In a trance, it seemed that she saw many scenes.

It was also as if at this moment,

Liuying saw the past and learned the truth.

Those were laboratories.

Inside the glass pillars of the laboratories, there were girl test subjects.

They were all in the petri dishes. They were like lives that were carefully cultivated.

This was where they were born.

From the moment they were born, they lived here.

And in such experiments, the people who had them were all exactly the same.

They had the same appearance, and were created for war.

"Why... live?"

Liuying murmured at this moment.

She didn't understand what the purpose of life was.

She didn't know why she was born, nor did she know where her life should go.

They were in the experimental container, and their lives seemed to have come to an end long ago.

The memories of the past emerged in front of them.

After they came out of the container, they were instilled with the idea of being loyal to the queen since childhood. They were also instilled with the idea of fighting for the queen since childhood.

But at this moment, these don't seem so important now. In the past, they were young children, and they all raised their arms and shouted...

"For Gramer, for Her Majesty the Queen!!"

This is what they were taught since childhood.

【Xing: This...what is going on?】

【Xing: Are all people cultured in culture containers?】

【Qingque: This... looks like a mass-produced clone.】

【Fu Xuan: If that's the case, it can also explain why Liuying has entropy loss.】

【Nashida: Oh, this is... really unexpected.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: But this in itself is too painful, isn't it?】

【Nashida: They are just children, but it seems that they have been indoctrinated since birth, for the Queen's sake.】

【Gold dust: Born to be a weapon of war】

【Black Tower: Yes, they were born to fight against the Zerg.】

【ScrewGum: It was to resist the Zerg, but unfortunately they were destroyed in the end.】

【Ruan Mei: Because their queen was originally a lie】

【Ruan Mei: All the queens are just weapons created by them to command all the Grammer cavalry.】

【Ruan Mei: However, even though she is such a noble queen, she does not have any real power.】

【Ruan Mei: Even the Queen is just a tool】

【Xing: This is too tragic.……】

【Xing: Was what just emerged Liuying’s past?】

【March 7: It should look like this, yes】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It's really touching! How could such a thing happen?】

【Xing: But this kind of war is too tragic. Everyone has died.】

【Doctor Truth: There is one thing worth noting】

【Doctor Zhenli: Any act of production can be considered as reproduction. Therefore, the birth of fireflies is inseparable from reproduction.】

【Gold Dust: Oh? Does this mean that fireflies are also on the path of reproduction?】

【Xing: Ah, this... How is this possible? Aren't reproduction insects?】

【Black Tower: Hmm! That's an interesting guess. However, the last person who had a wrong understanding of fate was Void.】

【Black Tower: Everyone thought that there were no envoys in the Void, and that there shouldn't be any envoys, but the appearance of Huang Quan broke this exception.】

【Ruan Mei: In other words, the power to breed Star Gods should not be limited to the Zerg】

【Ruan Mei: Even if I don't want to admit it, there may be such power in the body of the firefly】

【Fu Nina: If that's the case, it seems to explain why Liuying survived.】

【Greenbird: Hmm! Was it the power of reproduction? Did it bring her back to life?】

【Fu Xuan: An interesting speculation. Just like the Queen just now】

【Fu Xuan: In the Zerg, there is a queen-like existence. The Zerg is commanded by pheromones.】

【Fu Xuan: The Queen's command of the Grammer Cavalry is very similar to this in a sense.】

【Xing: This... feels worse and worse】

【Xing: If this continues, Liuying might become a breeding order envoy!!】

【March 7: Ah this... I really can't believe this is true……】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! An envoy? But sometimes, even if you are blessed with power, you don't necessarily have to fulfill your destiny.】


After some discussion, everyone had a crazy and bold guess.

Liuying had begun to think about the meaning of life.

Why live and why die.

What was the purpose of their coming to this world?

The battle with the Zerg was too bloody.

In this battle, they had sacrificed too much and died too much.

They dedicated their lives to the Grammer Empire and to the Queen they had always imagined.

