【Xing: This manuscript... feels so wrong!!】

【March 7: Are all the contents in it about order?】

【Gold Dust: Oh? Things are starting to get interesting.】

【Gold Dust: Even someone like Sunday needs a manuscript?】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! I'm starting to get a picture of Sunday reading from the script when Hoshi and the others enter the theater, haha-ha!】

【Firefly: This doesn't sound like something you would do on Sunday】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Ah, this... still feels a little unusual! This is really not a simple matter.】

【Heita: I don’t think we would do that on Sundays, right?】

【ScrewGum: It certainly doesn't look like it was made by that elegant gentleman.】

【Ruan Mei: So what is the truth? Is this a kind of script?】

【Xing: Script...this first impression is the Star Core Hunter, right?】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! Did Sunday join the Star Core Hunters? That would be really fun! Hahaha!】


【Silver Wolf: If that's the case, then we've gone from being enemies to being colleagues.】

【Silver Wolf: Anyway, all of this is in Elio's script.】

【Gold Dust: Hmm! It's a possible guess. I'm getting more curious.】

【Botio: My dear! Becoming a star core hunter? That's really interesting! I want to know what will happen next.】

【Xing: If I really join the Star Core Hunters, I will be with Liuying……】


Continue reading along the words on the paper.

Then you can see more words.

【1:8 He gave the truth to all people in the world, and all living beings called out to Taiyi, the star god with great power, magnificent!】

【1:9 We have been blessed by God to know that we are born as human beings, that humans have life and death, and a beginning and an end, but we do not know how the world works.】

【1:10 So he took the clouds of the sky and made them into plectrums, and made a harp with broad white keys and narrow black keys.】

【1:11 He strikes the wide white keys and the sun rises, He strikes the narrow black keys and the moon rises】

【1:12 This cycle repeats for thirty days and one day, resting after three cycles and then repeating four equal cycles according to the rules.】

【1:13 The universe knew day and night, seasons and years, and it was so.】

【1:14 is the second day】


【1:15 He gave the calendar to all people in the world, and all living beings called on Taiyi, the star god with great power, magnificent!】

【1:16 God has given us knowledge of the workings of the universe, that there are day and night, and that there are four seasons, but we do not know how to recognize one another.】

【1:17 So He made the tip of a pen out of the stream of stars, and made the symbols for pronunciation and counting.】

【1:18 When he began to write, the world saw the outline of reality; when he stopped writing, the world saw the illusion of thought.】

【1:19 The inside and outside are connected, and infinite meaning is born from finite elements】

【1:20 Everything was marked for itself, and it was so.】

【1:21 This is the third day】


【1:22 He gave all the languages to the people of the world, and they called out to Taiyi, the great and powerful star god.】

【1:23 We have been gifted by God to use our tongues to express our thoughts, and we know that words have a form and meaning, but we do not know how to distinguish between the positive and the negative.】

【1:24 So the stars are scattered and gathered into a river, showing the good and righteous in the upper reaches and the evil and unrighteous in the lower reaches.】

【1:25 He built a bank in the middle to prevent dirt and mud from flowing back.】

【1:26 From then on, people could know good and evil, and benefits and harms.】

【1:27 This is the fourth day】


【1:28 He has given value to all people in the world. All living beings call upon Taiyi, the star god with great power.】

【1:29 We have been blessed by God to know how to use our eyes to distinguish right from wrong, to know what is right and wrong, what is clear and what is turbid, but we do not know how to deal with it.】

【1:30 So he took the star and set forth the law, and established with them the law of conduct in the sight of the people.】

【1:31 The life and liberty of the people are the most precious of all values; whoever violates them shall be punished according to the law; the dignity and property of the people are the most worthy of them; whoever upholds them shall be rewarded according to the law.】

【1:32 This law is not open to debate; it must be kept in the memory of all flesh.】

【1:33 And it was so. This was the fifth day.】


【1:34 He gave the rules to all people in the world. All living beings called upon Taiyi, the star god with great power. How magnificent!】

【1:35 We have been blessed by God to know how to measure justice with our hearts, to know that good deeds should be rewarded and harm should be compensated, but we do not know what the meaning of this life is.】

