【Goro: Is that the Demon Sword Demon that was once active on Hachi Island?】

【Maplehara Manyo: Demon Sword Demon? It is said that it is an autonomous humanoid machine monster and masters the swordsmanship called Tengu Sho.】

【Maplehara Manyo: As far as I know, the demon sword demon's strength is very terrifying, especially its unrivaled swordsmanship. Most of Inazuma's swordsmanship masters cannot stop its moves!】

【Arataki Yidou: I have fought against it once before. I have to say that the strength of the Demon Sword Demon is indeed terrifying!】

【Zhongli: Humanoid machine monster? But what's more important now is that this challenge mission seems to have improved the strength of the Demon Sword Demon a lot.】

【Zhongli: In terms of common sense, mutation enhancement is only two more words than enhancement, but the intensity of the increase is even more terrifying than other monsters we have seen before!】

【Wendy: Just from the uniqueness of the challenge mission and the rewards, we can see that the Demon Sword Demon faced by the special team this time is definitely more powerful than imagined!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: This is the first time I have seen a mission where you can choose to accept or reject it. The presence of this option represents a mutated and enhanced monster. It is much more difficult to defeat monsters than other enhanced versions!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Moreover, these kinds of mutated and strengthened monsters should be quite special and unique. In the secret realm dungeon, such monsters are also extremely rare.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I hope that Miyaji-sama will not encounter such unique mutated and strengthened monsters during the execution of the dungeon mission!】...

【Tip: The challenge task is unique. Once completed, other participant teams cannot trigger it again.】

【Tip: The difficulty of the challenge mission increases, and the special team can choose to accept or reject it.】

【Will the special team accept the challenge mission? If more than two members vote in agreement, the task will be deemed accepted.】

【If the special team does not accept the challenge mission, the mutated and enhanced demon sword demon will not awaken, and all members of the team will not be able to enter the arena.】......

See a series of prompts emerging in front of you.

All of them reveal how terrifying the mutated and enhanced version of the Demon Sword Demon is!

"Choose Agree."

At this moment, Ying Xing said with a tone that could not be refused.

"this......Then be careful!"

Mona, who was a little frightened at first.

After hearing Ying Xing say these words, she took a few steps back and agreed to take it.

For them, the mutated and enhanced version of the Demon Sword Demon is absolutely It is the kind of terrifying existence whose strength is so terrifying that it cannot be matched!

But for Ying Xing, it may not be an unbeatable opponent.

After all, they have never seen Ying Xing’s true strength.

Xiang Ling and Funina Seeing this, they all, like Mona, pushed to the valley path behind.

Although they could not see the arena covered by thick fog in front of them after reaching this distance, they all had strong confidence in the corresponding stars.

So, like Mona, the two of them chose to agree to accept the challenge mission.

In an instant, a chill that penetrated their souls suddenly came from the arena!

Whether it was the three girls of Funina present, or those watching Most of the people shuddered subconsciously

【The special team has accepted the challenge mission, and the mutated and strengthened Demon Sword Demon has officially awakened! 】

With a swish sound, a strong wind suddenly passed through the arena.

The thick fog that originally obscured everyone's sight quickly disappeared under the blow of this strong wind.

This also allows the three girls of Funina, including the spectators, to watch the next battle.


A sound of mechanism operation began to sound.

In the center of the arena, the evil ghost mask suddenly split into two halves, and gradually floated down, revealing the humanoid sword ghost behind it who looked like a human but not human.

The demon sword ghost slowly It slowly stood up, and the evil ghost mask divided into two halves was suspended beside its left and right shoulders, like a defensive layer that could block all attacks.

Then, it pulled out a two-meter-long knife from its waist, and covered it with A katana with the rich dark purple power of the evil spirit.

After being strengthened by the mutation, the demon sword demon not only masters the power of the wind element and the power of the ice element.

It can even obtain the power of the evil god Orobas after his death. Blessed by the power of the evil spirit!

As the eyes of the demon puppet sword ghost emitted a trace of blood, an extremely terrifying sword intent burst out like a cold light.

This not only made the people watching feel a chill, but also felt There was a phantom pain in his eyes, as if he had been scratched by a blade.

On the other side, Ying Xing's left hand swiped the Zhili Sword, and the rich blood was quickly absorbed by the Zhili Sword. A chilling and terrifying blood light emerged from the Zhili Sword. At the same time, his pupils flashed with blood.

The abundant blood in his body seemed to be boiling, causing his body to emit a blood-red stream of evil energy.

At this moment, Ying Xing seemed to have emerged from hell. The evil ghost walked out.

The terrifying evil aura aroused the fear in people's hearts. It was more oppressive and impactful than the Demon Sword Demon!

"Will you surprise me?"

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