But at this moment,

Liuying had already raised her head and looked towards the sky.



"It no longer exists.……"

Such a light sentence, but the amount of information contained in it is very huge.

Grammer no longer exists.

Just as the name literally says.

All of this has long ceased to exist.

And what is going on now?

They fought for Grammer.

And gave their lives for it.

But all of this was originally an illusion.

They were like having a deep dream.

At the end of that dream, everything woke up.

Everything was over.

Seeing such a scene.

It is also a bit shocking.

【Kamisato Ayaka: What does this mean? Does Grammer no longer exist?】

【Greenbird: It should be literally true. I mean, Grammer has been destroyed for a long time.】

【Fu Xuan: In the history of the Galaxy, there is a speculation that when the Queen found herself bound by Gramer, she destroyed the civilization of Gramer.】

【Nashida: Does this... count as being destroyed by the weapon I made myself?】

【Qingque: If we look at it from this perspective, combined with what Liuying said……】

【Qingque: Could it be that all this is just a dream? They fought so hard and asked for support, but there was no response. This itself is an illusion, right?】

【Doctor Truth: The swarm has hallucinogenic abilities. Once you understand this, everything will become clear.】

【Doctor Truth: This explains why their communication is sometimes working and sometimes not.】

【Doctor Zhen: This also explains why I requested for support but didn’t get any help.】

【Gold Dust: Does this mean that they are the only Grammer Knights left in the universe?】

【Portio: And then you were confused by the illusion created by the insects and mistook it for a signal?】

【Qingque: In the end, they encountered the queen insect and paid a heavy price before they defeated everything.】

【Xing: Now that I think of it... Before they died, the others all thought they were doing it for Her Majesty the Queen.……】

【Xing: Could it be that that person mistook Liuying for the queen?】

【March 7: The fact that it can create illusions is really too confusing. I feel like there are many different guesses.】

【March 7: Although I don’t know how Liuying survived, it is obvious that she has broken free from this illusion.】

【Jizi: But after breaking free, you immediately know the truth, but find that everything before is meaningless?】

【Robin: Now I understand why Miss Firefly is so resistant to dreams.】

【Funina: Is it because you have experienced such things in the past that you are so resistant and reluctant when you encounter them again?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Indeed... If my past was also a dream, I absolutely do not want to enter a dream again!】


At this moment,

Liuying, who already knew everything and was awake to everything, unconsciously lowered her eyes.

At this moment, she felt extremely painful.

That false dream, after all, brought the saddest thing.

But it was also at this moment that

Liuying wanted to move on to the future.

At this moment, she murmured. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I dreamed of a scorched earth……"

This sentence also has a corresponding meaning.

In that war, his teammates once carried out scorched earth warfare.

It was by using that powerful energy that they finally defeated the queen insect.[]

But was it all a dream?

Or was it really happening?

There was no answer to this question, and no one could have an answer.

Everything in the past seemed vague.

The future was also hard to figure out.

Her tears fell directly at this moment.

The tears fell to the ground.

As they fell, they were instantly absorbed.

"A new bud breaking through the soil...(bibe)…"

As she said this, a tender bud sprouted directly from the place where her tears fell.

Almost instantly , the bud began to grow towards the sky.

It grew very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had grown branches and leaves.

And under the ground, there was endless light.

The golden light shone at this moment, as if hinting at new life and new hope.

"It blooms in the morning sun……"

"Like my whisper……"

Liuying said this at this moment.

The lush buds had already soared into the sky.

It didn't take long.

The buds had even grown into a towering ancient tree.

Liuying was in the towering ancient tree.

The endless golden light was filled.

At this moment, she was going to be reborn.

The lush branches and leaves of the new life also hinted so clearly at this moment.

Liuying's hands also clenched at this time.

"Firefly catching fire!!"

""Live towards death!!"

In that light,

Liuying's body changed in an instant.

She did not use the transformation device, but she had already turned into the appearance of Mecha Sam.

The appearance of the mecha also changed at this moment.