【1:36 So He composed music from the stars, with the broad white and narrow black keys of the harp as an instrument, with the marks for sounding and counting as notes, with the melody of the river that descends but does not ascend, and with the form of the law that states the law.】

【1:37 The harmony of all things is expressed in time and space, and everyone finds their unique position in heaven and earth】

【1:38 And it was so. This was the sixth day.】


【2:1 He gave meaning to all people in the world, and He created all the heavens and the earth. He rested from all His work of creation.】

【2:2 But the living beings cried out to Taiyi, the great and powerful star god,】

【2:3 You define the universe and everything in it with order, but you let us know that we are just your puppets.】

【2:4 On that day, all the people will gather together and throw God into the pit of destruction.】

【2:5 And it was so. This was the seventh day.】

【2:6 The crowd shouted loudly, and the sound shook the earth. Then the morning stars sang together.】


Above these words, it is clearly recorded that what Sunday said at the beginning is the Star God of Order, Taiyi.

However, reading these again at this time, it still makes people feel all emotional.

【Qingque: They really are exactly the same!】

【Fu Xuan: From this perspective, Sunday may indeed have some connection with the Star Core Hunter.】

【Xing: Actually, I’m very curious, why do you stay here alone?】

【March 7: Yes! Isn't this the Grand Theater of Pinocchio? Why do you stay here?】

【Jizi: Anyway, there are still many confusing things here.】

【Jizi: Everything that can be solved but is still left here makes people feel that things are not that simple.】

【Xing: It can’t be that everything is still a dream, right?】

【March 7: Ah! Don't say anything more frightening.】

【Liuying: Maybe, we will all know later.】


After reading the paper,

Xing turned the slightly dry page.

A bunch of bright bubbles rose up.

They stayed in the air for a short time before turning into bubbles.

Suddenly, a hazy voice sounded from Xing's ears...

From that hazy voice, he could already hear the call of Sunday.

"The winner has the winner's obligations"

"Finish me off... and fly off into the sky."

Sunday said

【Greenbird: Is this... Sunday's voice? How is this possible? Is this true?】

【Fu Xuan: Is it a memory bubble? Or is it a special thing that exists in dreams?】

【Xing: I didn’t expect that we would find it.】

【March 7: So what is this? A relic from Sunday?】

【Funina: Doesn't it feel a bit like a coincidence? Why did you leave this alone?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Indeed... there is one more thing that is very confusing】

【Black Swan: Listening to this sound, it should be the words that will be spoken after the fall on Sunday】

【Black Swan: But why was it released at this time?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I don't know. It's like someone prepared it and put it here on purpose.】

【Xing: It feels like everything is a mystery! Is there someone guiding us?】


After the sound of Sunday, the sound of the robin also sounded at this moment.

"We... should have flown to the sky together."

This was the most beautiful thought the robin ever had.

Unfortunately, this thought has now failed.

Sunday listened to this voice and murmured along with it.

"I also want to be with you."

From these short words, we can already feel the affection between this pair of siblings.


The sound inside stopped abruptly.

【Furninna: So what is this? Two people's memories?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I can feel that they have a good relationship. Could this really be left by Sunday?】

【Gold Dust: The best case scenario is to stay on Sunday, otherwise it will be dangerous】

【Portio: My dear! If it's not Sunday, then it can only be the Rememberer.】

【Bottiou: The Rememberer is not scary. What is important is that the Rememberer knows everything from the dream.】

【Xing: Did Miss Black Swan stay?】

【Black Swan: I think this has nothing to do with me. If it were me, I would keep it well.】

【Walter: Then we have to wonder if there really is a mastermind behind this, right?】

【Xing: I always feel like this is just the beginning.】

【Xing: This is too torturous! Is it really impossible to end it?】


In that picture. (Read the exciting novels on Faloo Novel Network!)

Xing was listening to the familiar voice and began to fall into deep thought.

"This is……"

She immediately focused her attention and tried to track down the source of the sound.[]


I found that they had dissipated like morning mist in the light falling from the curtain, leaving no trace.

There were traces of words that looked like robin on the inner page of the notebook.

Perhaps it was related to the elegant singer lady.

Here, Xing had already read the words.

She put it away directly.

Then, Xing returned directly and prepared to go to the ticket office.

