain

"I know you're confused now, we'll do our best to explain it to you"

"But before explaining the whole story, you must understand one thing.……"

"This is the narrow space between dreams and reality, belonging to those who have awakened from the dream of Taiyi"

【Xing: A narrow space? In other words, this place is neither a dream nor reality?】

【March 7: Why does everything feel so confusing? My head hurts!】

【Funina: Is this considered survival in the cracks?】

【Nashida: Judging from the current situation, this is indeed the case.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: We still have to defeat God Lord!】


The black swan on the screen is also continuing to explain

"Remember that Sunday ambition?"

"He plans to use the will of more than 100,000 people in the Star Core and Oak Family, and the wishes of all the people in Pinocchio to usurp the power of harmony and restore order to the world."

"Unfortunately, the truth is not just that.

Huang Quan also continued to say this.

"As early as when we entered Asdena, we were already affected by the star core."

"Looking back, the strange dream where you and I met might be a sign that my thoughts were starting to wander.

Huang Quan guessed.

Gradually, he began to feel something was wrong.

"Am I back to the beginning of the story?"

Xing still looked confused at this time.

"I think... the purpose of order is not to make everyone fall asleep.

Huang Quan has his own opinion.

"On the contrary, they use the star core to catalyze Asdena's memory to penetrate into the material world, allowing dreams and reality to blend."

"I'm afraid there are also a lot of memories of the Tianwai Choir mixed in.…"

"Over a long period of time, dreams became indistinguishable from reality, and reality also began to become hallucinatory."

"People think they are awake, but their spirits have already entered the palace of order"

"This is exactly the terrifying part of Taiyi's dream."

Ps: I wish you good luck in the college entrance examination and may you achieve your goals!

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