Compared with before, it seemed to have some obvious other traces.

Perhaps, this is the gift after the awakening of power.

Huge fluorescent light wings appeared from Sam's body.

This pair of light wings was like a butterfly at first.

Then, this pair of light wings officially opened.

The nearly 100-meter-long green light wings ruthlessly released its energy at this moment.

Seeing this moment, it is inevitable that people are more shocked.

【Xing: What is this? Why did it suddenly change?】

【March 7: What was that just now? The towering ancient tree...what kind of power is that? Is it the power of reproduction?】

【Bluebird: Only the power of reproduction can make things like this happen in such a short period of time, right?】

【Furninna: This is really shocking. From the scene just now】

【Furninna: That girl was still kneeling before she died, and he was kneeling to the ancient tree.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: So, did Liuying really become the queen?】

【Qingque: The Queen should be the same as the Commander, but Grammer no longer exists, and the Iron Cavalry also no longer exists.】

【Fu Xuan: But if she is the only one left, you can also say she is the queen.】

【Jizi: From this look, it looks like the Sam Mech has completed its upgrade】

【Walter: There is an extraordinary power, a power that is unexpected】

【Xing: Could this actually be an intentional expression?】

【March 7: No matter how you look at it, it's still shocking】

【Black Swan: This is truly returning from death and living towards death.】


At this moment, the new sun has risen.

The light that just rose from the horizon has also become a harbinger of the current firefly.

At this moment, the firefly has regained her life.

She will no longer live as a number.

She will no longer live as a weapon.

From this moment on, she will officially become a life.

And the story of the future of this life has just begun.

Waving the wings behind her, she flew towards the sky.

With dazzling light, the firefly has already flown into the sky.

Her goal is to fly out of this planet.

The energy is rioting at this moment, and the future that symbolizes a new life also begins at this moment.

A dazzling fluorescent green beam has penetrated the horizon.

The power and shining light emanating from it have also overflowed from the planet.

At this moment, looking from afar.

The planet that was originally on has cracks on its surface.

These cracks appear very strangely.

But they spread rapidly and quickly spread throughout the entire planet.

There is almost no stopping.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the planet is rapidly collapsing and disintegrating.

Dazzling light was released from it.

Countless meteorite fragments were also floating towards the universe at this moment.

The terrifying power and the direct explosion of the planet also made people feel scared.

Sam just flew into the sky.

With a seemingly simple attack, he destroyed the entire planet.

Such an ordinary thing only made people feel endless terror.

【Ying: What did I just see?】

【Paimon: Something like a ball exploded.】

【Xing: That is a planet. Life lives on planets. Logically, your world should be like this too.】

【Paimon: seems like no one flew out.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: So, you destroyed a world with just one strike?】

【Nashida: Isn’t this power a bit too terrifying?】

【Furninda: This is so shocking, is this Sam's true power?】

【Gold Dust: Wonderful, wonderful! I didn't expect that after awakening, I would have such power.】

【Gold Dust: If she had awakened earlier, the queen would have been destroyed.】

【Nashida: Isn't it too late to say that now?】

【Botio: My dear! You are really amazing! I must fight you once if I have the chance.】

【Xing: Then you might just die.】

【Black Swan: Not everyone can possess the power of a superstar】

【Heita: That's true. I even began to doubt whether she was the envoy.】

【Doctor Truth: I believe this question will be revealed in the future. Even in the future of Pinocchio, the answer will be given.】

【Xing: This is really... I didn't expect it to be like this.】


But the scene at this moment is not over yet.

On a huge spaceship, there is a woman lying on a chair, sipping wine elegantly.

She has purple hair and���Wearing a uniform.

Just looking at it, one can feel its elegance and charm.

If there is any feature, it should be the sunglasses hanging on the top of the head.

Star Core Hunter——Kafka!!

【Xing: Ka... Kafka? Is this true? She really appeared!!】

【March 7: Yes, you read it right, it is indeed her】

【Gold Dust: Now everything is closed, someone picked up the firefly and took it home】

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