【Xing: It just disappeared! Is this considered a dream bubble?】

【Black Swan: There is no good way to preserve it. It seems that it is not】

【March 7: I feel like... I don’t know what to say】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Anyway, it doesn’t look that simple.】

【Xing: It seems that there is not much information. If so, we cannot be sure that Sunday really followed the Star Core Hunter, right? 】

Please give me flowers

【Jizi: Until there is more evidence, this is correct.】

【Xing: Let’s wait and see. Miss Robin seems to be very sad about this matter.】


On that screen, she returned to the ticket office of the Pinocchio Theater.

She immediately heard a voice

""Hey! Xing! Over here!!!"

Following her gaze, she could see a golden Omnic.

She was waving.

Recalling what Robin had said to her before,

Xing couldn't help but ask.

""Robin? Is that you?"

Xing asked immediately.

The elegant robot also responded immediately.

"It's me, Robin"

"It's not convenient to talk with this face. Wait a moment.……"

The robin said.

Then, right in front of Xing's eyes, it changed back to its original appearance.

Seeing this scene was really surprising.

【Xing: That's it? Why do you look so relaxed?】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! Isn't this the same as me? Oh! I didn't expect that! Miss Mockingbird would also be like this】

【Funina: As expected, we are still in a dream, it is exactly the same!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I don't know what happened. But I feel like things are not that simple.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: According to Robin, it seems that it is difficult to speak after the transformation.】

【Nashida: After all, it's not her own body. Although she knows how to use the power of harmony, there should be a limit to how much it can use, right?】

【March 7: Oh! I don't know if the robin can accept this.】


On that screen, the robin, who had returned to his original form, also asked anxiously.

"No one should notice this."

"Let’s talk"

"How is it? Did you find anything?"

She couldn't help asking.

Xing immediately gave the lost item to the robin.

The content of the item might be related to Sunday.

When she handed it to the robin , although it was not easy to notice, Xing did notice that she seemed to be stunned for a moment.

After that, the robin quickly calmed down and smiled at Xing.

The voice was still a little trembling.

"Thank you, let me take a look."

But everyone can feel that the current condition of the robin is not good.

"You don't look very well."

Xing couldn't help but say


"Sorry, I'm fine."

"Thank you, Star." said the robin.

Then she began to read.

【Funina: Are you really okay? I've already shown my feelings!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Did she guess something? Or is there a secret code between the two siblings?】

【March 7: I feel like Miss Robin is going to break! That thing clearly knows】

【Xing: Oh! It’s really too difficult】

【Gold Dust: A pair of siblings are about to part forever, and we are talking about them】

【Gold Dust: It may sound cruel, but this is the truth.】

【Black Swan: I think Miss Robin should be able to accept it】

【Xing: I really don’t want to see this kind of scene.】


On that screen, the robin was flipping through the pages.

Then, immediately


"It is indeed my brother's handwriting. It must be his stuff."

"But this scripture……"

"《There is no similar record in the Ode to Harmony."

After a brief glance, Robin made this judgment.

As a promoter of Harmony, she naturally needs to know


"These red stains"

"He really……"

At this moment, the robin had guessed a bad direction.

The red stains might represent blood.

In a sense, it might also represent death.

The robin choked.

【Bluebird: Is he really dead? Or does Sunday want to let the robin know that he is gone?】

【Fu Xuan: Maybe it was left there on Sunday. This possibility is higher.】

【Fu Xuan: Sunday is the day I admitted I had failed】

【Fu Xuan: But he should also know that the robin will not give up looking for him.】

【Fu Xuan: So...he left this message】

【Xing: Is it better to suffer a short pain than a long one?】

【March 7: Maybe, you want the robin to live better?】

【March 7: After all, Sunday is now the target of public criticism】

【Nashida: Oh! It's really sad. This pair of siblings are so miserable.】

【Himeko: If we hadn't taken a completely different path, perhaps things wouldn't have turned out this way.】


Seeing the sad look of the robin,

Xing immediately comforted him.

"Things may still turn around."

Robin just lowered her head.

She stared blankly at the notebook in her arms and said nothing.

The loss of her brother was too much of a blow to her.

They were the best siblings.

It was a pity...

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